Ch 6 Mistaken Identity Part 1

Story by Rrahkarr on SoFurry

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#12 of The Chase

June 3, 2342 - Luxuria, Holosuite: Entertainment Deck

(3:22 PM) {Two Months Ago}

After having entered the coordinates that Mateo provided Lliam into the Luxuria's navigation computer, everyone discovered they were in for a long ride. Mors Mortis Prison was located on the far side of I.F.H.W. territory near the Orion constellation; Mors Mortis itself was located behind Alnilam the central star of Orion's Belt as seen from Earth. After she had input the coordinates, Kathy silently cursed and wished her ship had the FTL drive that the Ira had.

Since they were going to have to cross enemy space, Kathy set her sensors to not only monitor any ships within range but to also scan for enemy transmissions that might reveal enemy fleet movements or operations that may give an advantage to the remnant Federation forces. Kathy set a course that would take them to an occupied Federation Starbase; number twenty one, to resupply before heading out to Mors Mortis.

Since entering Humanitist space they had detected over seventy ships that were mostly civilian transports or freighters; possibly from independent transport companies. They continued on when it was apparent that no tactical knowledge could be discovered. However they did come close to several military convoys heading in the direction of Avarice; the Capital World of the I.F.H.W, but no communications were picked up from them. After seeing so many ships, things changed and the amount of ships that were detected decreased the closer they got to Starbase twenty one.

Taking advantage of the amount of time on their hands, Nate decided to intensify Lliam's training; pushing him to his limits and beyond. Several times during training, he purposely invoked anger and several other emotions in Lliam to see which was more strongly connected to his Psionic abilities. He wasn't too surprised when anger got a higher response than most of the others but he was surprised to find out that sorrow got an equal response if not stronger.

After speaking with Lliam on exactly when and how his Psionic abilities awoke Nate became worried. It was the combination of both his anger and sorrow that caused these sleeping powers to awaken. Anger for what the Outcasts were doing and sorrow from all the innocents that were killed; but mostly from the woman and children. Lliam had explained how he had foreseen the events leading up to meeting Mateo before it transpired which helped Nate see that Lliam saw it as he was going to have to watch them be slaughtered and fail them again, even after seeing how to stop it.

Nate truly feared what Lliams powers could do if they were invoked by both of these emotions at the same time. That combination of emotions could cause a disaster so Nate decided on what his course of actions should be and set out to make Lliam have a heart of stone; so that sorrow and anger could not influence his abilities. This would prove to be an arduous task for Nate but it had to be done. Currently he was teaching Lliam how to use his Psionic abilities in the Luxuria's holosuite.

It looked as if Lliam was just standing there; with Nate and James standing by watching him. However a nod from Nate had James pressing a switch which caused mounted energy turrets to fire at Lliam. Before the shots were able to him however, he managed to dissipate the energy particles but he looked tired after doing it.

"No! That's not how it's done." Nate yelled for the thousandth time as Lliam sat down against a wall and panted from the training.

"Come on Lliam, you can do better than that!" James encouraged from where he was watching them.

"It's impossible... I can't do this..." Lliam said as he breathed heavily.

"Yes you can Lliam; you're just not giving it your all!" Nate yelled as he picked Lliam up so he was standing and then stood where Lliam had been standing a moment ago "Watch... this is what you're doing." Nate said as he nodded at James.

James nodded in understanding before pressing the button on the remote he was holding. A moment later, the mounted turrets on the far side of the room activated again and took aim before firing at Nate. Nate barely managed to separate the energy particles before they managed to hit him but he looked unfazed by what happened. Looking back at Lliam he said "You're not concentrating enough, which means they will nearly hit you each time... that is if they don't hit you."

Nodding at James again, the energy weapons fired again but this time the energy rounds dissipated right after they were shot and Nate wasn't even looking at the direction they were coming from. Stepping back up to Lliam, Nate moved him to where he was standing before saying "I can do that and I'm nowhere near your level. Just clear your mind... think of nothing except for the here and now."

Moving to where he was directly behind Lliam; his muzzle close to Lliam's ear as they both stared at the energy weapon ahead of them, he said "Picture those weapons as if they were being held by Outcasts. Imagine they want to kill you; that they will stop at nothing to make sure you are dead. Can you picture that?"

Lliam took a deep breath and closed his eyes as Nate spoke; imagining what he was saying. He nodded his head and said "I can see it..."

"Good... keep that in your mind. Now James, hold down the switch this time." Nate said; after stepping away from him.

This time the guns fired several shots at Lliam in rapid succession. Doing as Nate suggested, Lliam pictured Outcasts behind the weapons as they fired on him. Lliam managed to dissipate the majority of the shots before they reached him; however he lost focus for just a moment and a few shots hit him. He received no damage but Nate shook his head.

"That was better... but you lost focus and were hit this time. Good thing we're in the holosuite, otherwise I'd have to take you to the med-bay." Nate said and started heading towards the exit "Keep practicing... I'll be back soon." He added before leaving.


Luxuria, Bridge

(3:30 PM)

Albert and Kathy were on the bridge; Albert watching sensors while Kathy was at the helm. Something was bothering Albert however; he was checking and cross checking sensor readings. Looking to his right he checked another instrument panel before turning to look at Kathy.

She noticed him looking at her a moment later and said "We'll be dropping out of hyperspace for a course correction in ten minutes... or is something wrong?"

"Maybe... I think we got a ghost tailing us." Albert answered her as she checked a few readings on her screen.

"We'll know when we drop out of hyperspace. My sensors work better while at sub-light speeds... if you keep seeing this 'ghost' set the sensors into active mode, but let me know first eh?" She said with a smile. "She may not have many weapons on her but if this 'ghost' is what I think it is we'll be fine." She added when James entered.

Looking over at him, Albert asked "How's Lliam holding up with Nate?"

"You know... I always took him as a kind of a pushover. I don't anymore." James said with chuckle.

"Why?" Kathy asked.

"He told Lliam to keep practicing while he went and got something. Lliam decided to take a break and when Nate got back he used his telekinetic abilities to slam Lliam off the floor, onto the ceiling and back to the floor again. Then he put him through some real training and told Lliam to try and block his attacks." James told them after taking a seat.

"Haha, guess he won't be able to take a break for a while huh?" Kathy laughed in good spirits as Albert kept looking over the sensors.

Noticing that Albert looked annoyed as he watched the sensors, James stood up and walked over to him. Patting him on the shoulder he asked "What's up."

"We got a ghost."

"Probably just pirates trying to sneak up on us."

"That's what I was thinking... then again it could be one of the Humanitist stealth cruisers trying to scan us." Kathy said nonchalantly as if it didn't matter.

"That would be worse than pirates. Even more so if they do scan us and find out there are furs aboard." Albert commented.

"What do you mean? We'd finally have a little bit of action 'round here." James said; acting dramatic.

"You don't have to worry about that Albert; this ship was built off of an old design for a small fast freighter, that's why the cargo hold is rather large. Those designs included a lead lining under the hull which stops all scans except for the most detailed ones from identifying what kind of people the crew are and transporters from beaming anything out or on, so they won't be able to see us." She told Albert then sighed before saying in a somber tone. "You know James... you remind me a lot of someone I use to know."

Turning around, James looked over at her before walking towards the helm. Stepping next to her he asked in a curious tone of voice "Who?"

After debating it for a few moments she said "You remind me of a Freelancer I use to work with. Dead Eye... he was..." she paused for a few moments.

"A prankster?" James suggested with a smile and a wiggle of his eyebrows.

"...Jovial." She said; returning the smile.

When she didn't offer any other information, James asked "Was he a human or fur?"

Chuckling slightly she said "He was a raccoon and he often got into trouble."

"Ah, yes I can see why he'd be so jovial." James said with a smile.

"Why was he called Dead Eye?" Albert asked as Kathy prepared to drop out of hyperspace.

"One minute till we drop out of hyperspace." She announced before saying "He was experimented on by scientists on the pay roll of the Electus... the experimentation allowed him to see great distances as well as a perfectly aim any projectile or energy based weapon and make any and all calculations needed in doing so." Chuckling she added "He could literally shoot a fly off a pile of shit from a mile away."

"Damn... so the testing on him was genetic?" James asked to which she nodded.

"All six of us who worked under Delta were experimented on... all except Rrahkarr. Albert, get ready to take a reading on our location and see if you can't spot that ghost while you're at it. Okay, exiting hyperspace... now!" Kathy announced.

The Luxuria dropped out of hyperspace near the edge of the Orion Nebula located in a southern direction from Orion's Belt. The multitude of colors and gases were brilliant and made for a beautiful display. However there was no time to admire the sight as Albert called off the calculations for the course correction and that there was indeed a ship closing on their location.

Now that they were out of hyperspace the Luxuria's sensors were working at peak performance. Because of this, Albert was able to see the approaching craft and tell that it was a stealth cruiser of the I.F.H.W. Subsequently the ships computer put the ship in yellow alert as a yellow lights lit up throughout the ship.

"It's definitely Humanitist, should we power up shields and weapons?" James asked as he looked at the sensors from behind Albert.

"Raise shields but do not power up weapons systems... we should get Sylvia up here in case they hail us though." Kathy said as Albert activated the ship wide comm system.

"Sylvia, would you please report to the bridge." Albert said and turned around as James spoke up.

"Should Lliam and I go get to our mechs in case they fire on us?"

"No, you need to stay up here and if Lliam remembers what it was like to be on a military ship when a yellow alert is initiated, he's already getting suited up." Kathy said and moved over to another consol and brought up a visual feed of the cargo bay; Lliam already suited up and entering his mech was shown on the screen.

James nodded his head as door to the bridge slid open as Sylvia entered. Turning around Kathy was about to speak but Sylvia spoke first "Let me guess, Humanitist ship and since we're only at yellow alert you want to bluff them out rather than engage?"

Smiling Kathy nodded her head as a message appeared on the main screen saying they were being hailed. "If asked what we're doing and who we are, just say we're a civilian freighter heading to Starbase twenty one to pick up a shipment bound for Avarice."

"Hope they buy that story." Sylvia said as Kathy left the helm.

"Come on Albert, it'd be best if we weren't here." She said as Albert got up and left the bridge with her.

Sitting in the captain's chair, Sylvia prepared to answer their hails as James sat where Albert was sitting; taking notice that the consol had the weapons and shield controls slaved to it for easy access. Nodding that he was ready, Sylvia opened the communication channel to the hailing vessel.

"Attention civilian transport, this is the Humanitist cruiser Oracle; Lieutenant Farris speaking. Please identify and state your current destination." The man that was displayed on the screen said.

"Yes Oracle this is the fast freighter Luxuria, Captain... O'Brian, speaking." Sylvia said with a slight delay; knowing she couldn't use her name.

James looked over to her for a moment after hearing the name she chose and turned back to hide the grin he had.

"Our current destination is Starbase twenty one." Sylvia said; trying her best to sound the part of a freighter Captain.

"What is your business at Starbase twenty one Luxuria?"

"We're picking up a shipment bound for Avarice..." She said, thinking for a second she added in an annoyed voice "And we're on a tight schedule here and are already running behind."

"Oh, so you are the ones picking that up!" The man said when another voice was heard off screen before the screen switched to and elderly looking man with dark skin.

"Luxuria was it? This is Captain Bison; we'll call ahead and let them know you're on the way and to have a clear path ready for you. Just contact control and you'll be allowed to dock, we apologize for holding you up so we'll let you get back on your way." The man said with a smile as the connection was dropped.

A few moments later the Humanitist vessel jumped away into hyperspace. A look of shock and confusion was on Sylvia's face as she asked "What just happened?"

"Looks like they were expecting a ship to pick up a shipment bound for Avarice... we should've come up with different cover story." James said unhelpfully as he activated the ship wide comms and said "Okay, stand down from yellow alert everyone."

Grinning he looked back over his shoulder at Sylvia and asked in his Irish accent "So lass, is this to be a mum and pop run show and ye supposed to be me wife?" This earned him having the closest thing next to her thrown at him as both Kathy and Albert reentered the bridge.

"So I take it they bought it?" Kathy asked as Sylvia stood up from the helm.

"Actually they were expecting a ship to pick up a shipment for Avarice and have already called ahead to the starbase." Sylvia said as she Kathy traded places.

"Damn... this might cause some problems, looks like we'll have to come up with an excuse for not having the manifest for whatever it is. I just hope the real ship doesn't show up in the mean time or else we're screwed." Kathy said.

"I wonder what it is they're wanting shipped." Albert said as he took the seat James had just gotten up from.

"We'll have to wait and see." Sylvia said as Kathy got the ship back into hyperspace. "It'll be about eight hours till we get there now." She added as Albert activated the ships comms and repeated what Kathy had just said.


Luxuria, Cargo Hold

(3:45 PM)

Lliam sighed after he heard James say to stand down. He was already inside his mech but relaxed and closed his eyes; listening to the gentle hum of the ship. He sat there for a few long moments before opening his eyes as he thought "At least we haven't blown our cover."

Powering off the mech's systems Lliam opened his machine. Standing up he hopped out of the mech and took off his helmet before leaning against the mech. The comm system chimed as Albert spoke up "Eight hours till we arrive at starbase twenty one."

Lliam chuckled as the ship had again entered hyperspace. "Great... Nate will probably want me back for more training till we get there." He thought and sighed as he started walking away from the mech "What a pain..."

Heading back to the airlock; where both he and James kept their flight suits, Lliam started undoing his suit. He reached the airlock with the upper half of the flight suit already undone; he opened the airlock and entered the room beyond while he slipped out of the upper half of the suit. Stepping up to a duel locker; that had been installed only a few months ago, Lliam opened it before sitting down on a nearby bench to take off of the flight suits boots. Once they were off he stood up and finished taking off the flight suit.

Hanging the flight suit back where he had got it, Lliam reached for his clothes. After zipping his pants up and buttoning both the front and back, he grabbed his shirt and stopped before putting it on. Looking at it he thought "Hell... with the workout he's about to give me, I might as well leave it off."

Throwing it over his shoulder Lliam started his way back to the holosuite that he and Nate had been using. Nearing his destination he heard Nate call for him in his head. He responded with "I'm almost there so calm down man. We can pick up where we left off."

He heard Nate chuckle before he sent "I was going to suggest you take it easy till we get to the Starbase. Maybe catch some shuteye till we get there."

Smiling Lliam sent "Now that... is a terrific idea." He promptly yawned at the idea and headed off to his room.