Harrowing Dusk - Chapter 2

Story by Kiko Kuruma on SoFurry

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Here is chapter 2 of Harrowing Dusk, I'm going to try to keep on an upload a day.

Thanks to all

The night was long, and Zai was patiently waiting for morning to come. He glanced over at Morph, who had fallen asleep some time ago. Zai brought up his hand and placed it on the wolf's head, which was resting on his chest; Seeing Morph and himself so close....so intimate with each other. It was eerie to the fox. The truth of it was, Morph had no one else. If Zai hadn't stepped up that day... That day; Zai remembered it completely. It was burned in his head, a mark of anguish and shame that would never leave him.

It was five long years ago. Zai was halfway through his freshman year in high school. The day started like any other. Zai was bored of his classes; he didn't understand why he even had to go to school. His father was the city's comptroller, a powerful position in charge of city's wealth. Surely his father could do better than to put him in public school. Zai's thoughts were interrupted as the classroom door swung open. The principal walked in with another student close to him, He quietly conversed with the teacher as she relinquished her speaking.

"Students, please pardon me for interrupting your learning..."

"Interrupting our learning...that's a good one." Zai thought to himself looking down at the half written notes he was supposed to be taking.

"This is Morphaeon." The Lion said ushering the student forward.

Zai looked up and was not expecting what he saw. The new student was a wolf, small in stature. His fur black with traces of silver on his neck no doubt continuing down his chest. But this wasn't the wolf's strangest feature. What really made this wolf stand out was the purple on his coat. It was in his ears, covering his lower jaw, and was on his arms. The wolf sported a short Mohawk that started a silver white, and then faded into that same purple. Taking a closer look still, the wolf had 3 studs pierced into his left ear, and spider bites. Zai also noticed that the Wolf's right ear was torn up, as if almost chewed to pieces.

"So that's about all you need to know." The principal said, wrapping up his introduction. "Morph, why don't you go have a seat over there?"

The wolf slowly made his was over to where the principal had directed; one row up and 2 seats over from Zai. Something was off about this new student, and it wasn't just his appearance. Zai saw that the wolf was very uncomfortable. As soon as he sat down, he lowered himself, as if trying to shrink away.

"Hey Zai, check out the new kid." Said a voice from behind him. It was Rod, a white akita. "What kind of fag has purple fur like that?"

"Yeah, must have come from some freak show that crossed through town. Even they didn't want him." Zai snickered back.

"After class let's show him a warm welcome."

Zai knew exactly what Rod meant. They were going to kick the crap out of the new kid. Zai was known around the school for socializing with the tougher crowd. With his father being in a position of power, Zai gave himself a considerably large ego to carry around; and with that ego came a sense of entitlement. However Zai was hiding something from everyone, even himself. Zai was never known to be as cruel as he was now. Zai wanted to fit in, and bullying those he thought lesser than himself was where he felt accepted. Being around bad influences really changed Zai; from his first day of seventh grade, Zai was changing for the worse, and it really did show.

Soon the bell rang, and everyone hustled to get out of class. Zai and Rod waited outside the door to meet with their new classmate. Soon enough the wolf came walking out. Zai and Rod grabbed an arm each, and began to tug Morph aside.

"Wh..What are you doing? Stop! Please!" Morph yelped out among the bustle of the busy halls.

"Don't you worry friend, we're going someplace to get more acquainted." Rod said with malice.

The two dragged Morph into a nearby bathroom, Zai locked the door behind them. As he turned around, Rod was holding Morph still.

"Would you like to start the introductions?" Rod spat.

"With pleasure." Said Zai, taking a swing and landing a fist right across Morph's muzzle. Morph winced in pain, and then went completely limp. Rod shoved the wolf over to Zai.

"Now it's my turn." Rod cracked his knuckles then slammed his fist right into Morph's chest. Morph yelped in pain as the wind was knocked out of him. Again and again Rod beat him mercilessly. Zai dropped the wolf onto the cold floor and swiftly kicked Morph in the stomach. Morph began to cough as blood dripped from his mouth.

He laid there motionless, as it was finally over. Rod spat on Morph's face, then he and Zai walked out of the bathroom, laughing.

Almost a year had passed since that first day, and every day after it was exactly the same. Day after day Morph was torn down by Zai and his friends; constantly being shamed, and then beaten. But today was different to Morph. After today he knew that he never had to worry about them again. Zai noticed something was up. That face that was filled with terror and remorse for his own life was now just blank. It pissed him off, how could that lowly excuse of a life shrug him off. Zai had it all laid out in his mind. After school, he was going to follow morph home and teach him to never ignore those above him.

The school day eventually came to a close, and Zai was hot on Morph's trail. Morph walked straight through the city and eventually came to a rather large building. He used a key to let himself in, Zai slipping in right behind. Up thirteen flights of stairs, Morph finally stopped at a door, and used another key to let himself in. Zai waited a bit, and then walked up to the door. Then something caught his ear. It was a quiet whimpering, alongside some soft sobs. Slowly, Zai opened the door, what he saw made his heart drop. Morph was sitting in the center of the room, crying softly, with a loaded gun to his head.

Zai could not believe his eyes, Morph was about to take his own life. It all hit him at once. Was this what he was doing to those he cruelly tortured through the years? It was. He was pushing them out of a proper place into society, and up against the barrel of a gun.

Morph was struggling with himself. He was so afraid of death he could not bear it, But he could bear it more than the thought that he was completely alone. As he was pulling the trigger something smashed into him. Gunfire rang out as he was tackled down. Slowing opening his eyes, Morph didn't know what to expect. Did he go through with it? Slowly the image of a fox became clear. It was Zai; but something was wrong. The face he held towards Morph; that face filled with malice and hatred was nowhere to be found. Instead what he saw was a fox pinning him to the ground, his eyes filled with tears as he sobbed over the wolf.

"Please forgive me..." He sobbed. "Please don't kill yourself......please..." His voice trailed off into heavy sobs.

Morph didn't know what to make of it. What happened to all that hate? Morph slowly moved out from under the fox, who was now burying his face in his hands. Morph just sat there silently. Watching as Zai cried and muttered to himself. "What have I been doing?" "I never wanted this for anyone" were among the things he was saying softly.

Slowly Zai calmed down and the crying stopped. He looked up at Morph. "I never wanted to be like this." He slowly began. "I never thought about hurting anyone....You just don't know what it's like. You can't know what it's like....what it's like to be completely alone.....to have your father too obsessed with his job to even notice you...to have your mother walk out because she couldn't take the mistreatment."

"I know exactly what it's like..."Morph said quietly as he put a hand on Zai's shoulder.

And with that gesture, Zai felt something he'd thought he never would be able to feel; and that was the understanding of another.

"After that, things really changed for the both of them. They dropped out of High School and got their G.E.Ds. Zai never spoke again to the particular group of friend he had in school. Not that he would want to. Their feelings towards Morph never changed. As for Morph and Zai they became inseparable. Pushing the limits of society's views on friendship, they were there for each other, always.

Over the years, Zai learned more and more about Morph. He had been taken from his family, and had no memories prior to being moved to the city and placed in that school. Zai was absolutely fascinated with him, he was so mysterious, it seemed almost ethereal. Morph told Zai about the horrible nightmares he has, and how frequent they are. At first it really scared Zai, hearing Morph screaming out during the night. But as time went on he figured out how to help. Morph was comforted when Zai slept beside him. Zai didn't mind it.

They haven't done much with their lives. Zai and Morph worked Part time, and did some college on the side. They learned that in the end, it doesn't matter how much schooling you have, or how much money you make. They learned that it's who you spend your life with and how much you can enjoy their company.

Zai looked down again at the wolf sleeping on his chest. Everything he had, and everything he ever needed was right there.

Zai then noticed the sun peaking its way into the room. He gave morph a little shake. "Hey morph." He said gently. "It's time to wake up."