Camp Pred + Collected notes

Story by Talonsaurn on SoFurry

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The collected notes and pamphlets of a very ravenous sort of summer camp

"A place to sink your teeth into your fellow man.."

Smell the fresh air, listen to the sounds of the world around you.. and welcome to the most exciting two weeks of your life, where your very survival is at stake.. you've heard of extreme adventures.. well its time to graduate from PRE-K...

Camp Pred is held in the deep wilderness, hours car drive from anything you could call civilization, away from the modern comforts like the net..and with flaky electricity as well.. You'll find forests as far as they eye can see with two major rivers running through it, a series of lakes and ponds, the official dimensions are around 10 miles square, though obviously there are various paths that lead further and the buildings are very sparse in many places.. most of the camp is spread out but the main hub, where the bunks, mess, and similar are are well centralized. Many activities do require a hike. This covers most of the camps topography....

Welcome to camp, You lucky few.. hundred are here to enjoy yourselves free of charge in the wonderful wilderness. Clutching your trusty pack of gear, wearing your personalized bandana, and embarking on your first steps into the camp proper.. Be prepared to explore the wilds, meet intresting fauna,and engage in the sort of games summer camps were built on...and that of your classic horror flick as well my my dear attendee... are you prepared? Did you forget anything? If so do check our vending machines, they are amply stocked with almost everything you could want...with limited quantities of course.. but enough of that, its time get down to the fun..

We have grand activities great and small, from simply riding on an innertube down the rivers to playing in the obstacle courses or giant jungle gyms, try out canoeing. Hike to the depths of the forest, try it all and you'll find even more hidden behind every shrub.. Try your paw at rock climbing, or swimming, or even hunting wildlife with real bows and arrows.. its all on your own schedule, or just laze back and sketch the pristine wilderness around you...

End of the official welcome statement... what follows is classified...

Welcome paying customers, your extensive and generous donation has gotten you a spot in this years Camp Pred, and I'm writing this to inform, and warn you about the perks and risks you have entailed.. There are no refunds.. You will be amongst a group of roughly 300 to 350 people, the vast majority have not received this message, and have paid not a cent, you will be treated just the same for your own protection, but amongst those few hundred folks there are up to 35 folks who have paid to get in, just like you. Who've come for two weeks of being predators without the qualms of the world around you crying lynch him... while your here the rules will be the rule of the jungle.. each of you has claimed to be able to swallow a person whole, and enjoy the act enough to pay for it.. every other camper before you on this trip is a possible meal, the fellow man eaters included. Let that come into your mind for a bit, the chance to devour, the lust..the hunger... hold onto that now...

I firmly believe in the game of predator and prey is not to be a slaughter, and it would be unsporting to have you play without competion, so you too must keep alert, and understand the cardinal rule of vore is still enforced here..DO NOT GET CAUGHT.. I will say that again, DO NOT GET CAUGHT... Because my own presence here is to protect the others, and though I will not hunt you predscouts down. BUT if I catch you in the act of devouring someone you will regret your sloppyiness for a brief time.. which happens to be the rest of your life.. In some sense you are playing the game against me as well as your fellow preds..I have to abide by rules just the same.

I suppose it is ironic that I am the savior for the sheep your planning on dinning on, but thats how games work. Furthermore..if folks have evidence of one of there own..YOU being a predator they will very likely work together to trap you.. be advised.. most will recruit me to be the lethality of the alert my fine young predators.... Remember.. my gaze shall devour you if your caught in the act. One of the first lessons predscouts will learn is to keep tabs on my location. Its for your own good.

I believe a little information will help you in preparations, I shall start with a brief rundown of some of the games we play, each and every one will provide you with a measure of opportunity to snatch a meal, some will make getting a meal without being caught easier than others of course.. use your own judgment.. In each game or scheduled activity rolls will be assigned, and many have predatory and preyish designations, do not assume they mean what you really are.. it is the nature of the experience.. you should not deceive yourself if playing "Predator and Prey" and get cocky on that roo prey you've cornered all alone.. perhaps you were lured in... Since many games are best with far fewer than the full attendance teams will be broken up into groups..and since i'll only be watching one group at a time... well.. use your imagination, and cunning

Some of our regular games include

Predator and prey, A mixture of tag and hideand seek. Generally this game is done at some point every day

Shepard and the Sheep - A game where the sheep have to stick close to there shepherd to avoid being picked off by the wolves(behooves the wolves to work together). When a "predscout" is selected as the roll of shepherd of a flock things get quiet interesting, if he starts to eat one of his flock among the others the'll be "trouble" ..but a clever shepard pred is something to admire..

Hunter and the hunted -A variation of pred prey, but more tag oriented with safe zones where the predators can't get into.

Escape -A race mixed in with an obstacle course. A designated "Pred" character running behind trying to tackle and "Devour" the racers as the move through the course

A Game of gallows dice (low lethality version)-an very adult rated game that has a chance for vore..but come now who could eat a person.."WINNING" these games doesn't mean your justified in eating the looser... Gallows will still intervene..its played as a "Teasing" way..being eaten means your out... games are in groups of ten or so..and the big otter does wander around enough to make it VERY hard to actually play by the real rules..

Cops and Robbers- A team tag game, Full body contact style. The game is rather simple folks are divided up into two teams, the cops have two rolls to protect various cache's of items and to recover them before they reach the robbers base(called the fence), they have to tackle and subdue the robbers in realistic fashion. Then drag em back to there own base. The have to work as a team because there are generally outnumbered and aren't allowed to attack a robber that isn't in the act or carrying "contraband". There score is a team score. Robbers have try to steal the prizes and get em back home to base..Robbers score is determined on how much they each steal, so cooperation isn't always the best solution

All manner of normal sports games,football, baseball and so on... these are quite hard to snatch a meal in private in though, you are warned

There will be many more activities for you to enjoy, those are a small sampling, I'll find more deliciously depraved ways to challenge you all....Each day of the camp is FILLED with predatory opportunities, many designed to be that way, but the best hunting grounds are those you find yourself.. sure it might seem easy to wait at the end of the inner tube course where the nets are set up...but remember I drop by there rather often often, the scattered houses and cabins around the camp are likewise just begging to be used, the mystery of whats inside can be a lure... as can the hope of a place private to snooze.

For those here who have lived in civilization you might worry bout help coming for the buffet through use of cellphones.. there is no coverage as you'd traditionally think, no calling home or the like, however, we do have our own private tower... meaning.. each person will be able to call eachother and pretty much no one else.. you'll all(and the freebies) have my number, use it how you will.. be it for your own benefit, or taunting your meals friends. Is it evidence against you to send the whole camp a photo of you gorged, feet sticking from your mouth? No.. It could be photoshoped, its rather keeping in our theme to have a little humor.... unless I see you in action..or by my own cameras it won't spell your end. Same logic with folks tattling on you.. they could be lying right...

Your rivals, or other perdscouts are both a liability and an asset, they certainly aren't aiming to help you, but a clever fellow can use such information to there own needs. Realize that for whatever other talents I have. I can only be at one place at a time.. Meaning if another fellow is getting my tender affectionate swallow its open season. I will not rush my food. Furthermore I will admit to being distractable, when used the right way I can be taken of the table for a while..Use your intelligence.

Many predators will think they can drag supper to a outlying area outpost and finish there supper before I could catch up even at a full run, while this is true. Most of the outlying cabins have lockdowns that can be activated remotely, doors windows all lock up tight and keep you bottled up till gallows gets there, hope you enjoyed your last meal. ALL cabins have camera's, mostly hidden well that a hungry otter will watch from his home base to trigger the very loud and obvious alarm on those unlucky predscouts who get caught in the cookie jar. You are warned..

One of the BIGGEST jokes at Camp pred is curfew, officially its at 10:30pm sharp but there is never any enforcement, it happens to be the best hunting time for the predscouts lurking out in the wilds.. normal scouts are wise to stay in there cabins for the safety in numbers.... and if they have to leave for some reason(Like bathroom) to take at least a few folks with them..going out with just a buddy is rather rolling the dice, that buddy might want to have you for supper). I myself claim to be a VERY deep sleeper leaving the predscouts with little risk apart from there fellows.

At the end of camp when surviving freebies are sent off the real scoring continues, any surviving "Preds" count up there kills, generally having the personalized camp bandana of there meal, each one scoring a point. My own score th % of freebies left undigested...This should remind you we are always in competition from day one till the official ending of camp. I've never had a perfect score of course, its MY reason for striving harder..If you survive the two weeks with at least one kill you'll receive a special shirt, and a handful of other momentoes and souvenirs of your time at camp, You'll find out if your good enough..

Now..we will be waiting for you.. Me and my walking talking buffet... will you take your seat?


SOFT CAMP PRED"pussywillow"

Well you don't have the wontons for going the full way into Camp pred, your little knees are shaking at the thought of having a bit of risk.. your all quaking like ducklings... I understand that... we have a place for you as well.. .Camp Pred..Pussywillow division.... yes... let me get you your pacifier and make the world a bit less scary...

Now that I've fully derided your lack of stuffing, lets get down to business, yes, I do manage a bit of a special camp without the ruthless life or death nature we've talked about before, It's called Camp Pred as well and I promise you no one accidentally gets enrolled at the real one when expecting this, believe me right?

Camp Pussywillow as I'll call it now is very much the same as our regular camp, and in some ways more depraved and luridly lusty, A safety net can be all to empowering afterall. I'll explain the differences and cute little charms as follows.

First of course everyone pays, no one gets a free ride this time, you pay your fee, you get your slot, simple as that.. We also don't go through this who pred and prey charade, your all the same to the camp, your called Fellows, a rank of pride that'll likely get diminished.

Unlike our more normal Camp where survival is the greatest reward, Pussywillow is scored,from the moment you set your feet on our grassyfield to the very end your in the game of eat or be eaten. every meal you devour will score a point, meals of those you devour will give the higest up on the chain of devouring a half a point(so if I eat a pred of two, i'd get 2 points). Proof of digestion is done with the same bandana's our real camp uses... turn em in and the meals yours... though I might belly poke if i'm suspicious... I've had a woozle just steal headbands.. When the meals back in action there bandana will be reissued in a new color showing their degraded rights

Rank is important in the idea that those of lower rank must do what a higher ranked person demands with the exception of vore. The dominate person likewise can't cheat.. Having someone bend over because their lower rank and then CV them when there not looking is a no no.....and since people DO return.. you will be tattled on. If a person forces a victim into a situation rather than demanding there are no limits.. its just the pulling rank that must be done right.

The staff has the same roll as the camp master, they have to follow the rules and stop vore.. providing the challenge much the same way, admittedly because of the less cutthroat methods even staff might fudge claiming they saw a huge gut kick. Because there are fewer "preds" to watch out for staff is always more numerous, and very visibly garbed... Someone EATING staff is highly frowned upon... and the'll likely to be revenge, but there score is reduced by five points flat.. this CAN be worth it for some players..

As you might expect the mentality of folks is VASTLY different in this version, there are countless alliances, friendships and teaming up. Those who are apparently capable of devouring someone whole tend to get a lot of attention from all angles, and unlike the normal camp pred this is often quite helpful, people trying to get rivals eaten and so on.

An addition from the normal camp are safe zones, dozen or two places where vore is not allowed.. however apart from the lodge reforming safe zone, The "protection" these zones often sometimes fails.. the lights go on and off for roughly ten seconds, and then when the lights return at a low red the safe zone is temporarially disabled... this safe zone failure adds a bit of extra spice and lasts roughly a hour... The strobbing initial lighting is a fair warning for folks to get ready

At the end of the camp, everyone is checked in, bellies purged, and so on, a headcount is done to make sure everyone is okay... and then the scores are tallied.. The base score as mentioned earlier is 1 per meal, plus ½ credit for anything there meal ate(And ¼ for meals there meal ate)if someone has had the three strikes there score doesn't count.. each strike(being eaten) reduces there final score by 20% (Meaning those who are uneaten have a big edge)..deductions from Eating staff, ect are taken at the end. After all the numbers are in, the final scores are announced and various prizes are given out., the top three getting free invites to next year as well

Everyone starts out with the Rank of "Fellow" and can only go down from there

Camp pred as its default setting explains it seems rough, dangerous and scary.. And while that fits Gallows style well, a creative mind can twist settings to suit others, for this a less ultimately lethal..and very often a lot more luridly x rated version

Much of the world of course is the same, though freebies don't exist, its a full pay to play game.. and there is no differentiation between predator and prey when they arrive, the rules are clear as well.. Its an eat or be eaten world. The whole camp will be scored, every meal you devour will score a point, meals of those you devour will give the highest up on the chain of devouring a half a point(so if I eat a pred of two, i'd get 2 points). Everyone starts out with the Rank of "Fellow" and can only go down from there if you get eaten you'll find out life isn't over. Those devoured wake up(or are passed) later(1-3 days), getting demoted, down to camper.. if eaten again there demoted to prey, and finally down to food after 3 strikes, Should a person get demoted three times there kept in their eaters tummy the rest of the camp.. only to be passed later at closing ceremonies in rather a humiliation way(or reformed in likewise a embarrassing manner)((reformation before then is always in the main lodge's safe zone)

Rank is important in the idea that those of lower rank must do what a higher ranked person demands with the exception of vore. The dominate person likewise can't cheat.. Having someone bend over because their lower rank and then CV them when there not looking is a no no.....and since people DO return.. you will be tattled on. If a person forces a victim into a situation rather than demanding there are no limits.. its just the pulling rank that must be done right.

The staff has the same roll as the camp master, they have to follow the rules and stop vore.. providing the challenge much the same way, admittedly because of the less cuthroat methods even staff might fudge claiming they saw a huge gut kick. Because there are fewer "preds" to watch out for staff is always more numerous, and very visibly garbed... Someone EATING staff is highly frowned upon... and the'll likely to be revenge, but there score is reduced by five points flat.. this CAN be worth it for some players..

As you might expect the mentality of folks is VASTLY different in this version, there are countless alliances, friendships and teaming up. Those who are apparently capable of devouring someone whole tend to get a lot of attention from all angles, and unlike the normal camp pred this is often quite helpful, people trying to get rivals eaten and so on.

An addition from the normal camp are safe zones, dozen or two places where vore is not allowed.. however apart from the lodge reforming safe zone, The "protection" these zones often sometimes fails.. the lights go on and of for roughly ten seconds, and then when the lights return at a low red the safe zone is temporarially disabled... this safe zone failure adds a bit of extra spice and lasts roughly a hour... The strobing initial lighting is a fair warning for folks to get ready

At the end of the camp, everyone is checked in, bellies purged, and so on, a headcount is done to make sure everyone is okay... and then the scores are tallied.. The base score as mentioned earlier is 1 per meal, plus ½ credit for anything there meal ate(And ¼ for meals there meal ate)if someone has had the three strikes there score doesn't count.. each strike(being eaten) reduces there final score by 20% (Meaning those who are uneaten have a big edge)..deductions from Eating staff, ect are taken at the end. After all the numbers are in, the final scores are announced and various prizes are given out., the top three getting free invites to next year as well if you get eaten you'll find out life isn't over. Those devoured wake up(or are passed) later(1-3 days), getting demoted, down to camper.. if eaten again there demoted to prey, and finally down to food after 3 strikes, Should a person get demoted three times there kept in there eaters tummy the rest of the camp.. only to be passed later at closing ceremonies in rather a humiliation way(or reformed in likewise a embarrassing manner)((reformation before then is always in the main lodge's safe zone)


A tattered document found in various seedy places..

Well well well, you spent the money and bought this little cheat sheet on how to survive camp pred authored by a proud five time survivor, and going for more because the thrill is there... the you aren't a threat to me anymore. Its only Gallows..

Gallows own little special sheet to us man eaters is rather a good starter, it is what gave me the chance to thrive, many predators just read a few sentences or two, think smorgasbord and end up a quick gulp... I find those appetizing myself but no fun

Cultivate your paranoia from the start, A fellow pred can come from anywhere, any gender,and anylook. Strangely enough there is only one person you can trust, its Gallows himself, he is your foe but he has strict rules he must go by, and does follow them. He will try to trick you and get a chance to turn you into jerky of course. The rest of the campers will have no rules, and I INCLUDE the freebies... some have not just been there one time as cattle but are very dangerous in there own.. leading people into traps for the thrill of it. These folks will find all sorts of evidence against you and rally the rest of the freebies to put a stop to it. They CAN and will.. As a rule of thumb I do my best to disable and destroy any cameras or phones I can find for this reason. You'll find plenty of dumb food, but be careful on things too easy.

Along similar lines do not leave yourself open to be overpowered, the more ego driven around here claim they can handle a few foes at once.. sure.. in a fair fight you might, but there are no rules here, and people will come from behind, do dirty tricks and so on.. this is especially likely if your viewed as a threat. You do NOT want to stand out.. As Gallows suggests privacy and secrecy is one of your strongest allies, blending into the crowd provides safety. If you stand out you'll just get a target on your back.. and end up with a very stressful time. You'll run out of adrenaline if you don't take a emotional rest now and then. Notice that even should you get fingered as a predator, or be an obvious glutton you can find safety...

Use Gallows. Remember his rules.. IF you are not eating someone, you are safe from him, furthermore your protected in his graces, use this as a chance to rest and relax, and of course digest, he'll give you a few looks and maybe a smile, but never call you on your larger than before belly. Once it stops wiggling there is no proof. Even if he will be your competition, he likes to see folks who use there heads

If you can manage it early in camp sneak into Gallows own office. Remember what I said about rules? Being caught in someplace your not supposed to wasn't one of the ways to get snarfed up. Eventually he'll tired of a parade of folks snooping of course, so try to get in early. Your priorities should be to see where the WORKING camera's are this year. He never mentions this to the predscouts preferring fear but only about a third of the cameras are online each session, and they stay that way. If you can figure out where each one is you know what cabin's are safe to nosh in and what camera's you can flaunt yourself in front of. The second thing that used to be wonderful to sneak a peak at was the roster.. the REAL roster, bright as day you could find the predators amongst the sheep. This isn't nearly as useful anymore, last session the roster was more coded, and described EVERYONE as food... I assume there is still away to find out who's who in the files, but its no longer an open book on his computer. I should warn you, he does write a paragraph or two about each person, a personal menu perhaps or how too cook/eat them for snoopers.. you WILL find your own name amongst these, so be prepared to read on how your meat'll fall right off the bone and so on. While your here feel free to purloin extra supplies.. within reason, sure he's accepting of snooping but you don't want to make him ANGRY.... less he falls asleep after tying you up in some sort of game, leaving you to the wolves.

He mention's Curfew as a wonderful time for preds, free hunting, oh but he is WRONG.. and I can promise you that there are things that go bump in the night that are terrifying. The woods are not as safe as he makes out to be, animals lurk..even in the day you might run into a big bear, a snake or a huge feline that can very well make a meal of you..Most years at least one of us..and a handful of freebies will end up going home in some feral beast that roams the grounds.. I'm rather a cat person myself so I've actually encountered what I believe is the only hunting panther before, and he was quite intelligent, not sure if sentient but certainly was able to talk my way out of being dinner.. The way Gallows runs this place I'd be surprised if he didn't have the animals on some sort of leash as well

Try to remember that this whole event has a style, a vibe to it, if you flow with such you'll often do better, playing the game the right way might get mistakes overlooked now and then. I've seen him spare a pair of preds caught in the act after playing a horror movie scene on one of the nearly empty cabins late one rainy night.. They made the whole event rather fun to watch..and Gallows played right along... and by the time there fun was done the bulges were still and the "Evidence" was gone.. though they did get a playful spank on there tushes... It was almost a shame that both eneded up caught by a fellow hungry pred within a few days *Urp*

Now on the more pleasant side of things how to keep up your belly capacity on things other than hot dogs. Since there are generally 4 sessions each summer your experience might vary. I'd say skills with ropes are extremely useful in many ways, your taught some tricks at camp but being comfortable tying a person up is a crucial skill to getting a good fat waistline, I regretted the lack of knowledge my first trip.

In your packet you'll find a couple doses of digest away, this wonderful tonic helps a stomach process its meal at roughly 8 times normal speed, so it works wonders on covering up after a meal, but the supplies are limited, the vending machines are expensive and the stock quite low, I believe each machine only has 3 or 4.. and are rarely restocked... pilfering Gallows office for half dozen more can make life easier. Though i've never attended one I've heard rumors some sessions the tonic is just water, a crushing surprise to the careless.

Looting, Take what you want from your meals, they won't need it.. though most don't come with much, money is only useful in the vending machines, ID for trophies and so on, One thing that almost all of us want more of is the Digestaway tonic, and since we all know each pred has a couple doses to start robbing a fellow pred...even without digesting is quick profitable.. furthermore finding such an item in a persons pack pretty much clues you in to there secret... of course I was brilliant one year and planted it in some sap rabbits gear, got him fingered as a pred.. distracting from me ...

Though you might not initially think it the organized games are some of the most pleasant ways to get fed. Gallows Gaze can rarely cover them all and people are distracted.. cover is always plentiful and should be used well. It's rather a good idea to stalk games your not playing in.. sneak out of your own game and lie in wait near another to tackle and gobble someone in the bushes.. People will keep there eyes out for players on there team... but seldom expect or notice someone missing when they think they have there eyes on the threat.

In many of the tackle contact games folks who are out must be hogtied by the person in the "Predator" roll, and then left as the rest of the game continues, this might be seen a as a great time to double back and snack on the helpless, don't.. Gallows generally will keep an eye on these delicious h'orderves, and snitches WILL be watching those who aren't under his direct gaze.. its one of the most often used ways to trap us. Now after the game is over and people are untied make sure to do a sweep or two around the grounds when most folks have left, you'll often find someone gagged and bound but forgotten by the others, so thats a nice little supper time.

Solo predators generally have to be content with picking off one or two meals here or there, going for more really can cause a commotion, which is bad.. if you can make a temporary alliance..and don't turn your back,a group of preds can get a feast if they lay an elaborate enough trap. I've been part of a five person gorge late night at camp where a full cabin load of freebies were swelling our bellies... I was happy I had a couple doses of digest away to be mobile... not all were that smart..and when we moved out with our catch I made the show of helping out our bloated companion..till the other three were gone..and I soon had to use my second dose in less than day.. was WONDERFUL but I don't want to talk about the cramps and other things that happened later...

It should be noted pleasing Gallows isn't something that should be forgotten, he certainly doesn't mind flaunting your stomach to him as the games go on. Most folks forget that he KNOWS what your doing, and pretty much knows every meal you've gotten, trying to hide it from him helps no one.. just when its still kicking is the key... and even then.. well... a good mouth can get you outa trouble on some occasions

I do hope these tips help you in your next trip down the old gullet plunge river, I'd like to dine on you myself one day..I think Gallows will be picking up a Staffer or two next session... so I can enjoy some fun twice!.. ohh I wonder what the staff job entails... best lift your tail for me at least.


A neatly printed out file distributed freely

Share and Survive

I'm sure if your reading this you are going to attend camp Pred as a freebie, and want to be prepared. Good, Thats why i'm here, the place will eat you alive, literally. I've lived through 7 sessions..and I keep going back, its an addiction

I'll assume you've read your own little letter from gallows, Managed to find a copy of the "Paying" customer version, and paid a good penny to get your mits on the OTHER overpriced survivors guide, if you haven't looked at all those your just asking to die.. I can't and won't help you there, your worthless.. but all those are designed with your enemies in mind, never forget it. For us we need to do whatever it we can to win, our lives depend on it

As a freebie you'll likely go by bus, there are a few that will take you, each uniquely decorated with a tongue and cheek carnivorous name and paint job...Its all to get people in the "Spirit" and make it seem like a fun joke, as your on the long bus ride make sure to look at the people with you, all the happy faces, all the nervous ones, remember them because I'll go on record that at least some of that bus will be going home inside a gurgling stomach of some vile predator. Most have no idea of what is REALLY going to happen, don't bother to help them, there already dead... When you get to camp you'll meet Gallows, and he'll look like he could gobble you up right there, he's intimidating but will guide the campers through the facilities, give out your backpacks full of gear and so on. You'll be assigned randomly to a cabin that houses about forty folks, normally there are a handful of spare bunks in each cabin as well. Though cabin's are assigned beds aren't. If you can in anyway arrange it, get a top bunk, or better yet if your assigned a two floor large cabin a bunk on the top floor..Being near the windows are popular, but will do your survival more harm than good. After you get your supplies and bedding the whole camp will have a meal. Probally the only meal where the full camps attendance will be alive... pictures will be taken for the camp wall.. and then you'll get to chow down on normal camp fair, hotdogs, burgers, soda, beer, that sorta thing. Make note on folks seeminly having to good a time. After you eat your fill, try to wander to the kitchen, on the way you'll see the wall of photo's, notice the start and end of camp photos, remember them well, this will drive home a lot of what is to come. Its not hidden but neither does Gallows make an effort to show folks it. After lunch concludes Gallows will officially start camp, and from then on the game Is on.

First things first, the key rule you should know, Your safe with Gallows. No one will try to eat you in his sight, it's their only real hindrance. Gallows is a notorious murderous man eater but he is here for THEM not for us, remember that. Gallows will keep you alive if he can..Its his duty, and though he has his own set of rules that are blind and dumb, he goes by them. You will also get Gallows own phone number, its your salvation.. program it into your phones quickdial right away, all the buttons I'd advise. If you see someone being eaten CALL.. its in your best interest, trust me. Even ...bushmeat as the term is used by preds, the weakest in the herd, should be preserved, if only to provide a buffer for you later.

Second, the best way to survive is to reduce the number of predators stalking through the forest, there is no better way to increase your chances, both as a person and part of our ..herd. The way to get rid of predators needs to use brains of course.

Those who follow this pamphlet can easily enough take out the chafe in the predator pool who wasted there money and their lives through simple bait. Yourself of some patsy just to easy to resist in easy distance to Gallows, a scream a shout from the baiters friend..such as you might be and Gallows will sort out the pred in a final way, after making him cough up your friend.. its icky but really little risk. Likewise if alone, keep in touch with Gallows if your brave enough to set the bait as yourself. He almost always will come to "Save" those brave folks seemingly alone and waiting.. Now you won't get every predator this way but it'll weed out the dumb who think with there guts and libedo.

Now once the morons are outa the hunting pack you should work on figuring out who's left, Sneaking into Gallows office can be a wonderful activity, sometimes he has pred files out for you to get a peek at, switch out the pred focused supplies with fakes, that quicky digest can be replaced by the fat growth tonic you can find in the kitchen.. I've seen that effect on a poor mountain lion, the fellow wasn't proven a pred offically but was stuck in one place for two weeks whimpering... to fat to be eaten.. but safely out of our hair just the same. After you know or suspect the preds work with them..They'll most likey be playing dumb, not wanting to give themselves away, you should work not to be alone of course, but lead them, to other preds... make sure they bump heads and then duck out, with luck one'll eat the other. I've never met a non greedy pred. Feel free to blackmail them as well, sure they plan to kill you for it, but they want that anyway, and rage makes them dumb.. Now If Gallows catches you in his office, drop your pants.. it'll happen, go with it, it won't be bad... You won't be harmed any more than your sensibilities might. If by bad luck you get caught alone, overpowered, and at someones mercy play for time, offer yourself sexually, offer to sell out your friends, anything you can think of to suck up and avoid immediate digestion.. All the while trying to summon help..

Thirdly. There is safety in numbers, yes you could end up with a gaggle of preds near you, but since you start with a ten to one edge in numbers the more folks with you the better the herd's chances. (of course . Playing games is important as well, in our case its for watching other people, being at the head of a group isn't to important, but watching how others behave, the looks and glances are often dead giveaways of who is playing to win and who just wants to dine on someone.

Fourthly On confronting a perceived pred(With Gallows nearby of course) by reciting all the evidence you've come up with, the more the better, this accusing tends to work very well. Someone who is a pred is likley to try to silence you of course, I've met very very few preds who've maintained the charade when confronted by someone apparently edible, their fear and ego get in the way.. the few I HAVE met were chilling folks.. and honestly, they got my respect..even as murderous bastards..

Now preparations for your trip. Apart from the obvious of being in shape, having normal camping supplies and the like. I'd bathe myself in that shampoo of slow gut, its sold by Gallows on depraved shop for the pleasure of a predator to digest there meal over hours... Get yourself soaked in it and you'll last a lot longer should you be swallowed, giving help more time to rescue you. As long as your twitching Gallows will perform a stomach pump to the predator before eating him.. You might not be in as good shape,and lack of air sucks..but you'll be better if not. Bring bottles with you. Its a valuable insurance policy. I've used it before and I will NEVER forget the inside of the smelly wolf that ate me... Likewise buy the acidproof cellphone from the same shop, again designed to torment us, but it will work in a stomach...

Likewise it behooves you to look predish as you can, wearing little things like tooth neckalces and so on, carry yourself with confidence. Many preds will be cautious of attacking one of there own, lest they get the worst side.. They'll hunt easier prey.

Put your sensibilities at the door, the camp will shatter them, and in many cases its designed to put you off your guard. It works all to often Expect everything, adapt quickly or you'll have a sad fate..much of the humor and innocent activities are quite dirty and adult rated.

Now a secret i've only recently learned is Gallows has a love of sneaking tracking bugs into us in various ways, be it food, slipped into our clothing, or even deeper things, now remember, for us Gallows knowing where we are is a wonderful thing, so try to sample all sorts of food and engage in any activity you can think of to try to get that inside you. Earn his affections so he'll tilt the scales in your favor. It gives me the biggest of smile to realize how often predators themselves have there movements tracked just because they were careless..

How did I get this information..I won the Scavenger hunt last year, the information you gain from it is priceless. I watched the little blips go around the camp, heedless of the fact they were being tracked... you could see the freebies like me...and the folks wandering off alone...and people stalking those.... Gallows himself wore a tracer to let me watch HIM follow the stalking blip...I never was so turned on watching little dots on the screen..


The Fauna of Camp Pred-An alert to the nervous..

Now that was unfair, It has gotten around to me SOMEONE is crying about the native wildlife around camp, whats next complain that a little beetle crawled across there fancy ipod. There are just some people who spoil fun for everyone..These naughty camper survivors really should consider the wisdom of there actions. I wouldn't set them up next year or anything, but ya gotta expect a smart otter could narrow down who penned an "Survival Guide" that makes these ID so obvious.. But apart from this libelous fellows actions I suppose I should talk about the Fauna

Most of the fauna around camp is the normal things you'd expect,possums, racoons, squirrels, owls, you know normal little animals, that serve as a emergency food supply if your lost.. We do teach basic survival skills at our lovely camp. Those who have a impetus can go hunting on there own, bow and arrow style..or if your REALLY good using a spear..its rather a mark of accomplishment to bring back a buck without a gun. This is all really what you expect at a forested summer camp isn't it... nothing scary or worthy of panicking my paying customers...

Though I must admit, now and then there are a few...larger than normal bits of fauna that could put a threat to someone traipsing about blindly in the wild.. Just like there is a danger of tripping and cracking your noggin when hiking.. Specifics? I know of ..stories of giant panthers... big bears and a colossal constrictor serpent. I keep a eye out for any evidence of such, and should I find a threat I make sure to shoo it off before it can make a meal of our campers. Admittedly now and then you have a persistent harassment from fauna. Maybe one of these days I'll find a competent hunter among the campers that won't decide to make a run for it just leaving his clothing by the creek. There is no truth to the rumor that I get kissyface with feral animal's out by Cauldron lake, rumors of that get folks strung up dangling as punishment...

Now this not making kissyface doesn't count our campers, though rare sometimes a feral does get in, afterall, why should two legs have all the fun... and i'm a polyamorous fellow afterall. Far from me to limit my campers by disallowing sentient ferals.... of all appetites..

Summing up the more dangerous aspects of fauna,watch out for big bears, big cats, and big snakes, and the occasional dinosaur, simple enough, and even if not, really, there more afraid of you than you are of them.

Flora on the otherhand is mostly safe, and the stuff that isn't is rather obvious, I make sure not to move the bones found near the hungry plants..if you can't take a hint of a graveyard of beasts and men to avoid wandering then your really prime material for removal from the food chain..

//alert for the FREINDS of Camp Pred\sealed with a wax pawprint.

I'll assume the illiterate of you can find someone to read this to you, but I know most of you can read. We've had some annoying headaches with people crying about our little arrangement, I ask that you try your hardest to stay in the proper style, and not leave evidence. I'd also like to inform you of our general meeting place by the waterslides on night one will have to be moved. Furthermore this year I think we should avoid wearing the bibs like we did last year.. Lets get back to nature.. so no more ursine jewelery okay. I know you folks like to show off as your devouring people, and I don't mind being showy...but using there just animals, they don't know any better excuses wears then when some of us show up looking like some Egyptian god. You know who i'm talking about.. understand.. The normal activities you guys always enjoy will go on as normal, I just have to..massage the rules till I clean up some loose ends... Please don't make me reduce the need for feral assistants..


The Lie of Staff

Being blessed with being staff, just like being sent over the top of the trenches to see if they ran out of ammo. As a predator you are immediately singled out among your peers, you can't even hold the fig leaf of cooperation. You already accepted so this little letter is just like a execution order isn't it.

So who do I pick as staff? Surely it couldn't be preds I got annoyed with last year, no couldn't be that, I mean I have my own two paws, isn't that enough...well.. actually.. no.. .this last year staff has come..

There are two parts of staff, one is a roll player.. Take our chef a big burly fellow who can take care of himself who has a very distinct set of rules , in addition to cooking the food and hauling it around like you'd expect he takes the job of either helping or hindering those that come to him.. wise in the ways of vore, he could just help a person get a good meal... or be the savior for a prey being chased by a delicious looking pred who'd make fine jerky.. Our chef, apart from the cooking duties is a wildcard... They are mostly...independent camp fixtures...

Now the OTHER staff, the folks who have that uniform with the target on there back... oh..good we had that fixed this year.. .but still the ones who are my surrogates with all sorts of responsibilities without any authority to back it up, folks who are seen as big prizes and tattlers... I pick three to five beefy looking furs for this roll, some preds, some prey, but I like to pick out returning folks to give them the extra challenge, striping them of that anonymity. Its worst for the prey of course, they are always, without exception viewed to be predators, no one trusts them.

They help do the basic things, watching the games, judging the piddle and crap of who won and so on, stopping folks being eaten they see.

Are there ANY perks to being a staff member? Well they can eat preds they catch snarfing without a qualm, I won't devour them for being in mid meal with a predator.. now if they guess WRONG..well.. thats not so good..oh yes and as my eyes, there word is as good as evidence... though I often make a "Smirk" when they try to frame someone I KNOW is a prey...


Kitchen Hijinks-This little game is rather adorable..almost fairytail esc, It also will give folks a real good look at where there food is prepared the massive kitchen inside the main lodge building

In this game I myself take a big roll, as do my staff... and if I don't have enough I'll just pick out out some of the most beefy and strong looking campers. I'm called the head chef, everyone else gets kitchen tittles, I like to have between 8 and twelve folks on my team We're all dressed up in cooking gear, sometimes with a bit of the old ghoulish humor, Butcher Gallows and all

The purpose of the game is to avoid being turned into the camps next meal(All in good fun) Its cooks vs meat. Our job is simple we go out hunting for food, and we drag it back into the kitchen, tuss it up and put it in the pot, oven, or whathave you, of course we don't actually cook them or do any damage, apart from the humiliation aspect. Apple in the mouth is a cute and regular option..It can be quite scary I suppose when I bring the cleaver down inches from a head, but I don't miss, and its part of the game as are the taunts.

Once someone is snagged by us they are "Out" of the game, though still a prop, what that means is though we hunt down folks... the rest of the campers are encouraged to raid our kitchen, our pantry and so on, "Rescuing" the trussed up meals from wherever they can be found and lead them back to there own safe haven cabin. . If your caught by one of the Chef's staff of course your put into the kitchen as food as well..

As you might expect.. this game has a massive casualty rate, for many reasons, since we are out hunting the kitchen is often empty, folks can sneak in and rescue a meal to there own belly, sure they won't get a score for it, but when your looking for a good meal who cares about winning a mere game. Furthermore I'm rather distracted at winning myself, so... folks have to fend for themselves more often. The game ends when either my team has filled all the cooking places with folks(three in the stewpot(cauldron), four in the oven(two on each rack), 4 in the pantry, One on the butcherboard, one in the microwave, 2 in pots on the range.) Or four hours pass... oh btw,should I catch a "Staff" engaging in consumption of the catch during this game, well.. lets say I don't like to loose.

Oddly enough the safe haven is guarded by our normal staff chef, a big burly fellow who WILL enforce my rules... so its not safe if you try to eat someone.


Entertainment at camp Pred..

While most would say the camp activities are enough entertainment I do like to do something special now and then, so at least during one of our yearly sessions I Invite a predatory rock group to join us for a few days, being stars the rules of the camp are much more...flexible... but since I've known the members for years they understand my expectations that they "Behave" and do for the most part.. The small amount of trouble they give me is more than made up for than the pleasure of a private concert in the dark.. it goes without saying that there are a few risks here and there when the darkness envelops the ground, the midnight concerts lighting is good on the defacto stage, the pyro effects are quite good, but the audience, is dark out there... If your a lucky camper whos going to be in the right session, be sure to bring extra money.

