Reynard Zwei

Story by raska4042 on SoFurry

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#2 of Reynard Series

The second part of the Four-Part Reynard series. In this, Ren makes a new friend, who quickly becomes more than a friend

Reynard Part Two By Raska Kannagami


Reynard woke immediately. For once, he had had a good night's sleep. Rolling out of bed, the young Fox sprang to his feet energetically. He noticed his carving knife, still stuck in the floor by his dresser. How odd, that he'd come upon the idea of killing himself last night, so suddenly, and then with equal suddenness decided that life was worth living, no matter what problems he might have at school.

He walked over to the knife, and yanked it out of the floorboards. Unfortunately, he twisted a bit too much as he did so, and snapped the tip off of the blade. Ren sighed, _ This'll be hard to explain. _


The alarm nearly made Reynard jump out of his fur. He'd forgotten to shut it off. Folding his knife up and putting it away, Ren walked back over to his nightstand and tapped the button to shut the alarm off. He did this a little forcefully, but alarm clocks were probably made to take this kind of abuse anyway.

His morning ritual was much the same as it always was: shower, get dressed, eat breakfast and then begin his walk to school. The one difference from his routine of late was that this time, he went about it with much greater cheer. Today was new, different, he could feel it. He wouldn't be tormented with things that happened yesterday. In fact, yesterday no longer mattered.

Of course, having had that thought, things might go awry. It would be just his luck. That didn't matter, either. Today was new.

Halfway to school, and Reynard came upon a crowd of people in his way. They were - some of them - jocks who were in Reynard's grade. Football players, mostly. Those who weren't jocks were the ones who bullied Ren the most. _ Well, this can only turn out _ brilliantly, right? Reynard thought, with just a touch of sarcasm. However, he didn't feel the normal feeling of dread and nausea he normally felt at the presence of his bullies. In fact, he almost thought they wouldn't do anything to him today.

"Hey, FAG, we heard about yesterday," the biggest of the jocks, a burly Panther, said scornfully.

_ Well, that'll teach me to expect better of them. _

"Yeah, and? You're here to tell me you wanna suck my dick? Thanks, but I hafta get to school. Maybe after class." _ Wait...what!? Did I say that? I as much as confirmed to them that I'm gay! There's no way I can get out of a beating, now. _

The Panther snarled and threw a punch. With the Panther being at least two feet taller than he, Reynard found it quite easy to dodge the blow. Unfortunately, the Lion from before, and a couple of his lackeys grabbed onto the young Fox and held him in place so the Panther could deliver the beating.

Reynard screwed his eyes shut, This is gonna hurt...

When the expected blow did not land, Reynard peeked his eyes open. A tall Wolf was standing between him and the Panther, easily holding the cat's fist at bay. The jock growled and lashed out with his other paw. The Wolf's reaction was lazy, almost mocking, as he slapped the paw away and slapped the Panther across the face.

Immediately, two of the Panther's friends, a small Cougar and a Dog of medium height, tried to grab onto the Wolf. He snapped into movement, tripping the Dog and kicking him in the side before blocking the Cougar's rather sloppy roundhouse kick. Grabbing onto the Cougar's ankle, the Wolf pushed upward, upsetting the cat's balance and landing him hard on his tail.

"What do you think you're doing?" The Panther growled. Reynard noticed that the feline, though quite bulky and strong, was warily staying out of the Wolf's arm reach.

"Well, I'll tell you that...if you tell me what you think you're doing? Aren't you a bit old to be stealing lunch money?" The Wolf's voice was soft, yet hard as steel.

The Lion spat, "This faggoty Fox is getting what he deserves. He --"

"I didn't realize I had directed my question to you, kitten. My mistake. Let me clarify: I asked the Panther."

The Lion let go of Reynard and charged the Wolf. The Wolf delivered him a quick, yet powerful kick to the stomach that made him skid back a foot before he collapsed on the ground, coughing and gasping.

"So..." the Wolf began, returning his attention to the Panther, "...what were you doing?"

"I-i-it's as Mikey said...the Fox is a fag," the Panther was frightened now, as was the entire gang. This Wolf had literally appeared out of nowhere, and it seemed he was more than enough to take them all on at once.

"So, that is suitable reason for three rather muscular young lads - well, two now - to hold onto said Fox while another rather muscular lad - yourself - proceeds to beat the fur off of him? Especially considering that said Fox is probably not strong enough to hold one of you off by himself?"

The Panther sputtered, but said nothing. "I would greatly appreciate it if your lackeys released the Fox. If this is done, we'll all be able to go to school without having an intermediate trip to the hospital," the Wolf said. His voice had changed from being soft and somewhat submissive to that of the absolute Alpha. The threat in his words carried the weight of promise. Reynard was released with an alacrity that was almost comical.

The Wolf made a subtle gesture for Reynard to walk beside him as he nonchalantly began to continue walking down the street. Reynard quickly obeyed.

The gang of bullies hung back, obviously afraid of the Wolf. Once they were out of earshot, the Wolf spoke. Once again, his voice was soft and unassuming, "So what is your name, Fox?"

"R-r-r-reynard," the young Fox stammered.

"My name is can call me Ben, most of my friends do," the Wolf - Ben - said.

"Th-th-thanks for saving me," Reynard said. _ What is wrong with me? I've never stammered this much in my life! _

Ben chuckled darkly, "I don't like bullies. I don't like seeing people in that the way, are you gay?"

A pawful of possible responses and evasions popped into Ren's mind. I...don't know. But...why do I want to tell him 'yes'? More to the point, why do I want him to be gay? But what if he's not? What if I tell him that I am gay, and he treats me differently, or shuns me? He just said that he didn't like seeing people bullied, so his helping me had nothing to do with whether or not I was gay...deep down, he might be just like those jocks. But...he doesn't seem like that.

In the end, Reynard decided the truth couldn't hurt him either way, "I don't know."

Ben nodded, "That's understandable."

* * * * * After homeroom, during which Ben had to introduce himself to the class, as the 'new kid'. Ren had History. It disappointed him greatly to find out that Ben did not. He was very distracted in class (more so than normal) by thoughts about the Wolf. Ben was rather normal for a Wolf, pepper-grey fur, piercing yellow eyes, and of course, the natural grace of a predator. But something about him made Ren feel...well, it made him feel fuzzy inside.

Even during his third-period class - Biology - which Ren normally was very active in, he was thinking about Benji, "...Reynard Hiro!"


"I'll take that as a 'present'...Felucia Hoppenwell..."

Lunch can't come any sooner.

After Mr. Asetar finished roll, he got out a projector and unfurled the screen. The entire class became excited with the anticipation of a movie (and thus a free-day). However, their collective hopes were dashed when the title screen appeared: SEXUAL EDUCATION.

Well, that's less stupid than the title could have could have been something like - 'The Joy of Puberty'...

The video started out with the typical boring narrator, "At this point in your lives, you all are probably noticing changes in your bodies..."

Reynard tuned it out...until the narrator said this: "...when a young male becomes sexually excited, blood flows to into the spongy tissues of the penis, making it erect..."

The screen showed animated images of the erections of various stereotypical species: canine, feline, ursine, ungulate, and draconic. Reynard couldn't take his eyes off the 'canine' penis, which, by now was animating the 'copulatory tie'. I wonder what Ben's dick looks's probably big.

The thought was so arousing that Reynard felt his sheath start to swell. The young Fox put his paws in his lap. And that's what thoughts like this get me...oh, god, I really am gay.

* * * * *

When the bell finally rang for Lunch, Reynard practically flew out of his seat. Not because of embarrassment (his arousal had gone down during the part of the video discussing female anatomy), nor because he was particularly hungry. Mostly, it was because he wanted to see Ben again.

The Wolf was sitting alone, the other students regarding him warily. By now, what had gone on earlier had already circulated around the school. The 'geeks' and 'outcasts' of the school weren't sure what kind of person he was, and the jocks and cheerleaders (i.e. the 'popular' kids) didn't want to be associated (whether in a good or bad way) with the Wolf.

Ben seemed to take great amusement in their exclusion of him, though his face lit up when he saw Ren come up to sit at his table, "Hey, Reynard, how was your morning?"

"Good," Reynard replied, "Thanks to you."

"Wha'd'you mean?" Ben asked through a mouthful of noodles.

"Well...before this morning, a lot of people would bully me. Y'know...push me around, tease me, trip me in the halls...stuff like that. But today it hasn't happened once. I think they're afraid of you, and think I'm under your protection or somethin'."

Ben's expression changed drastically. His countenance took on the subtle darkness it had had that morning, "Don't worry, Ren, I won't let them mess around with you again." Reynard smiled. Ben was going to protect him! "Thanks, Ben."

"But don't think you're gonna be able to just hide behind me. I'm gonna teach you how to deal with them on your own."

"But I'm not strong enough!" Ren protested.

"Bullshit!" The sudden exclamation made Reynard start, "That's bull and you know it, Ren. It doesn't matter how strong or weak you are. It's in here..." Ben tapped Reynard on the forehead, "...and here," Ben finished, placing his paw on Ren's chest.

Ben had the same Alpha voice he'd had before, but this time it had a barely perceptible difference: he wasn't angry. In fact, if anything, his voice carried affection.

They ate the rest of their meal in silence. Finally, just as Ren was about to take up his tray, Ben spoke, "Why don't you come to my house after school?"

"I'd have to ask my mom..."

" 'It's easier to ask forgiveness than permission.' You can tell her that my mom'll drive you home. And besides I don't live too far away. We both walk to school, don't we?"

He has a point...and maybe this'll be an opportunity to spend time with him alone."Okay! I'll come over after school. Now c'mon, Lunch is almost over."

* * * * *

As it turned out, Ben and Reynard had Gym together. Naturally, Ren positioned himself at the locker right next to Ben's. His heart was beating a hundred miles an hour, they were swimming today, so that meant he'd get to see Ben naked!

He purposefully dawdled as Ben began to undress. As expected, the Wolf had quite a muscular body. However, he also had a surprising amount of fat on him. He didn't have the six-pack that Ren had been imagining.

"Y'know...if you keep staring at me, I might take my pants off," Ben whispered to him teasingly.

Ren blushed, his ears turning pink in his embarrassment, and proceeded to undress himself. Much to his own disappointment, he couldn't bring himself to peek as Ben changed into his swim-trunks. However, little did Ren know that Ben was admiring his...'body'...surreptitiously as the Fox changed, Gods...he's so cute. Too bad I'd feel bad seducing him. It's not fair for me to add to his confusion. But...if I could...gods, I want his tail. Such a cute Fox.

As they exited the locker room, Ren stole a look at Ben's crotch. Even through the admittedly loose swim trunks (perhaps because of them), Ren could tell that Benji either had a really thick sheath, or was somewhat aroused. There was only one way to find out, but Ren couldn't do that here.

Swimming was one of the few 'sports' that Ren really enjoyed. He was good at it. Even the Coach knew that Reynard was one of the better swimmers of the class, despite whatever else he could or could not do.

As it turned out, Benji did not know how to swim. "I never learned! My family is poor, and all the city pools nearby where we lived charged really high entrance I never learned."

Coach Han needed to be able to focus on the rest of the class, and since he knew Ren was a good enough swimmer already to be able to skip this lesson, he assigned the Fox to teach Ben how to swim. They had the entire shallow area to themselves, with the rest of the class swimming laps and doing various water exercises.

"Alright, Ben, the first thing I'll teach you is to this," Ren began, demonstrating the maneuver.

"Don't people naturally float? Why is it something you gotta teach?"

"Well, with novice swimmers, they tend to panic when they feel themselves start to sink a little, and they thrash about, which actually makes them sink more. Floating is really Zen, in a way, you gotta just let the water do its thing and not struggle or resist," Reynard explained.

Despite his confidence, when it was his time to practice the back-float - as Ren had predicted - he panicked and couldn't maintain his float. After a few tries, though, he was able to do as Ren had shown him. Ren then waded through the shallows so he was right beside the floating Wolf, "Okay, now roll over onto your belly. You'll start to sink a little, but I'll catch you."

Obediently, Ben rolled over. When he did so, Reynard held out his paws under the Wolf's groin and chest. Because of buoyancy, Ren was easily able to keep Ben from sinking. He also got a good feel of the Wolf's sheath. He's not too much bigger than I am, soft! I bet he gets much bigger when aroused. Oh, God, don't let me get a hard-on right now...he'd notice instantly.

Don't get hard Don't get hard Don't get hard Don't get hard...please, Goddess, let me control myself!

"'ll teach you the breaststroke first, it's the most your arm, like you're gonna throw a punch, and then, with your paw cupped - like this - reach out over the water, and then...move your paw through the water. You do the same thing with your other arm while kicking with your feet. Keep doing this and it'll propel you forward."

Ben practiced the motion for several minutes, with Ren keeping pace alongside him, preventing him from sinking as he did so (thus keeping up the Wolf's confidence). When Ben was ready, Reynard had him stand back up, and then told him to practice without being supported.

Though somewhat disappointed at the removal of Reynard's paw from his groin, Ben was eager to prove to his friend that he was a quick learner. And luck was with him, because he executed an almost perfect breaststroke on the first try.

The bell rang at that point, much to their disappointment. As the class filed into the locker room, Reynard hung back, fretting. After swim days, the entire class was mandated to take showers. Normally, showering after Gym was optional, an option which Reynard never took, but today he didn't have a choice! And with Ben there...he'd probably embarrass himself.

Ben noticed that Ren was staying back, "What's wrong, Ren?"

"'s just..." Reynard mumbled, hoping Ben wouldn't press him.

"No, really, what's wrong?"

"The showers..."

Ben was sympathetic, "Do they bully you in the showers? Don't worry, I'll be there."

That's exactly my'll be there.

A few moments later, they were changing out of their swim trunks. Ben just untied the cord on his, and let them fall to the ground. He then tossed the trunks into his locker, shut it, and leaned back against it waiting for Ren to finish.

Reynard was a lot more shy about his body than Ben. He wrapped a towel around his waist and slid his shorts down under it.

A pity. I was hoping to see it...well, I'll get my chance soon enough. He can't wear the towel into the showers, can he?

As Ben had predicted, Reynard took off the towel and hung it on one of the pegs just outside the shower-room itself. The school's showers were all in a single room, with thirty shower heads, none of which were separated by stalls or any kind of wall. That meant that everyone could see everyone.

No wonder Ren doesn't like the showers. The other kids probably teased him when he got hard. Hells, with Ren here, I'll have a hard time myself keeping soft. Oh, well...

Ben and Ren got showers right next to each other. As they each began rinsing the chlorine from their fur, each of them surreptitiously watched the other.

God...his sheath is so big...and his balls...

He has such a cute ass...and look at that, a little bit of pink is sticking out his sheath. If he ain't gay, he sure as hell likes my body. Better not let him catch on that I know he's looking. It was very difficult for Ben to not get hard, watching Ren. With the water running down his body, and the fact that the Fox was half-hard himself...well, it was difficult. Somehow he managed without showing the least bit of pink flesh.

Reynard finished his shower before anyone else, and Ben soon followed after. He found the fox leaning against his locker, his eyes pressed against his arms. "You alright, Ren?" Ben asked as he opened his locker.


"Didn't wanna stay in there any longer than you had t'? I don't blame you. All I wanna ask is this: is it cause they bully you, or 'cause you're shy about your body?"

Reynard just shook his head. He startled when he felt Ben's paws on his shoulders, "I won't make fun of you for whatever it is, Ren, I promise."

It was Ben's turn to be surprised, as Reynard quickly turned around in Ben's grip and threw his arms around the Wolf's neck, drawing him into a kiss. At first, Ben was too surprised to react, but after a moment, he leaned into it, pressing Reynard between himself and the locker.

It was Ben who broke the kiss, suddenly panicked by the thought of the others coming out of their showers and seeing them. Goddess! I haven't even had time to paw off to this scenario, and it's already happening! Fuck, I can't wait until he comes over tonight. I am going to...

"I'm sorry." The phrase was so softly whispered that Ben had a hard time hearing it. He realized that Ren's ears had wilted and he was fighting back tears, "I-I...uh...d-d-don't know w-what c-c-c-came over me...I--" Before Ren could go on, Ben gently slammed him against the locker and kissed him. Fuck what the others think.

That was exactly how the rest of the class found them, still dripping wet and naked, kissing passionately without care of who or what was around. "Hah! I knew the Fox was a fag! And look, there's his wolfie boyfriend!" One of the jocks shouted. He was standing a few feet away from either Reynard or Ben, and took a step forward.

Quicker than could be possible, Ben broke his kiss with Reynard and got face-to-face with the jock. He growled, low, deep, and menacing. The growl is a very basic sound that a predator makes, and has several meanings. The meaning of Ben's growl was certainly clear: YOU WILL NOT DO ANYTHING TO MY MATE, OR I WILL HURT YOU

Having a dripping-wet, naked Wolf growl at him was something the Bear would otherwise have found comical. Now, though, he backed away. He'd heard the rumors about what had happened in the morning...and with the way rumors go, they'd been greatly inflated. Ben glared the rest of the class before returning to his locker and silently begin drying off. Reynard, after a moment, began drying off as well. He was still half-hard, but he hardly cared now.

They left together, Ben staying protectively close to Reynard. As soon as they got out of the locker room, Ren threw himself around Ben, "Thank you, thank you, thank you!"

"For what?"

Ben's heart melted when Ren looked up at him, still holding him in a tight embrace, "For not calling me a faggot."