Red the hunter: part two reunion

Story by commisiar on SoFurry

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This is the conclusion to the first part, yes i know it lacks sex but it's very well dark.

Again not for kids nc17 at best if you can stomach some parts of this.

"Easy, easy we don't want him to break. Oh my poor husband must be so devastated..."

Was Sheanas reply as they were carrying a cryo tube that had the petrified form of Red Savarin and she eyed it before closing her eyes. She was horrified watching her husband carrying his stone form in his arms slowly into HQ with a lifeless broken look on his face.

She shed a tear before gently brushing a hand against the tube and whispered "it will be okay Red we will find a way to free you I promise."

They arrived at the proper room and with a hiss the cryo tube was snapped into place. A heart rate moniter was attached to his chest and her frown darkened with a grim outlining.

She looked over her shoulder seeing her husband gently rocking Elh and Chocolat in a hug as they sobbed together. Evan gently rubbed the two felinikus backs and whispered "Elh can anything reverse exposure to nono in a liquid form?"

Her red puffy eyes widened and whispered "yes but the price is to high..."

Evan frowned as she continued "he needs 8 red stones, made out of pure solid blood filled with nono."

Sheana covered her mouth holding back a gasp as Evan sighed before adding "if it's that steep a price to pay then let me do the honors. I will gladly cut out my heart just to see him smile again..."

Elh bit her bottom lip as he released them before saying "You don't understand Nono is far to potent then whatever magic you use, because of this ritual there is a very high chance of death by bloodlost."

She was about to tell more before Sheana eyed the heart rate moniter wearily saying "Oh dear, Evan I don't think Red is going to last much longer."

Evan snapped his eyes to gaze at the heart rate monitor and broke out into a cold sweat seeing it slowly starting to drop. He closed his eyes and answered Elh"I don't care I will do it, it was my fault for not noticing my surroundings and what happened to him in the first place!"

Elh bit her lip hard enough to draw blood and asked "are you sure?"

Evan removed a sonic knife and sliced open his palm and vowed "upon the day my blood stops I shall not stop myself from doing this. I know the risks and I am willing to do it as that wave of nono was meant for me! I would have done the same thing for someone I love, my daughter, my friends, my wife and possible husband. I will do anything because that is what I am a foolish desperate and semi selfish man!"

She looked around the room and noticed that it was large enough to do it and she spoke again "you do realize that you're going to use sixty percent of your blood correct?"

Sheana stifled a gasp as the rest of the doctors watched outside the large room and Evan bowed his head. He slowly stood up and entered it before adding "I don't care I should have taken up more responsibility for him instead due to my ignorance he is like this! Tell me what to do now..."

She swallowed and answered "make a pentagram in the center of room by cutting through the floor and make sure to add deep holes for all eight points. Lastly well you know let it all fill up with your life fluid while making sure to add nono into the mix."

Sheana watched him start to place the knife on his arms and asked him "are you sure you want to do this? Remember the medical team will be on stand by outside."

Evan nodded extending a finger in order to use a finger laser and slowly cut out the eight pointed star. He felt his mouth go dry as he added "this is a blood magic ritual, a complicated and highly dangerous one. I am going to need a lot of fluids if I survive this. For Red I will ignore the price after all this is still my fault that he is like this."

Making sure it fit the requirements which took up nearly the entire room as Sheana rushed out the door and waitied outside.

The metal floor beneath him groaned at the weight as Elh looked away as did Chocolat as he closed his eyes and placed the knife inside his arms. While they maybe augmented there are still arteries as he began to cut them in a deep gash with the knife.

As he did so he closed his eyes and let his photon energy course through them causing the small stream to gush downwards like a blood red waterfall.

His wife and everyone else looked away and Sheana shivered as blood filled the cracks and opening glittering with odd green energy which began to change to blue. She paled as she whispered "so much blood, I doubt my husband can last much longer."

Evan gritted his teeth as he materialized some blood pills and started to scarf them in order to replenish his life fluid. The pentagram was half way finished as his silver fur began to turn the color of white as he panted slowly in deep ragged breaths. He stumbled and fell onto one knee still struggling to stand as he felt his heart rate start to slow.

One by one all eight sides of the pentagram flared red before pulsing as the blood rubies required to break control of Reds Petrification began to form. He smiled slowly before his arms fell to his side as he widened his eyes before passing out as he flat lined.

He watched as his wife and other medics rushed into the room as his wife shouted for the others to do something before his vision fell into the darkness.

Elh watched this as she closed her eyes in grief watching them carry him on another stretcher with an oxygen tube in his mouth. A large blood pack with an IV was attached to his arm as a defibilator was used to try and restart his heart as he was carried away.

She slowly walked into the room and started to remove the rubies before walking over to Reds cryo chamber. Chocolat watched shaking as she crushed each gem and blew the powder and dust onto his stone form and watched it began to crack before the stone fell away. However that didn't stop Red from gasping as his eyes widened feeling his heart stop for the first time.

Elh watched in shock as he started to fall over and breathed what was to be his last breath before another medical squad rushed into the room and tried to restart his heart as well. She nearly burst into tears and sobbed as she realized that they were indeed too late but hoped for a miracle that he pulled through as he was placed on another stretcher and escorted out of the room.

She watched as Chocolat lowered her head before Sheana slowly walked into the room while whispering "he is going to pull through there is nothing to worry about. However I do feel like you really do deserve a hug both of you."

Elh shed a tear before hugging her as did Chocolat who whimpered and replied "I don't want my brother to die but, I feel like after this your husband is not going to play nice..."

She shivered and added "my husband can get angry at certain people but, this Igor person that Red has faced before is not going to live. He makes good on his word about destroying all who causes others great grief and retribution is going to be very, very brutal should he meet him. The scariest thing is my husband will do it anyway when he finally regains the blood that he lost..."

Chocolat shivered and added "he can't be that bad when he angry right?"

Sheana sighed and asked "Chocolat my husband is always quick to anger but he's a sadist. Any harm to me, our his family and he goes nuts. He has high emotional control but whenever he loses it due to his rage that will flare up you can expect very bad things to happen to said party..."

Elh sighed before smiling softly at her gentle touch and asked "tell me what is it like having him as a husband?"

She smiled softly as she flushed red saying "fun, interesting, however he's very disillusioned and quite bitter but he never shows it around me. He loves me to much and is always worried if it seems like he neglects me. Sure he does have sex with Kris but he does ask me if I want to join in, his teasing however can drive me up the wall but I swear he enjoys me dominating him to much."

Elh snorted saying "you have a collar and leash for him that's not to much?"

Sheana rolled her eyes saying "he has a particular fetish for mistresses and I like taking charge when we have our fun. Kris is more active sometimes, whenever he wakes up she often is straddling him. He just likes it when a woman dominates a man it just very hot to him."

She released her hold and smiled softly saying "we can check up on them if you like but my husband is going to be out to long. A litter of blood makes a person pass out but sixty percent is really pushing it."

Elh bit her bottom lip and replied "I know but it was the only way to cure nono stone petrification. Unlike other means of petrification if it doesn't heal the person will literally become a frozen stone statue after their heart stops. I love Red too much to let such harm come to him..."

Sheana smiled sadly and added "just as much as I love my husband, I do believe the children are in there room along with Vector. That is one seriously sneaky xenomorph..."

The rolled there eyes and Chocolat asked "and how did he get in here without anyone noticing?"

Sheana gave her a blank look and answered "xenomorphs can be very difficult to locate if they want to, it's why when their hunting all you see is a black shape before darkness when it is too late."

They shivered as she gestured them out the door and waited for them to follow.

Chocolat and Elh both stared worriedly as she guided them to there room where they were stabilizing them. Elh watched her bite her bottom lip seeing her husband attached to a breathing mask with the oxygen tube shoved down his throat while Red had the same thing. Another thing was that his tail was gently wrapped around Reds waist making Elh giggle slightly.

She whispered "aw I can see that he wanted to be with Red even though their passed out together. What is his blood type?"

Sheana eyed her and answered "O+ at least, oh god not again!"

She spoke concernedly as she watched his body pulse before another surge of energy wrecked through her husbands body in a bright blue energy storm. The systems were going berserk as his heart rate monitor fluctuated before his body was sent into a seizure. He opened his eyes and she watched them flared red before it stopped as he passed out once again as he slipped into a dream state which slowly evolved into a nightmare.

Elh watched this in shock as she whispered "what was that?"

Sheana sighed and added "my husband can manipulate an unknown energy well and so can the rest of us."

She smiled sadly as she crouched down to pick up her son who whimpered as he rushed over while his sister was sitting next to them in a chair. Chocolat eyed her and she moved her fur gently showing them the black lines on it making Elh widen her eyes saying "those lines, I've seen them on your husband why?"

Sheana smiled softly saying "there the signs of a zordiarc user, my husband did mention he had an unknown well of energy and he was being serious. It's capable of reality breaking in some aspects and well it's strong very strong."

Elh raised an eyebrow saying "is that how he is able to fight mechs without a weapon?"

Sheana balked and added "say what?! I knew he was always hiding his strength but that is ridiculous. He's nearly as strong as my father!"

Chocolat asked her "why did his eyes flash red?"

Sheana grimaced and answered "I'm not sure either but it can't be good. His eyes are always do look blood shot due to his sleeping issues but that's the second time they have turned Red. There used to a shadow of a leftover darkness from the nanites called a wraith but he took care of him."

She watched him gently tighten his grip on the younger caninu with his tail before waiting for his blood to be replenished.

3 hours later

Evan blinked slowly as he opened his eyes and very slowly stood up as he started to breath. The oxygen tubes were removed from his mouth as was Reds as he eyed the younger caninu and wrapped his arms around his waist nearly bursting into tears.

He looked around noticing his daughter sitting in a chair next to there bed and gently extended his psionic abilities to brush against her mind making her stir. She opened her eyes and nearly cried in joy seeing that he father was awake while still pale as bone and he whispered "sh you will wake him. Red has gone through a terrifying ordeal I am sure this was closest time he even met the reaper. I still feel responsible but... I just knew it could have gone worse."

He felt his deep breathing and noticed that his bone was resting on the small table to the right of the bed. He chuckled as he whispered "I admit I did screw up because I wasn't aware of my surroundings. Can you tell Elh that he is alright?"

Kris smiled softly and whispered "there outside." He gently extended his mental senses and gave her a deep mental kiss making her smile widen slowly. He smiled softly seeing her happy look before adding "well I would ask for a hug but I need more fluids."

She shrugged her shoulders before he gently hummed stroking Reds ears. He smiled softly feeling his soul mates fur it was surprisingly soft and gentle as he sighed and started to fall asleep once more.

sheana sat next down to him watching as he drank yet again a large glass of water while watching Red nibble on some eggs and bacon. She asked him "Red why did you really do it?"

Red eyed her and sighed as he answered "I don't know I just felt the urge to do it, I guess I had a bit of suicidal tendencies left over due to that broken kill switch."

He finished bitterly before leaning backwards into his potential husbands chest. Elh and chocolat in the meantime were chatting together and Elh asked "you felt really that bad?"

Red sighed as he answered "It was pretty strong, I guess after taking so much flack for what happened beforehand strengthened it immensely."

Evan finished his third glass feeling his blood circulating once again and looked much better. He stifled a belch and explained "suicidal thoughts don't fade right away they linger for a day or two before fading as well as the tendencies sadly. I still wish that I should have been the one to have taken the impact."

Red winced before answering "but your probably the only one with enough blood to do the ritual I did find out from Elh that you died in order to save my life."

Evan grimaced and added "well that was the price of having sixty percent of my blood gone. I doubt I can do that again, there has to be a better way to cure nono petrification!"

Elh sighed shaking her head blushing as she eyed Reds chest and explained "nothing so far, it's not like there is a magic school or something around here or something unless that is how you're a magnet for trouble."

Evan huffed saying "not really but, I have seen some pretty weird and funny things growing up, cops at my middleschool, an old classmate of mine riding on a bush because she saw a stray cat during elementary. In high school I actually got to see Dog the bounty hunter on the way home filming a bust."

_ Elh stared at him before dead panning as she replied "I rest my case, so how are you feeling?"_

His eyes pulsed before flaring blood red as he scrunched up his face before speaking in a quiet hiss "have you felt angry? I can feel this anger, this dark rage and it's growing. I need to vent or els- you know what I am not in the mood to talk right now..."

He however slowly moved out of the bed to get dressed but sat on the edge. He began to slowly stroke Reds back gently with a hand as he gave him a solemn look. He felt him stir slowly and opened his blue eyes tiredly and whispered "what happened?"

Evan bit his bottom lip and replied "I had help from Elh to fix the nono petrification but... You died after the ritual was completed for a short time..."

Reds blue eyes widened in shock before whispering "what did you have to do?"

Evan looked to his side and answered "create blood stones using my own blood, the ritual takes 60% of the recipients own blood. Basically I whacked myself off so you could survive. It was the only ritual Elh knew to cure nono petrification."

Red gave a weak smile as he whispered "thank you Elh and thank you Evan I can't possibly express my gratitude. Still I can't believe that I actually died... It's way to close for comfort."

Evan gently rubbed his side and added "I can understand that, I was dead for 5 minutes but I was passed out for a long time, I doubt I would have woken up if it wasn't for the constant blood and fluids..."

Red blanched before calming down as he rolled onto his back and murmured "I want my bone."

Evan chuckled softly before taking it from the bed stand and gave it back to him. He plucked it out of his hand and stuck it in his mouth before resting his head on the pillow.

Elh watched him as she slowly walked over and sat on the edge of the bed making him sit up and slowly extended his arms. He was surprised as she hugged him tightly and he returned the hug with a saddened look as she sobbed softly.

Evan watched this before opening his own arms allowing his daughter to embrace him as well as she too started to cry.

Shortly afterwards Evan started to walk home with his daughter in his arms, they were awfully shook up from what happened and it made him bare his fangs. Red watched him seethe as he followed after him and asked "that pug went to far didn't he?"

Evan snarled and muttered while gently stroking his daughter's tail and back "to far, I don't get even no that pug deserves to die and I will get it one way or the other!"

Sheana watched his eyes pulse red blood as it stayed that color as he looked over his shoulder flaming with the fires of the abyss, that was NOT a good sign one bit. She watched him shake his head and gave her a fearful filled look and asked "what the hell is going on with me?"

_She didn't have a clue and neither did he, there was something, something far darker inside his own blood then the berserker traits and it was nothing good at all.

About the time they reached their home her husband entered the living room and sat down on the couch as Red followed him and sat on a free chair. He sighed softly and asked "you know you could have drove us back here!"_

Evan eyed him and answered "well yeah we could have but I wanted to stretch my legs for a while. Also I am feeling troubled by something..."

Red eyed him and asked "is it about the sudden eye color change?"

Evan eyed him and answered "yes, it feels worse then it appears. However knowing me it wouldn't have made a difference anyway."

He shrugged his shoulders before releasing his daughter standing up as he did so he walked over to the clothes rack and covered himself in a black cloak. Red eyed him cautiously seeing him shake and twitch and answered "Evan are you sure that you are alright?"

They stared as he twitched and heard his neck crack as he cocked his head to the left and right. Evans eyes snapped open as searing hot hatred filled his eyes making them pale as they turned red with pure malice as he whispered "I don't know..." he finished as a maniacal smile split his face.

Sheana covered her mouth as he slowly left gripping his beam katanas out the back door, she knew. She knew his vocal cords were hiding laughter, dark twisted maniacal laughter and she now knew that he was dangerously close to snapping. If it wasn't for that pump in his wrist she could have sworn that the streets would have already been covered in blood enough to drench the entire city.

Evans entire body started shaking as he hurried to get himself out of the house feeling pure raw terror fill his mind. He pressed the dial on the pump with a trembling hand to put his anti-psychotics on overdrive. It wasn't enough as he clutched his head falling onto the deck he suppressed his growing laughter as he barred his fangs. He sobbed as he thought "I c-can't b-be losing it, I just can't! I-I hate being hyper empathic!"

Images flashed through his head as he remembered his deeds that he has done to slavers and abusers.

Impalement and crucifixation before being skinned their intestines covering the rooftops as blood gushed down the window panes.

He arched his back in a silent croak of shock as his eyes snapped open.

Hearing them scream and beg as he fed them to the rats before leaving them to die as they began to feast while making sure to film it to place it onto the web.

He started chuckling a broken chuckle as it slowly increased in volume as he started to laugh.

Using power tools to torture them before using a power saw to cut off their limbs slowly one by one.

His laughter increased and increased before it turned hysterical as his fragile sanity shattered like a twig.

A pulse of energy flared outwards as he used his psionics to blanket the city ripping through the cars and power lines as he sent them into the buildings causing them to explode.

His friends and family watched in absolute horror as a black aura covered his body as he continued to laugh and laugh before singing as tears of blood trailed down his face.

Twinkle, twinkle, little star, How I wonder what you are. Up above the world so high, Like a diamond in the sky.

He fell down to his knees as he removed a sonic knife and started to stab at his chest while still singing.

_When the blazing sun is gone, _ _When there nothing shines upon, Then you show your little light, Twinkle, twinkle, all the night. _

He laughed and laughed as he used his psionics to rip and shred everyone in the city to pieces letting there blood soak it entirely as it started to pour like rain. He heard the enforcer sirens as he continued to sing as he clutched his head.

_Then the traveler in the dark, _ _Thanks you for your little spark. He could not see which way to go iIf you did not twinkle so. _

He started to finish up as a twisted maniacal look crossed his face extending a finger and aimed it at his own daughter before firing a finger laser which pierced her skull.

Sheana watched this in horror as she extended her pistol slowly as he finished up.

When the blazing sun is gone, _ _when there nothing shines upon. Though i know not what you are, Twinkle twinkle little star.

In his last moment of clarity he ran up to her and made her point it at his forehead and screamed "PULL THE TRIGGER!" she gazed into his broken sorrowfilled eyes as she shed a tear before pulling the hammer back as it echoed across the entire dead city.


He snapped his eyes awake and looked around realizing that he was shaking in fear. He spotted his soul mates sleeping form and he felt relieved. He looked around slowly and realized he was still in the infirmary before lowering his head and shuttered.

He absolutely hated it when his dreams turn into nightmares, they just appear out of the middle of them and they can be terrifying and very, very dark depending on what his mood was.

He shivered hugging the smaller caninu tightly as he thought "I will not go insane, I refuse to go insane!"

3:00 Pm

Sheana watched her husband as he stroked Reds back and fur, after they were released from the infirmary and headed back home she could tell that Red wanted to be comforted. However she could tell that her husband was deeply disturbed as he sat on the couch.

Their family pet was resting next to his feet as well before she asked him "is there something wrong?"

Evan sighed and explained "It's not much but I did suffer the worst nightmare ever. It felt so real as well I can swear that I felt everything as I snapped..."

Sheana winced saying "is that why you hate being hyper empathic?"

Evan glanced at her fighting off a manic look of anger and answered "I'm deeply afraid so. It takes a while for me to feel the backlash but it's pretty heavy, although I wish that Red would spend his time more with Elh sometimes."

He changed the subject because he didn't wanted to talk about it, there was something else hidden in his blood and he did not like it. Sheana frowned before asking "are you sure that you're not tainted by daemonic blood?"

He frowned as he answered "I don't believe I do have a daemonic taint just something more eldritch..."

Truthfully he didn't know what it was until he decides to take a deeper look into his cellular structure. However in the meantime he would look after Red. Red Savarin has been a wreck after being freed from the nono petrification but thankfully not too bad as he felt his would be husband gently stroke and scratch his back through his clothes. He was thankful that everyone was so concerned about him, especially Elh.

Red sighed as he squirmed slightly before asking "it was quite a horrifying experience but I really, really want to kill that pug..."

Elh shook her head and added "you're not the only one Red, wherever he he is your boyfriend is going to catch him eventually."

Red huffed as Evan chuckled saying "true, true but I don't go around searching for people like an obsessed jerk even though I might have wanted to."

Red merely squirmed a bit and Evan released his hold on him before he grabbed his head and pulled him closer for a deep passionate kiss. Evan widened his eyes at the slightly unexpected kiss but returned the favor as he started to smile softly slowly deepening the kiss.

Elh giggled watching this as Red stifled a purr as he swished his orange tail watching his cheeks redden and whispered "boyfriend indeed!"

Red poked his lips with his tongue and Evan accepted it allowing it to slide inside. Red stifled a moan as his toes curled upwards as he removed his hands and placed them around his waist instead. Evan slowly moved onto his back on the couch making his daughter stare wide eyed.

Sheana rolled her golden eyes and replied "dear no spooning on the sofa in public!"

Evan broke off his kiss retrieving his tongue as he did as Red blushed. He sighed in bliss while having hearts in his eyes which quickly faded before asking "don't tell me that you guys actually do it here."

Evan blushed as he nibbled on his neck and answered "I would be wrong if I said no. We like to do it in private however as I don't like exhibition."

Red gave a soft purr in delight feeling him trace his canines across his neck and asked "tell me do you also do the pet?"

Evan answered "oh Vector of course I do, but not all the time. However those few times have turned him into a sex addict and it's not my fault."

Red eyed the xenomorph who gave a fanged smile before asking "you have got to be kidding right?"

Evan shook his head and answered "nope, he tends to jack off in large buckets outside of which I give his seed to a special bank for storage. Ironically enough a xenomorph is in charge of a part of the Common Wealth Security Council. The Security Council are a group of humans, aliens, and furs alike who oversee the Enforcers as a whole in this quadrant."

Red blushed and watched him role onto his back and display his huge black rod and answered "for crying out loud that's as large as your thigh!"

Evan blushed and answered "well what did you expect? He was a tad malnourished when I found the poor fellow and now that he has a lot of vitamins and protein due to the various bison that roam around the grey wolf territory he has gotten larger. It's not artificial or drug related it's all natural in length."

Vector placed his claws behind his back and asked "like what you see hmm?"

Red blushed before answering "is he coming onto me?"

Evan rolled his eyes saying "he's a bit perverted but a peeping tom no, all males a tad lecherous in some cases. For instance I talk about sex and sexual positions and flirt with others who respond in the WTAS thread on sofurry. Other times I let my eyes roam around my wife and daughter however Fox, Fox McCloud I swear I don't mean to but my eyes can't seem to look away from his deliciously tight rump sometimes."

Kris bit her lip to keep from laughing and answered "you can't be serious? Even mother?"

Evan eyed her and then his wife and answered "I don't stare at her ass all the time, even then I would keep my lewd actions to myself unless she wants me to. For some reason that foxes ass attracts my friends and there boss including said bosses boyfriend Ryan Fox and including myself as though it was a magnet. I mean it, it's like his ass was just perfect thus making it semi-hard to look away."

Sheana stifled her growing laughter as she swished her tail and replied "is that why you call him foxy?"

Evan blushed and answered "I originally called him that because it was funny hearing him growl and a tad cute. Now though I can't help myself, I've always respected fox and wouldn't intentionally harm him but it's funny to see how he reacts. However I don't look at his rump intentionally it's just he's a tad irresistible."

Red rolled his blue eyes as he replied "that is so typical of you."

Evan blushed and replied "hey that backside of his is very attractable especially among the city folk. New York is considered to be the city where they make blue movies. I don't buy blue movies and neither does my daughter because we have each other. Plus it's uncomfortable for her to watch."

Red raised an eyebrow and raised his eyes in his questioning posture and asked "blue movies?"

Evan flushed red and answered "there pornography films otherwise simply called blue movies. I don't touch them and neither should you, there for desperate people who haven't had sex. Teenagers hormone scan drive them nuts especially to the point of taking advantage of people in rare cases."

Red shook his head and answered "I would never do that to Elh. I am not that starved for sex!"

Evan smiled softly and added "that's good for you, still I sometimes wonder about my daughter. By that I mean she sometimes sneaks into the boy's locker room at work!"

Elh blushed before they both sputtered as he burst out laughing before his daughter threw a book at him. Kris pouted saying "so the doors were open when I accidently walk inside big deal!"

They continued to chat before long Evan was surprised as Red fell asleep on his chest. He gently smiled however as he gently removed his cap and goggles to stroke his ears feeling his brown hair as he did so.

He watched Chocolat and Elh head out the backyard before asking "um what about Red?"

Chocolat eyed her big brother and explained "tell him to come home when we need to do some work okay?"

Evan smiled softly as he replied "okay."

He slowly stood up carrying Reds sleeping form to the master bedroom before answering "I wish he had fell asleep with you, he looks so cute that way!" he teased Elh who was blushing up a storm making Chocolat giggle as they left.

Red stirred awake as he watched him walk into the master bedroom and placed him on the bed gently. He yawned as he whispered "I feel so tired, but I want to have some fun before leaving."

Evan smiled softly as he atomized his armor and thus stored it away inside his inventory before slowly unzipping his pants letting his rod free from the slit in his boxers.

Red blushed before asking "this will be my third time taking you, can you do it slow?" as he removed his pants and red shoes including his white boxers as he aslo removed his cap, bone and shirt.

With his naked form present Evan eyed him softly with a smile as he roamed his eyes over him before sliding on top of him. He gently wrapped his arms around the younger caninu and asked "I hope eventually you will confess your feelings to Elh."

Red sighed before groaning as he felt him nip his neck as he slid within his soft velvet walls. He still felt a slight spike of pain because of his girth as his colon began to stretch. He moaned audibly feeling hm brush against something before answering "I try but I can't seem to move through my shyness. It would be better if she asked me if I loved her first and I do!"

His legs buckled as he felt him move out slowly before sinking in deeper and deeper feeling his rod brush against his prostate. Evan grunted as he muttered "still a very tight teenager yes you are. Maybe I should have lubed myself as I don't want to cause any internal injuries."

Red grunted feeling him hilt inside him and slowly withdrew increasing in speed slowly. Soon enough Evan was pounding him in a moderate speed while making groans and gasps as he did so. He replied "I don't mph know ooh it feels just ugh right!"

He felt him nibble on his neck before slowly moving his head lower to lick his chest in a circular motion making him mewl in delight. Evan continued to pound him rubbing his prostate as he did so, his caninu length began to pulse and throb before long he gasped feeling himself orgasm for the first time. A long white stream sprang forwards and coated his friends chest making him giggle.

Evan blushed as he giggled saying "naughty boy, it should feel fantastic if your planning on losing your other virginity to Elh. My wife or daughter is going to pounce on me for having a white belly because it turns them on!"

Red rolled his blue eyes despite the bliss he was feeling before hiding a yowl as he was knotted and felt his tick white cream fill his anal cavity. His seed flowed inwards causing his colon to stretch as it continued to fill him; thankfully Evan had sterilized himself before doing this as Red gave him a gentle lick.

Evan simply waited for his knot to shrink slowly before replying "sometimes I wonder, ae you a bottom or are you a switch?"

Red blushed before was responded with a lick along his neck making him whine softly. He merely replied "I'm a switch I suppose, I can be dominative just a bit if Elh wants me to but a total bottom to you. Are there a few relationships that you don't like?"

Evan frowned and answered "don't like is rather firm, but I am highly uneasy of master and pet relationships. It can either be good or it can be filled with halftruths and abusive because of no trust. Possibly the worst relationship is a master and slave type. It's not slavery it's just the participant has no say what will happen at all, as far as the person thinks it's a free for all and will or won't exploit that."

He blushed and giggled as he replied "I have a domination and submission type relationship if I drive my wife crazy. She's my mistress and my daughters my dominatrix, it may seem like I make the majority of decisions but I always ask my wife about them first."

Red frowned before replying "I can understand that it sounds brutal but is it actually good to be in one if the person is in love with them?"

Evan looks to the side and explained "it depends on the situation... while being a master over a pet is a bit off I can understand that most of the time it's for love others its flat out selfish."

Red noted that he was deflated and had pulled out and yet again not a single drop escaped. Red sat up slowly sloshing as he did and replied "thanks, now I need to get to Elh and my little sister."

He was kissed on the cheek as Evan watched him get dressed still sloshing slightly before he asked "how come you don't spend your time with Zume and the others often?"

Evan shrugged his shoulders and answered "I'm a busy man however sometimes my business cuts in the fun time we used to have. However that is why when I do my side job we sneak into the showers or when it is a slow day. However I am more then willing to make up time for them, especially Jayce."

Red smiled softly before heading out the door hearing his bowels slosh from his seed making Evan stifle a laugh.

Elh and chocolat both smiled softly as Red eventually came through the gateway and added "sorry to keep you two waiting, I had to rest for a while and well."

Elh giggled seeing his place a hand on his shirt and heard him slosh before replying "I can understand that, anything else besides having boy fun and time alone?"

Red blushed and gave a sheepish look almost closing his blue eyes and explained "well yes, we talked about me trying to see if I wanted to be your boyfriend, I just feel shy towards you. What I mean is I can't confess my feelings to you because I'm shy."

He was surprised as she bounded over and gave him a kiss and he accepted it. He hugged her slowly before smiling softly and replied "thanks Elh, no matter what happens I will always love you even if we stay friends."

Elh nuzzled him softly before replying "I wouldn't have dreamt of it either, I love you to Red!"

She responded with a kiss to his cheek as he smiled softly before remembering his bone which was stuffed under his cap. He removed it and placed it in his mouth as he pulled Elh in for a closer hug.

Evan slept in his bed embraced with his family and family pet who merely yawned quietly while he rested his head on his chest. Evan chuckled softly as he nuzzled his wife and daughter while gently brushing his son's hair. Chris smiled softly before replying "daddy it was pretty scary to see you in such a state when you flat lined from blood loss."

Evan grimaced before gently scratching under Vectors chin as he raised his head a bit to go with the feeling. He merely replied "son I was scared to, and by all honesty I doubt I should even have so much blood."

Before gently kissing his wife as he hugged her a bit tighter with concern in his golden hazel eyes. He accidently bit his bottom lip drawing blood and he placed a finger on the wound and withdrew it. He frowned knowing his blood color was purple due to his hybrid nature but he can see black.

He furrowed his eyes and gazed upon the aura it gave off and felt a chill crawl down his spine, it was perfect black. No corruption, no twistedness, just black and it gave off a primordial sense of dread making him start to sweat even as his eyes started to bleed red yet again.

Within the darkness of the abyss where the demonic trumpet demons play. As they danced about and flew within the darkness over the monstrosities within something stirred and awoken. An ancient primal horror stirred as the darkness stirred as the trumpets and drums continued to play. Sitting on the throne within the center of the abyss was a monstrosity; it may have been a man with white hair and pitch black eyes if it wasn't for the fact that hundreds of black tentacles filled with thousands of teeth encircled the throne.

This was the face of Azathoth or more likely it's outer shell while the real thing was much worse. A smile slowly tugged at his lips lifeless and dead with it's eyes filled with horrific darkness while it's very face would send terror to all that approach.

He raised a finger in his sleep unconsciously and started to laugh as horrific black magic slowly started to form a ring. Black as night and filled with a red vein like structure before a jewel encrusted it as well made from a twisted corrupted soul. The laughter didn't stop it began to get louder and louder more maniacal until all you could hear was sickening twisted laughter of a thousand damned souls.

As he continued to laugh within the heart of the abyss a pitch black throne ancient and eldritch was slowly dripping black liquid into the abyss bellow letting the darkness ripple. Its destination was a soul in another time and place, the rightful heir and lord of the ancient and horrific house of the Daemon Sultan Lord Azathoth.

Azathoths black eyes loomed upon the soul with curiosity and smiled knowing he had found the perfect heir before the ring was sent into another plane of the abyss.

He placed a black hand filled with coldness as it turned into a tendril before whispering "sooner or later things will have to change in magical society, and you will lead the way my one and only heir of my line. The house of Azathoth shall bow before no man and no god and shall destroy all who get in your way!"

He finished with joy before breaking out into hysterical laughter filled with absolute insanity. His eyes flashed blood red with terrible black darkness for pupils within filled with primordial darkness before falling asleep once more.