sora's love

Story by mushudragon on SoFurry

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#1 of sora's love

little somthing i'm working on do tell me what you think

It was a cold winter evning Sora was shoveling the snow from the yard his mother had asked him to do it for over a week Sora was not the kinda guy to say no to help his mom but he hated the cold good thing he had a furry body to protect him after 20 minutes of shoveling snow he sat down to rest at the same moment he got a message on his cellphone it was from his sister Kim telling him that she would be comming to see him tomorrow this made Sora smile him and his sister were very close she had allways protected him as a kid and she allways spoiled him with gifts she had left the house to become a singer but it was hard to become a well know signer nowadays but she had determination "Kim you will make it" Sora said to himself

20 seconds later his mom called him to come and warm up in front of the fireplace Sora was a 16 years old Lucario with long dark hair that came to his soulders with deep green eyes and allways wore his lucky golden braclet that had a dragon graved on it he came into the living room and felt a wave of heat hit him as he came in as a his mom got him a mug of peppermint hot chocolate his favorite drink in winter he took the mug and sat down

"Got a message from Kim saying that she'll be comming to see us tomorrow"he said "That's great news been a wile since she left us" his mom said

Sora took a sip from his mug and looked into the fireplace watching the flames and said "How is Sasuke doing ?" Sasuke was Sora's lttle brother and was in trainning with their father "He's fine allways trainning hard to beat you one day" his mom said

Sora chuckled ever sinc Sasuke was born he had a competitive spirit (wich is normal for a lucario) but he had never beaten Sora in a fight he was only 12 years old but he never gave in and trainned hard evry day to get stronger Sora was a very talented Lucario his father and him would spear sometimes in the dojo. After drinking his hot chocolate he was beginning to feel sleepy so he headded to his room and got in to bed and drifted to sleep dreaming of becomming the best fighter in the wolrd. The next morning was snowy and foggy as Sora got out of bed and headded to the shower to help him wake up he turned on the water and let it run on his fur and made a horrible relization

"Oh shit today I got exams and I haven't done any revision dammit" He said

he looked at the clock on the bathroom wall 7:30 AM he had another 2 hours befor his exam he got out of the shower dryied off and headded to the kitchen with his japanese text book Sasuke snikerd "Looks like someone didn't do his homework"

"Shut up Sas" Sora said not looking at him as he sat down and as his mom gave him pancakes wile he was eating and reading his mom said Sora you sould be taking this more seriously you're grades are too low why don't you study as well as Sasuke ?" Sora gave a small twitch and said "Cus I hate school" He said He finished his breakfast head still in his text book and headded off to school when got there his best friend Silver a white headgehog came to greet him "Morning Sora ready for the exam?" he said

Sora poked his head out of his book and said "Hell no" "*giggles* you and work are two different things eh Soso?" Silver said (was a nickname Silver liked to give him "Shut you yap" Sora said wile he trew a snowball at him and ran of with a wide grin on his face Sora and Silver were very close friends since kindergarden they were allways looking out for each other not to mention Sora was popular with the girls (wich made Silver jealous) cus he was a very sportive guy and girls in his school loved guys that do sports they came into the classroom where his classmates were waiting for mrs Sakura to come Sora and Silver allways sat in the back of the class as they sat down a black headgehog called Shadow came in Sora didn't like him much cus he was arrogent and rude and allways boast of how he was cool and all he came up to Sora who let out a small growl "What the fuck do you want Shadow?" he said "I wanna see you lick my feet you dog and say I'm the coolest guy around" Shadow said "I'd rather kick you're ass than kiss you're feet punk" Sora said

at those words Shadow jumped on him but Sora was very agile due to his trainning jumped aside making Shadow crash into the wall "told you asshole you don't wanna mess with me" Sora said as Shadow walked out of the classroom cursing Sora on the way out 10 minutes later the teatcher arrived a young woman about 25 years old had pink hair and was wearing jeans and a blue sweater she was a easygoing kinda woman but could be scary if she got mad.