Lion King III: The Pridelands Reborn: Chapter VI

Story by Loup Dargent on SoFurry

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#6 of Lion King III: Pridelands Reborn

Chapter VI

Nala's POV:

The water swirled around me; I could barely see anything. Panic stabbed at me fiercely as I swam in the direction I thought was down... and broke the surface again. I took a deep breath and dove down again, fighting my hydrophobia. I must get to Simba! I thought, forcing myself to go deeper than I had ever dared go in the waterhole. I groped around blindly at the sand of the bottom, and felt something furry. Simba! I hauled him onto my back and kicked up towards the light. We were about halfway up, and my lungs were burning for air as I thrashed wildly in the water. I kicked my legs as hard as I could, though my vision was getting fuzzy. When I finally thought I would sink, I broke the surface, taking in grateful gulps of air. I struck out for shore, taking in heavy breaths, and as soon as I reached the ground I dragged Simba onto the shore. I walked a few feeth further before I collapsed onto the sand. I noticed one of the lionesses trying to revive him; they splashed water in his face, and tried to force the water out... but he still wouldn't move. I got enough strength to walk over to him, but before I could do anything my legs gave out again. All I could do was pray to whatever deity decided to hear my desperate cries. Please, let him live, please!

Strike's POV:

No, there's no way it's him... it couldn't be. I pursued the black and gold lion across the desert. I couldn't tell if he had noticed me, but it seemed he was in a hurry. I noticed him slow up, and before he could look back I ducked behind a nearby rock. I waited for the sound of footsteps in the sand, but I only heard my own breathing, I looked out from behind the rock to see him streaking off in the distance, I trailed him to the Northern border and a little further, until I came to a small cave where he entered. I cautiously entered the cave, muscles tensed and ready to strike at whatever appeared. As I entered, I heard voices at the far end of the cave. I followed them down a stone tunnel until I came to a dark room. I caught a glimpse of two lions inside, so I hid at the entrance to avoid being spotted.

"Were you followed?" demanded a familiar-looking, chestnut-brown lion with citrine eyes. "No, though I could've sworn I saw lions around here." Drake said.

"No, that's not possible! The only lions around here are rogues-" the brown lion got cut off by Drake. "What if he's here?" Drake said worriedly.

"Who... Strike?" he said, emphasizing my name with heavy contempt, "Even if he is here, even with that little brat Brasta, I doubt they'd notice us. They nearly killed you... and I got pushed off a cliff, remember?" the chestnut-brown one replied, both bitter and self-assured at the same time.

"I know that! But Sadic, what if they remember us?" Drake said worriedly. My stomach dropped at the mention of the name Sadic; that's where I had seen him before...

"They won't; besides, we wiped out that Pride last time. Remember, the hyenas said that they took out everybody when we asked them." Sadic said, deep in thought. A manic light suddenly flickered in his eyes as he looked towards Drake. "However, hyenas can't be trusted, can they? Did you make a thorough search of the area?" Sadic asked skeptically.

"I went as far as their Southern boundary, and all I saw was desert and rubble." Drake said.

"Well then, we have nothing to fear of Strike or that little rat, Brasta, do we?" Sadic said reassuringly, putting a foreleg on Drake's shoulder, citrine eyes glistening.

"I guess... but what do we do now?" Drake asked apprehensively.

"What we always do; look for a Pride, get close to their leader's daughter, and crush their souls..." Sadic said, eyes brimming with pure, deranged joy. I had heard enough; I had to get back to Brasta, now! I started to sneak out of their lair, trying my best to avoid being seen. I froze when I heard a voice behind me.

"Who the hell are you?" Sadic asked, apparently not recognizing me. I tensed, ready to fight at any moment. "I'll ask again... who are you?" Sadic demanded, his voice touched with growing rage.

"Let me ask you one question... why?" I said, my blood boiling.

"Excuse me?" Sadic said mockingly, "Look, if you are here for revenge... sorry, but pain is what I do. It's what I live for... my bliss and heaven, my source of greatest ecstasy!" He said, laughing maniacally.

"Do not dishonor the dead." I said, growling; I was at my breaking point.

"What dead? They were merely tools in my plan. Life is expendable." He said so nonchalantly that I couldn't even believe it. It was just so... macabre, the way someone could say something so horrible so casually.

"Drake, why did you kill her?" I spoke to Drake directly instead of Sadic.

"Which her? I can't remember; do you, Sadic?" Drake said jokingly.

"You know who I mean, Drake!" I said wheeling around on them. Drake stepped back in shock, while Sadic just eyed me coldly. "Strike?" Drake said, obviously surprised. Sadic gave Drake an annoyed glance before looking back at me with absolute scorn. "Hmph... should've known you would show up sooner or later." Sadic said. I was at the point of jumping at them in fury; how could someone be so utterly cold about killing another living being? It wasn't natural; it couldn't be! "I'll ask again... why? Why Fujo?" I asked, fully ready to kill them. Sadic sighed, looking at me as if I was an ignorant fool. "Simple; because I had to move, and needed someone new to have some fun with. Mufasa refused to let me stay in his pride." He said as if I were of lesser intelligence.

"Because he knew what you did to Brasta's old pride! What you did to the queen!" I said, snapping. I couldn't let them know that the hyenas hadn't done their job right; that would lead them back to the Desert Pride.

"Hmm... well, that is of little consequence; Brasta needed to be taken down a peg and so did you, seeing as you were his friend. Fujo just got in the way." Drake said, grinning evilly, his ruby eyes glaring.

"Are we done talking now?" Sadic sighed, getting impatient. Drake looked at me with all the arrogance he could muster, "I have nothing left to say to you! Get over it; Fujo's dead and gone." Drake said nonchalantly. "You monsters! Do not disrespect the dead!" I screamed, leaping at the two of them in fury, claws outstretched. Sadic dodged around me and shoved me into a room lit by a large fire in the center of the floor. Shaking my head, I regained my balance just in time to leap over the flames. I moved into my defensive posture, ready to strike at Sadic, when Drake head-butted me into the wall. Groaning as I got up, I faced the two of them. I feinted an attack on Drake and pushed Sadic to the ground before turning to Drake; we grappled fiercely, neither of us giving up ground. A sudden sharp pain stabbed at one of my legs, and I let go of Drake in pain. I really didn't ave a chance; the two kept coming on me like a whirlwind until they pushed me back into the fire. I could do nothing as the flames engulfed me; Every single part of my body was screaming in extreme and vicious anguish as the fire licked my body. I struggled to stand up, but the second I moved out of hte fire, they knocked me onto the stone floor. As I struggled, I felt a heavy, sharp weight on my windpipe.

"Is Brasta here?" Sadic hissed, pushing down hard on my throat, while Drake clawed at my side. "ANSWER ME, WORM!" Sadic demanded, pushing even harder, until I began to see little spots of light pop in front of my eyes. Then something utterly bizarre happened; I don't know how, but I saw a radiant flash of warm light envelope the cave, blinding the two lions. I tried to get up, but I fell as a wave of burning pain spread across my battered body. As I struggled to get back up, I felt a warm presence wrap itself around me, as of I were being swaddled in pure sunlight. I felt myself being lifted up in the air, and I floated above the ground if I were weightless. When I dared open my eyes, I saw a shimmering face smiling at me, wreathed in a halo of light... Fujo?

Sadic's POV: I finally regained my sight to see Strike gone; no matter, I'd find Brasta sooner or later, and when I did, and I'd make sure to repay him for that cliff. "Come, Drake; we're leaving." I said, walking out of the cave.

"Where are we going?" he asked. "North, to see some old friends." I said, eyes glinting. Sure it was a six month journey, but I could wait a bit longer for my revenge. I'm happy as long as I can do the thing I love most; creating pain and misery. What, surprised? You don't understand; I'm no more brutal than any other lion. I just have my need, and I will do anything to fill it. You can't understand the pure nirvana of seeing Strike squirming under my claws, of him screaming in the fire; you can't understand the sheer joy of seeing another living being twisted in anguish!

Brasta's POV:

I awoke to a bright flash of light. I blinked, shielding my eyes from the fierce glare. Once the light died down, I saw Strike walk into the cave. I moved towards him, wondering exactly what had just happened. Was he dead? Was this a vision sent by the Gods? I moved my right paw in a gesture that could be described as crossing myself. Forgive me; I'm a bit of a superstitious lion, and typically can figure out when something from the next world is at work. I moved a little closer to Strike. "What happened?" I said in surprise and shock, seeing fresh claw marks and assorted burns on his body. He looked up at me, something I could not read glowing in his eyes, and said breathily, "Fujo... helped. Drake... Sadic... back!" With that, he collapsed onto the floor.

No, no, no, NO! He couldn't be back; it wasn't possible! I'd thought... the cliff... no one could of survived that! And Drake... I had watched Strike kill him! He couldn't be alive. They couldn't be alive, if my Mother was dead... "NO!" I screamed in rage and shock as I quickly came to the only logical conclusion; those monsters, those abhorrent freaks of nature... were alive!

Fuwele's POV:

We finally arrived back at the Pride, Tojo was still next to me, not that I minded, but I couldn't give off the wrong impression could I? What impression? Who cares what they think? I thought.

Well, I can't ignore-

Look, don't you feel safe right now?

Well yes, but-

Then don't care what they say; just accept the fact that he isn't shying away from you...

"Enough!" I said out loud, startling Tojo. He looked over at me, concern in his face, "You all right?"

"Ummm, yes. It's nothing." It sure as hell wasn't nothing, but I was too busy ignoring that fact. Aggh! I thought, trying to get my head straight. Why was this so hard? Why did I feel this around him? I'd only know him only three days! Sure, he had been open, kind, trusting...

But what does that matter?

Simba's POV:

I regained consciousness, coughing out water. As I turned over on my side, coughing and sputtering, I felt a comforting paw around my back; Nala. I tried to get up, then flopped back down in exhaustion. I tried to calm down my nerves as I looked into Nala's worry-lined face, "Oh Simba, you're alright!" She said happily ,as she wrapped her forelegs around me in a tight embrace. I can't really describe how I felt around her at that moment; safe isn't the right word, neither is love... possibly sheer comfort and pure unity. Maybe I'm just confused, but all I kneq is that I loved her.

As I continued expelling water from my lungs with my mate standing over me, a sudden thought came to my head and I shot up, "Is Kiara alright?" I said, getting up slightly off balance.

"Yes, one of the lionesses took her to play somewhere else." Nala said, gently stroking my back, "Do you want to go back home?" she asked. "I'm sure you nned to calm your nerves after all this excitement. I nodded my head and sheepishly walked off, sharply nodding to each of the other lionesses to dismiss them.