Leonin... How to become one's slave.

Story by Mortus946736 on SoFurry

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#1 of Leonin's Slave...

Well, this is my first post to online, i hope you like it. There should be another... um... like 4 parts, and I think you will like it. * * *

The plane is fire! What? How? ' are the thoughts running through his mind. He runs his hands through his shoulder length hair in agitation. He rises slowly, then halts at the sudden sound of the attendant shrieking for everyone to remain in their seats, that it was 'all all right'. He might not be the smartest guy, but he knew that the engines burning up and smoke filling the room is a bad thing. He sighs, and then moves slowly back to his seat, settling into the cushions and belting himself in. He watches the people move around him, now reduced to a mere blur by the smoke and their own panic. He settles back, and then jerks abruptly in his seat, a yell of panic escaping his lips, and the lips of those who surround him. There is a blinding flash of light, then a hard jolt. His vision dissolves into stars, then blackness... He came to in a wide savanna. Nothing around in view,once in a book, he was in a savanna, like the ones in Africa, except, he had been flying over West Virginia. 'How had he gotten here?' he wonders to himself... His hands settle into his lap as he looks around across the sea of golden grass. He sighs, rising slowly to his feet, looking back and forth across the unbroken expanse. With a long sigh, he looks to and fro once more, finally saying to himself aloud "How the hell did I get here?" Finaly, he sighs, looking around. Casting about for markers as to where he could possibly be, he sees nothing. Upon closer view, and attention, the sky looks wrong, a slightly different shade of blue then it should be. He then sighs and picks a direction at random. His strides are long and even, eyes alertly checking for obstacles hidden in the high grass. Gradually, the night comes, and he settles himself down on a pillow/bed out of a mound of grass, lies down, and goes to sleep. He sleeps long, and dreamlessly. His total exhaustion slowly becoming sated. He awakens at midmorning, the light glaring into his eyes. With a yawn and a sigh, he rises, and resumes his walk. He walks through the grass, carefully checking every step he takes. Up ahead in the distance, he sees a shadow on the horizon. He advances closer, with careful steps, and sees a massive forest. He lets out a sigh in relief, then stops, seeing shadows running over eachother at the edge. He moves closer, and sees a strange sight. Several creatures, looking a lot like lions, but standing on hind legs and wielding weapons where attacking a single figure wearing what looks like full plate locorticated armor. The figure in armor looks like it wouldn't last much longer, the weapons being used were, absurdly enough, maces! Who uses maces in this day and age? As he looks at the battle, he finaly comes to the conclusion that the ones in armor are civilized as they have metal working, perhaps they know where he might be able to get home, allthough he does have his doubts. He dashes into the fray, noting several downed figures in armor, the plate crushed at the helms and chest. He picks up a droped blade, and praying all the years in the army left him with some skill with a bladed weapon. He advances on the several lion creatures, them hesitating for moment, while the plate covered figure stands slowly. He then feints at one, then clumsily does a backhanded slash downwards at one of the creatures. It jumps backwards, and right onto the blade of the armored figure rising from the floor. It was then over in moments, both him and the figure hacking at the lion-creatures, until none remained standing. He drops the blade to the ground, breathing hard and turns to the figure. The armor is exceptionally well made, well polished, and having many marks of being repaired. The armor glistens with red blood, it sliding into the elegant engravings covering the surface. He then smiles softly, saying "Are you allright?" The figure is silent for a long moment, saying in a deep, rich, velvety voice "From where did you come Man-thing, that you would attack a Leonin?" He is totally dismayed for a moment, watching the armor plated thing for a moment. He finaly says "What do you mean a Leonin? You mean one of these lion-things? And what do you mean that I am a Man-Thing?" The figure reaches up and pulls of it's helm. Its face is that of a lion, shaped into a man's face. Golden fur covers its scared face, its bright golden eyes watching him. The thing stares at him for a long moment, saying "You are not of the race of men that in habit this area, where do you come from?" He steps back slightly, saying "Im from Washington DC, in America, if im not in America, where am i?" the Leonin laughs and cleans, then sheaths his blade. It stands and extends a gauntleted hand towards him saying "I am known as Ajani, and I am lord of these lands you see here. You have arrived in the kingdom of Rhaska. those of my kind who were attacking me and my guards were bandits, eager to try to loot our purses, weapons, and armor. You are not from here, this much is very obviously, and I know not how you might not know of my kind. But you arrived, and aided me, and especially since you saved my life, I would not be a true man if I didn't invite you to my home and explain things a bit better." He follows as the leonin leads him off. The creature's stride is long and easy, but is fairly easy to keep pace too. He mentally wonders where they are going, but keeps following. They head into the forest, down what seems to be a fairly well traveled path. Soon enough, there comes the sound of a town. The aroma of meat being roasted and of wood smoke flows down the path. Mixed with the smells are the sounds of carts and feet moving, and people talking. Gradually, they come to a halt, and Ajani turns to face him. The creature's fist flys out, and smashes him under the jaw. He lets out a yelp, blacking out from the powerful hit. He comes to lying down on a heavy table, his hands and feet spread and bound tightly to the heavy wood with metal bonds. He tries to scream and discovers a gag in his mouth, and he shivers slightly from the cold on his nude body. He squirms lightly, looking around in the blackness, whining against the gag. Finaly, he hears voices, saying in a slight, feminine voice" It can't be over 17, father... it is a youth..." a deeper, more masculine voice replies "It will serve you for your... purposes..." He looks up, and there stands Ajani, looking down at him with a slightly cruel smile. Ajani says "Well... looks like you have learned now how hard life actually is... perhaps you will learn more soon enough.." He suddenly yells against his gag, thrashing against the bonds holding him down. Soon enough, the fist smashes down into his face, and then once more blackness covers him. When he comes to, he sees only blackness, and he moves lightly, trying to see. A strange scent is on the air... sweet, spicy, and somehow intoxicating. He feels his body arouse from just the scent, and swallows, realizing his mouth is now free. A feminine voice says "Well... awake now I see?" He blinks, saying "Who are you? Why-" his words are cut off by a wet, oozing, warm object touches his mouth. That same feminine voice says "You must be hungry pet... Drink this... it will make you feel better..." He already feels kind of hungry, and his tongue reaches up and starts to lick. He hears a soft purring in the air, and ignores it, concentrating on the sweet... honey like ooze that is filling his mouth, eagerly licking now and suckling on the dripping fluid that is begining to fill his mouth...