Saphira's Pleasure

Story by masterlevan1 on SoFurry

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#2 of Literature

I love the Eragon series and thought that Eragon and Saphira should have had some interesting adventures maybe even some loving ones. This was one of my earlier works so I hope you enjoy! A good acquaintance, Seifer, allowed me to use this stunning image of the two, which I believe really brings out there personalities.


Three weeks ago I was just a farm boy, and now I'm apparently a dragon rider. Brom keeps telling me that my destiny is far greater than that of any farmer or simple folk-sometimes, I just want to slap him and tell him I'm not like that at all...

Then again, I guess I probably couldn't if I tried. We have been tracking the monsters that killed my uncle, the Ra'zac, for nearly a week and have finally found out where they are headed. We thought we'd lost them, as it was raining hard the other day, but we picked up their tracks again yesterday when we stumbled upon Teirm, a small city that was nearly abandoned by its people. They were fresher this time, which means we're catching up with them. We are about five days away from Dras-Leona, the town where the Ra'zac seem to be heading.

My dragon, Saphira, has helped me cope with the loss of my uncle and has assured me that she will be by my side until the end of whatever life or journey we're on. Sometimes I think for such a frighteningly beautiful creature, Saphira knows how to keep calm and give comfort in her own way. For now, it is just Brom, Saphira, and I traveling to kill these creatures-after that, I don't know what we'll do or even what we can do.

We're on day two of traveling towards this mysterious town that I know nothing about. I don't know, ever since I lost my uncle and even a little before that, I've been on edge and haven't been able to think straight. Brom has continued to teach me a little of everything everyday: the ancient language, magic, swordsman training, and my favorite part; how to ride Saphira.

Even though it's difficult, I've been picking up on most of the things Brom has been trying to teach me. The magic is challenging as it seems even the simplest incantation takes everything out of me and then I can't stand for fifteen minutes. It is rather frustrating and Brom is always, well, "Brom" when I can't get it after numerous tries-and I thought farming was hard work!

Let us hope that this "four" day journey doesn't turn into one of Brom's greatest adventure lectures...


"Well my boy, there ya have it, a perfect lashing" said Brom, pride ringing in his voice. He paused a moment, then grinned slyly. "I'm surprised you find this so hard."

"Humph! I never needed to make a tent on the farm did I?" yawned with disinterest, but the older man just went on fixing and raising the tent. The sun was setting behind him, indicating we were at the end of our second day. We still had about four days according to Brom and we were already tired from all of the events of the last few days.

I let my gaze wander around the clearing we'd camped in. Saphira was laying on some grass patches a few stretches from our site and was just watching the two of us the way she always did, keeping one eye open. As always, her gaze was mesmerizing; sapphire fires sparkled and danced in her open eye, and she eyed us with the intense concentration of a protector.


Brom sighed. "You're impossible! If you're just going to sit around and watch me try and put up the tent, we're not going to go anywhere! Look, why don't you make yourself useful-look for a stream or something around here that we can actually drink!"

I groaned. "Why?"

"Well, if you hadn't noticed we're almost out of water" said Brom in his usual lecture tone.

"Alright, alright, I'll be back in a while." And under my breath: "Go ahead, you old fox- and drink enough wine to get all of Alagaësia drunk."

"I'll come with you little one, I could use a good walk", _I heard Saphira say softly in my mind. _"Besides, there's only so long I can sit here staring at Brom and the fire." There was something in her voice, some sort of undertone...but I couldn't pick out what it was.

"Fine. Okay Brom, Saphira and I will be back shortly while we're looking for your water."

"And you get drunk back here" Saphira murmured to me, and I giggled childishly. Brom gave me a sharp look and I just shook my head.

"Alright-but be careful, the forest is a dangerous place", said Brom.

I shrugged. "Whatever"

As Saphira and I walked through the forest, the cool evening air started coming in through the trees and the forest awoke itself in its' nightly wonder. All manner of insects and creatures continued to add their sound to the symphony of noise that echoed through the wood as we continued onward. After about fifteen minutes or so we still had had no luck and I thought to pass the time, I could talk to Saphira.

Not wanting to disturb the peace, I decided to speak inside my mind. I brushed her mind and felt her respond softly. _"Hey Saphira...Have you liked flying as much as I have?"

"Of course I have little one, I am a dragon after all."_

Embarrassed, I mumbled a quick "Ah, yes."-I'd quite forgotten that Saphira was a dragon. Sometimes, I thought of her

She sensed my thought, and I could feel her amusement. "Aha, did you forget? I love flying-even more so when you're riding on me." There was that undertone again-what was she referring to?

I decided to ignore it. "Well thanks, I enjoy it too. Hopefully we can find some water before we all start getting thirsty and Brom starts whining."

She laughed. "Well, I can smell the water-it's quite close. Shouldn't be much further."

Another twenty minutes went by, and I started to worry. The forest was getting thicker by the minute, and to make matters worse, Saphira and I were tiring fast-we seemed to be paying for every step we took. When we finally got to a small spring, my knee was all scraped up from where I'd banged it on a rock, Saphira was tired, and her stomach was growling as we both moved to sit down.

After drinking both of our fills, the big dragon lay down on the edge of the spring and I rested myself against her side, completely exhausted from the long walk. I felt awful-like I'd run a full lengths circle around Carvahall.

Saphira's stomach growled again, and I smiled. "Just a few minutes, okay? Then we can head back to camp and get you some food."

She nuzzled my leg. "Of course."

After a few moments, Saphira started licking my leg to get all the dust, dirt, and blood off of my scraps. My pants were ripped and torn where they'd gone through, and the dragon applied her slimy tongue to these areas, slowly cleaning my leg. I couldn't help but stiffen at her touch, and she paused a moment. "I'm not hurting you, am I?"

I shook my head. "No...It feels kind of nice, actually. Go on."

Though Saphira had licked me before, it felt totally different on my leg as she cleaned off the dirt-rough and strangely...nice. As I was contemplating the different feeling on my leg, Saphira also seemed to be enjoying herself as she continued her "cleansing" regimen. A single thought flickered through our mind-link: "I did not know you tasted so good, little one." I frowned, and then ignored it. Saphira couldn't really have meant that...

After a few more licks, the dragon's stomach growled again as I adjusted myself to rest against Saphira.

"Guess you're as hungry as I am, eh Saphira?", I murmured, keeping my tone casual.

"Eh, I guess I am", she said softly, nuzzling me again. "Eragon, did that licking help your bruises and such", she asked with a subtle grin-those undertones coming back into her voice.

"Yeah, surprisingly it did. Actually, it felt kinda a weird sort of way", yawned. Had I been more watchful, I would have noticed that Saphira was slowly adjusting herself to face me.

"Well, um, I want to do something that you may not agree with, but it's just we've walked a long way and I h...have had a revelation while I was cleaning your wound." This time, the suggestion was far more apparent, making me feel uncomfortable.

"Um, sure Saphira, what did you want to do?-Wait, what revelation was this?", I asked hesitating slightly as I turned to see that she had moved and was closer to me than before. For the first time in a while, I felt a slight pang of fear-what was she up to?

"Well, Eragon, you know I would never, ever do anything to harm you, but I...I'm starving and, well I didn't realize that you tasted so good until I was licking your leg so..." The suggestion...could it be that...?

She continue to babble. "Well, I am a predator, you know, and-"

Oh, no.

"Um, Saphira, you're not thinking of what I think you are, are you", I murmured, slowly backing away from her-realizing for the first time that she had very, very big teeth.

She advanced on me, faster than I could back away. The jaws came close to me. "Don't worry, I've wanted to do this for a long time, but it's never been the right time."

That pretty much confirmed everything I'd been afraid of. "WHAT?!? Saphira, no...uh...Hey, wait!"

My voice became a yelp, as her mouth came way, way too close to me.

"N...NO! Don't do it-" I started to turn to run but one of her claws came and pinned me to the ground. I started to kick and struggle as Saphira grabbed my boots with her mouth and threw them into the bushes. I kept trying to get free of her grasp until I felt something soft, wet, and silky on my feet and lower legs.

Half a dozen terrified thoughts flickered through my mind. Egad...I can't believe this! That...that's her TONGUE! She is actually eating me...ME, her supposed dragon rider!

A few seconds later: Well, so much for me being the one controlling her, eh?

Saphira started moving up my body licking and salivating on each part of me up to my waist. As I sat there trying to lift her claw, I felt myself picked up and rose up to Saphira's eye level.

"Saphira, please don't, I...I'm sorry f...for whatever it was I did..." I pleaded frantically. She just gave me a subtle grin and a flashy stare before opening her mouth to reveal a deep red maw, drenched in thick saliva, with her silky tongue beckoning me forward and her throat making steady, but strong contractions as she breathed. The tongue wrapped around my chest and pulled me in her maw up to my knees and started licking me all over, drenching my head and chest in saliva and pulling my body in farther so my head hit the opening to her throat. I tried everything I could; I kicked, punched, and flailed around trying to kick her anywhere or grab her tongue but every time I thought that I'd grabbed it, it slipped my grasp and started licking me again.

There was too much saliva-I could see it dripping from her maw; hear her growling softly as she grinned to herself. I felt, rather than saw her look up to the sky, even as I heard the sound I dreaded; the sound of her swallowing. I felt myself being thrust inside her throat as she swallowed two, three times until I was travelling down her throat at a moderate pace. All I could think about while I was going down the slick, wet, and tight hole, was what I did to make her so mad at me, enough to eat me.

_What did I do wrong? _

After what felt like hours, I dropped into a wider chamber of flesh and fluids that I figured could only be her stomach. "Saphira, please let me out, I really don't want to experience being digested", I whimpered, unable to keep the terror out of this thought.

"Calm down Eragon, as I said before, I don't want to hurt you. Mmmm...I'll let you out in a while".

Between my accelerated breathing, Saphira's steady heart beats, and the intensifying heat of being surrounded by her flesh and body, I quickly fell victim to exhaustion and deep slumber.

Hours later, I awoke and realized that, other than still being in Saphira's stomach, I was alive. "I guess she wasn't trying to kill me", I said quietly to myself. Moments later I felt my surroundings contract and push me upwards with great force so that after a few minutes I found myself in Saphira's maw again and, after licking me several times, ultimately on the cool grass by the pond. It took me a few moments to regain my senses and even a few moments after that to try and get up; all the while Saphira was trying to lick all of the excess liquids on my clothes.

"O...okay, OKAY! Stop", I said almost shouting. Saphira was taken aback by this but quickly returned to her position and laid her head in my lap.

"I'm sorry if I scared you little one but I was starving, tired, and you tasted very good", she said with an affectionate smile.

I wasn't about to give in that easily, and reverted to my mind-link, letting her feel the extent of my anger and confusion. "Yeah well, you scared me half to death, I...I thought I had made you mad or something and that you were going to kill me!"

"Well firstly, I care very deeply about you Eragon! Love you even!"

"Yeah, right! You tried to eat me! How is that in any way 'caring' about me?!? That's the opposite!" I snarled, but she waved it away.

"Little one...I would never, ever harm you." She sounded hurt, but remained as blunt as ever.

I spread my arms wide. "Okay, I know I'm overreacting, and it did feel good sort of, in a weird way. Just ask before suddenly eating me, Agreed?"

"Hmhm...No promises. Sorry little one", she said with a toothy smile, and I made a mental note: _Don't trust her mouth. _

She nuzzled my chest warmly. "Whatever you may think, I was being honest. I care for you Eragon..."

I simply nodded and gave out a weak sigh. "Well now that we've found the water and filled most of the canister you can fly us back to Brom, he's probably worried sick about us", I said, still trying recover from being eaten.

"Actually we've only been gone for about two to three hours and you did say we'd be gone "awhile" ha-ha", Saphira chirped happily.

"Alright just fly us back as quick as you can. And no eating me this time!"

She just laughed.

Saphira was able to fly us back to Brom in about ten minutes; fortunately, although he chastised us for being over schedule, he was glad that we were alright- and better still, didn't bother asking why my clothes were damp and smelled like fish. As we set out the next morning for our journey, I did feel a little bit better about all of our adventures and seemed a lot less stressed about how everything seemed against us.

Even though I was a little more wary of Saphira, she still was as affectionate as ever and was nice enough to let me ride on her back finally after two days of walking, trying to avoid all of the detection scouts.

"Well...", I thought to myself, " least it won't take four days to get there-but I guess the sooner we get there the better."

Saphira heard me, and I heard a rumble of laughter. "Why is that Eragon, don't want to spend more time enjoying the woods", she stated suggestively-and I knew full well what that suggestion meant. I kept my eyes on the horizon and away from her mouth.

"Ha-ha very funny. Just fly..."