Chapter 3- The begining of the path

Story by judo78 on SoFurry

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I sat up with a start at what occured in my dreams. Slowly I got out of bed and made my way to the bathroom and splashed very cold water on my already sweat dreanced muzzle. As I stood there panting I stared at the mirror without really seeing myself trying to calm down. When my heart decided it was done trying to commit suicide through adrenalin overdose, i wiped my face off with a towel and flicked on a light. When the light came on I immediatly regreatted it made my eyes hurt at the sudden clarity.

"Damnit," I cursed while squinting my eyes.

As my eyes adjusted I looked over the face I could now see to confirm it was my own. I saw my reptilian muzzles black scales shine in the light. My shaggy long white hair hung around my head in an unrully mess, an obvious sign that i didn't sleep well. My right eye still had that claw mark scar cutting down through it, while not actually blinding me it still made my vision act funny at times, and still held its grey shine. The left eye still held its blood red intimidation in it despite my fear at the recent event. when i was sure it was me i was looking at i sighed in relief.

"These dreams are getting hazardous to my mental health," with that statement said i proceeded to look myself over just to be sure i was okay, physically anyways. My name is Jason Alexander.

I was still covered with black scales, with the belly scales being a lighter shade then the rest of me. I stood 6'0 with an average build of slight muscle. My leathery wings were different colors, my right hand wing is an ivory white and its brother is a jet black, and looked weaker then they are. the small fingers at the joints of my wings wiggled a little just to reminde me they can still be used. My tail laid lazly off my ass but occasionaly twitched with my currently disturbed mood. I did a quick peek inside my sweat soaked boxers just to be sure my genital slit was there with my 9 inch cock inside.

"Ok paranoia has subsided, now for a shower" i proceeded to say just as an alarm went off in the other room.

As i just turned on the water i heard the alarm be shut off followed by someone falling out of bed. Soon i heard cursing while i was getting my now naked form in the shower. seconds later there was a banging on the bathroom door.

"DAMN YOU JASON!!" said a very irritated voice. "You know I need to shower first. My job interview is in 2 hours and i need to make a good first impression to have ANY hope to land it." Good old Mark. The guy can be so considerate, when he isn't freaking out over something he shouldn't.

"Calm down dude it only takes about 5 minutes for me to shower remember. I only really need to wash my hair." I replied in a calm tone. For a guy who already has a rich father that is letting you, and by the strangest account ME, live in a guest house on his property; only mark would stress getting a job to support himself.

Mark has been my friend since high school. the guy was seriously popular, smart, and what others call hawt; least till he started hanging around me. In high school i wasn't liked much, mostly becuse i was so sarcastic and a bit of an asshole to just about everyone, but despite this Mark hung around me like it was natural. At first i tried to drive the guy off by actually trying to be a complete bastard to him, but he laughed my attitude off like i was just joking around. After 2 weeks of activly trying to get rid of him i gave up and soon after we actually became friends and have stuck together ever since. When we graduated his dad put us in a house he owned in a realitivly nice part of town, course the catch was we had to furnish and clean it up ourselves.

When i got out of the shower with a towel around my waist i opened the door and was met with the furry muzzle of a slightly upset wolf. Mark is 5'9" with a build that leans toward more athletic with slight muscle definition under his short fur. He is covered in white fur which is only broken on his chest where a black nickle sized spot has made its home in the middle of the sea of white. He dyed his head fur a sleek black and styled it to look like it slightly spiked while still being quite smooth.

"I still don't know how you always wake up before me. I even set the alarm to go off 10 minutes early to beat you to the bathroom." Mark explained with a slight huff.

At this i could only shrug and get out of the way for him to go take a shower of his own. When he was in the shower i dressed in my usual dark jeans and black shirt and grabbed my white hoddie. I went down stairs and started watching the news. 20 minutes later Mark came down to join me.

"So anything intresting on the tube?" Mark asked with curiosity.

"No not rea-" i immediatly shut up as a breaking story came in.

The first image was of a blade i instantly recognised. All noise went silent as i stared at the image with a mix of fear and longing. But that didn't last long as i heard what the blade was.

"-stolen an antique sword that was made of the melted down blades of twin swordsman. The swords were originally used 200 years ago by Judo silvermoon and kain bloodmoon. The two brothers were feared as they-" the news women went on as the images changed to old paintings and artist renderings of the two swordsman but i had stopped paying attention. My blood had frozen, and my heart kicked into overdrive. My dreams were never dreams. I was seeing the past. And now someone has the sword that was made from two of the most dangerous people i could think of. And i had the feeling that somehow someway, I was connected to the why of the swords theft.

My only thought on this news was filled with fear. Fate is dealing me one hell of a hand, and it just might get me killed.
