A Dragon's Song

Story by Prince Seren on SoFurry

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A Dragon's Song

Twas dark and dreary, as the wind blew,

Through valleys of old, where only speaking trees

Grow, with winters all so cold, where knights where

Use to be bold,

As the mountains sang their ancient songs, did only peace

Dwindled in the night, when stars were alight

Through rocky crags and caverns deep,

Did the mighty dragon sleep,

Where the blades of grass bowed before the wind,

Did only this place begin,

Unto the magic that dwelled within the valley

Where the war had its finale,

Where ancient blood had been spilt,

Did only the castle was rebuilt,

To bring back peace, not only in the night,

This story inscribed through song unto rhyme,

Did the bard write, about the old ways,

Of a memory now only a haze,

When the dragon Finally awoke,

the castle fell in ash and smoke,

When all that was left was ruin,

Where the curse finally broke,

Where wizards of old made mighty spells,

This rang the ancient bells,

That now echoed through the village of yore,

In which was built unto the ground,

Where the mighty dragon was bound,

His jewels and gold did those men take,

Soon the dragon will once again awake,

As ancient king and Elivish Lord,

Stole his mighty hoard,

But a silver necklace they had strung,

Made of stars upon crowns they hung,

The dragon's soul in which it obtained,

All his power drained,

Captured by a Witch's spell,

A dragon trapped within a diamond cell,

Twas dark and dreary as the song now fades,

Back into the cavern deep and dim,

Where it was dark, and grim.