Never Ending Conflict

Story by RougaFang on SoFurry

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#2 of Sci-Fi Writing

Second Sci-fi Story I have written for my sci-fi class, I know its short but hopefully i did a good job on it

"Hey Katherine were you able to finish the programing for the new harvester robots yet?" asked Carl. Kathy turned her head to him and answered, "It is slowly coming along, I am just having a little trouble translating the program for the robots understand and carry out." Katherine was not only the top robotics software programmer but also a robotic engineer as well. She had been chosen to head a project for robots that could help cultivate planets like mars and be able to start farms on them. This project would also start new jobs and help Earth's problems of over crowded cities and countries. Kathy finished more of the programing, backed up everything to her portable back up drive and then shut her computer down. "You're leaving?" Carl asked. "Yes I am, while the program is not finished the company has scheduled a routine scan of all the hard drives in this building and no one will be able work while this is happening" Kathy answered, looking forward to the rest of the night off. "Well then have a good night, I still have some paperwork to finish filing, see ya tomorrow" Carl said with a smile. "Night Carl" Kathy answered, grabbing her coat and purse, then heading for the garage.

After leaving the garage, Kathy drove back to a somewhat secluded farm house, there greeted by Rick and Amanda as Kathy entered through the door. "Welcome home Kathy, how was work?" Amanda asked while finishing the dishes. "Ugh too long and boring, I swear this project is becoming more of a pain than something fun to do with robotics and computer programing but that's technology for you" Kathy explained sarcastically. "Where's Rick?" Kathy asked. "Oh you mean my so called macho brother? Pfft he's out partying with the guys, celebrating another successful harvest" Amanda said with an annoyed but yet comical tone. "Same old Rick, never ceases to amaze me, anyway, I heading upstairs to shower then going to hit the sack" said Kathy making her way up the stairs. "Alright good night smarty fox" joked Amanda and Kathy could not help crack a smile when hearing this. Upon reaching her room, she set her things down and looking at a strange watch-like device on her arm, she presses a blue button on the watch and then she braced herself for the change. Slowly it seemed like millions of insect like Nano-bots spread from her wrist to covering her entire body. The these Nano insects glow and begin to reshape Kathy, from her hands growing bigger in shape along with the fingers, the feet doing the same, then a long bulky like shape emerging from the lower part of her spine, her face elongating and two triangle like shapes emerging from the top her head. Finally the Nano insects stop glowing and retreat back into the watch, and Kathy opened her eyes, looking at her reflection in the mirror in front of her. She no longer was looking at her human self but now at her true form. Kathy was not human, she is an alien, a Vulpinoid to be exact, an alien humanoid fox you could say. However instead of the traditional color of a fox, she had light green fur with black fur on her hand and feet paws, a short tail with bits of computer implants in it, her ears, covered with dark fur except for one that also had computer implants, and finally sea blue colored eyes. Also she a short muzzle with a blue diamond like symbol across the top. She then laid down on the bed, without pulling the covers onto her, and slowly drifted asleep.

She dreamed of her being on her home planet, Vulpinos, specifically in her village where she was still the young daughter of the chief. This dream was not a dream, it was her memories of her home, remembering how she became fed up with old traditions of the tribe, not being able to explore her creative side, her interest in nature and science. Even though she had been the chief's daughter, she was looked down upon for seeking things that were considered outside the tribe. She craved knowledge as it were a piece of fruit in a tree just out of her reach. Then that fateful day came, after seeing her reflection in a pool of water, not seeing herself in her tribal garments but in scientist's trench coat, shirt, and pants, wearing tech goggles and holding a small electronic tablet in her hand, she made the decision to run away. She was taken in by a robotics scientist looking for an apprentice to pass his knowledge on, the old Vulpinoid took her on as his new Vulpinoid apprentice and gave her a home. While she excelled greatly in computer programming and robotics however an accident occurred that led to her having small robotic implants in her right ear and parts of her tail. This set back did not slow her thirst for knowledge and with ever more determination, she became one of the top scientists on her planet. Sadly this achievement did not for a war broke between the tribal culture and science culture of the planet, forcing her to flea where she ended up on earth and rescued by Amanda and Rick who owned the farm land where she crashed in. Luckily she had brought one of her greatest inventions, the Nano-Transformer, a device able to change one's appearance without any pain.

Her memories in the form of dreams continued on how she adapted to Earth but suddenly everything went dark in the dream, she then saw two figures in combat. Looking closer in her dream she could not believe who was fighting. It was herself! The figure fighting on the right was herself still in tribal garments and the figure on the left looked like herself but the figure looked more cyborg than flesh. Both figures fought hard and viscously, each trying to kill each other. Kathy cried out for them to stop but as soon as she did this, she suddenly woke up, sitting upright on the bed, her fur drenched in sweat. She got up and walked slowly towards the mirror but instead of seeing herself in the mirror, she saw one half of herself in her tribal outfit and the other half completely cyborg. Kathy began to tremble in fear, and began to sob, saying to herself "Who am I?!" struggling with an inner conflict that seemed to never end.