Party at the Mansion(In full)

Story by catprowler on SoFurry

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#1 of Party at the Mansion: Extras.

So it is up. Let me know what you truly think even if it is just... GOD its to long so I left. Also I think I could use a bit of help tagging. What exactly is the tag for Maleah's ultimate ability? Body surfing? I tried to make breaks hopefully to make the story more understandable.

There are a lot of firsts here for me and if I say I think I did a good job I hope someone can agree.

Please try to ignore the few wrong words that are spelled right and the issues with tense and grammar maybe this should have been the first time I tried to find an editor.

Once again special thanks and real appreciation go to:

FD and Killjoy08 for the use of HIsson

Sorambit for the use of Hryssar

Shadow_Hunter for the use of Adria

Dragn62345 for the use of Colt

Tkitcs for the use of Scott

KatetheMarten for the use of Brit

If you really just need the smut try after ### Party, Party, Party ###

"Maleah you still need to be more careful." Leon told the female. The woman in question was one of his most prized acquisitions, although everyday he had her was a day filled with pleasure and hardship.

"Master." Maleah said purring and stretching out over the couch he had placed to the side of his office just for her. Leon watched as one of her hands rubbed the textured skin across her stomach as the other one was at her bare crotch firmly rubbing her folds. "Master," she purred again, "let's have some fun."

Leon a very wealthy gazelle owning not only several wineerys that had high rated wines but also one of the most exotic olive oil production plants that put out many specialty products that sold very well. He walked across the room and sat down behind his large wood desk, not that it would offer much protection, but seated he was able to push a button that would send a call to have one of his newly hired servants here to attend to Maleah's needs. He had remembered the employment advertisement very well, 'sex, sex, and more sex. Nympo's okay to apply. Need to be energetic and willing to do nearly anything and then do it again.' His office had been plastered with more phone calls than they could handle with calls just wondering if the job was real, that did not include the thousands who called in the first two days hoping for employment.

Maleah was a fully engineered sex slave, a succubus of sorts due to the fact that a small amount of demon had been added in her creation. It was a new breed meant to be able to handle any style of perverted, twisted act by every kind of animal. Her skin if you called it that, seemed almost reptilian based with small raised bumps in a spaced scale like pattern that allowed her to massage every part of the body she rubbed against. It heightened pleasure whether you wore skin, fur, feather, or hide. Maleah was sleek and tall but very powerful with an enhanced skeletal structure, extra internal muscles and a variety of oddities that made her excellent living toy with the sole purpose of committing multiple carnal act daily or more likely hourly.

At least that was what she was supposed to be, the problem Leon guess was with the scientist, they spend so much time and effort in to her body the ended up skipping a bit on the spirit and personality maybe giving it to much will or not enough. Everyone of the first batch, ten total, had the same problem: they got board. Each toy dealt with this in a unique way, Maleah was usually apt to trigger her defense mechanism. Leon hadn't quite figured out how she did it, at first he though she did it with a bite, then he though it was a kiss, but one time she had been fully bound and he had stepped away for a quick breather, after thirty seconds he found himself unable to move stiff as a board. He was forced to watch as she tore her bonds and wandered out of his room looking for more fun. It had taken a full minute before he was able to move enough to leave the room and check his videos, they sadly had reveled nothing.

Leon had learned a great deal in the past nine months, how to care and how to be careful around his new acquisition. He tripled the amount of security cameras; had special help button added to his room, playroom and office; hired over a dozen extra male and female staff just for purpose of trying to keep Maleah interested; even offered extra rewards and money to any staff person who could bring Maleah and orgasm; and at times that still hadn't been enough.

"Maleah," Leon continued, "you almost killed him. I'm sure the hospital doesn't believe he had any kind of car accident, but it was the only thing remotely plausible with a broken pelvis and legs. Not to mention I ruined one of my nice cars, Maleah are you going to listen?" Her rhythmic purring alerted Leon that he may really be in trouble. He pressed the safety button again as she stood and sauntered over to his desk, enticing hip sway and slow body caresses the entire way.

Maleah leaned far over the desk placing her feline like head near his. "He shouldn't have begged me to take him, or at least begged me to stop when I started, Little Johnny just kept crying more, more, more," She breathed out each 'more' with a firm slap from her hips against the desk causing it to move slightly with every hit.

"Till he couldn't say anything?" Leon asked. Maleah shrugged rolling over and on to the desk lifting her legs high then doing the splits. Some how Johnny had realized the back storeroom was unwatched and after setting up several pallets with a thick blankets on top, he had enticed her there then begged Maleah to take him. The problem was Johnny hadn't placed enough safeguards for himself, Maleah was always bound by what ever scenario her partner put forward, well that was until she got board and left. It seemed all Johnny had asked for was to be tied up and taken every way she wanted to. She had almost ridden him in to the morgue, pelvis and both legs broken, several serious bite marks, and internal bleeding, it had been nothing but pure luck one of the house staff saw her leave the store room and investigated.

Her purring brought Leon back to focus, she was rattling the desk with her vibrations a sure sign she needed sex now and would soon lose control and he had no wish to end up on the floor while she ripped his cloths off to fill her needs. "Wanna party Master?" She moaned dropping her head backwards to sniff in his lap.

Leon tried to distract her with a comment, "No but I want to throw you a party."

"Mmmmm what kind?" Maleah purred while nosing his shaft trapped in his pants, giggling slightly as she felt it responding.

"The only kind that would please you, we will invite the most notable virile males. Then some of the best and hottest females each ready to serve you." Leon tried to explain lifting her head up to look at her eyes.

"Aawwww and here I though you said it was a party." Maleah said dropping her head back to his crotch licking the fabric. Leon pushed away from the desk sliding his chair across the wood floor trying to gain a bit of distance between them. Maleah grinned rolling over on the desk her hips rocking back and forth looking like she was ready to spring over the desk.

"Maleah Stop!" Leon said raising his hand, there was the small chance she might listen to him, "What kind of part would you like?"

Maleah was still licking her lips but stopped long enough to answer, "Your idea is good. Just the wrong guests." she rubbed her chest against the desk dragging the mat and papers with her breasts, "Forget the studs and models, I want the perverts, the deviants, and the kinks."

Leon latched on to the idea, "Rooms full of toys, all ready to take you on an adventure. I'll find the best Maleah every one will be a deviant."

"NO." Maleah interrupted, "that would never work." She stopped abusing the desk and stood up, "We have to have a few subs and normals as well, otherwise they might rip each other apart." Leon relaxed in his chair listening as Maleah laid out plans, "..and we hide the toys, that would make it so much more fun, handcuffs in the pockets of the pool table." Maleah stopped as the door to the office opened. A naked human male walked in going straight to Maleah sweeping her away from the desk before wrapping his arms around her kissing her lightly on the lips.

"That took you way to long Marty." Leon informed his employee.

"Sorry I had to make sure my new toy was up and running." He said.

"Toy?" Maleah gave a little growl shoving him away, "the party master, when, when, when." Leon was shocked this was the first time he had actually seen her ignore and invitation.

Marty looked at Maleah's back. He stepped up and traced a single finger from her neck down, "That is no way to treat me, especially since I spent several hundred dollars just for you." Marty leaned in whispering in her ear. "I'll make you scream. We can have so much fun." Leon watched Maleah the conflict easy to see, she wanted to run and play some new game, but she was fighting to stay here to find out about the party.

"Master please," she moaned as best she could leaning in to Marty's chest, "when?"

"I'm not sure." He answered. That was enough for her to override her sex drive, the promise of such a party. Maleah stepped forward to the desk, "Master, my birthday is soon." Leon made quick mental calculations, he wasn't sure but the date must be near the end of the month.

"No Maleah that is too soon." Leon replied, he was once again surprised as she twitched and barred her flat front teeth and sharp canines, "We will have it soon," he quickly continued, "maybe on your one year anniversary, have a one year party."

Maleah quickly adopted a pouting face, voice now innocent and pleading, "That's so long, can't we please, please have it sooner master?"

Leon stood and spoke firmly, "You want the best or just people we can grab. I have to find the best people then send out invitations and of course we need time to setup things. Now go with Marty enjoy his new toy." Marty grabbed Maleah's tail a fourteen inch ribbed and bumpy appendage, a shape that would be more appropriate for a shelf in an adult store than on the rear end of a living thing. Maleah squealed and plastered herself to Marty allowing him to lead her out. It wasn't till the door that she looked back, giving a serious hungered yearning look to her master. With the door finally closed Leon breathed a sigh of relief. The car was outside waiting, he was going to be late but at least he didn't have to cancel such an important meeting.

Invitations sent

Invitation Tommy:

Tommy stated at the vial and notice again. Just a few moments ago he had gotten and signed for a small package. It was quite a surprise since he was staying with a worker from the Institute. He wondered who Mr. Leonelle was and how he had even known where he as staying let alone that he even existed. Everyone supposedly had decided not to tell what had happened yet till more information came in or until at least they had a idea what happened. He quickly rescanned the note again:

Tommy, you are invited to a party at my Mansion. Enclosed is a vial you must have with you to gain entry. Do Not Open or tamper with the contents inside. I understand you have recently been displaced. Attend the party and you will have an opportunity to leave with $300,000.00. A response is not required.

The Date is Wednesday the 24th day of May

The Place is Buckstaff Mansion

The Time is anytime after 4:00 pm.

I truly hope you choose to attend.

Sincerely, Mr Leonelle

Tommy stared at the vial again watching the fluids motion as he tipped the bottle upside down. For more than a quarter mil he had little choice but to accept. The charity of this world was only going to go so far and he felt like he was already on borrowed time. No one was even sure how the accident had happened that left him leaving the house in the morning as a human and waking up later bloodied, furred, and down the side of an embankment in his car in a world that was similar but definitely not his own. He swished his new fluffy tail behind him still trying to adjust to the anthro body which appeared to be a small squirrel of some kind. So few knew he was here, so what the hell was going on??

Invitation Natasha:

Natasha looked at the note again. She was almost ready to go chase the courier down if she didn't already know he was long gone. She growled digging her claws into the paper feeling like she wanted to shred it to bits along with everything around her. Lady Night, she crinkled the note in her hand, who ever had told her secret was going to pay. She let her mind wind up with all the evil, devious, and painful things she would do when she found the person responsible. She had drawn her arm back and almost chucked the vial and note in the trash when a though occurred to her. The lioness decided she would attend this party at Buckstaff and she would even go as Lady Night. Then she would find this Mr. Leonelle and have some fun making him squeal and sing out who was responsible. After that of course if the note were correct she would find other entertainment for the rest of the evening as well. Natasha flicked her tail counting off in her head all the things she would need to gather up before the 24th. Erik was going to come as well, she didn't often involve her brother in her escapades but this time she felt the need for some backup.

The phone call to Erik was short since she got his answering machine. Listen up Shadow I need you to be ready and here early on the 24th were taking a drive out to the country and I want you fully ready. Don't think you can get out of this or I will make you one of my toys this time and I wont stop just cause you beg. I think I need some serious help so wear something that will make me look better. Oh and if you do this right I'll make sure Stacy will spend and entire weekend with you. Ready, Willing, and Eager.

Invitation Ben Rollen:

Ben Jack Rollen more commonly called Buck Jack, or to his closest friends Red Jack, stared at the package he had received that morning. He hadn't had time to open it till now due to the fact he still had an occupant in his bedroom when the courier had arrived that morning. Buck had been quick to clean up the mess and send the young, under aged female mouse on her way still mostly tipsy from the drugs he had given her. She should be okay he thought, well as long as she kept to the streets and didn't accept any offers before her mind cleared more. Of course she would also have more trouble walking once more of the drugs wore off. Not that he really cared, he had gotten first dibs on the little mouse and ridden her hard for most of the night. Buck had actually needed to strip the bed and wash the sheets from the virgin blood she had left for him as a gift.

Buck read the paper again. He had no interest in a party no matter how hot or awesome the guest of honor was, she had already lost what he wanted. Still that didn't mean he wouldn't attend since the offer of such a reward was well worth the try. Buck Jack had taken more virgins than there were prostitutes in a large city on a Friday night. He was notorious but had always made sure to keep clean enough not to get in to trouble, or more importantly arrested. Male or female didn't matter to Buck he kept count of every one of them, and this letter promised twelve virgins possibly even under aged the way the wording was written.

'Twelve untouched - available for your pleasure - will do our best to be sure they are of suitable age - there will be no questions' Buck kept rereading his favorite parts. An offer like that never comes twice, heck he thought something like that would never come. If he had to fuck some engineered beauty or something to get his reward, well that's just what he would try to do.

Invitation Adria:

Adria pulled out the gorgeous blood red colored dress holding it up to her mostly black furred body. The dress matched her eye color perfectly and was slightly darker than the red fur that ran down her chest and belly separating the black fur on the rest of her body. Adria gently laid the dress over the couch excited by the possibilities of what could be in the smaller box. Opening the small hard case she gasped, inside was a diamond and ruby pendant on a necklace that glittered in gold. She stood stunned even if it was some fake it was far better than anything she owned. She closed the case and went back to the original letter, the thick paper and elegant flowing script told her that all this was hers as long as: You bring your elegantly dressed self to attend my party. The rest of the writing was very flattering leaving a simple line at the bottom, 'If none of this is appealing simply call the courier company on the box and return it all.'

Adria giggled wagging her black and red streaked tail, she had caught some wealthy mans attention. Still smiling she carefully took the dress and jewelry back to her bedroom to try them on. This could be the chance at a easy meal ticket if some wealthy man wanted to shower her with gifts. A little flattery and hip shaking would be in order then maybe she could turn this into something more. Later when she was dressed and deciding what to do with the box she noticed one more thing a small brown bag. Inside was a small bottle and a note. Do not open or drink. Bring this with you when you come.

Had Adria not still been admiring the red silk dress against her body she might have spared enough time to think about why she needed to bring the vial when she went to the party. All her excitement kept that thought from her mind and nearly caused her to totally forget the vial when she left early on the 24th after spending nearly four hours trying to look perfect. She found it again when she was rechecking the directions and the saved box dropping it into her purse before she headed out. Her hopes were to find Mr. Leonelle before the 4pm time to maybe get a little personal private time before the party.

Invitation Colt:

Colt flicked his black wings irritably. He had just been approached a few minutes ago on the street by a human who said nothing more than. "You and your female friends happiness is in danger. Read this letter later when you are alone." Colt worked the large letter envelope open with a large black paw pulling out two typed sheets of paper and a small vial of liquid. The first he realized was just a set of directions and a date and time. The second letter left him chilled, the further he read the more the black wolf worried. Someone had done a great deal of extensive research on his parents, both his wolf mother and his half dragon/half demon father. Worse they had continued searching and figured out he was living with not his mate but his sister, who he shared his house and life with. He stared worrying about how he could get rid of all this information with out letting anyone find out. He quickly discarded the thought about destroying everything, that wouldn't stop who ever had sent the letter in the first place. He was left with only one real option and decided to make plans and follow the directions to where ever they led. Once he was there he was going to do whatever it took to protect his sister and their happiness. Colt considered the things he as a hybrid was capable of doing especially the few extra gifts his fathers side offered. 'What ever it takes!' he thought again as he stuffed the bottle and papers back inside the envelope.

Invitation Danny transfer to Cavet:

Cavet sat down at the booth again wondering why he kept coming back. First it was a bar and he barely drank, second Fuzzy Tail was a gay bar. Not to say that he was gay, he just hadn't ruled that out quite yet. Sadly at twenty eight Cavet had very little actual experience with any partner of either sex he had had sex several times with three different women but never seemed to get much enjoyment beyond the release at the end. His most recent partner disappeared a week ago only to return four days later demanding his keys so she could pick up her things. He had spent months letting her live at his house after her boyfriend had died in a car accident. Cavet had found out the hard way that all she wanted was his shoulder, support, even personal relief after a few months, but not him.

It seems his rear sliding on the vinyl signaled to everyone that it was time to greet the new body. "Heellooooo Cat." Danny the powder blue fox greeted him slipping into the table across from Cavet.

"Hello guys." Cavet said to Danny and the other three who swarmed up to the table. The three who stood at the end of the booth were all canines who greeted Cavet together. "Hey there Mr. Prowler." the husky said, "I thought I asked you to stop calling us 'guys'."

"Yet still you call me Prowler and Cat." Cavet said. Mit and Mat grinned the twin black labs had created both names for the squirrel that the group had taken to installing on Cavet.

One of the pair spoke, "Tell us you wouldn't like to prowl especially after a feline." Cavet blushed, the Fuzzy Tail was not just a male bar. There were many female couples that visited here as well, and he had already had a rather embarrassing encounter with the first female cat he had seen. He had been told later he was lucky not to have ended up on the floor cradling his jewels.

The six males who had latched on to Cavet had tried there best to boost his confidence and help change his attitude as well. They had quickly noticed the fact the brown and gold squirrel eyes always latched on to a feline when it entered. His fascination earned him a double nickname Prowler and a shortening of his full name to Cat in the hopes to embolden the squirrel.

"Cat." Danny started, "I have something special for you. I am giving you my invitation to a party." Danny passed over a note and a small vial.

Cavet read the letter blushing as he reached the middle, "They want you to dance for them?" Cavet asked knowing the fox was near famous for a certain kind of dancing.

"Oh they want way more than just a dance you see here," Danny said tapping the letter, "wear what ever goes best with that fluffy tail." The fox let out a little giggle watching the blush deepen under the golden fur of the squirrels chin guessing the red ran all the way to his ears. Danny grinned with a full set of perfect white canines when Cavet finally looked his way. "I know what they wanted me to wear and it wouldn't be much. But that is me your going instead, relax Cat." He quickly said seeing the stunned head shake. "I will go, drop you off, explain that you can have my spot, if it's all good your in fuzzy."

"Way in." The husky chuckled.

"Guys, I mean friends. I'm just not sure about this." Cavet started.

"Listen." Danny said laying it out. "You want a mate, tried and true, one love and all that. It makes you sweet Cavet really loving, but girls are gonna see that and take advantage of you, again and again. You need to learn to be a little wild and mischievous. You need to try, just try being Catprowler for just one night. Stalk a few girls, maybe even a guy and see where your life ends up in the morning." Danny folded the letter up and placed both the bottle and the letter in Catprowler hand. "Stop moping around here, we have a hard enough time just watching you."

"It would mean a lot to us." Mit started, "All of us." Mat finished.

Cavet was still staring at the note and vial, "I'll pick you up on Wednesday morning, we can drive out after breakfast. I wont let you say 'No' now. At the very least you'll have a better story than you name. The group chuckled once again at Cavet's name it was a good joke but was quickly losing its amusement.

Invitation Ropes swiped by Hisson:

Hisson watched as the courier fled, the man had been trying to hand deliver a package to Ropes his father. The delivery man had not believed Hiss when he claimed to be Ropes and watched the red puma closely. Hiss had to only allow his tendrils to unwind from his naked body and loom over his shoulder and asking if the courier had ever met a demon cat before. The man was all too willing to agree with Hiss handing over the package with out another word and leaving as quickly as possible.

Hiss was still grinning as he tore open the parcel addressed to his father. Ropes and Helena were out for the day and his mother was elsewhere in the house, no one would be the wiser of his actions. He pulled out a letter and a sealed stoppered bottle from the box before letting it drop to the floor. Hisson had to read the letter twice before he decided it must be real, after all who would pay someone money to deliver such a letter all this way if it was just a joke. The letter read:

Greetings Master Ropes

My name is Mr. Leonelle and I have sent this letter to inform you of a party I am

having on the 24th of May. I would please ask you to attend bringing the vial

with you. The vial contains a altered version of an aphrodisiac like substance,

although you may have no use for something like that it is required you bring

the vial for entry to the party. The reason I need you to attend is simple. Your

reputation at being able to please Any woman is greatly needed. Recently I have

acquired a succubus one that was genetically engineered. No she won't suck the

life out of you but she will demand sex, going for any kind or type that her

partner(s) require. My request for you is simple she is very demanding at times and

can be hard to please getting board with the normal quite easily. So I am asking

please for not just your presence but you services as well. You may request any

reasonable fee plus should you please Maleah I will also be willing to offer a

substantial reward.

I truly hope you choose to accept this Challenge.

Sincerely Mr. Leonelle

Hiss looked over the back seeing the directions, he was so engrossed he almost missed the approaching foot falls of his mother. He quickly curled the items up with a tendril and wrapped them behind his back and kicked the box outside the door closing it.

"Who was that?" Fyrdrgon his mother asked. The red dragon looked to the door she heard closed.

"Oh just some fool who was looking for a house out here, he ran off pretty fast though." Hisson said curling his other tentacle around his waist while smirking at his mother, adapting a relaxed pose.

"Hisson" she said in a somewhat irritated and slightly frustrated voice, "You shouldn't be scaring people it isn't very nice and I don't want to keep telling you DON'T answer the door naked!" FD shook her head as she walked away still needing to finish a few things before getting dinner started for the family.

Hiss made a dash for his room as soon as his mother was no longer visible. Lucky they were as likely to get a package as they were likely to get someone knocking on the door asking for directions. Hisson was grateful his mother hadn't questioned him further as he chose a suitable hiding place for both the paper and the vial. This was a chance he couldn't allow to pass by, he was sure he could pass himself off as Ropes and join the party. It would be easy enough to make an excuse to his parents to leave for a few days since he still had nearly a month to plan. The only tricky part would be how to get there and back. He would have to consider the problem but was sure he could manage it.


Maleah thought more as she looked over the picture and information on Scott again. The picture showed a parasaurus in a white shirt with a stethoscope hanging from his neck. She liked the green colors and he looked like he could handle just a bit of rough play she wondered if the dinosaur looking creature had any special wants or wishes and would his crest fin be fun to play with but still there were several others she was sure she wanted to play with more. "Are you sure about this one master?" Maleah asked. "Do we need a paramedic you said there was already a medical staff hired or are you looking for a few extras again."

Leon tried to be patient, ever since he had started choosing guests and sending off invitations Maleah kept popping in to help with the selection. Normally he wouldn't have minded her presence or help but now she seemed to have dropped all pretense of sex and worked. It had been more than a little odd to Leon and he was wondering if there wasn't something wrong until he realized she wanted the party so badly she was going to do everything she could to make sure it succeeded. Also he caught her masturbating at times to the pictures and descriptions of the guests before he had to send her out so he could continue.

"Do you want to take a break yet Maleah?" He asked watching her look up and for just a second he thought he felt something odd he shivered as he caught what he thought was a glow from Maleah's eyes, "WHAT? What was that." Leon questioned as she dropped her head concentrating on the papers in front of her again. This time Leon was not going to let another one of these odd occurrences pass. "Maleah stop now and answer me."

He waited while she placed the papers on the desk keeping her eyes fixed in her lap. "Sorry master I just can't help myself."

"What was it that you just did, explain." Leon demanded.

"I can't yet master but soon maybe I can. I just wanted to be sure we were doing the right thing." Maleah tried explaining with out giving an answer.

Leon waited hoping for more of an answer as he stood up and gathered the papers she had left on the end of the desk. "Scott is a paramedic yes, and the five thousand dollar check is to pay for his services at my party, and no he wont be part of the medical staff. If you want to know he is also a masseuse a little surprise I was hoping to keep." The female instantly sat up in her seat staring eagerly at her master. "Yes I know you have never had a massage, well at least not a real massage. I have a female willing to deliver the package, she will try her best to make sure he is enticed enough to come. His services I hope will be better after a while, I'm sure there will be a lot of sore people except," Leon said pausing, "I'm not sure what condition he will be in later on but it would seem rather cruel to have him come just to cleanup so I am going to invite him for the party."

Leon watched as she gave little shivers after he had mentioned a masseuse and his ears could also pick out a slight purring. "Looks like your ready now, I'll clean up and you can go play. I would like to see you for dinner and after I'm sure we can find some private time." Maleah quickly got up and hurried from the room. There was something up with Maleah and he needed to find out what. Once the door was closed he picked up the phone and dialed a number he had searched out several days earlier when a few strange things had started with Maleah.

"Hello Aemoth's residence." The male's voice sounded out.

"Yes I was hoping to speak with Alexander." Leon said.

"I'm sorry you have reached the Aemoth's residence, there is no Alexander here." the voice responded.

"Please do not play with me." Leon spoke with just a bit of aggravation, "My name is Leon Green. Last year Alexander, I and eight others made a special purchase together. I got this number from him at that time and I know it hasn't changed. I want to speak with Alexander now."

As Leon had expected there was a long pause, "I will check please hold." There were two separate clicks in a few seconds and a separate voice came on the line. "I told the company I have no interest in trying to train other owners, figure it out on your own or not. If they take her and kill it, that's not my fault!"

Taking a pause to try to understand what he had just been told Leon started with, "I do not need you to train me on anything. I had a simple question but now I guess I have two. First, what do you mean take her and kill her and second, why are her eyes glowing?"

Alexander paused realizing this wasn't just another desperate plea for help, "I'm sorry I got angry everyone has been pestering me trying to buy or beg for help because of what happened. I'll assume you didn't hear that two owners have been killed they are not sure about the second but the first was definitely killed by his... female. Nemon, that bull dog, well it seems he only considers subjugation. He keeps it tied up and on leashes and in chains the whole works. He was parading her at some dinner party when she grabber her leash and strangled him. Using her ability's, making sure no one could move to stop her. So if you don't know they are planning to take all of the first specimens who haven't yet been, how did they put it Subjugated, or as I prefer to call it bonded and then destroy them. It appears they are now considered highly dangerous."

As Leon tried to process this he told Alexander how he felt, "I wont give her up with out a fight she is not dangerous and is perfectly safe as long as you respect what she is."

"I agree Carla is everything I could wish for and then a whole two dreams beyond. I can't tell you what made her choose to bond with me. As for glowing eyes, are they purple?" He asked Leon.

"I don't know. I'm not even sure if they glowed, I just thought maybe they did." He tried to recall exactly what he did see and what had been happening the past few days still not quite sure what was really was going on.

"Each one is different as much as any individual, each has its own needs. The only thing I can tell you is Carla bonded with me after I truly pleased her, not just body but.." Alexander paused and Leon wonder what exactly he was not saying. "You will see or you wont, she is much more than you could possibly guess or dream. I'd say if her eyes glow you are either doing something very very wrong and should get rid of her quick, or your doing something right and don't stop no matter what. I'm sorry Leon that is all I can tell you. Good Luck!" Alexander hung up before Leon was able to say anything else not that he thought he would get anything more from talking.

His next call was placed to the private engineering facility where he was given sufficient run around and half answered questions till he finally was so upset he ended up threating the person on the line with legal action before he was put on hold yet again. "Good afternoon Mr. Green is there something I can do for you?"

"I don't know who is it that I am speaking with now?" Leon asked.

"I don't believe you need that information, now am I to understand you have a problem with your product." The voice inquired.

Leon continued on with out his answer, "No there is no problem except the fact I recently heard a disturbing rumor that your planning on recalling and destroying... the product."

There was a significant pause before the answer, "The original models are far to dangerous. We will be taking each one not subjugated and they will be dismantled."

Leon waited for the voice to finish adding a long pause of his own. "I see, well then I will inform you now any action you take against Maleah I will consider as an act of theft or damage to my personal property. You will find it very difficult to try and reclaim your product from my estate doing it legally or otherwise." As much as Leon wanted to he didn't slam down the phone he just hung up.

Since it was already later in the afternoon Leon skipped trying to call his lawyers office and called a private number and left a short message stating the details he knew and requesting actions that could be taken to protect Maleah. He spent the next hour contemplating actions he could take on his own to protect his estate and cursing himself for hanging up before finding out when they might take any action. After the first few months and the novelty wore off Leon would have likely given up Maleah without question demanding a upgraded model in return. But that was before he had come to enjoy the little uncertainty and surprises not to mention the pleasures she offered. Now he wasn't about to give her up with out a serious fight, even if it meant using an armed force to show his seriousness when they arrived.

It wasn't just the toys and games, Leon had become attached to the slight conflict behind the scene. His ability to slowly gain control over something that was so unpredictable. Even the times she showed him how little his control was by some action or event made Leon all the more proud when he figured out how to outmaneuver her. He wasn't trying to convince himself that he either liked or disliked Maleah that wasn't going to have any real effect. According to law she really had no rights nor even the protection a pet animal would have. On paper the wording was a highly advanced sexual aid, but that was such a lie. Maleah had engaged every part of his life both at home and away. True his business was starting to hurt recently from his inactivity but he had in the past two months slowly been rectifying that.

He pushed away from the desk and stood up, he needed to find Maleah and inform her of the situation. Leon found her in one of her rooms in the west wing and was rather surprised by what he found there. "Maleah?" he asked watching her turn away from the mirror.

Maleah had dressed herself in a lightly patterned cream dress. With the gray of her textured skin and the shifting pattern of the dress she looked more like a female who had stood to close to a sandblasting area than a pretty lady. The cream and gray were an awful match, but it was a surprise that she was wearing anything especially a dress.

"Master," she answered, "is it dinner time?"

"In a moment." Leon responded, "first we have to talk." Leon explained everything to Maleah that he had learned, some of the things he expected might happen, and all that he would do for her. "You shouldn't worry here if I have to I will hire more security and threaten to shoot on site anyone who tries to come here. I really doubt they would try to arrest me for refusing to turn you in, after all they don't really classify you as more than property." Leon had done all he could to try and reassure Maleah during the conversation while she just quietly listened.

"Master? We can still have the party right?" She asked in a quiet voice.

"Didn't you hear what I've been saying Maleah? You could.." This time Leon saw her eyes glow they were light purple and seemed to glow brighter as the seconds passed, at the same time Leon felt somewhat dizzy and tried to focus. "Maleah!" He nearly shouted. She jerked her head and stiffened like a board. "What was that!"

Maleah dropped her head to look at her feet. "Please master I have to, I need to know, can we still have the party.... Please!"

Leon was totally confused by what was going on she didn't even care about the danger facing her. It wasn't until he realize that she cared little except for the party and he suddenly got the sense that it wasn't the carnal acts that would be set out for her that she was begging for. "You really want this party don't you."

For the first time Leon felt he was uncovering a whole new aspect to her as she stepped forward and hugged him. She held him tight with her head set down on his shoulder, "Please master I want the party." Leon stood there returning the hug and trying to think. While he was silent she worried he was about to say no and she began to shiver slightly. "Please I'll do anything." It wasn't the party or the games or pleasure that had taken and interested her so parties would come and go. It was the fact Leon was doing everything he could just for her. He listened to her suggestions and was doing his absolute best to create a party just for her, her party. In Maleah's mind it was the ultimate act to try and please her, not just with an orgasm but with a gift beyond any she had ever dreamed she could receive.

"Fine Maleah we can still have the party, but I want you to tell me what is going on." Leon said, not that he had been planning at any point in canceling it. When she didn't answer Leon stepped back and grabbed her chin moving her head so that she was forced to look at him. "I saw your eyes glow, Alexander said that was either very good or very bad."

She kept looking at him before answering, "It's not bad master." Maleah pulled away doing a little spin in her dress in a bad attempt to try and distract him. "I'm dress for dinner master, you said we could eat and then have some fun."

Leon shook his head after all they had been though he was sure Maleah was telling the truth and also sure she wasn't going to answer not matter how hard he pressed. Deciding not to press and upset her by forcing her to disobey him he kept Alexanders advice in mind, he would just keep going and allow her to keep what ever secret she was hiding for now.

The dinner was an odd affair for a few reasons first of course was the fact Maleah was extremely well behaved and clothed. Another reason was his cook Cathrine looked to be in on the verge of tears but was insisting everything was just fine, but after the main course was served she left for home allowing some of the kitchens staff to take over. The whole dinner seemed a little unreal with Maleah making small talk and trying to assist Cathrine at first then acting like a honored guest after she left allowing each person to serve her as then came in. Leon was almost relieved when the table was cleared and Maleah stripped right there crawling up on to the table and presenting herself like a second dessert.

As he evening progresses he was back to feeling like things were off again because she kept by his side and refused any attempt to leave him. She kept at it all the way to his bedroom offering herself for his pleasure and ignoring her own. For the first time she did exactly what he asked and anticipated his needs in the end he wondered if this wasn't what they were hoping for when they first came up with the concept to create her. He woke late in the morning alone and decided to get ready for another day when he received another small surprise.

Alexander had called insisting that he not wake the head of the house and wishing only to have a note delivered when he did wake. "If she is happy don't worry." the note said simply. Well she did seem happy or to be more precise happy to try and please him. The dress and company and sex all seemed to point to the fact she wanted him happy, he suddenly felt a small flutter of excitement. With his head clear after a good sleep he reviewed her actions. She wanted this party and had even told him yesterday that she would do anything for it which meant she was likely to try and keep him as happy as possible. Each succubus had its own variations to their personality and he was almost upset he hadn't realized earlier that it wasn't just all the effort that they were putting into the party but the anticipation of the party that seemed to be driving her actions. Her biggest fear at the moment seemed to be canceling the party, he would do his best to reassure her that the party was on no matter what, he also decided he would do his best to make sure all the things he had planned but yet unable to try with Maleah would be an option to explore at the party.


Leon waited as she squirmed in her chair waiting on an answer. Yesterday they had finished up the last of the final invitations of a few extras they worked out and with still three weeks left they had started discussing what rooms to close off and what kind of toys to allow. "A swing?" he asked waiting for her to explain again.

"Not just a swing master more like a body trapeze with straps and two bars. It can be locked in different positions and swing back and forth." Leon tried not to shake his head listening to her answer. Ever since a few weeks ago when he told her that the party would happen no matter what and that he would try to do what she wanted she had come up with several different odd ideas.

"Maleah I don't see where we could set something like that up. Even on the grounds." He watched as her fidgeting stopped. "How much weight are we actually talking. I know you are quite heavy and with the extra weight of another body. Were talking six - seven - eight hundred pounds? Knowing you it will probably have to carry a ton right?" Leon waited on her answer which she kept to herself. "I can not promise anything on that except that I will look in to it. It would be easier on the grounds but I think you would look a little foolish hanging from a crane."

Maleah was quiet for several moments before she asked for something else, "The playroom is off limits but can we move the bed to another room?"

He had to chuckle slightly at that. The bed in question was a seriously modified heavy duty hospital bed. It was capable of being raised to a seventy five degree angle either way. It allowed the bottom half to separate at the middle allowing the legs to be strapped down on either side. The center could be bent to a forty five degree angle and there were more straps than a dozen parachutes put together.

"I'll see if we can wire one of the east wing rooms to accommodate the bed." He answered.

"They will have a lot of fun with it master." she told him. They had gone to discussing possible themed rooms and some of the best placement to put toys when they were interrupted by Cathrine. After a simple hello she demanded that Maleah fuck her on the spot. She was instantly interested by the little mouses offer who's whole attitude spoke of hard, fast, and now! "My couch is over here." She purred at the mouse curling around her back to guide them across the room.

"Maleah STOP!" Leon yelled. This was the first time since she had started following his lead and orders that he was deliberately imposing his will, but not without reasons. "Cathrine where is you husband?"

He watched as his cook shivered then straightened her back trying to keep a neutral expression on her face. "He doesn't matter."

Shaking his head Leon spoke to Maleah, "You are not allowed to have sex with her. She can find someone else to cheat on her husband with."

"CHEAT?" Cathrin shrieked turning to Leon, "He's been out on campus screwing his students!" Maleah had grabbed her from behind gently squeezing her breasts through the shirt she wore and poking the back of the black work pants with her tail purring softly as she leaned down closer to the mouse.

"Maleah I know we haven't discussed marriage or mates but I'm telling you, this time what your doing is wrong." Leon could tell she was certainly confused especially since the fact that the other female was certainly willing. Maleah considered, the mouse had asked to be taken but her masters words seemed like a truth. "Sit down on the couch and I will explain." Leon told the pair.

"NO don't talk," Cathrine said as she squirmed around to hug tight to Maleah's chest, "have sex with me right now or I'll go find someone else." she threatened.

"Not in my house you wont. Maleah hold her and take her to the couch." With Maleah holding her tight in a unbreakable hug. Leon was slowly able to get the struggling mouse to spit out her anger and story. Her husband Noland, a professor at the university, had been having sex with not one but several of his students. Of course all of them had been at least twenty, most were still ten years younger than he was.

Leon had tried explaining several times about marriage but Maleah was still having problems with the fact that she couldn't have a little fun on the side. Everything sounded fine they could live together but why wouldn't they enjoy other people as well what exactly was wrong with having sex. Leon tried again working more on the point that marriage meant choosing just one person when Cathrine finally broke.

She sobbed in Maleah's arms, "He was supposed to be with me forever he promised." Maleah was finally able to take a moment to think. Now that the mouse no longer struggling or trying to entice her, she was trying to understand.

"He loves you?" she asked the mouse who was nodding still sobbing in her arms.

"It's different Maleah. It's more than just sex or playing, it's a love so great and strong that it makes you want to be with only one other." Maleah had several conflicting thoughts about what he was saying the first being if what they said was true why was Noland out with others. Did that mean he didn't really 'love' Cathrine.

"How do you have sex?" She gave a little shake to the quieter mouse who was trying to stop crying. It took a few minutes and several repeats of the question before she finally got Cathrine to explain they made love not have sex. Still insisting, the explanation was finally given, they all ways were missionary gentle and caring till both experienced release.

"Boring! No wonder why he needs more girls, you aren't enough." Maleah said, she finally thought she understood. Too shocked to answer it was Leon who told her what such a comment was mean. "So why is it different if he does it but when she asked it's wrong."

"It is wrong for both of them. They should be working out these problems together, that is part of what marriage is about." Leon answered.

"It's foolish if they both want to have sex then they should drop the whole 'we make love' thing and pound it out." She grinned licking her lips and purring suddenly at her own ideas. "Maybe someone should show you how."

"Maleah I don't want you having sex with her." Leon repeated again.

"Oh it wont be sex. I am going to train her." She responded.

"What good will that do? He is still out there cheating on me." Cathrine spoke. Maleah was silently putting together a wicked plan, one part suffering, two parts pleasure and all revenge.

"Master we need another invitation." Leon listened as she laid out a plan. Noland would be brought to the party on special conditions. He would have to take the enhancing serum but be told not to have sex with anyone but Maleah. "We could threaten him, tell him you are leaving him if he has sex with anyone else." Seeing Cathrin shaking her head Leon added in that they would have security watching him closely so that they would stop him before he tried anything significant. Maleah finished by telling them that when he finally did seek her out she would tease him to the point of near insanity if that was necessary then offer a way out he could say he loves his wife and jump into the pool or have sex with her and lose his wife forever.

Cathrine had several more problems, first what happens if he does try to have sex and second what good would a pool do. Maleah chuckled squeezing the mouse tight to her body wriggling with pleasure at the wickedness of her plan. "If he tries for sex I'll pick him up and dump him in the pool." Still so pleased with herself.

"The pool will have a full layer of ice and ice cubes the serum takes about a half hour to warm up to the body and make you unbelievably horny but quickly breaks down the if body temperature drops drastically, it burns out trying to warm the body back up." Leon explained for Cathrine.

"The best part," Maleah continued purring in the mouses ear, "you will be waiting for him when we let him out of the pool." she couldn't help licking the ear before her. "I'll teach you how to use some really fun toys. When you get a hold of him you can show him how stupid he is being right now." Realizing the Cathrine still didn't understand the full deviousness of the plan she broke it down further. "The two of you will have a special room where you can have sex with him for the rest of the night, in all positions and pleasures." They would give Cathrine the drug enhancing her stamina and horniness which would allow her to show her husband exactly how stupid chasing after someone other than her was. "I'll teach you how to push every pleasure button he has and I can make sure you leave him so sore in the morning he will be the one who can't walk straight." Cathrine was left considering the plan before her. "Remember, you said he loves you, this way you can make him prove it and then teach him to never leave you again. Believe me in the morning one threat will have him thinking hard each time some other woman walks by."

It took a bit more planning but now with Cathrine's now eager involvement she went home in a few hours with a letter and an ultimatum for her husband when she spoke with him that evening.

The Big Day, umm Night, Party, THINGY

Adria tried to suppress the urge to honk at the truck hauling the horse trailer in front of her. There was no real place to pull over nor a very good way to try and pass on the back road she was on now. According to the directions there would be one final turn off on to Bloomfield Rd. then one mile the driveway of Buckstaff Manor. It was just a little before two pm so even with the slow truck she should still have plenty of time once she got there.


In the truck the driver John was chatting away with Brit who was a male enchidna, "So your saying you actually want to stay with that thing for a week?" John asked.

"It is not a THING!" Brit said somewhat defensively, "It is a Lithulraptor and it would seem really cruel after driving with him for three days to just dump him. Imagine how he feels he still has to wait another week before he can get transportation to take him back home." Brit tried explaining again.

"Well you can play all nicey, nice but that thing gives me the creeps. LOOK!" John said shoving his near white arm over the cab, "I got goose bumps." Brit calmly inspected the humans arm inwardly wondering why every human tried to make a big deal about goose bumps, probably just because you could see them. "You won't catch me hanging around as soon as he's unloaded I am gone."

"The turns up there." Brit pointed.


Adria could only groan as she saw the trailer signal the right hand turn coming up. She was curious though as to what they were transporting though. Three times now that she had been paying attention, she had seen something like a large green feather duster flick over the top of the high gate back of the trailer. It obviously wasn't a horse nor any other breed she expected to see, for one thing the feathers were green.

She waited watching closely after completing the turn getting in closer to the trailer, but now that she had her whole attention on the space above the gate there was nothing to see. Suddenly she was even more intrigued when the flasher indicated the truck was to turn into the driveway to the Mansion. Adria had just enough space to pull in behind the truck and get off the road as the driver stopped at the call box to speak. She had a hard time containing herself realizing she could sneak right in behind the trailer once the gates were opened and drive right up to the front door with out having to call in. Surely the way she was dressed would get someones attention and she would be taken straight to Mr. Leonelle.

As the truck lurched forward again there was a huge bang which Adria heard from inside her car. She watched as the trailer rocked back and forth on its axle as the truck passed the gate. What ever was inside wasn't small, for a moment she weighed the option of following the truck vs. driving till someone could point her to Leonelle. But as curious as she was she could always find out later, it was far better not to keep the owner of the property waiting.


"Almost done with this sideshow then I can go home to my wife." John said as they past the gates. He noticed a small light red car following them though the gate. 'Good we can get directions if we get lost' he thought.

"Three hundred yards should be just over that hump where the tree is." Brit informed him.

"If you say so, I'll follow your lead." John answered.

"Trust me I have no problem working out distances." Brit paused waiting, "See there is the green post turn here." John drove the truck up the second road marked by the green pillar. They drove past a line of trees and crested a hill.

"WOW!" John said with a bit of awe, "super rich" he muttered. Brit had no wish to argue. The valley was over five hundred acres at least the entire front side was covered in vineyards which they were now driving though but far ahead he could see a rock wall that seemed to encompass the main grounds. John so engrossed at looking at the two story mansion with double wings he missed Brit's comment about turning.

"Hey slow down." Brit said tugging on John's shirt. "What?"/ "To late now." Brit pointed to the side turn which would have led to the stables if John were able to slow down enough to take it. "Might as well head to the main house, you can't turn around here." John continued driving the road which was leading them past the four foot rock wall and a open fence. The road curved heading in the direction of the main houses front steps that led right to the main door. "Keep going," Brit said as they finally started moving past the main front wall, "there is a parking lot beyond the building."

"What I wouldn't give." John had slowed down to a crawl trying to look inside each of the large windows and studying each inch of the building as it passed. Brit just shook his head, he was well beyond middle class himself which allow him a good deal of leeway in his life. That made him understand one thing, there was a good deal of work involved in a place like this. Which meant either the owner was a fool who would have money to burn and would only care about how much he and others had and how everyone should treat him well; or there would be a powerful person, or core of people at work here. Someone who kept the entire estate running, likely with intelligent hired help, someone who would have and understand money. They would likely respect money knowing exactly what it meant and how to use it.

Brit had finally gotten close enough to recognize the trees which coated the entire hillside on the far side of the valley. "Olives." Brit pointed.

"What?" John said distracted, "Hey you think anyone might miss a TV from there? We can slip in and pop one in the back?... gotta be a plasma." He kept muttering.

The truck was stopped just past the entry way and stairs by a well dressed tabby that exited the main doors and hopped down the steps calling them to a stop. "You got it wrong but you might as well stop here." The feline told them.

"You want us to unload here?" John asked surprised.

"I believe so. It will be easier to walk our guest to the stables instead of trying to get you back that way. He has no problem staying there right? It would be very hard to have him in the house, especially tonight." Seeing that John had only grunted, Brit got out and walked around to speak with the cat.

"He's not an animal you know he..." The feline interrupted him. "OH NO NO, we know that, I wasn't trying to imply anything we have a large space set up that can be well heated if that is what is required. We were given only a few bits of information regarding our guest beyond that fact that he needs a place to stay for nearly a week and his food requirements. We were even told a get a bunch of dog bones, we even found several of the peanut butter filled ones. I was hoping someone could tell us more about.."

"EXCUSE ME!" both men turned to watch a gorgeous female wolf exit her car dressed in a slightly revealing red dress. "Could someone please help me out?" Adria called.

"Forgive me" the feline said hurrying off to try and help the female. Brit watched the cat scurry along while he went to the back of the trailer to try and finish helping the human who had stopped working when he heard Adria call.

"That is one hot bitch." John mutter nudging Brit carefully to avoid the spines on his arm as he turned to finish opening the gate.

"Let's just help Hryssar out and do our jobs." Brit replied.

"God you really are strange one Brit." John told him. He decided not to inform John that his whole problem was that he had not one ounce of class. They had opened the back gate and lowered the ramp when a squeal of joy attracted their attention. John was thinking nothing more than 'naked hot female' as Maleah cleared the six stairs in a graceful leap, while Brit was attracted mentally trying to figure out what she was. He could see a definite panther likeness in her head and long limbs but her body was covered with scales or maybe a strange hide. He could see her hands were also long and she had sort of pointy fingertips. 'Was she some hybrid dragon with out wings?'

Hryssar was backing down the ramp blocking his view as Maleah wrapped Adria up into a tight hug. "Oh hello gorgeous." Maleah spoke as she slided around behind the wolf keeping a firm hug on her body.

"Wait I mean. Could you let go please?" Adria asked struggling as best she could not wanting to mess up her dress nor trip in her heels. She could feel Maleah sniffing her neck fur and light perfume before moving her head pressing her cheek against the wolf's muzzle.

"You came early, hoping for a little pre-party fun?" Maleah purred. Adria suddenly wondered if this wasn't some competition to her plans, after all Mr. Leonelle was throwing the party he might have invited others who had the same idea she had.

"Maleah!" a call came that had both Maleah and Adria looking up the stairs to the well dressed gazelle who was making a slow decent, athletic and good looking was what Adria saw hoping this was who she had to impress. "The party is later." Leon spoke out.

"But master she looks soooo goood. Probably even better undressed." Maleah muttered in the wolf's ear. Suddenly Adria felt a firm prod from behind as a cylindrical shape pressed between her legs forcing the silk dress to tighten up. The dress was tented outward as she looked down feeling the shaft continue to slide between her legs.

"What the FUCK!!" Adria dropped any pretense of her alluring act, tearing herself out of Maleah's arms and turning around. She could just see the shaft retract from between the others legs as the succubus turned sideways, bending over sightly to place her hands on her knees and give her rear and tail a saucy shake. Maleah licked her lips enticingly and pressed her lips in to a pucker, winking as she allowed her tail to bend and flex. Maleah enjoyed every second watching the wolf's jaw drop and mouth gape open.

Still stunned Adria turned her head to a coughing cry from behind her. Turning her head she could see two men standing on either side of the trailer and between. Her mind jumped again before shock set back in shutting it down seeing the 'lizard? dinosaur?' Adria would have likely cleared several feet if the heavy hands on her shoulder didn't keep her grounded. "Mmmmm little hot goddess I could just eat every lovely little bit of you." Maleah began purring as her words finally started sinking in and Adria's flight mechanisms were triggered.

She shoved with all her might against the other female fleeing to her car and what she hoped was safety. Maleah was grinning and giving a light chuckle as the car drove backwards on to the grass before it was thrust in to drive and started peeling out. By the time it was back on the asphalt its owner had slammed on the gas and was quickly gaining yards as the engine cranked up. Leon had come up behind her listening to her laugh as he asked her. "Why did you scare her off like that?"

Even though she didn't seem a bit apologetic she said, "Sorry master but she would never have made it very far tonight all she wanted was you."

"I see, I guess I made a bad choice then. Sorry Maleah." Leon apologized.

"NO master no." Maleah said turning to hug him, "That was wonderful and so funny." she kept grinning till he returned the smile. "Thank you." Maleah squeezed extra tight for a few second making sure that with the sight rib bending pressure how happy she was with him.

"THAT, is not part of the party." Leon informed her as her attention and body turned to the trailer.

"Does that mean we can play now?" Maleah said standing in front of the Lithulraptor. While Maleah gently rubbed the gloved claws and bands and feathers along the raptors arms Brit moved his way around carefully examining Maleah's backside while taking a few steps back. He would have almost run in to Leon if the hand carefully placed against the white spines on the back of his neck hadn't stopped him.

"So your part of the transportation team?" Leon asked.

"Yes. But can I ask a favor? I'd like to photograph the lady there." Brit stated.

"Yes I'm sure." Leon said while actually considering the idea. "Maleah stop teasing him. You don't have the time now."

"He's young master and strong, even if he doesn't have a clue." She giggled lightly. "This could be a lot of fun." John had just stood slack jawed as she backed her way between raptor's smaller forearms and was rubbing her back against his chest playing with the green feathers growing out of his elbows.

"Maleah I am asking you to stop now, we have a party soon. If you can't control yourself go inside." Leon said. She slid out from under the creature ruffling the feathers on his head while he chuffed several times drawing in the scent directly off her body. Hryssar crooned lightly as she stepped away reaching out before again noticing the gloves that covered his claws. "No worries," she said patting the leather, "those will be off soon." Hryssar nodded they had been necessary so he could easily grip the bars they had installed in the trailer so he could hold on during the bumpy ride here. They had wanted to make sure he didn't leave claw marks all over everything else as well. He snorted again picking up the light purring noise he could still hear coming from the female. The raptor was having a hard time not rushing forward and trying to mount the seemingly willing female but he was unsure if that was what he was allowed to do.

"Maleah he is here all week you can play with him later." Leon watch as she pet his muzzle one more time. Hryssar stumbled back a step up on to the ramp shaking his head, no one had noticed the light glow from the females eyes as she placed a thought of 'SOON' with in the raptors mind and the impression of great pleasure as she turned and walked away.

"If you two gentlemen want to load up and leave you can. I should have someone here shortly to escort him to his quarters." Leon told the two men. "Actually sir." Brit started. "I'm sorry pictures might be nice but I will pass." Leon said interrupting.

"No, I was going to ask if I could stay with Hryssar, it seems very mean to get to know him then dump him here without anybody." Brit stated.

"I assure you," Leon said, "you are not dumping him nor will he just be left alone. Normally I would be glad of your offer to help but tonight..." Leon paused wondering what he should say.

"He will be fine master." Maleah said having stood behind the echidna, reaching out to stroke the blue dyed hair spines on his right side. "A trade one for one." she said nodding in the direction the car had sped off in.

"I have all my stuff packed, although I need to do laundry in a few days. I also have two cameras one digital and one film." Brit tried to convince the gazelle.

"Alright." Leon said seeing his stable manager walking around the side of the house and up the drive. "That is Antham." Leon said pointing to the heavy set canine, "Help him get the raptor to the barn and then come back up to the house and we will discuss this."

"Names Brit." he said holding out his hand to the gazelle, "I'll be sure not to be a problem mate."

Nearly party time

"So that's how it is." Danny finished explaining to the gazelle behind the desk. Several times he had glanced over to the naked female laying on the couch. He could have sworn he herd purring from her even though she looked more like a lizard from his view. Cavet stood behind him shuffling his paws and trying to control his twitching tail.

"I had it on very good advice that you were the one from the bar that I should ask for. I was told you could probably be a professional private dancer if you wished. Is your friend here as competent as you are?" Leon asked. The two shared a quick glance as Cavet shook his head.

"He is not very experienced." Danny responded.

"He's a little sub who will be eaten up and spit out." Maleah stated from the couch.

"Sub?" Cavet asked.

"Submissive." Danny told him, "Like Ally for Ryan."

Cavet blanched slightly, "I am not someone's pet." he stated loudly. He nearly jumped forward when he felt his tail pulled slightly. He spun facing Maleah taking his tail back and keeping his eyes locked on her head. He shivered when he saw her eyes glow a light violet.

"Your name isn't Catprowler." He shook his head in answer to her statement keeping his eyes locked on hers. She had just done something he could almost sense an extra presence hidden behind those eyes. Something that was just waiting for a chance, he just wasn't sure what it wanted.

The two glared at each other while Danny put in, "His name is Catprowler now, it was Cavet."

"Why the change?" Leon asked from the desk carefully watching the rather odd exchange.

"Well the joke is getting old and the name is not helping his self esteem. We were hoping the party might open him up some." Danny took a step back, like Leon he was trying to figure out just what was causing the two to stare so intently at each other.

"What joke?" Leon prompted.

Danny stopped watching long enough to look at the gazelle to answer, "His mother named him Cavet because she was to drunk to remember if he was conceived in a Cameo or a Corvette." It wasn't Leon but Maleah who began grinning reaching out to ruffle his head and ears. She kept grinning as he tried growling and stepping back. She realized he lacked a great deal of experience probably trying to be proper where his mother had been quite free. Maleah's grin changed taking on a more predatory look, oh the fun she could have with him. The fact his hears perked forward and for the first time he gave her body a full gaze was a little surprise for her when she expected him to back up more from her grin.

She stepped forward and leaned in pressing her lips against the squirrels muzzle. He was definitely interesting she thought as Catprowler grabbed her neck and roughly forced his tongue into her mouth. Oh the games she could play, she tightly bit down with her sharp teeth painfully pulling the tongue as she took two steps back causing him to squeak out in protest as she drug him along.

Her little game was cut short as the office door slammed open and a sleek feline stepped in. Lady Night was dressed in a black and silver silk cloth that looked more like a revealing one piece swim suit that was tied around her neck. From there up her normal caramel colored fur was white making her head and ears stand out, and her dark brown eyes so much more alive. She swept into the room making a straight and forceful path right to the desk. Both Danny and Catprowler scurried several steps sideways to be out of her way. It seemed no one but Maleah saw the second lion who followed her in and quietly closed the door. He was dressed in a near black suit excepting the silver streaks that ran across his legs and arms. His entire head and mane was shaved short except for two braided tails that started just below his ears and ended at his shoulders both dyed black.

"I expect you to be Mr. Leonelle correct?" Lady Night spoke stopping just a few feet from the desk.

"Yes I am. But I have to finish this business first before we can talk. Now Catprowler you need to return the invitation and the vial to Danny." Leon answered while opening a drawer. "I will give you a vial of your own but since you are accompanying Danny you will have to stay or go as he does." He set a small vial out on the desk. "I do assume you both wish to stay correct?" The fox wriggled his body and tail nodding vigorously grabbing the note and vial from the squirrel who was still paying attention only to the female lion.

At the same time Maleah had grabbed his muzzle forcing the squirrel to watch her, "Don't be foolish." She told him, "she will chew you up and swallow before you even feel the bite." She gave his muzzle a little shake. "Pick an easier target unless you really do want to become her little pet or worse toy." Maleah had nearly been assaulted by several wildly vivid thoughts that had been projected off the squirrel, none of which would ever had been likely nor even stood a chance with that feline as a partner.

Telling the two that he had other business, Leon had both of them ushered out with the order that they would have to be in the library in just about an hour. Catprowler stood in the great hall staring at the door as Danny worked to drag the squirrel to a more interesting area.

The door closed and Leon started, "Well I will assume Mrs. Night you have some questions?" Before he had even finished speaking Maleah had shoved the other female back growling at her, forcing her way between the feline and the desk. Once she was sure she was safely between her master and the female she spoke softly. "You will _not_harm him."

Lady night waved a hand as if to shoo the other female away. "You don't know..." She stopped as both her wrists were caught in a rather strong grip.

"I could and will tear your arms off before you friend could even take two steps." She stated in the lionesses face, with a glare she shoved the arms back with enough force that the feline had to step backwards to stop from toppling backwards. Mrs. Night quickly reassessed the female as Leon asked her to have a seat. She slowly took a chair carefully inspecting the other female trying to figure out what she was and how much of a threat she posed to her plans and if the clothing or lack there of meant anything important.

"I know you have some questions." Leon started again picking a large box up off the floor and placing it on the top of the desk. "But if you keep upsetting Maleah I will have to ask you to leave." When she was comfortable Maleah relaxed smiling as she walked around the desk to stand behind Leon.

"She has toys master, I can smell them." She added tapping her nose and patting her belly before pointing to Night's waist silencing her protests. Again upgrading Maleah as a bigger threat the feline wondered how exactly she knew that the soft fur seen though her clothes was attached to a molded piece of leather sculpted to fit her body and still hide several of her favorite items underneath. She listened as Leon explained teller her how he had spent a great deal of money on three different private investigation firms each doing only one part of tracking her movements. He assured her that the final connections were made by a very discrete and trust worthy company, and with a fifty thousand dollar bonus and a extra precautionary contract that stated a firm one million dollar fine for disclosing any part of the investigation or clues to her identity.

"How do you think that is good enough? And why did you track me down." She slowly growled out at the gazelle.

"Simple Mrs. Night , I need your services. This whole party is entirely for Maleah, everyone is here for her, _except_you. Maleah pointed out early on that there is no way to keep everyone entertained. Oh most of them will find one form of fun or another. But I wanted you to keep those who might get too bored interested, until they could find Maleah. You are a sort of precaution that can handle a few of the more energetic ones before they get out of hand especially later on." Lady Night took in this information wondering exactly what made the other female worth so much, or so lucky. "As for rules," Leon continued at her scowl, "There are none except the west wing and all my employees are off limits. Also I do have a small medical team here but I expect you not to go so far as to need an ambulance."

"So you want me here to entertain your guests?" She stated trying not to growl.

"Master said he would get only the best." Maleah stated from behind the chair Leon sat in, she had kept quiet but not forgotten through the conversation so far. "There are many guests here that should interest you. There are also lots of toys in each room that you can use, and master has something special just for you." Leon began setting four vials out on the desk while Maleah spoke.

"I will need the one back that I gave you." Leon asked.

Mrs. Night beaconed and the lion at the door stepped forward from where he had been waiting patiently. "This is Shadow my associate." She said as the lion laid the other vial on the desk.

"He and you may both are to drink one of these at the start. Unlike this one," He said while he picked up the vial, "these four are just enzymes and chemicals meant to enhance and prolong stamina I would wait at least four hours before taking the second dose. This here is the vial everyone else gets. It has the same things but also several strong aphrodisiacs and slight mood altering drugs which will drive them to need sex desperately."

Night and Shadow watched each other carefully and with their own set of private communication with ear twitches and a few simple hand gestures Shadow left the room on his mission. " I accept your offer, you promise a night of great pleasure and as long as I get what I want, I will allow the rest to slide. Except I still want more than just your assurances that my identity is safe."

"I understand." Leon said finally pushing the box across the desk. "This is all the information acquired on you. Not just written but also the hard-drives of the computers that were used. I was very specific and clear on how and in what way they could gain and record information. Everything is there down to the note pads." Lady night pulled the box closer to peek inside while he continued, "I also know you have kept or destroyed any video image of yourself making you more of a fairytale, or bogey man, than an actual person. Tomorrow I will give you all the hard-drives from the security computers that are on tonight."

"NO! I want the cameras off." She interrupted him.

Leon leaned back shaking his head slowly, "No nor will I disable a few for your privacy. If you attempt to destroy or cover up a camera my security will remove you right there. I have several problems at the moment, you are not the only one here who could cause me a serious problem. But you are the only one I will not interrupt. As I said the hard-drives are yours and you can scan or take copies of anything I record for another guest, if they decide they want a copy of their acts." Seeing her thoughtful expression he added, "Some people like to have videos of their conquests but I will make sure you and your associate are not on them."

"Fine." Lady Night answered a bit testily, "You still need to tell me what will happen if anyone tries to reveal who I am."

"I told you," Leon started, "there will be serious repercussions they will most definitely be arrested and severely fined..."

"Master." Maleah stopped him with a hand on his shoulder. She stepped next to the desk to look directly across to the lioness, "We will make sure anyone who you think has endangered your identity is given to you first. Then master will go after them with all the other stuff."

Lady Night licked her lips with the most feral grin she had. "If you can accept what ever is left when I am done then yes, I can accept that."

Party, Party, Party,

Catprowler was sitting in a large sofa like chair in the library, nearly hidden behind the stairs that lead to the second level. The library was huge more than sixty yards long and forty wide. There were shelves that went up nearly five yards before the second level started. A wide walkway ran the entire perimeter with four staircases, one at each corner that connected the floors. There were several rolling ladders along the walls and a few small tables and chairs spaced out along the distances between the staircases, while the main floor had dozens of tables, couches, and chairs of various sizes. Catprowler continued to scan through the several dozen persons who he could see. The majority were lounging at the tables and sofas on the main floor or standing along the bookshelves alone or in groups. He could see many were already naked knowing what sort of party was about to begin and although there was a lot of teasing and rubbing it seemed everyone was willing to wait until the host to make it official.

Cat watched trying to not look too surprised when Danny jumped up on a long wide table in nothing but a pair of very tight pink panties. The fox strutted out a few steps then made a high tail spin making sure that the glaring hot pink got all the notice from the contrast against his light blue fur. His attention was drawn back by a growl as a black winged form that turned and moved up the stairs. Cat had already spent time trying to pick out the felines or hybrid cats. Of the two most notable felines one was the little lynx like female cuddling with a rather small fluffy female poodle. The two were in the middle of a couch surrounded by five males who were glaring down any others who got close. The second feline was male, a red cougar or something. Cat had carefully stared across the room several times but something about the lounging feline had put him off. Not that he was actually ready to try out a male partner but the wide double green belt he wore on his otherwise naked form had him feeling nervous for some reason. In fact quite a few of the participants in the room were making his fur rise a little activating his odd little warning sense.

Cat's attention was pulled back to the table by the yipping noises the fox was making as he lightly hopped forward on all paws while the tail lashed madly behind him. There was no surprise for the squirrel at the crowd that now gathered around the table nor the fact the a large Saint Bernard had climbed up on the far end of the table growling out for the fox to come over. Danny was grinning as he backed up still on all fours, his tail made a few loops before snagging the middle of the dog and still on his paws the fox backed until his rear was grinding against the already half erect shaft making the Bernard groan in pleasure as he grabbed the hips of the fox and began grinding the panties between the others ass cheeks.

Cat would have likely kept watching the show if he hadn't noticed the movement near the bottom of the stairs. Now he was staring at the back of the same feline that had burst in to Leonelle's office. His eyes were drawn to the slow swaying tail before they trailed up the mostly exposed back to the back of the white head where the ears twitched in excitement. He had actually stood up and taken several steps forward when he noticed her companion who stared over here shoulder at him. He tried not to look foolish as he hastily scooted back to sit down almost missing the seat entirely.

He had pulled his tail out and was smoothing it in his lap when he heard someone ask if that seat was taken. Cat looked up seeing the lioness standing in front of him. He started nodding before realizing the question changing to a vigorous head shake and tried standing for the female.

"Oh no not the chair." Lady Night spoke pushing the squirrel back down before he got half way up. She reached out and with a little flick sent the fluffy tail over the arm rest. She turned lifting her tail and giving a good rear view as her ass was planted in his lap with a wiggle. She turned sideways to get comfy and be able to easily watch him. Catprowler checked the other male who was now leaning against the stairs watching what was going on about the room. "I know Shadow is interesting but I can promise you more fun, I'll even willingly take you if your hoping to be a bottom."

He blushed realizing what she was offering him 'BE BOLD' he thought wrapping his arms around her and pulling her close enough to kiss. Remembering the earlier incident with Maleah he kept his tongue in his mouth till hers pressed against his lips. The kiss was the most animalistic Cat had ever had as he tried to keep pace while she not only explored his mouth but his entire muzzle, nose, and cheeks ending with a final lick on his nose minutes later. She pulled away laughing as he squirmed trying to discretely shift his legs to make room in his shorts. "Those will have to go." She said still grinning while she gave a pull to his waist line allowing his shaft to find the room it needed.

What ever might have happened next was interrupted by the two quick raps Shadow gave on the stairs. He nodded a head in the direction of Leon and Maleah who had just entered the library. Maleah squealed loudly drawing most of the rooms attention as she lept forward to the harness and sets of straps that Leon had just pointed out.

In the ceiling far above there were eight anchor point with a heavy cable attached to each one. The lines ran down to an aluminum square which guided each down through a hoop in a second aluminum square which was held in place by cables that lead to the second level floor. The cables continued to two bars nearly a dozen feet off the floor where the main parts of the harness were attached with several back up nylon ropes. Maleah giggled her way in to the main harness leaning forward and pulling it tight. She took two thick nylon straps and hooked one around each wrist spreading her arms out and leaning forward. With a little push she lifted her legs and gently swayed forward before heading back as the cables gently creaked overhead. "Thank you master. Thank you, Thank you." Leon listened as her purring intensified with each word while he reached out and gave her side a good nudge sending her in an opposite direction. He knew it wasn't quite the swing she had imagined but he had made sure that it would be the links for the nylon straps and ropes at the aluminum bars that would snap first rather than tearing down the ceiling above if she got out of hand.

"Well then how about we begin, I see most of you are ready and thankfully none of you have gone to far yet, just close." He said waving to the table where Danny now laid flat on his stomach head in one paw while he gently sucked on the other. The Saint Bernard was kneeling behind him and had blown a large load all over the back, panties, and tail of the fox and was slowly leaking out a large puddle between his knees. Danny reached back and ran his paw through his back fur cleaning up more of the mess by licking and sucking his fingers.

"As you all have realized this is going to be a sex party and the guest of honor is Maleah here." She purred loudly wiggling in the harness as Leon continued. "But don't think it is all that simple, there are several rules and boundaries which you will need to follow or you might get yourself ejected from the fun. Now I need all of you to get out your vials." He waited while people moved to retrieve what he asked for, a few rushing outside the room to either their vehicles or cloths. Although not everyone was ready Leon started when most of the movement had stopped. "We will start from the back staircase and go all the way around the room. You are not to drink till I ask or point to you, those of you who could be ready when I get to you will make things go faster." He began in a back corner calling names or pointing, a few times he spoke a little before allowing the person to down the three to five ounces of fluid in the bottle they had.

There were a few notable stops one being the red puma sitting in the large chair. "You know Hisson," the feline jumped a little at the name, "if I hadn't already heard a bit about your family I would have never allowed someone as young as you to stay." Hiss stood growling slightly allowing both his tentacles to unwrap and wave over his shoulders. "Don't bother." Leon waved his hand unimpressed while Maleah backed him up with a little chuckle from the swing. "Red instead of a brown/tan young looking instead of a mid aged look. Even if you were trying out a new look, Ropes would have already found a private corner with a willing or unwilling partner, not sitting in a chair waiting eagerly."

Hisson stood there trying to think up an argument everything the gazelle had said was entirely true and he seemed to know more about his father than he realized. "Sit down and relax." Maleah called over, "Master has already decided you can stay."

The young half pleasure demon considered only for an instant before taking his seat again. He pulled the top of the small bottle and down the contents swallowing a few extra times like most of the others clearing out the taste of what seemed like rusty water out of an old pipe.

As Leon rounded the room and got closer Lady Night stood up pulling the squirrel along to his feet. She pushed him forward while passing off one of the vials to her brother. Leon simply pointed to Cat first watching as he downed the dose before calling out Mrs. Night and Shadow who now stood on each side of him gulping down what they had been given.

When Leon moved on Lady Night decided to remove what she considered problems. Cat nearly leaped backwards when he looked down seeing the kneeling feline slowly tugging on the loops of string which helped to hold the front part of his shorts tight. He shivered as he felt the second set of paws behind him loosening the clasp above his tail. With a light tug in the front she had the shorts over his bulge and dropping to the floor. He had expected the hands in the back to undo the velcro above his tail that held up his boxers but instead the paws grabbed his shirt pulling it up over his body. When the shirt was over his head suddenly it was pulled tight trapping his arms above his head and drawing his body back to rest against the male behind him. He could feel the other feline stand as she stroked over his light golden and yellow chest fur and place several licks on his muzzle though the fabric of his shirt. "Tell me little Cat still thinking of Shadow or me." she asked stepping close enough to gently press his body between theirs while her tail wandered between his legs flicking out against his boxers.

Cat's heart was pounding as his breath came in fast gasps and even as he felt nearly trapped between the two bodies he was was filled with a thrill of excitement, "Both!" he managed to gasp out still unable to make a firm decision on any preference. He heard Lady Nights chuckle a most sinister little noise as the pressure of the fabric loosened and Shadow finished removing the shirt pulling the squirrel even closer to grind his crotch just above Cat's tail. He twitched with the feeling even as he watched the full tooth grin of the lioness in front of him.

"Don't worry I won't chew you up and spit you out," she said again licking his muzzle before adding quietly, "I always enjoy my meal to the fullest." He had only a fluttering moment of worry which he quickly squashed as he was lead back to the chair this time to sit in her lap and snuggle against her chest as the hosts voice started to drone on again.

Leon began first with the explanation of what they had all taken. It was a dose of enzymes, vitamins, and stimulants, it had a multi stage release which would last easily for the next six to eight hours. There was also a heavy dose of some very strong aphrodisiacs, and with in a half hour everyone would be feeling quite ready and randy. "Now down to the rules. No one is permitted in to the west wing. Also you may not have any sexual encounters in the dining room or parlor, there will be food and drinks in there nothing else. The rest of the house and grounds are open for your enjoyment, you will find several rooms with special bonuses, that is if you can discover them. I know many of you are here for different reasons but your only priority now should be Maleah."

He paused being sure to look around the room. "I can tell you she will be very upset if she catches you having fun without her. If she is upset she will call security and have you tossed in to the pool and you will be required to leave the mansion afterwards." Hearing Maleah chuckle loudly as she started to ease herself out of the harness he had to add. "I had over six hundred pounds of ice added to the pool this afternoon and there is still a good four inches or so at the surface." He could see a visible reaction from many around him who winced or shuddered. He had spoken to Maleah about the pool and other ways they could go about stopping the chemicals reaction but after finding that it gave her great perverse pleasure to know people would end up being dunked in ice-water he had agreed. She had also requested several cameras be set up poolside so she could watch later at her leisure.

"My advice is don't get caught or be very good at apologizing, I think most of you can figure you how to do that." Maleah was out of the harness and scanning the room purring louder each time she found someone that interested her. He had needed to speak louder just to be heard over the last minute and decided to sent her out. "I think it's time you left go have fun for a bit they should be ready soon." For the first time in weeks Maleah deliberately disobeyed literally jumping into a chair and in the lap of a surprised and irritated hare.

"No please master at least let me take one with me." She begged.

"What makes you think I want some slut." The hare spoke out. The change was serious her body suddenly seemed a great deal younger as she sat up straight as she guided one of Buck's paws to her vagina her face took on an innocent surprised look.

"Please I don't think...." Maleah gasped out as she guided one of his fingers inside and her other hand pressed to his chest as if she were about to push away while her inner walls began twitching against the invasion. It looked just like what she was playing at, a young woman naked in the lap of a male who was touching her for the first time.

Buck was unpleased with her little game trying to prove a point he rammed a second finger against the first and drove deep inside hard enough to tear through something. Maleah gave a cry of pain trying to scoot away from the invading fingers staring accusingly at the hare with a single tear gliding down her cheek. Buck pulled his hand back staring at the small amount of blood that now graced his fingers soaking the light fuzz between his knuckles.

His shock was obvious as Leon tried to enlighten him and the rest. "Maleah is an extremely special creature. She can help you live out any fantasy you can come up with. Her entire body is used to help act out even to the point of growing a new maidenhood. She can be as tight, loose, or as long as you need or wish. That goes for any hole you choose, although there are more limits for oral." Leon had stopped watching as she sucked on the bloodied fingers cleaning them.

"Forget the little innocent girl act, it's boring, let's have some real fun." She snuggled up against the hares body as Leon approached the chair reaching out to take her arm.

"Maleah up please." Although the movement was slow she finally did rise. "There are others who you can still play with. In a half and hour you'll get everything you want, they will be all yours." Still not moving he gave her a gentle push with a light parting slap on the ass. "When the rest of the rules are done I will let them go." Her first steps were slow but sped up till she was able to yank open the door and rush out in to the hall.

"All of you need to listen right now this is the most important part. Whoever she finds right now is going to be in a lot of trouble if they don't put out some ground rules very quick. I have a full medical team standing by and I also have no doubt they will be needed because some of you will go to far or not go far enough. But we can keep all that to a minimum if you remember this. All you need to do is tell her what you want, you control the fantasy, she is made for fantasy and role play so give her a starting point and don't be afraid to change the guidelines and be vocal." He paused long enough till a few people were shifting around and someone exhaled loudly. "Never! I mean Never tell here just to screw you. My last employee ended up in the hospital with both legs broken and serious internal injury. She is capable of screwing everyone here in to unconsciousness and still be ready for more. However with limits... she can be, will be the best ride you ever had."

He had to pause for a moment to swallow and wet his mouth before continuing, "Several of you have been offered rewards 'if' you are capable of giving Maleah and orgasm. Don't think you can cheat, believe me the whole house will know if you please her. Anyone who can will be offered a special reward. I have several paid house staff who's only job is to be ready for her, each gets a bonus anytime they please her and they have gotten quite creative so you are going to have to at least top them with either creativity, intrigue, or perversion. You will find every room of the house has hidden objects along with obvious ones. Since Maleah hid most of them she could lead you to where ever your fantasy would work best if you can entice her. Just remember one thing, this is her party, I invite all of you here to have fun just don't forget why your here."

Leon slowly walked though the quiet library to the door lightly laughing inside, he had expected someone to say something or ask questions but it seems they were either trying to absorb what was going to happen or having wild visions about what was going to happen. He stopped to look back in the doorway, "There are cameras everywhere, if you really are in trouble scream, shout, wave your arms and hope security doesn't think you just enjoying yourself." Leon grinned to himself as the door clicked behind him. He was slowly taking on a perverse little sense of humor, something likely he was learning from Maleah. He walked towards the west wing and his private rooms, he was unlikely to get much sleep or any tonight but he could probably slip in a nap now before things really got going.


Catprowler was pleased with the fact he had gotten the front of the skimpy dress off and slid down to her waistline while she fondled his ears and pet his head. But when he realized something was different and had hooked his fingers into a seam at her side as her paws moved swiftly to yank his away. "Those toys are for later." She informed him tapping his nose before pulling him close again. She watched closely as Leonelle made his way out gently tracing the deep gold band of fur that separated his light tan body from his deeper yellow chest and chin. She saw Shadow's tail twitch and a slight wave of a paw, she flicked her left ear in response. They would stay here and wait to see what happens next.

There was an odd mixture of squeals, growls, grunts, and short shrieks as people tried to claim partners to drag towards the door or over to the walls unwilling to wait another second. The two females on the couch Cat had observed earlier disappeared under a rush of fur and grunts as the males dove in with out a care for who watched.

There was a huge half ursine/canine hybrid who lumbered towards the door shoving others out of his way, "She's mine first." He called out followed by several others who were ready to dispute that claim.

"Shall we go little one?" She asked the squirrel in her lap after several minutes and the movement slowed down. Night almost laughing at how quickly and energetically he nodded. She did end up giggling as he jumped up and offered a paw to help her to rise. "Shadow." she said pushing the rodent off to her brother as she stepped out of her dress, "Take him to the room. I'll find someone else, in fact..." she trailed off watching a black winged wolf stomping down the stairs grumbling to himself. Cat jumped after her when she stared after him grabbing her arm.

"Not him." he said.

"Listen fluffy know your place," She told him swiveling him around and giving a nudge back towards Shadow, "don't worry I can handle myself."

The male lion laid a hand on the squirrels shoulder as they watched her hurry out the door to catch up to the half wolf. "Listen you had better not screw this up I have.." The squirrel jerked away ignoring him.

"We have to go after her." He said taking a step towards the door. There was a roar and Lady Night tumbled back into the library to land on her rear. Cat wasn't sure how it happened but even as he stepped forward to help it seemed without moving Shadow was already at her side getting her to her feet. He could feel and hear the growls of both as the lion pair glared out across the room at any who were staring at them. Cat tried to let the anger pass him by as he walked towards the lioness. Shadow turned all his attention to the approaching rodent as Lady Night glared back out in to the hall.

"Please don't" he told the two.

"And what do you know?" Shadow demanded grabbing the squirrels wrist and yanking him forward. He continued by hauling the arm into the air nearly lifting Cat off his feet. "This is none of you business." He growled right into the squirrels face.

Cat tried thinking fast for a reason to keep them away from the hybrid that he could sense was very dangerous. "He's not worth it." he blurted out. Shadow growled again even as Night touched his shoulder signaling him to release.

"Why shouldn't I go after him. Especially after what he did." She asked the squirrel.

"He's bad, wrong. I don't know. I can only tell you something is wrong, he wont be worth it." Cat failed to put into words what he truly felt but his ramblings did catch her attention.

She considered for a moment before she spoke. "I am not some prey that hides in a corner sitting on a chair." she said softly. "So tell me who do you think I should hunt?" Cat looked surprised at the question shivering as he looked out across the library. "Careful Fluffy you are treading into very dangerous area, choose well."

Prowler closed his eyes quivering slightly. He had never tried to use his sense he had always just trusted the feeling he got and accepted them. "There is someone above us on the second level, but over just a little." He spoke looking to the ceiling above. Shadow took several steps into the room to investigate. Suddenly Cat cried softly in pain as the claws at his shoulders dug in deep enough to draw blood.

"Don't play with me." He heard her whisper from behind him. "If your going to choose someone they had better be worth it or you will regret speaking." Shadow gave an odd little hand gesture and the claws in his shoulder stopped digging in. "Any more?" She asked.

Cat closed his eyes and concentrated on his own little warning system, something bad, but not horrible. "There is.. something over in the corner." he stated opening his eyes. "Near the windows, at the curtains." he pointed. Shadow was off without even speaking.

"You know Fluffy if this works out I will have a use for you." She turned him around. "You will do what I say, what ever I ask and I'll keep you safe around here." The squirrel shook his head not liking where this was going.

"I am not someone's sub." He stated firmly.

"Prowler." She spit out the name making it sound like some dirty piece of trash on the floor. "Listen, here you are either a hunter or hunted. And you are just a little piece of fluff. You do what I want and I'll be sure they leave you alone." Cat could see the truth in what she was saying even as she began rubbing his slightly injured shoulders. "Who knows if you stick with me you might even learn something."

That was it, that was probably the main reason why he was saying yes, experience. There was just one extra thought he had. "As long as I get you first." Night grinned, he would be easy to manipulate especially if that was his wish. If she had the time she would enjoy spending hours bending him around to see if he might break. But most importantly she could now use him as a gage on how effective Leonelle's drink was. Allowing him first shot would hopefully keep his head clear enough to be useful as well.

"Okay Fluffy." she said, "But realize I don't like getting messy at the start. You will be wearing your own spunk." She didn't bother to see his reaction as she spotted Shadow returning with a large bulk lumbering along behind him. "Yes maybe I do have a use for you." She spoke aloud not caring if he heard. She wondered if she could talk Leonelle into giving her the squirrel's information, she could always use another helper, especially a useful one.

Shadow approached with a seven and a half foot tall nightmare creature. Looking distinctly canine the creature had short thick legs and a long body with even longer arms. He was hunched over allowing his baseball glove like paws to dangle just above his knees. With a trunk that was easily three times the size of the lioness who was now inspected him.

Lady Night now only needed to check on how much effort this monster might take. "Well your big, but are you strong?"

"I es strong." he answered with a low rumble. She cocked her head raising an eyebrow as she poked at one of the dangling forearms. With unusual speed he had swept out and scooped up the lioness lifting her up to sit on his shoulder. There was a short struggle as he made his point by scooping Shadow up as well to sit on the other side of his head. "I es strong." he repeated.

"Yes you are strong, but how strong are you below?" she asked tracing his jaw with the free hand that wasn't gripping tightly to he back of his neck.

A deep rumbling laugh was the response as the creature stepped forward looking down at the squirrel. "Help out Ferul bushy-tail." Cat stared at the bulk that stood before him glancing for a moment at the furry mess of a crotch feeling the need to escape start to take control.

"Fluffy." he heard the female call, "help out our friend Feral here." Cat tried not to shake to much as he reached out hearing a growling over his head.

"Ferul ... uul ...uul" The grunts were breaths strong enough to ruffle the squirrel's ears as he finally touched the privets of another male with the intention of trying to give pleasure whether he wanted to or not. His timid touch eared him a growl of irritation from Ferul and a light reprimand from Night. Seeing no real options he dropped to his knees using both hands squeezing the sheaths opening and rubbing it down and then back up the member inside. He tried to ignore the conversation overhead trying to block out the deep grunting words of the creature before him while he slowly, timidly tried to help Ferul.

He whimpered when the huge hand covered most of his head twisting it upwards literally grabbing his attention. "Do better squirreller or Ferul gets another lunch." Cat began shivering with fear and payed greater attention to the job he was given while he heard Shadow inquire about eating others. "Not here," Ferul answered "already ate and made promise, 'No party food'" He finished rumbling out a chuckle at his own joke.

Cat had finally gotten the sheath all the way down and was now gripping and jerking on the eight inch mass. He considered it a mass because it was nearly all the same thick oval shape that had a slightly smaller blunted tip. He could barely interlace his finger and wrap around the cock realizing it was over six inches wide but only had around a four inch hight. Cat used both paws together stroking up and down on the small log while trying to think of what he could do next while his tail flicked and twitched behind him in fear.

It wasn't until his tail hit his arm did he remember one of the first embarrassing things Danny had told him. 'You have such a lovely tail. You're able to please guys and girls with this right?' By the time Danny had finished explaining, Cavet had been brighter than a rose under his chin and putting out heat in waves. Cat at the time hadn't really thought it was possible to do but here he was wrapping a loose loop covering more than half the penis in his fluffy tail. He slowly drew it back and forth working his tail up and down while Ferul began panting with little grunting hip twitches.

"Open wide fuzzy tail, really wide." The creature ordered him. Cat tried backing up and once again showing swift reflexes had caught the squirrel's wrist and stepped forward to rub his shaft against the others muzzle and slide it over his nose. "Open wide or I ken bite hand. Then maybe you scream wide."

Cat wasn't sure what happened as he was yanked backward and onto his feet while the monster let out a combined growl and whine. Looking up he saw Lady Night with one clawed hand dug in around Ferul's ear while the other had a large handful of his jowl and lips. "Fluffy is MINE. If you hurt him I am going to rip your ear off. Do you understand?" His whine of pain was accepted as an affirmative as she released his sensitive spots and wrapped her arms around his neck sliding her body down his chest. "So strong above and strong below." She commented as his shaft slid up her legs and she squeezed his member between her crotch and thighs like nothing had just happened. "Shadow take Fluffy to the rooms and we'll be up in a few minutes." Cat felt the paws at his shoulder turn him around as the lion guided him out of the library and through the house.


It was more than ten minutes later when cat was really having trouble containing himself ever since the lion had stripped down. Shadow had dragged him off the bed he was jumping on in the smaller of the two connected bedrooms. Not that acting like a child was what the squirrel was trying for, he was doing anything he could to entice the lion to touch him. Even as Shadow had grabbed his arm yanking him down, Cat had drawn his privates close enough to the others paw to sneak a quick rub before the other jerked away.

Finally fed up with him he took a firm grip on the rodents neck causing his eyes to widen. "Listen Cat." he spat the words out. "If you screw up this night I will hunt your ass down and make you pay every day for..." The door banged open as Night strode in taking the scene in and simply stated, "Play nice Shadow." a few ear flicks and hand slides from the lion she continued. "Fluffy has his own problems don't you Fluffy." She purred pulling the squirrel towards the bed and away from her brother. "Up and lay down." With a leap he was on the bed rolling over on to his back stoking himself and chuffing as he watched the lioness.

"They are screwing all over the place. I'm surprised Fluffy made it this far, right Fluffy." She asked petting his chest after she had pulled his arms to his side. "What ever he gave them is some serious stuff. Ferul was blowing one minute after you left. I barely got our of the way and nearly had to tear into his wrist to stop him from rubbing me afterwards." She began tracing along the golden band of fur up one side and across his neck, then down the other side before drawing across his body gently tapping his penis along the way. "Shadow get our guest next door set up for me while I help Fluffy."

"Sis" He growled making her head whip around to glare at him. Still growling he chose his words carefully. "You will keep you word. I have done everything you asked."

"Not yet you haven't, but if you do what I tell you I will keep my word no matter what happens. Relax Shadow." She said turning her attention back to the squirrel. "Tonight is going to be easy and fun. In fact later on you'll be on your own." Shadow left knowing that was probably an empty promise. There were not many times when his sister broke her word but as long as she did what they had agreed to then he could deal with tonight.

Night kept teasing watching the squirrel pant and try to thrust up against her paw each time she ran across his belly. "Close." he mumbled and continued humping air as she started her circuit again. She dropped off and went to slowly grip his shaft wrapping one finger at a time while he humped wildly. Night had a wicked thought for a moment, she had brought two cock rings and wondered how bad a case of blue balls would be after trying to ejaculate several times. After all the stuff was working so well no telling how quickly one would recover from an orgasm and be ready to go again. Her thoughts were cut off with the pulse and twitch in her paw as the squirrel began grunting. She squeezed hard stopping the flow as it started hearing a sudden sweet pained cry. She released and watched a blast ejected out before clamping down again. The stringy glob arched out flying well beyond his chest spattering down around and on his head. His hips bucked again in effort and she waited sensing another surge start. She let go again aiming lower as his member spat out again dumping a stringy spray across his chest with a large glob hitting his chin. She watched as a few more pulses left him leaking out into a small puddle on his tummy. While he panted and gasped she let him know what would happen next.

"I know I said you would be first, but it looks like we will change that, Relax." She told him as he forced himself up to look at her. She smiled seeing how quick he seemed to be recovering. "You are going to do what I say and I will give you lots of holes to play with. I will even have Shadow take you, and maybe I'll watch as you take him. But don't worry when I am ready you will be the first to cum in me." She reached out to catch the hanging glob that almost dropped off his chin. She moved her fingers up and pressed them inside his open mouth smearing his seed on the tongue. "Clean up and meet us in the other bedroom. Fluffy, you are going to have one wild night." she grinned getting up to leave. Cat hopped out of the bed fast enough to catch her tail before she reached the door. She watched over her shoulder as he pet the tail between his paws. She allowed him a full minute before she pulled it away flicking it out so that it tagged both sides of his muzzle. "Clean up." She made the order clear as she opened the door and walked in to the adjacent bedroom.


Hisson was searching the upstairs bedrooms without luck and he was becoming impatient. What ever it was he had decided to drink to join the party was now, after an hour, starting to make his cock and tendril tips tingle with need. He had decided on waiting allowing someof the others to try and prove themselves but so far he had heard nothing. Mr. Leonelle had assured them if anyone was to fully pleasure Maleah the entire mansion would know.

Hisson was upstairs opening the last bedroom door on the left side noticing three more bodies moving on the bed none of them were who he was looking for. Hisson closed the door, he didn't care about the others or this foolish game. He wanted to prove he was his fathers equal, or at least close to that. Really what kept going though Hiss's mind was he would be able to take and conquer a creature his father had yet to touch. No matter what Hiss ended up doing or whom he did it with, it seemed Ropes had already 'been there done that' more times than he could count. Hiss wanted to do something for the first time, something his father hadn't.

He was about to start opening all the bedroom doors on the opposite side when his brain came through with clear thought. There was no way Maleah was on this floor, he had already come across seven people engaged in various bedrooms and they weren't exactly being quiet. Hiss grinned thinking of the fit that creature would have if she came across all those people having fun without her.

Hiss headed back downstairs, she either had to be in the lower right wing, the house proper, or out somewhere on the grounds. Nearly at the bottom of the large staircase Hisson heard a door slam hard off to his left, he went to inspect the three doors. The first lead to an expensive office hard wood floors and a huge wood desk dominated the room. He almost kept going if his ears hadn't picked up a slight squeak and a moan, pushing the door open further revealed a couch and an occupied leather swivel chair. The rather odd older raccoon was seated in the chair which slightly rocked. Hiss watched as the coon with his gaping mouth twitch one arm as the chair a squeaked slightly again. 'Amateur' Hisson thought as he grinned obviously he had not been able to keep Maleah interested. He hurried to the next room knowing he would now have a shot at being the first to be able to please the succubus. In the billiard room two doors down Hiss finally found her. She was laid flat out on the table hands pushing against the bumpers while her feet were curled around the top of a bridge stick, the butt end buried deep in her vagina as she dragged it in and out.

Hisson grabbed one of her feet and took a firm grip on the stick drawing it out, "There's no need for that." Hiss told her. Maleah purred spreading her legs wide while moving one hand down to massage her needy folds.

"What exactly can a pleasure cat do?" Maleah asked dropping her legs down standing up as Hiss stepped closer allowing each of his tendrils to loom over his shoulders.

"Oh I can do many many things, I'm sure before we're though you'll find something that you enjoy." Hiss told her.

Maleah traced a finger across his chest just under his neck. "Don't disappoint me little kitty. You had better be able to do everything your father can and more. Master went for Ropes especially for me, you will regret it if.." Hisson at first nearly backed away from her demanding tone and nature, but at the mention of his father made him act, his tentacles whipped out grabbing her wrists and pulling her arms over her head. If there was one thing Hiss did learn from his father it was to take dominance, never submit, and keep going till they begged for more.

"Yes," Maleah purred leaning forward to lick his muzzle, "Check the pockets let's make this really fun." she said. Hisson was already fully erect, member throbbing outside his sheathe as he pressed it to her reaching inside the pocket of the table. His hand closed around metal and he pulled a pair of handcuffs out, he snorted giving Maleah a shove which sent her back on to the table.

"Why would I need these?" Hisson said dropping the cuffs on the table next to her stepping up between her legs. "I have you right," Hisson strained with his tendrils trying to hold Maleah's hands down, "where I.. want..." Hisson placed both hands on her chest trying to keep the succubus pinned, and still she was starting to raise her hands higher. Hiss used his tentacles grappling with her slowly wrapping her arms up from her wrist to her elbows while he leaned over her body trying for more leverage.

"Awww poor little kitty isn't strong like his daddy." Maleah taunted reaching a hand up to touch his face. He growled out in anger grabbing her wrist with a paw stopping her inches from touching is cheek. She was unbelievably strong, Hiss was struggling having to use both hands to keep her hand in check, while she just purred licking her lips. Hiss realized he would have to play by her rules, at least for now. Hiss unwound his tendril from her other arm and scooped up the cuffs, he quickly swapped tendril with paw catching the cuffs he dropped. Still trying to hold her still he snapped the handcuff over her wrist then began exerting all his might, forcing her arm across her body to her other hand. She hadn't even bother to move her hand from where he had left it, watching and smiling as he struggled to force her arm in position.

"Oh yes!" Maleah rumbled louder the closer he got, Hiss almost dropped on Maleah slamming her hand against the table as she suddenly gave in watching him as he swiftly snapped the cuffs on to her other wrist. Maleah snaked her tongue out all the way reaching nearly nine inches as she lapped against the side of his muzzle and face till he stood up pulling away from her. Hiss was shaking slightly with his exertion watching as the tongue was drawn back and seeing her bared teeth grin, "This is so much fun pleasure kitty, What's next."

'Next' Hisson thought he wasn't even sure what next should be he, guessed even his father would have trouble with this one. He put on his best grin, teeth gleaming, while he looked down at Maleah. "Next, next we make you beg for more." He had readied one of his penis shaped tendrils and rammed inside as he finished speaking.

Hiss had forced several inches inside before hearing Maleah's voice, "Oh it's like that is it?" She asked.

"Oh no," Hisson answered, "it's more like this." he thrust again burring more than a foot of his tentacle inside her tunnel. Maleah moaned as Hiss hit the one foot mark moving past one of her narrowing rings of muscles. Feeling the constriction Hisson pushed harder and further inside watching as inches slipped inside marveling in awe at the depths. He finally hit what felt like a barrier at what he guessed was well over a foot and a half.

"More," Maleah called as she squeezed down on the entire length of wiggling appendage inside of her.

"More?" he asked "Are you sure you want more?"

Hiss watched as it seemed Maleah's face slightly altered it became more flush and absolutely needy and totally slutty, her voice became higher and pleady, "More, more, more." she begged.

He gave her what she asked for forcing his second tentacle inside slowly driving it in against the other. Maleah moaned and purred rocking on the pool table as he drove deeper inside. She had often taken items deep inside and on many occasions taken in more than one item, but this was the first time she got to feel the experience of both at once.

"Are you ready?" Hiss asked rhetorically as his second tendril reached the one foot mark. He started drawing back on the first while moving the second one further in. Maleah looked up joyfully as she reached out with her legs to draw him forward, pulling him close till his uncut head pressed between the tendrils that were moving inside.

"More, More." Maleah called again purring loudly as he teased her entrance. Hiss could feel her rumbling vibrations as she increased the volume to her purr. He only spent a moment wondering how she could be purring so loudly and still vocalize her needy 'more' as he really went to work.

"Of course you can have more." Hiss said as he stopped rubbing his cock on her folds and began prodding in to her entrance just above his tendrils. Keeping both tendrils going as well as he could he eased inside slowly working an inch at a time enjoying the warmth and ease of passage due to the slick fluids that were slowly leaking out. Maleah squeezed sending several rippling pulses down her tunnel. It feet so good having so many things moving at different spots inside of her. She squealed happily as his hands went to her breasts and took a firm handful hold while leaning in and picking up a good ball slapping rhythm.

She would have to thank master again for his idea of a pleasure demon as she cried out again begging, "OH More PLEASE!!" She could sense so much untapped energy from the animal on top of her even if his mind was not full of the imagination she hoped for.

Hisson was enjoying the feeling of the succubus body rubbing against his as he pounded her. Her bumpy hide on his belly made him even more aroused and the stroking of his sides by her legs made him want to rub against her using a more circular motion to his thrusts. His grin widened as he heard the call for more watching her body shiver and moan out even as the purring continued.

It wasn't until she tightened her legs around him and said, "Come on kitty more!" that he realized she wasn't playing. He quickly thought that changing speed or rhythm would not be enough to please her and may end up with him getting zapped. Hisson tried a different tactic with out withdrawing he pulled on one tentacle till both were even and near the half way area. Slowly wiggling the cock tips together he worked them deeper twining them together as he went forcing them to work together forming one larger mass which he then proceeded to ram deep inside her against the back wall.

Maleah's increase in purring signaled her nearing orgasm, his 'more' was cute in a way but made it hard to feel his penis which she could guess he was still pumping steadily inside of her. She enjoyed the twined tendrils as they dragged inside of her. Contracting her muscles she made her tunnel tighter forcing him to work harder against her body and forcing him to add more strength to each thrust. And work Hiss did, increasing his pace working faster inside her to answer the increase in pressure and resistance.

"Yes Kitty more, MORE." Maleah cried out. Her purring was closer to a rumble of an engine which vibrated Hisson and the pool table beneath them. He gave her more all he could slamming both his hips and tendrils inside banging his cock tips against the back of her tunnel with each shove forward. Hiss thought he could almost feel the barrier weakening and tenting inward. For a moment he was curious what lay beyond adding a few more inches inside using his tips with all the force he had driving against her last barrier. Finally breaking though he felt a gush of fluid wash down and slowly start making its way down after a few seconds he could feel it leaking out washing his privates with juices.

As he pushed though Maleah grabbed his shoulders trying to drag him forward and deeper. "MORE HISS MORE!" she screamed at him. There was a rumbling that was building nearly rattling the bones in his body with pulses that radiated off the female. He added the last few inches he had inside having more than two feet of his tentacles inserted inside her body. His tips explored the inner chamber feeling and poking inside the round area that had never been explored before.

Maleah opened her mouth emitting not one but a multiple octave cry that began rising in volume even as it climbed the scales. Hisson didn't stop even as her true orgasm started, her tunnel rippled and pulsed in multiple different directions clamping down on some points where others rolled in contractions treating his tentacles to a strange spasms that had him wanting her to continue. His legs were coated leaving his fur saturated with even more fluids that were ejected out during her orgasm. Her cries continued echoing through out the room rattling the windows and shaking the walls like a mini earthquake. Hisson had no doubt now that the entire mansion could hear her or at the very least fell the echoing vibrations that were traveling through the foundations now.

Hiss leaned back and kept thrusting with just his penis now working his own pleasure to its final peak. "Do you have more Kitty?" He looked down surprised that Maleah was staring straight at him looking like she still wanted even more. Working his tendrils again he watched as her eyes began glowing purple and she pulled him closer. He felt a stronger pull almost like he was being drawn in. 'Cum for me Kitty' the thought invaded his mind. Hisson's body instantly complied blasting out seed inside her tunnel, he gave several more thrusts riding out his orgasm even as he felt her presence inside his mind. 'No Kitty give me more, more' he felt her thoughts as he began to relax. Suddenly he was no longer in control his body jerked forward repeatedly slamming in and out his sac barely had time to draw away before it was mashed forward again by his next thrust. He felt his own pleasure rising again faster than it ever had before and this time with a great deal more power. 'More Kitty' he felt her call again, not that he could do anything about it his body was acting as she willed. Hiss grunted a few time before roaring out his body frozen in overload as his strongest orgasm ever blasted though his body. He could almost feel Maleah squeeze herself in with his mind drinking up each bit of his pleasure his body provided. Semen continued to pour out his cock as his balls began to ache under the pressure of providing substance.

Hiss collapsed on top of Maleah as she released him. Even in his shuddering exhaustion his mind had registered her abilities, like and yet unlike his fathers own demonic powers. She was like some mirrored twisted version of a real pleasure demon. He felt the caress of her fingers stroking against his back allowing him time to recover. The purring under him had nearly cease slowly fading off as he panted against her. "Very good my little Kitty." Maleah spoke. He could feel his tendrils slowly being pressed out by her contractions and pulling muscles. His penis had already come loose and was quickly retreating back into his sheath as even more juices dribbled out against his crotch and splattered again the floor and his feet. He worked to get his hands on the pool table and shakily pushed himself up.

Maleah moved her hands up to hold his head making sure he still leaned over her while she looked up at him. "It's good you are strong young one. To bad you don't know your full power yet." She grinned using several inches of tongue reaching out to lick his muzzle. "Come back and I'll show you more, and we can explore each other more." Maleah pushed back with both her hands and body helping the dazed puma to stand. When he was upright he stepped back allowing her to stand as well. She reached in to the pocket holding the keys to the cuffs which he used to free her hands. Once done she wrapped her arms around his neck and pulled him forward for another kiss. Hisson was surprised at the simplicity of the kiss, she had gently leaned forward and brushed their lips together in a light caress.

"Well don't you look a complete mess." Leon's voice sounded from the doorway.

"Oh master Thank you, Thank you." Maleah squealed rushing forward. Leon held a hand up stopping the hug she had planned.

"Go clean yourself up you still have lots of guests left." He told her

Maleah shivered with excitement, "Yes master. Can he come back?" Leon smirked thinking he would have to review what had taken place and made her so excited.

"Of course, would you like me to invite his father as well?" He asked

"NO!" Hisson said horsely still recovering his breath, leaning against the table.

"Maybe later master. After all," Maleah addressed Hiss, "we have many more games to play and things to explore. Daddy might not be so much fun." He watched as her eyes glowed slightly again as she grinned and left the room.

"She is dangerous." Hisson stated. "Really?" Leon said some what surprised by the remark.

"Yes she is very powerful. I..." Hiss stopped wondering how exactly he should explain.

"She is powerful yes but not dangerous. At least not if you give her proper guidelines. What exactly did you ask for?" Leon asked. Hiss shrugged in reply realizing he had not done what they were all told to do. The only instructions he had given her was to beg for more and he realized she had, even to the point of keeping him going making sure she was fully satisfied and begging till the end.

"Hisson you are probably lucky and at the moment totally stupid. You set no rules or a scene did you." Leon watched as the young red puma just stood there tendrils nearly dragging on the floor and the lower half of his body fur clumped and soaked. "Come on let's get you cleaned." Leon said leaving the room. Hiss looked down at his legs and the soaked carpet that still had puddles that didn't yet soak in before following the gazelle out in to the hall. Hiss was lead though the mansion to the off limits west wing where Leon opened a bedroom and lead the feline across the huge room past the over sized bed and into a large bathroom.

Leon walked over to the four foot deep tub that could easily have accommodated three active people. "Were you foolish enough to ask her to release on you?" Seeing his puzzlement Leon stated. "She saves everyones seed and fluid inside usually she just lets it go in the toilet."

"Inside?" Hisson asked suddenly realizing that her inner chamber was not a womb or anything like that.

"Never mind I'll just watch later, I'm sure it will be very interesting. Would you like a copy?" Leon offered.

"A What!" Hiss said shocked.

"A copy, of your time with Maleah. Don't look so surprised I told everyone there are cameras everywhere for your protection, and more. But don't worry all the records for tonight will be destroyed after. I was just wondering if you wanted a copy." Leon had already opened two of the tubs taps on one side and one on the other while they had been talking and he had the tub nearly half full before he turned down all three. "You can clean up here and sleep if you wish I only ask that when you leave the room you return to the house proper and don't come back to the west side." He had passed the feline and was half way through the bedroom before Hiss stopped him.

"Mr. Leonelle you should be careful, really." He stated.

"Hisson." Leon turned back to look at him, "I have had her for a year. I know what she is and isn't capable of. But think of this, even if I let her loose and she went on some rampage the only thing she would be demanding is sex. Is she really that dangerous. What about your dad, Ropes. Can't some people say that he is dangerous?"

Hisson considered for a minute his father, he probably could cause a hell of a lot of damage and destruction but it was hard to place his father in such a role. "I'll give you a copy and you can re-watch how she acts. You might be impressed with how she performs when your not with her. Or better yet once you clean up you should find her and watch her work. She likes an audience sometimes." While Hisson cleaned up he considered how Maleah had, well used him, it seemed she had almost been sucking up the emotions running through his mind. But was that so different from what his father did at times? He suddenly had a deep moment of in-site in a bathroom naked soaking wet staring at a full body mirror, was it something he could do? Was that the power Maleah had spoken of? Hiss had a full body shiver and grabbed a towel to dry off he needed to think more about this and ask her and his father a few questions.


"Oh my Shadow where did you find that?" She asked hearing the muffled cry of the gagged pony on the bed.

"It was under the bed my Lady." he answered as she looked over the set up. Night had caught the pony in the hallway. He was all combed up and hanging trying to pass himself off as a strong young colt. Well whatever he hoped to be he was here now. Shadow had found an attachment to the bottom metal frame of the bed. It had two poles and a crossbar that had the pony's legs bound and spread just like a raised spreader bar. Shadow had used rope to tie his wrists above his head and ran the rope through the top headboard which for some reason had several holes drilled though it. The equines rear was propped up on a pillow in a low curve of the metal framed foot-board. The lion had even taken the time to thread the tail in between the metal and tie clumps of hair together trapping the appendage in bonds of pain if he struggled to much.

Night really admired the work as she unstrapped her concealed toys picking out the larger cock ring and tossed it to shadow. She laid the rest out on the dresser as her brother made the final addition to the pony. "He should be good for now." She told Shadow staring at her new toy till Prowler entered from the bathroom. "Ah! Good Fluffy you first task for me is to clean this toy up. Make sure the tail hole is all nice and clean."

It took cat a whole twenty seconds and Nights scowl before he hurried forward dropping to his knees to accomplish the task. Shadow looked surprised more than anything else waving - 'What you do' - Night replied with a few simple gestures -'Horny man, Easy man' -

"Shadow dear," she started with a sweet voice, "there is an empty bed next door fill it please. By the time you come back I'm sure we'll have someone all nice and ready for you."

"Of course my Lady." The lion answered. He lion snorted loudly enough to be heard while heading out the door unpleased with his sisters suggestion at getting anywhere nearer the equine than he had already been.

Night went back to the bed slowly jacking then squeezing and sucking on her toy's cock. It only took minutes before she popped her mouth off the flaring head. "That's enough Fluffy." She said as she fondled the sack while it twitched and pulsed trying to unload itself. She squeezed the tight skin above and below the ring which stopped the flow. "I think it's a good enough fit we just need to keep you hard." She smiled walking to the dresser and getting a tiny digital timer. "Fluffy go ahead and fuck him." The squirrel didn't move as Night walked back to the bed and stood behind him.

"Lady?" He spoke softly.

Night spit on her paw reaching around to jerk and lube his shaft some. With pressure on his back she guided him between the pony's legs. Her toy on the bed struggled for the first time trying to kick out and whinny though his gag. "Quiet." She commanded smacking the heavy nuts in front of them. "Now Fluffy push." She urged lining him up with the spit soaked pucker. Cat complied and at first just seemed to press against the ass before Night pulled her hips back slightly and bumped hard into the rear of the squirrel causing not just the head but nearly the whole shaft to pass through the clenching anus.

The pony had started a frantic struggle with the penetration but Night stayed pressed to the squirrel making sure he didn't slip out for some reason. "How does it feel Fluffy?"

"Tight" he groaned out the word.

"Alright get all the way in." She instructed. Cat worked in the last inch or so leaning over the equine pressing hard in as he could. "Is he still tight?" Cat groaned out an affirmative. "Well you'll need to loosen him up." She set the digital timer on the pony's chest. "Pound him Fluffy. Pound him hard and fast for one minute, but don't you dare cum. When the timer beeps yank out and slam back in. Ready... GO!"


Shadow walked back through the door to the adjacent room. He had found a hefty breasted doe who had gladly frolicked along behind him after he had played with her pierced nipples and promised her a ton of fun. She was now lightly bound and awaiting Nights introduction.

He stopped to check the room suddenly remembering the unpleasant promise of having someone ready for him when he returned. Shadow stepped past the squirrel who was panting on his hands and knees. "Well Shadow." Night spoke while she finished tyeing the elastic strap with a snap and turned the vibrator on that she had affixed in place.

"I'll be happy to amuse myself next door while you finish here my Lady." He spoke hoping that since she had plugged the main hole he would get out of having to do it himself.

"Oh come now Shadow it's not that bad. Besides I have to let this one build up some he has already blown his load twice. No I want you to help Fluffy." Shadow turned back to consider, between the two the squirrel was definitely the better choice in his mind if he had to choose. "Be GENTLE and kind. Take him slowly then let him take you." Shadow turned to stare at his sister. "Come now, it has been a while since I've seen you bottom. I would enjoy you putting on a little show."

"Of course my Lady." He gritted out through his teeth knowing this was the price of all the extra things he had asked from her. Shadow was a little startled by the paws that wrapped around his middle, and the muzzle that rubbed up and down his back, while at the same time a soft tail rubbed up and down his crotch and sheath.

Lady Night gripped Cat's paws and pulled making them embrace tighter. "You see they want it, all of them. They can't stop or help themselves. Enjoy it Shadow they will be the best play toys ever. Just be careful with Fluffy I think I want to use him again."

Shadow pulled away from the squirrel after his sister left and spun him around to get a better look. He allowed Cat to take his paw and hold it close. It was obvious the squirrel was ready and fully erect and slick with his own lube as he stepped back. "Let's get this over with." Shadow growled pulling his paw back and heading to the dresser for a bit of lube. He had decided if he had to be fucked then he would get it out of the way and enjoy what he considered to be the better part. Also he wanted to make sure his sister didn't get any extra pleasure from watching him take it. He worked fast trying open himself up with a finger quickly followed by a second. The squirrel wasn't that big but he would likely be very energetic and finish quickly. "Alright." The lion said going over and kneeling down near the end of the bed.

With the slight hum of a vibrator near by the lion dropped to his paws and waved his tail a few times before moving it aside. Shadow felt the slow stroke on his tail as the squirrel moved in behind him. He felt a few gentle puffs on breath over his rear before he ordered the rodent to get on with it. Everything Shadow was expecting was wrong. Cat savored every single second as he stroked the back of the feline under him. He gently poked the rear while his hands caressed further around to the chest holding tight as he tried to slowly ease in. The penetration was slow and steady with Cat constantly gaining ground while he stroked and pet. When hips finally met ass Prowler bent over and hugging tightly setting a soft pleasurable rhythm complete with gentle moans and kisses against the feline's back and neck.

Shadow was feeling like the reckless pounding might be better as he started to feel a little uncomfortable as he felt like someone was trying to make love with him. He squeezed hard several times. "Cat go faster." he realized his mistake the moment the words left his mouth. Not the words so much as the name, Night would be most upset for him using a real name after she had chosen one. "Go Fluffy." he encouraged as the squirrel picked up speed. Now he was getting the pounding he expected. The constant slapping noise was suddenly joined by a moan from both as Shadow clamped down in surprise as he felt something soft and furry slide between his growing shaft and body. He tried to stifle groans as the squirrel continued pounding and grunting over him all the while keeping the soft slow drag of his tail across the feline's shaft. He had to bite his lip to keep quiet as Cat thrusts became faster and less controlled. The tail stopped moving as the final few humps were accomplished and the cry of pleasure was released by Cat. Shadow tried to brace himself as his middle was gripped so hard he was almost winded while at the same time had to shove back using counter force against the squirrel who was trying to drive to the carpet. The squirrel released several warm shots of seed inside the feline who had to still his pounding heart and try not to blow his own load at the pleasure of having his prostate poked hard by the last thrust that was held there. He almost lost it again as the tail was drawn across his shaft all the way to the tip which flicked back and forth several times.

Shadow was left wondering if his sister didn't some how know this might happen before he realized he was glad that she was in the next room and didn't see him struggling not to enjoy himself. He was sure she would never allow that to pass and would be constantly reminding him of his enjoyment under her Fluffy.

"Fluffy?" He asked wondering how much recovery time was needed. There was a mumble in the fur of his back that he didn't understand. "What?" he asked.

Suddenly with more strength than he expected Shadow was being pulled back and helped to his knees while the squirrel meat was still sunk inside. Cat squirmed around under his arm while a paw pushed down on his neck drawing the two muzzles together. The kiss was short and simple but Shadow realized that there was something more as Catprowler spoke. "Thank you. You are my first feline ever."

It seemed almost in reverence as the squirrel broke away and crawled around Shadow bending down between his legs and downing the shaft in one big gulp. It was ruined by the fact a second later Cat convulsed jerking way and retching twice trying to keep his stomach. Shadow came to a slow thoughtful conclusion while the squirrel hacked and choked though the next minute. He cupped Prowler's chin in his hand and turned the head to stare at him, "Do you want me to take you now?" There was a hopeful gleam in the squirrel's eyes as a new radiant smile grew on his face with those words.

Shadow was knocked to the floor as the squirrel plowed in to his chest wrapping both arms around his middle. He tried to work his legs out of the uncomfortable bend as he finally understood the rodent. There were fetishes and then fetishes, and as strange as it seemed the squirrel had a serious thing for felines. "Prowler." he whispered breaking the rules yet again. "Let's go to the bathroom and check out the tub.


Maleah gave a little sigh as she walked across the room leaving the ferret twins on the bed. One totally passed out the other still gasping for breath. They had definitely been fun and worked well together in their mischievous ways but they had been spent when they started to really set her off. She allowed her purring to taper off as she again drew some of the sexual charge out of the air. The whole mansion was seeping in sexual energies, earlier it had taken some will not to overload herself in the first few hours when it seemed the whole place was seething with pheromones, moans, and radiated with sex. Now for her it seemed like everything she touched or looked at was coated with a heavy layer of sex which she could draw off of keeping her body and spirit at a near drug induced high. She had almost giggled as first one then the other ferret had collapsed on top of her. She hadn't had the heart to punish either so she simply slipped away and was now looking for more pleasure.

Her senses caught a solo presence in the next upstairs bedroom. Male, large, and extremely agitated and lustful, Perfect! She carefully opened the door seeing the backside a strong black body with black wings. Before she was able to start creeping across the room the male called out. "Get Out!"

"Now why would I do that when you are having such a hard time. I would be such a horrible host if I just left you now." Colt turned and realized who it was growling taking several swift steps across the room arms out. Maleah hadn't missed the fact that the claws were out to shred not cuddle, as the male gained control of himself just a few feet away arms dropping to his sides. She had met a few tonight who at first seemed hostile because of the reasons they were brought here but had been most amenable after a few minutes because of the serum. She smiled and used a finger to trace across his black chest as she walked to the window he had been staring out. "Hmm not much of a view. Would it be better if I went and posed out on the grass for you?"

"I want the information you have on my Family NOW!! AND Your not going to tell anyone about us!" He roared out at her.

"Really now. Why would I want to do something like that?" She slowly stretched out in front of the window. "What on earth would I get in return? Mmmmm?" Maleah looked lazily over her shoulder to wink at Colt only to realize he was far from accept any sort of sexual advance.

Even as the roll of black flame reached out for her she reacted with her own defense drawing energies against her skin. The struggle couldn't be seen as Colt's body rebelled against the stasis put on it, his lungs drew in more air as he opened his mouth even wider only to find it slam shut on him.

Maleah was in a little rage all her own drawing heavily on the energies around her causing her skin to shimmer slightly with a purple glow. It wasn't the fact he attacked her or the fact he truly wanted to roast her, she might even had been interested in a bit of hot new play. But he had recklessly set the curtains on fire!!

She used her own body smothering the small flames and smoking cloth while she slowly kept feeding energy to the hybrid. 'If he ruined anything' she thought seething inside as she pulled the curtains out to check the backside. Maleah spent several minutes pulling the straps, harness, and a mask off that had been tacked to the curtain before heading across the window to remove more items from the other curtain before laying it all out on the bed. She checked over the feathers and brushes while at the same time flicked the riding crop in his direction.

Strolling back over to Colt she informed him of his mistake, "If you had ruined anything I would have spent the rest of the night making you scream no matter what master says!" She gave his chest a hard poke before pointing to the camera in the corner and waving. "I don't give a crap about your stupid little secrets." Maleah was suddenly assaulted by a flash of images and hatred follow by a single image of the half/wolfs wings wrapped protectively around a body and a wave of entirely new emotion. She stepped back trying to processes the feeling of protection, and warmth, that had extreme fierceness to it. She stepped back again and stopped applying the energy to his body still trying to place the feeling that had washed over her.

"Listen close, they are coming and they are going toss you out of here. You will do everything they say and NOT cause any more problems." She watched and in a few seconds his wings twitched and he drew them back to his body. He opened his mouth and closed it again starting with a short growl which he directed to her. The two continued to watch each other, Colt glaring while Maleah was more thoughtful. It wasn't but a few minutes before two human males dressed in green suits burst in the door stepping to the sides as a huge rhino squeezed in afterwards squaring off against the hybrid.

"Wait." She called out, "Do you really love that woman?" She asked wondering if she shouldn't go back and peek in on Cathrine and her husband to check on this new feeling she had experienced.

She was barely able to be understood Colt as he growled out, "I will protect her! Whatever it takes!" Maleah shook her head as she walked over and sat down on the bed slowly stacking the items there.

"Whatever it takes?" She repeated. "Then first stop yelling and growling and second answer the question, Do you love her?" Colt shifted irritably trying to control his anger while at the same time still suppress all the aroused signals his body kept putting out. "Yesss" He hissed out and answer.

"Fine!" She said slightly upset. It would have been fun to take him down but master would be upset when he found out if she was somehow forcing someone who loved another. Still there were plenty more to play with she though while standing. "Get out! Take him to the pool then send him out." His growling alerted her that there was still a problem. She moved next to him making sure to get in to his face and that he would understand her threat, "If you hurt anyone or cause any more damage I'll tell master to put all your stupid little secrets or whatever all over the place. Shut up, Get out, and master will talk with you later."

She didn't bother to figure out why he was raising his arm she just lashed out with a charge that had his body lock tight. She spun away and headed for the door, grinning inside as the good mood quickly returned when she saw the rhino try to scurry backwards into the hallway to get out of her way.


Maleah chose to head downstairs and back to the main house thinking some of the more public rooms should offer her some fun. She stood in the main hall at the bottom of the stairs listening and feeling out what was around her. She ignored the west hall and the sounds coming from the parlor and concentrated on the other rooms. There was movement in the billiard room and creaking noises coming from the library's open door. THE SWING! Before she even took a step forward she felt out a sharp stab of pain that quickly turned in to waves of agony. Someone wasn't playing nice, she zeroed in on the feelings of fear, shame, and horror and the second set of joy, gratification, and satisfaction that was now growing as well.

Just a quick check before going for the swing she decided walking forward heading for the office where her senses were leading her. Opening the door Maleah allowed a small amount of light to leak into the darker than normal room. She was wondering why the room seemed darker than it should be as she stepped in and flicked the light switch.

She was able to swiftly pick out the squirrel that was bent over her couch with a strong hare behind him that gave several more harsh thrusts inside while he turned to see who had come in. Her mind first picked out the ingenuity, there had been several shelves over the couch where master had kept his trophies and awards that his products had claimed. But after the first time one had fallen and broke he had removed them all including the polished wood shelves leaving behind the sturdy metal brackets on the wall. The sad little squirrel was bent over the wide armrest with his tail twisted with rope which was stretched out and tied off to one of the brackets. There were more ropes starting on the far end of the couch that tied to his wrists pulling his arms out far enough that he was unable to rest his body on the cushions. She figured he was also probably tied at the ankles or legs keeping him nearly immobile and making each struggle painful for some joint or joints in his body.

As she watched the squirrel cried out though some kind of gag as he thrashed and a sudden wave of hope sprang into the room. "Quiet!" The hare ordered shoving forward causing a muffled scream of pain as the rope holding the tail creaked from the stress. "Turn out the light and get out." He added to Maleah.

Before he could fully turn his attention back to his conquest his body froze unable to do anything as she crossed the room and shoved him back. Overbalanced the hare hit the wall before sliding along to crash against the wood floor with his paws still out ready to dig back into the hips of his victim. Several things had played though her mind as she crossed the room to rescue the squirrel. The first being he wasn't doing anything but harming his partner, that and the fact this was her party and there was no way she would have been included in this scene. Lastly there was the fact that every part of the squirrel was begging her to save him, to sweep him up and end this nightmare he was in.

Maleah started with the tail realizing with disgust that the rope and tail were twisted together and duck taped in several spots. She always was irritated when someone had suggested or worse used the stuff. The smelly, horrible tasting, gray crap had long been removed from her list of things that involved pleasure. Rope, clothes, and silks were just so much more pliable, less harmful, and most importantly reusable. She grabbed the bracket and yanked tearing it from the wall allowing the rope and tail to drop to the floor like a rock. She gently stroked his back as she walked to the opposite end and lifted the couch with a little grunt. With a few tugs she was able to pull the rope off the leg supports without causing to much pain. While he slumped into the couch she moved back and gently moved to tail to inspect how else he was bound. She blocked the first wave of fear that accompanied the tails move and pulled at the knot that bound his ankles together taking note of the light amount of blood that was splattered on the floor and the back of his leg fur. Hiking the tail up just a bit further she saw the leaking red pucker. Blood covered the whole area but it wasn't more than smeared around, he was in pain but she didn't think he needed immediate attention. Besides he was still hoping for something else out of her, he wanted to be rescued and protected.

She sent more energy as she looked over her shoulder to the scrabbles behind her. 'Red Jack indeed' she though seeing his crotch also smeared with blood and the member colored the same. Maleah moved to sit on the couch drawing the squirrel into her lap reaching out to slowly pull his legs up while he turned sideways and tried to curl into a ball. "I'm sorry little one." She spoke soothingly gently stroking his back trying to comfort and stop his trembling. "I'm so sorry little one, so sorry." She crooned continuing her pets till Buck interrupted her.

"You BITCH!!" He managed to yell almost making it to his knees before 'THUNK!' She growled trying to force her way up and take care of the hare. She would have probably torn him apart for hurting her little one if it hadn't been for the whimpers and clutching paw that held to her when she tried to move. Her little one was more important at the moment, "So sorry." she whispered again slowly stroking his fur.

Maleah looked up several minutes later at the noise from the door where master and the security stood. She had moved the squirrel so that he was cradled against her shoulder and his knees bent against her chest allowing his rear to rest between her legs with out touching the couch. She had been using her teeth to tear into the duck tape that was holding his muzzle mostly closed. It took just a few more seconds as she finally tore through helping him open his mouth and yank out the half soaked rag.

As the squirrel let out his first unhindered sob and grabbed even tighter to his rescuer Buck decided it was finally safe to get to his bruised body upright. He shouted out at Leon, "That THING! She just.." Buck was silenced by the odd bark that was followed by a low snarling growl that emanated from the couch. Through the rumbles word were still heard clear enough, "GET Him out or I WILL Tear him APART!" Even she was surprised by the fierceness of her emotions as she held her little one as close as she could to her chest rocking him back and forth as she fully adopted her new role.

While security struggled to get the hare out of the room Leon walked across to check on his guest. He reached down to pat the shoulder and spoke, "Just a minute there are people outside who can help."

"NO!" Maleah burst out before she realized who she was speaking with, "No master, I will help him." She spoke holding him close and standing. She stopped to bark again at the three white dressed bodies that were waiting in the hall. Her half curled lip was enough to make them back off as she headed to the front door with her precious cargo. She had a little trouble getting through doors while she carried the squirrel but she managed to cross the ground and get into the conservatory. She took several breaths of the warm damp air before moving to the large futon that had taken the place of some of the planting tables. Still holding him tight she rolled out onto the mat ending up under the squirrel. Maleah carefully continued to work the rest of the duck tape off his muzzle while he only gave slight whimpers when she tugged a bit to much fur off.

"Little one what is your name?" She finally asked.

"Tommy" He was able to mumble out in response.

She crooned and began stroking and petting as she finally removed the last of the tape from his muzzle. She took a moment to consider how to move him so she could inspect his tail and see if it could be freed of the rope that weighed it down. Her first shift bought a light moan and a slight poke near her middle which caused Tommy start sobbing again this time with embarrassment as he tried to apologize. Maleah had pulled him close even while she started rubbing her body against his. "Mommy understands, she does. You need help in so many ways and mommy is here for you." She spread her legs and shifted so that with a firm nudge he began sliding down between her thighs. Maleah had pulled her head and chest up stretching out her tongue till she was able to wrap all the way around his muzzle pulling their lips together while at the same time finally stopping his quiet stammering apologies. He looked into her eyes as she gently drew her tongue back. "Do you trust mommy little one?" She asked as he nodded his response. "Then let me help you out I'll show you how it's supposed to feel. Mommy will take your pain and give you pleasure."

Tommy snuggled in between her breasts which seemed to have grown to a hefty DD from their normal handful of B/C size. She tried to guide his now insistent jabs as the lust of his body took control and he blindly thrust against her not caring whether he was inside or not. "There mommy's got it." She told him as her lips finally caught the his head and Tommy thrust hard forcing everything he had inside. She felt him pause as a shudder ran the entire length of his body. It was his last moment, a deep breath before he went on to a completely feral level. Gripping onto her as tight as he could he began recklessly pounding with short humps that barely moved inches between them at speeds that he would only be able to hold for a short time.

It was enough though in just over a minute he gripped her even harder and cried out as he dumped the entire load in a few forceful sprays of cum that shot deep inside her. She kept him close as she drew the offering inside milking the shaft as he shuddered against her. Part of Maleah was greatly pleased with the new role and emotions that it offered but also extremely disappointed as the squirrel let out a final shuddering breath and stopped moving. She was obviously going to have to find pleasure elsewhere but was unable to bring herself to shock or even to think of harming the body above her. She started to roll and push the squirrel off but found more resistance than she expected. Tommy gripped her shoulders trying to push her back down as his mouth latched on to a nipple and began sucking hard. He slowly drew back pulling his knees under him as Maleah smiled and spread her legs out drawing her knees up.

She pet his head and purred as he descended back inside, "That's it make mommy feel good." And make her feel good he did nursing on one nipple before changing to the other all the while keeping a steady long stroke with his shaft. Her body was on a gentle rise as she started rolling her hips to help his penetrations enjoying the fact she was wrong and he wasn't yet finished. Even as her purring increased along with her moans she let out a cry of frustration as her son began pounding faster rocketing towards his second release before her.

Still she held him caressing his back and allowing him to cry out in pleasure a second time spraying out a second full load which she drew up into her reserve chamber. She allowed him several minutes before once again starting to shift rolling them both on to their sides. She heard him copy her quieting purr as his paw reached out to trace down her side she had to stop and look into his eyes. She still felt his contented and pleasure but at the same time their was again a growing curiosity and need as he rubbed his cheek against her upper chest.

Maleah was beginning to feel less motherly and more needful as she gripped on to his still somewhat firm shaft. "Are you going to let mommy feel good this time?" He nodded still snuggling under her chin. Suddenly acting on an idea that maybe wasn't the best but still fell into the realm of her helping and showing her little one how to change his pain in to pleasure she rolled him on to his back. Maleah began secreting some of her stored fluids while discretely rubbing her tail against her folds preparing for what she had planned. She moved on top keeping her chest just above his blocking his field of view to just her head and chest while she kept her plans hidden.

"Do you trust me little one?" She asked placing a light kiss against his forehead as he watched her. With his nod she moved up to her knees allowing her slick tail to just nudge the pucker of his ass.

He whined and shivered under her as she gently caressed his chest trying to ease his fear. "Relax and trust mommy. It will only hurt some but it will be much easier than before and I'll help you feel good."

"Please." He whined then gasped as the tip spread out the abused ring.

She placed a finger to his lips, "Mommy promised to make it all better. Trust me little Tommy relax and let me in." He still struggled against his fear as the head popped inside and an inch slipped in behind it before his backside clamped down. Maleah began purring louder with the tightness of the ring around her tail. Trying to keep the tail still she gently rocked back allowing her folds to now slide against the top of his shaft where she was able to suckle on the lower appendage with her cunny lips. "Relax." She purred while she backed off enough so that when she released more fluids they dribbled over his sack and down on to her tail adding more lubrication.

She spent minutes slowly working her way inside taking extra care when she popped the first three ridges inside. She eased the pain by giving his shaft loving kisses from her lower lips causing him to firm up again and begin to throb.

When she finally had sunk in a good seven inches she stopped moving all together and tried to quiet her purring just a bit. She was waiting for Tommy to open his eyes back up which had been clenched closed as he tried to ignore what was happing to his butt. It took a few seconds before he had realized something had changed. His eyes snapped open and he clenched down hard with a whimper expecting the worst to happen. What he got though was a gentle tap on the nose and a slow flex of the tail inside him as she began a simple massage from the inside slowly working her way to his sweet spot.

Maleah grinned showing nearly all her teeth at his gasp of shock as one of her ridges made contact with his prostate and she continued by drawing all three over the spot pulling out several inches as he shuddered beneath her. "Don't worry mamas gonna show you everything." she replied to his confused look and the wave of uncertainty that rolled through him. She lifted up high enough to bring a small yip of pain from Tommy as she gripped his shaft and aimed it inside. He gave a long slow moan as he sank inside her while at the same time she pressed back in till she was teasing his rear with the second set of ridges on her tail. She squeezed down tight and wriggled both above and below enjoying her pleasure and his confusion as his paws latched on to her hips and his mind tried to decide if he wanted to help her move or make her stop.

Maleah started with a gentle ride pleased with each of his hisses of pain as much as every deep throated moan and groan. She made sure to use each bump and rib on her tail to heighten her own pleasure while at the same time making sure she explored every place she could reach inside of him. Tommy shaft inside made sure to keep her purring at a steady climb as she lifted herself off and pushed back down slowly. She sped up keeping and eye out not to put to much strain on the squirrel below her as her peak drew closer and closer. She could only hear moans and pleasing little 'yeses' from her little one as suddenly her role jumped back to the front. Here she was screwing her son and about to let him fill her full. "Good yes baby come in mommy, fill me, Fill Me!" She lent his body a little extra power and energy as she mashed him into the mat popping one more ridge in and grinding the bumps over his prostate. Tommy screamed out as his claws tried to dig through her skin and began to totally hose her insides with more spunk than his first two loads together. His cry was eclipsed by Maleah's vocalization as she finally hit her peak, sucking in every milliliter of his seed while rattling and cracking several of the windows that were close to where they lay.

She brought him quickly back from his blissful high with a little jerk that popped out a ridge and a few inches or so of her tail. "No wait." he gasped out trying to hold her hips still as she began to lift off of him. She leaned back over him all the while gently tugging till the next ridge was pulling at his pucker and he whined out.

"Little Tommy." she said placing several little licks against his nose and lips, "I have other plans than to stay here with you." He stopped dead as she actually bit into his lip distracting him as she tugged drawing the rest of her tail free.

"Wait please." He tried again as she lifted off and rolled away. Tommy struggled up only to flop back down feeling horribly week and drained.

"Tell you what little one. I will ask master to invite you back sometime." She stood up and leaned back over tracing her fingers though his chest fur till she wiggled her fingers just on top oh his shrunken and retreating member and sheath. "Three times in a row without a real break, the serum seems to like you." She winked at him before turning and walking away. Knowing his eyes would now be glued on her tail, she let it hang low and swing back and forth below her rear.

He was barely awake when they came into attend to the squirrel. They forced him to suck down some thick odd tasting goop while at the same time something feeling like a cold cloth was pressed to his rear. All that was okay until he was shocked awake crying out a scream of protest as they held him down and forced an ice cold thick cloth over his chest tucking it in around him. He had no energy to struggle the thick blanket off as it sucked the heat from his body causing him to shiver uncontrollably. In a moment his teeth were chattering and his body shook even while his mind seemed to drift off again. When the warmth of the conservatory air was finally allowed to touch his fur again he drew up his legs and pressed his arms tight in to a ball. For some reason his tail wouldn't move and with a worrying though he tried to struggle through the exhaustion and shock to find out why. Trying to focus on the gazelle in front of him Tommy suddenly realized he was asking him a question but somehow he wasn't hearing more than an odd sort of rhythmic rumbles or pulses. He smiled thinking of Maleah's purring and asking the one question, hope, and thought his mind could put out before he finally passed out.

"What did he just say?" The nurse asked as she continued holding down his tail so the scissors they were using wouldn't cut more than fur.

Leon had let out a chuckling laugh with his sigh of relief at hearing the squirrels request. He stopped laughing glad to have somehow dodged a probably damaging lawsuit which would make it all the harder to keep Maleah from being dismantled. "He asked if he could come back."

Moving to get a better grip so her partner could cut away more tape she shook her head. "Some squirrels really are just nuts."


Cathrine had slid off the bed and was slowly pacing the room while her husband rested recovering from his second orgasm. [Remember he will need short rests. You can push him later but in the beginning let him have time to recover.] She looked back to the bed with a little growl of irritation, she still hadn't quite forgiven him and already her body was wanting more.

When Maleah was carrying him out to the pool his paws had been all over her chest while he was squeaking and licking at her neck. By the time she had him upright and standing at the pools edge Noland had made a final plea, "Your supposed to give out sex. Come on she'll never know."

"You mean your wife?" Maleah had asked. "Well Duh." the mouse had answered while his paw had now reached between her legs to rub and slip a finger inside. "Don't worry." She whispered close to his ear, "She already knows." Noland had followed the pointing finger and it took a full half minute or so for his hazed mind to truly register his wife and not some cute mousette.

"Cath.." Maleah watched as she felt his hand drop and mind seemed to shudder to a complete halt. Her grin was evil as his mouth opened to try again and nothing came out. She let him stand there as long as she felt was necessary before giving him a good shove back. She couldn't stop a gleeful little cry as he screamed when he resurfaced amongst the ice cubes. She had a giddy little step before she saw the pain on Cathrine's face as she made her way over.

Still not getting her attention Maleah finally gripped the mouses chin to stare into her eyes. "Stop it! This is his punishment not yours." She waited while the mouses jaw firmed and there was more conviction reflected in her eyes. "Good!"

They both tried ignoring the screaming of her name and the big splash that followed. "Stay down, we'll tell you when you can get out." A voiced called out.

Maleah watched the mouse as she spoke softly, "Cathrine right now he is terrified. Every though, every feeling is for you. All you have to do now is to fix the fact that he's been stupid and foolish." Maleah did give another look at the pool and the drenched, dejected, sobbing rodent. "He's hurt enough, when he gets here stop him from crying out and interrupting you. Then tell him he gets 'One last final chance.'" Maleah finished watching Cathrine nod in response. She stepped away there was no need for luck or well wishes. "If you really want him go claim him." She said walking away.

Cathrine had waited watching him stumble and struggle wrapped in a warm towel trying to shrug off the helpers. He had tripped and landed at her feet trying to reach out for her as she stepped out of reach. The look he gave her was the hardest moment of all, her own punishment for agreeing to this little game, and she accepted it. His eyes were closed as she bent down and used her paw to hold his muzzle shut and capture his attention. "One last final chance." She repeated dutifully. It wasn't the spark in his eye that showed his love but the fact he pulled away from her hands to gently kiss her toes.

"Oh gods I'm sorry." She heard him mumble as the others finally pulled him away to finish drying and having him drink warm strengthening fluids. She waited several minutes allowing them to finish before she lead him back to the room that was ready for her. He apologized several times along the way and she said nothing, 'He will apologize properly when I want him to.' she though instead of just murmuring the words over and over again.

Cathrine looked back at the bed and her husband. He was no longer panting, in fact he seemed quite relaxed, maybe he had even dozed off. They had made love twice now in their normal way, although the first time Noland had been near frantic gripping her hard enough to hurt. The thought of the second time made Cathrine smile. This last time he had put all his effort and energy in to pleasing her, Twice! She crawled back up on to the large bed and up between his legs. Now was the time to begin his lessons.

She started by tickling his leg fur and gently blowing against his sheath. He probably had been asleep but with a moan he called her name and sat half way up. She turned just far enough around to reach between the mattress and the foot board retrieving a small tube of flavored lubricating gel. She knew he would be curious as to what she was doing but kept him distracted with a long slow lick all the way up his sheath ending with a few circles around the now peaking member. "Catty.."

"Shhhh." she silenced him. "Isn't this what you wanted from those others?" She asked as she gripped his sack rubbing the balls together firmly enough to make him worry. She took just the tip of his cock in her mouth sucking hard even while she kept her tongue in place firmly pressing back so it wouldn't fill her mouth. She moved her head making it seem like she was actually pulling it from the sheath as he grew erect. Meanwhile her hands had worked off the top of the tube off with one paw and slicked up two fingers on the other. "I hope you really love me Noland." She told him while she scooted back just enough for one paw to pull his tail so she could put it in her mouth and gently suckle on it licking the short bristled fur. Her other paw made its way to his tail hole and was gently circling the tight pucker. [Make sure you have total control. Don't leave him much room to squirm or struggle. I know you don't want to tie him up so wait till he's tired.]

"Catty you know I ... Wait you." His sentence ended in a quick grunt as she had applied pressure then rammed her finger inside his back hole. She gripped his tail in her mouth when he tried to slide away while her other hand returned to his shaft.

"Yuur NINE!" She growled around his tail as she worked her finger around his rear exploring as she was taught.

"Cathrine stop. This, it's not right." Her chuckle was probably the biggest shock so far for him this evening. Not only was she starting to violate him but it seemed she was enjoying it as well. "Please your..." His squeak rose to a small yelp as she bit firmly into his tail just enough to break the skin but more importantly distract him as she forcefully slide a second finger inside wiggling her fingers till her paw was just invading his hole and the fingers fully vanished inside.

"Don't say ANYTHING!" she said spitting out his tail. "Unless you are ready to start telling me the name of each woman you were with and apologize for each one." She watched as his mouth opened and a true look of shock spread crossed his face. "Oh Boo are there really so many? Do I matter so little? Am, am I not enough?" His flattened ears and closed eyes told her far more than any words could sorrow, regret, guilt, and pain.[The worse he feels the easier it will be to make him agree.]

"From now on Noland you are mine every part." She wiggled her fingers slowly drawing them out before pushing back in. "This is MINE." She bent down to nuzzle his sack and after a light lick said, "This is MINE." She stared out across his chest while she shifted his member to the side slightly and squeezed. "And this is MINE." As he opened his mouth she used both fingers to jab at his prostate having figured out where exactly it was causing his jaw to clack shut and his hips to jump slightly. [Most mens penises are sensitive at the tip. But there are some who get greater pleasure at the base you'll know which as soon as you try.]

She watched him try to process what was happening as she slide her hand to the base pushing the sheath as far down as possible and pulling him straight up. Keeping her paw with a loose grip on his shaft she squeezed firmly with the last two finger applying pressure at the base. His groan and hip thrust told her all she needed to know as she jabbed his prostate again causing another trust upwards to her paw. "Noland." she spoke allowing him a few seconds before she called his name again. Making sure he was staring straight in to her eyes. [Remember this is about more than just eye contact. You need to make as many connections as you can with each part of him that is important.]

"Noland I love you." She paused feeling she had made to the last and most important connection. "From now on you are mine - Heart, Body, and Soul." She gave another wiggle with her fingers to remind him and make her point. "I wont accept anything less. Do you understand?" She waited as she felt him begin to accept all she was saying nodding in agreement. "NO. Don't nod say it!"

He took in a breath and allowed it to shudder out before finally speaking, "I love you Cathrine. I am so sorry. What ever you want it's yours."

"I WANT YOU!!" She screamed out at him making his ears flatten and his eyes close.

"Yes. I am yours." he replied quietly. [Don't ever let him think it is over till you are done.]

"Good!" Cathrine stated tugging out her fingers from his rear and crawling up to sit on his stomach. "Because I am almost ready to forgive you. Do me a favor and clean my paw off okay?" She waggled her lubricated digits in front of his nose. She watched his struggle as he opened his mouth and let his tongue stick out slightly. She started counting in her head, reaching three she decided that on five she would press her hand inside his mouth. On four though the muscle wiggled darting out to touch a finger. After a third and fourth lick his eyes opened with surprise at the taste. Cathrine giggled with the surprise, he had this thing for strawberries. She used her paw to push his tongue back and slid her fingers past his teeth. He suckled with out complaint accepting the taste of his own insides with the light pleasant taste left over from the lube.

"I'm ready." she told him pulling her paw free and sliding down turning around so that her tail wiggled on his chest and his shaft pressed between her legs. She looked over her shoulder and smiled glad that he was still firm enough and she still wet enough that she didn't have to work hard to slip him back inside. "You should have asked me Boo. If you needed more you should have asked me."

"Catty," he said grabbing her ass cheeks and giving a little thrust as she squeezed on him, "I am so sorry."

"I know Boo." she said shifting her knees back and trying to lift up. "And now I am going to show you what you get if you stay with me. If you ask me I am willing to help you out with what ever you want, but don't forget." she said dropping a paw to rub between his ass cheeks. "You are MINE!" She told him before adding just loud enough for him to hear as she bounced again, "And later I will take what's mine."

Maleah stared at the couple through the slightly open doorway. She had a hard time keeping quiet and still as the energies the two emitted had poured out of the couple and literally burned through the room. She had to hold on to the door jam keeping herself from rushing in while at the same time keep her mind in check stopping herself from diving through their thoughts and feelings. Pushing off the wall she rushed down the hall drawing as much of their energies as she could wrapping it around herself like a heavy winter coat. She was sure she would be visiting that room several times this week if only to draw off the feeling and emotions or to just relive them. It's possible I've just found a new favorite playroom she thought to herself.


"Master... master are you awake?" Leon could hear the voice and movement which roused him from a light slumber. Her five orgasms of the evening had him scrambling to where ever she was, with of course the exception of that little squirrel. He had been waiting outside the entire time for her to finish. "Master?" she asked again.

"What's wrong?" he said sitting up. He felt it as she grabbed his hand and sat down on the bed. The clocks numbers told him it was just after four-thirty.

"Nothing is wrong master. I just wanted to thank you for everything you did." She told him caressing his hand and purring slightly.

"This, couldn't this wait till morning?" He asked laying back down.

"No master it should be now while we can still enjoy what is coming." He wondered what exactly she was trying to say as the room brightened grade by grade. The purple glow was emanating off of Maleah, not just her eyes but her entire body was radiating a soft light.

"Maleah.." He started stopped by her finger on his lips. Even as she pulled her hand away the impression left by her single finger had his lips tingling with an odd charge of energy. The same tingle he could now feel on his hand creeping up to his wrist. He sat up quickly but was unable to remove his hand from her grasp. He watched with a near equal feeling of fascination and fear as he watched the purple glow advance across his skin under the fur. He looked up and was suddenly locked in the gaze of her eyes, her voice whispered though his mind. 'It's not a bad thing master.' With that he let go allowing whatever was going on to pass.

He had found by the time the tingle had passed though his chest and was advancing to his other limbs her glow was fading, dimming back to normal. 'Are you ready Master?" the voice whispered again. "Yes." He tried to speak firmly as he felt the tingle pass his knees.

"Leon Green." She spoke his name for the first time, "I bind myself to you. You will be my law. Your wish is my purpose. My pleasure is you pleasure. I am yours master, My Master." As she finished speaking he saw and felt the glow fade feeling like it was seeping under his skin. In what seemed like the total darkness of the room Lean her her speak again. "What is you pleasure, what is your wish Master."

Leon was wondering that himself. "Will you tell me what is going on now?" he asked.

"If you want but the party is growing thin and I wanted to share it with you." She told him.

Leon thought for a moment, "You and I can play anytime is there someone special you wanted to share with me?"

Leon herd the chuckle even as he felt a some what playful malevolent laughing echo in his head. "You my Master. I want to share you." He took a moment to try and imagine what her words exactly would mean. It was obviously some kind of interesting game... "No Master," she interrupted his thought, "It is the best game. The ultimate game." His eyes were finally readjusting to the shadows as he stared at his newly bonded pleasure slave. Even as he decided to accept what she offered her purring started. "Just lay back my Master and close your eyes, I'll be ready soon." He felt the bed shift and was wondering what was going to happen as his ears listened to her leave and close the door behind her.

Maleah strutted down the hall please with her plan. She would be able to teach and thank Master at the same time, he had given her so much now it was her turn to repay his efforts. She headed upstairs knowing exactly where she had left the parasaurus.

It was just over a half hour ago when she had swiped one of the strengthening vials out of Masters desk. She wanted him alert, relaxed, but not randy. She had waken him up with a cup of coffee after she had removed the other occupant out of his bed. She informed the paramedic that his services would soon be needed and that she would come back as soon as he was showered and awake. She waited long enough for him to start drinking the coffee before she slipped back out of the room, his services were needed just not in a way he would suspect.

She drew on her master's consciousness allowing him to see and feel a little of what was around as she finished climbing the stairs. Maleah carefully eased his worry and surprise 'Relax Master, this will be fun' she thought aloud to him as she looked down allowing him so see and feel as her hand traced its way down the bumps of her chest and tummy stopping just shy of her privates. She couldn't help smiling pleased with his wonder and shock over what was happening. The perfect gift and the ultimate ability she had. "Naughty. He locked the door." she said aloud when she reached the door, showing him that he could hear as well as feel what was happening. She shoved a quick thought of the parasaurus answering his unspoken question while she rejected his though of keys and where they were.

Maleah gripped the door handle and applied pressure. Her fingers latched on even tighter as she firmly twisted causing a metal snapping sound and continued twisting till the knob snapped off. She skipped Masters slight annoyance as she slipped a finger in the hole and pressed on the slide moving the latch enough so that when she pushed on the door it popped open. She searched the room, it was empty but the fact there was no water running and movement behind the closed bathroom door meant that her plan would soon give her rewards. She couldn't restrain her giddy feeling even as she felt Master's thought of 'Your massage.' 'Our massage' she answered crawling up onto the bed even as the bathroom door opened in a rush of steam and warm moist air. She rolled on to her belly bending her knees and waving her feet as she used a finger to coax the dino over.

Scott had stepped out of the bathroom without so much as a towel to find his discarded clothing only to stop and wonder what she was doing on the bed. "Don't keep me waiting." She whined out as he heard a low key rumbling start. "I am so sore." she continued.

Scott still stood near the bathroom door trying to decide. "Aren't we.. \ **ahem*.. I believe I am supposed to be working."

"YES!" Maleah hissed out impatiently, "And if you don't get started I will tell Master you failed at your job." She bent a finger calling him over one more time. "This is my party remember."

Scott decided to play along. "Of course. You must be very sore and tense from all the attention. It can be so hard having every person trying to look after you." Her purr was the only answer as his hands made contact with her back slowly exploring the odd textured pads. Scott used his hands to search trying to figure out her outer layer. The raised patches were hard almost like plating but were space with what felt was definitely a thick hide but still so soft and pliable. He continued to wonder as he worked his way down her back trying to figure if the harder spots under the skin were muscles or bones. He couldn't even find her spine unless the two harder areas on either side of her center were some kind of duel support.

Inside Maleah was enjoying her Masters reactions she could almost feel him shivering and panting. She had quickly gotten used to the feeling of her skin rubbing against a body or being rubbed and the tingling pleasure those bumps provided her when they were teased. It had always helped when someone payed attention to her body while having sex but this was his first time and he was slowly being tormented by the pleasure the massage was giving.

Maleah decide it was time to allow him out on his own as she literally shoved him forward into the body while she rode shotgun. "Oh god, YES!" Scott her her cry out as she drew her knees in and tried to press in to his hands. He stood at the side of the bed watching as she rolled over and her hands flashed out across her body rubbing furiously and gripping a breast while the other had zipped to her crotch and a single finger drove inside causing her body to jerk and her eyes to open wide.

Suddenly she froze focusing on Scott and looking like the most embarrassed person in the world. "I... we... its." She stuttered out. "Please take me." she finally breathed out pulling her hand away and opening her legs in invitation.

Scott sat on the bed and slowly stroked her leg, "No need to rush we can..." His wrist was gripped hard and she tried to yank his body up on top of her causing him to hiss in pain and made him fall awkwardly across her stomach.

'Relax Master you'll hurt him' - "I want it now." he growled out at both her and the male on his body. Scott looked at her face watching the seeming struggle that happened as she tried controlling herself. His wrist was released and she spoke again. "Now please, I, I want it." Scott shook his hand making sure that he was unharmed. He pulled back allowing his hand to stroke all the way down her middle and stopping to cup her vaginal lips gently rubbing against them. She dropped back playing with her chest and nipples purring out her pleasure. 'That's it.' Maleah encouraged, she had almost stepped in stopping her Master before he was able to gain control. He cried out body instinctively clamping down around the finger that invaded the body. It was so strong both the pleasure and the need to feel more.

"I thought we were supposed to give you guidelines, role play, that sort of stuff." Scott spoke still playing with her privates.

Leon groaned out feeling a second finger wriggle inside as the tunnel twitched and felt like it was being stretched. He felt full but in a whole new way that is own body would never understand. Oh he wanted more and more as the fingers drew back and plunged back in. The body was purring loudly and automatically as he finally blurted out around a moan. "Not this.. nnnh time."

"Looks like you so close already." He spoke trying to find her pleasure nub to bring her to an orgasm. Maleah was sort of giggling in the back round as she felt Leon buck and grind against the fingers while the dino kept a fruitless search going for something that wasn't there.

Scott continued pumping and wriggling his fingers curious as to what else he could do to set her off, his tongue maybe. "Just stick it in already!" She growled scooting up on the bed more and spreading her legs wide in another open invitation. This was not quite what he was expecting although what do you expect from a supposed sex slave. Horny yes but it seemed all she wanted from him was the act. Scott turned climbing up on to the bed and between her thighs. He would prefer to explore and have a little fun, maybe when he met her needs she would be more amenable. Leon was literally shaking with need as Scott knelt between his legs. Every part of him wanted this as his mind burned with need and anticipation over what was seconds away. 'Like this Master' he felt her take control for a moment and loosen or move something inside. 'Now your ready'

Scott leaned over her using one hand for support and the other to guide his cock to her lips and let the head press gently inside. Leon reached her hands up to hold on to Scott's back trying to control the urge to yank him down. For a second he could see it clearly in his head flipping the parasaurus over and riding that shaft like she so needed. Just as instinct or need made him grab a tighter hold Scott and try, he leaned against her and shoved. Leon screeched as she felt something tear inside causing her to dig claws in to the dino's back.

Scott hissed in pain as she punctured his hide. "Why would you?" He gasped trying to hold still.

"I didn't.. It wasn't.." he could feel Maleah's glee as he was penetrated properly for the first time. "Never mind." He said wrapping his legs around Scott and tried to pull him forward and deeper, "Just do it." The pain had been sharp a jolt that had racked her entire body and vanished seconds later replaced by the feeling of a cock buried inside.

Leon shivered and cried out feeling the purring rumble increase vibrating the bed and everything else around as the shaft drug back through her tunnel gliding out before he drove back across the sensitive insides. He felt Maleah shift the insides again nearly closing off everything leaving a small space just beyond the deepest place he hit. When he was full in again Maleah gave a little squeeze and when Scott drew back it created a small vacuum that felt like he was dragging her walls with him on the way out.

Scott tried to turn away from her scream that was near his hear hole. She had clamped down so tight he had to fight just to draw a few inches back before she literally sucked him back inside. He wasn't sure how but every little move seemed to be forcing him to one of his fastest climaxes ever. The rumbling around him seemed to penetrate through skin and bones massaging and vibrating his very core urging him on.

Leon couldn't last long and even while he was being submerged by the waves of pleasure a small part was trying to keep track of what Maleah was doing. He was clueless as to what her actions did but what ever it was he wanted more, MORE! Scott cried out in surprise at the wave of pleasure that jump started his orgasm. He couldn't stop, even while he was still pumping a wave of cum pulsed though his dick pouring out the tip in a stream that was sustained by the next load that raced up his shaft. It was like he pissed cum as his body still rocked in time with his thrust and as her purrs radiated though his body.

'No Master!' He felt like someone had slapped him as the cry echoed in his mind as she wrenched control away from him. Whether it was the slap or the shock of change as Scott stopped and dropped on top of him it was the nudge that sent Leon into a new bliss and a whole new world of pleasure. They cried out awakening more than half the guests and causing many employees to grumble and turn in their sleep.

Leon was pleased as he finally started to feel the weight on top of him as sensations other than euphoria returned to his body. He could also feel the warm cum being slurped deep inside to settle in what felt like the core of her body. 'That was dangerous Master you have to be more careful next time.' She admonished as she gently picked apart his consciousness and gathering him up.

Leon opened his eyes in his own bed panting and gasping for air. He could feel his own spent member slowly retracting down his body and what felt like gobs of cum slowly sliding through his fur on his chest. With another deep breathe he ran his tongue across his lips swiping up a little dribble of his own seed. He tried to process what had just happened, this, this was well beyond anything he had thought possible, well beyond anything he had dreamed. He tried slowing his breathing and regaining a normal heart beat from the previous strained pounding while his mind lazily replayed the feelings of what had just happened.

He suddenly had one shock from a stray thought that would have had him bolt upright in bed if he had any energy. 'Don't worry Master.' the thought reached him, 'He's fine. Drained but fine.'

Leon tried to relax again but the truly blissful mood had left now. Still there now was the one lingering thought that was growing greater even while his body was drifting back to sleep, he would have to be careful next time. As the cum on his chest cooled Maleah poked a final thought in herself into his dream drifting mind, 'Next time we'll be together and I will be able to really share you.'


Danny slid down the hall carefully peaking into the rooms. He was looking for Cat or an unclaimed bed where he might find a bit of peace. He hadn't felt this sore in years, let alone how full his stomach felt from having been served so many snacks, more than he could even try to count. He carefully pulled away almost closing the door on the bedroom where there was still an occupant tied up on the bed. Several rooms later he did finally find and unoccupied room but he couldn't bring himself to stop. He had already searched nearly the whole mansion excepting the west wing and with only five more doors to go he couldn't stop until he was sure he found the squirrel.

It was with a great sigh of relief that Danny saw the sleeping squirrel on the pulled apart bed looking fast asleep. By the time he had closed the door and turned around he saw that Cat's eyes were open and his head was turned staring at him.

"Well?" Danny asked excited, wanting to know everything.

"It was nice." Was the lazy reply as Cat leaned more into the pillows and closed his eyes.

"Oh no you don't." the fox said crossing the room and slapping the stomach of his friend. Cat grunted from the impact now much more awake and looking at the blue fox who sat next to him on the bed.

"Okay it was great." He said putting a lot of feeling into his voice. "I followed Lady Night and helped out her and Shadow."

"Helped?" Danny asked, "Like what, tie me down and whip me?" He watched as the squirrel struggled up shaking his head. "Cat how foolish are you 'Lady Night' that just screams Dom. Did you at least get a chance at release?

Cat was blushing slightly and answered six while thinking over some of the things he did. He had followed directions as best as he could, he still couldn't figure out how his hand had fit, or that he had enjoyed the taste of milk so much he had totally drained the doe dry. That had been the only real time Night had seemed really upset with him. "Prowler!" he heard the name again suddenly realizing Danny was talking to him.

"So then you had fun and you got a cat.." / "Two" the squirrel interrupted. / "got yourself TWO cats and maybe learned a few things." Cat couldn't help it, he began snickering at the fox which quickly turned into a hearty laugh. By the time the fox joined in laughing the squirrel had his head pressed into the bed sides heaving as he tried to get enough oxygen to keep from passing out. After minutes and several small leftover bursts of giggles the two had calmed down enough to continue. "And all you were going to try to tell me was 'It was nice.' What exactly happened."

"Yes that is something I would like to hear as well." Maleah stated from the doorway. She had been lurking through the mansion since just before sunrise, although it was getting a little light outside the hillside kept direct sunlight off the house till later in the morning. She had always liked the fact mornings started later here, but with all that had happened now she couldn't seem to stop and rest. Maleah was waiting for a few of her guests to recover enough and while prowling around had happen to find the fox and his search. She had almost left again until she heard the outburst of laughter that should have woken normal sleepers.

"UP fox." she commanded pointing to an open wall. "I wanna see that tail move." Danny stood up and walked over placing his hands on the wall he started with a slow hanging sway and twitches as she sat on the bed. Maleah pulled the sheets away so she could better play with the squirrel. She started fishing the soft member out of the sheath working the skin down and the flesh out as he laid back down. She heard him groan in pain not pleasure when she had most of it out and exposed. Most of the underside of the squirrel's shaft was deep red looking raw from too much rubbing. She drew her finger from the bottom to the top watching as he bit his lip to keep quiet.

"Next time less fur and more flesh." she advised Cat as she turned her attention to the fox. Still seeing the tail hand low and twitch only sporadically she knew there was nothing left either could offer. Maleah played with the idea of shocking the fox till she remembered what she had seem him do earlier.

Anyone who could be double penetrated at back and front at the same time should get a little respect. Especially since she had seen Brit taking pictures in the corner. She had posed several times for him yesterday and although he argued that he was no pornographer he did agree to shoot some pictures of the party. Today or tomorrow she would be able to review the exact placement of bodies that had so interested her as she watched the fox suck and gulp the shafts into his body.

Maleah got up dragging Danny back to the bed and forcing him to sit. With a kiss she zapped his body causing his limbs to stiffen. With her own chuckle she shoved his body back causing his bent legs to stick out into the air. She turned watching the squirrel as she moved across the room to sit in the plush high backed armchair. "Come here Cat." She called seeing the reluctance as he crawled off the bed and crossed to her. "Sit." she patted her lap. The squirrel complied by turning around and just before his rear touched her legs she said, "Good Fluffy."

His butt hit her lap a little hard as his legs gave out from his quiver. He turned to watch her with his ears flattened and a small frown. "It seems I was wrong. She didn't eat you but she did train you well didn't she." She waited while he nodded his head ears still folded back to his skull. A small part of her was a bit upset that he was ruined to all the little games she could have played with him. But there was something different she wanted from him now. When she had first seen the squirrel she had dismissed him as being near worthless except as a toy.

She took a moment to test his mind again finding the same feeling and reactions as he once again glared intently at her. She let out a slow smile having sensed what she wanted, now to try and get him to agree. "You don't have anyone to love do you?"

"I.." the squirrel started and stopped. She gave him a stroke down his back trying to ease his discomfort. "No" he said quietly after a moment.

"Can I ask you a favor Cavet?" Seeing that he didn't really react she continued. "I want you to show me love." He was again staring at her as she explained. "Pretend to love me even for just a minute so I can feel it and experience it myself."

Cat sat there considering long enough to make the female restless and she poked him in the side. "It's not like that. You don't just pretend, but I could try." He said laying his head on her chest. He remembered each of the people who he held close especially those whom he wished were something more.

Maleah saw his closed eyes and his muzzle which had turned up towards her. She closed her own eyes and opened up her senses to him. Their lips met and she was flooded with fire and warmth. There was fulfillment and happiness which swept into her alike and yet very different from the feelings she had experienced earlier. She leaned into his mind hoping to feel even better only to yank her lips, body and mind away from him. There was a horrible bitterness and pain that was running through his feelings. They opened their eyes at the same time and she could see the sorrow and pain reflected there along with a need that was slowly seeping off of him. She instinctively zapped him stopping that look and then scooped him up and tossed him back to the bed.

That was wrong everything about that was wrong. The fox was now back up and staring at her, "Why didn't it feel good? Why didn't he feel good like me?" She demanded pacing across the floor.

"Love is something special shared between two people." Danny answered. She knew that Master had already told her that. "Cat hasn't found anyone who was willing to share."

She stopped watching him and trying to thinking. "I tried to share."

"No, you wanted to use him. Just like every other girl he's been close to. They use him and dump him." Danny informed her.

Maleah decided this was all too much, too confusing. One person alone, no matter how good it felt, was just stupid she would never want just one. "Listen fox you owe me a dance. Next time leave the squirrel and come alone." She told him walking out of the room nearly slamming the door. She tried to shove the confusion away along with the thought of going back to check up on Cathrine. She walked back to the house proper and into the west wing. Someone was going to help her have sex now! Even if she had to wake the entire staff to get it!

I want to just say now that this has truly been fun but taxing. There are dozens of scenes with some of the characters which I didn't bother to write or just glanced over in other parts. I know I spent to much time with my own characters because I still felt a little uncomfortable using others with out more guidelines. EVERYONE just said here have fun while all the time I worried if i might somehow upset or offend them. I do not think I will write more to this even though there are many many thoughts still seeping out on the story including a day later where Alexander and Carla come over with members of the facility to try and take Maleah only to find her bonded and playing out in the stables under Hryssar to which Carla demands to join in. A fully fleshed out scene with Danny taking four cocks but I know that is beyond my writing skills. A little more time with Brit and some camera shots. Plus a scrapped scene with Maleah and ferret twins where she did orgasm. This was also the first story I considered asking for help on to edit but at nearly sixty pages or so, not sure now that I trimmed it a bit more, I didn't want to put anyone through the hassle especially since it took me hours just to read and days editing and trying to fix typos with the story in six different parts.

As to the ending it doesn't suck. I wanted to leave Cat still lonely because that is how his own story is written out and leave Maleah upset and pissed over something she doesn't really understand. After all she is made with a bit of demon in her and I believe most would bother or care to try and understand love.

And so I leave driving away from Buckstaff manor out the black iron gates looking back one last time at the sign overhead suddenly busting a gut laughing as one of the many guest who left before me had taped an "F" over the "B"