Me and my pal Serefina pt.1

Story by Fanperson on SoFurry

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I do not own any characters, names, nor pokemon species in this story except for Serefina, Sarah, nana and shawn also any that I may create along the story line I hope that clears most things up.

Xxx stands for a different character to talk

I was about four years old sleeping in my room on my bed with my little sister Sarah. I have brown hair

it's very straight but i love wavy hair. my eyes are blue as the ocean with the color and shape of the sun

around my pupils. I'm a very shy kid so I didn't really socialize with much kids (sorry I'm getting off

track on with the story). While sleeping my nana comes into my bedroom she says wake up its time for

you get your first ever pokémon. These words woke me up right away and I say lets go ( few minutes

later) while going through the door I trip almost landing face first. My nana worried for me and rushed

to help me up then we head for the pokélab. where the famous professor Ash Catch'em and his mighty

pikachu work at. Once in the lab I see my classmates looking at the eevees which each have a different

personalities some very happy, moody, shy, and annoyed. Professor Ash says kids take a seat were

gonna see which will best suit you kids. He asking us questions one by one then giving a eevee to them

then finally he got to me. He started ask me weird questions by the end of it he gives me a shy eevee

and the pokéball to it. Then I asked which gender is it he confirmed it was female I started asking it

which type it wanted to. She shook her head to all, but flareon. I asked Ash went is it right to evolve

her and he said when you and her get a year worth of knowing each other (skipping to when I'm seven

by the way my name is Shawn).Me and my eevee (aka Serefina) chilling in my room while feed her

favorite berry which is a Oran berry these last few years we been in a lot of fire based stuff like me

setting marshmallows on fire or her some how set a book on fire which I had to splash water on it. We

also got in trouble like stealing, vandalism, and setting things on fire we where complete pyro crazies.

By the third year we started to stop this but keeping a love for fire once I turn eight I'm getting a fire

stone to turn Serefina into a flareon which we both been waiting for. Then after that I will start helping

her learn fire attacks then we will set out for a adventure when I'm 10 because that when I'm allowed

legally to start my adventure. I'll just sleep for now ( yawns and falls in a deep sleep and haves a dream)

while asleep I started dreaming how me and flareon are going to win the pokémon league tournament

taking on the one of the master trainers. I was woken up by my eevee poking me in the forehead telling

me she wanted to be rubbed behind her ear. I started talking to her "hey what do you want to do" she

just give a short "vee" she gets up and hops off the bed to get a ball. She wanted to play some catch

with her master before she could walk out she was hugged tackled by my little sister Sarah. she was a

year younger but she acts like she's way older and more responsible even though she almost killed

Serefina one time by putting her a purse and zipping up the bag on her. I was lucky I saw it or she

would of died and I didn't wanted to buried her in the back yard. Serefina didn't really get along with

Sarah, but my sister thinks other wise because of her nature. "Serefina your fur so soft" squeals my

sister seeing Serefina looking at me like saying "get this mad lady off of me" causing me to snicker at

her. I finally get off bed saying "okay Sarah you had your fun being evil to Serefina" causing them two

doing opposites Serefina trying to get away while Sarah trying to kept a told on to her. Serefina finally

getting out of Sarah's grip and jumps to me. Even though Serefina was still a eevee I bet she wanted to

burn Sarah to ashes I wasn't going to evolve Serefina into a flareon while we lived here with my sister.

xxx Serefina

seeing Shawn's grandma working for his birthday is a little weird for me. I though me and him was just

blow up the cake then eating the rest that was left that what me and him see it as. I don't like his sister,

but I try to deal with it so he would be happy that I've haven't lite is sister up. which I could do once I

evolve, but I'm going to hold back on being mean to her for now. Since its the week of my best friend

birthday it's Monday today the 25th of march in five days I hope he gets a fire stone so I can give him

my present becoming a flareon. Me and him been together for three years even though he been alive

longer I've mature much more. his sister Sarah have gotten a eevee named sparks a month ago he is

cute but I will not let him know. Cause I don't know if he likes me as I like him. As for him I hope they

have those adult drinks at Shawn's birthday party. Cause I need that good feeling they give me. Also I

think I might of be in heat so I need someone to help me with that. I'm not going let him take me

without knowing he likes me like I love him. (Skip to Shawn's birthday) "hey sparks" "yeah" "lets steal

three bottles of that stuff" "okay." I grab a bottle and started dragging it up the stairs as I got up I was

going to get the second one. Then I see that sparks has two bottles on his back sparing me the trouble of

getting. The other one okay lets crack open one. Grabbing the cap and rip it off me and sparks started


(To be continue in next chapter)