Sex R&D part 5 - The Return Phase

Story by porterjoe on SoFurry

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#5 of Happy Heart Pharmaceuticals

This is probably going to be the last Lilly/Reah story. I have a couple ideas for other little serums that I'm eager for the sexy pharmaceutical company to produce. Let's just say that the next story I've been toying with is going to be entitled "Double Reward" and I might have to go back on my...discomfort with anal.

Worthy of note, I'm not a huge fan of estrus based stories, but it seemed like a good opportunity to try my hand at one. I can see the erotic qualities, but this is probably the way I'll try to represent heat (in that the character will have a partner to help her through it). I'm too much a fan of lovy-dovy stories (hence the avatar I made).

Speaking of which, my apologies for the delay in putting up another Sex R&D, I've been having a rather good run with my latest series The Royal Secret (I would highly recommend it if you like this chapter in particular) in the Stories of Cabalton folder. It's more prosy, but I've been getting a really positive response on it and it starts off nice and sexy.

This meeting is taking _ forever _... Lilly thought to herself as she clicked a pen with her thumb.

It'd been a while since she had actually been bored at her job, the nature of her research being what it was. But still, it had been difficult to even come in to the HHP labs before lunchtime on this day in particular, knowing that she would only have a couple hours left to enjoy the effects of the drug she had brought home the day before last.

She and her mate hadn't wasted their time though, making up for all the late nights that Lilly had spent documenting serum analysis instead of being with her now erotically enhanced Reah. But then the next day, Jack had to go and almost ruin everything by being such an irritatingly thorough colleague...

"Did you sign out a sample of 88C, Lilly?" Jack asked casually while he went over some notes.

Lilly knew what was coming, but she deserved to actually enjoy herself sometimes, didn't she? Might as well just come right out with it, "Yes, I thought I'd do the testing for foxes...myself."

Jack sighed and leaned away from his keyboard, "You know that was irresponsible, Lilly," he rubbed his face wearily with both paws, "That serum is highly specialized, its effects from species to species could be radically different."

Lilly sniffed angrily, "All three rounds of previous testing came back positive for the intended effect. You know I wouldn't put myself or Reah in danger, and besides, it worked."

Jack stood up and crossed his arms, "The problem is that I need you to be the one working on it if something goes wrong at the return phase," he frowned, "That's always been the time with the most...divergent effects between species." He grimaced at memories of the less pleasant variations.

Lilly bristled, "Look, I've given a lot to this project. I've gotten us a new serum that's almost ready for production already, I've gotten the boss off our back. So, I think I deserve to go home and have a good time with my girlfriend!" She finished with a huff and crossed arms as well.

Jack didn't relax his posture, but his face softened a little, "You have given a lot to the project, but that's why I can't have you trying to...mate with everyone if the return stage goes how it usually does for canines in the first round, I need you taking chemical data during the process, which you can't do if you're the test subject."

"We compensated for that in this round," Lilly sniffed again, but her expression became more pleading, "But, I really needed this with her, Jack...and it's been so much fun. I think it'd been weeks since we last had sex, and I wanted it to be special."

Jack relaxed his expression as he sat back down, rubbing his face in resignation, "'s on your head, whatever happens. I might not be able to cover for you if you end up...embarrassing yourself on the come-down..."

Jack's always been too careful, Lilly thought as she continued clicking her pen. We're on the cutting edge of scientific breakthroughs, and he doesn't even want to reap the rewards for himself. It's not my fault he can't seem to find somebody to warm his bed.

Besides, the return phase probably wouldn't even start until she got home, and then she could enjoy it with Reah...

The pretty scientist looked idly down at the pen she was clicking, watching the nib push in and and out. She smiled to herself as she remembered the hour when she had tried collating the other test data with her new clitoral erection pressing up against the underside of her desk. That may have been less productive in practice than it had been on paper...

But this meeting...ugh...what is the boss even saying?

"Very happy is...keep plugging away," Lilly's attention faded in and out as she daydreamed about her upcoming session with Reah. And as long as nothing unexpected happened, she could take another round and they could go at it all over again.

"Don't be too...expenditures and stock...for each one...Reah's penis...before you begin using laboratory spaces." Lilly snapped alert by what she thought the boss had said. But no...nobody else was looking like he had just started talking about her mate's cock...I really want to see it again while I still have mine...her's is so pretty...

Lilly felt her panties straining against her arousal, her clitoris swelling into it's genetically altered shape. She tried thinking of something else, but the pressure was making it worse. Wave after wave of arousal pounded against her sexes in curiously intense need that was already noticeably tenting her skirt.

"I need to leave!" Lilly interrupted the business wolf.

"What's that Lilly? something the matter?" His face pulled into concern when he saw the fox shaking slightly and hunching forward.

"I don't...I think...something bad for lunch," Lilly put a paw over her mouth and leaned over to hide her erection while she rushed out of the room.

It's like I'm in heat, Lilly thought with alarm as she rushed to her office, but the effects shouldn't be starting this early for the dose I took...well Jack was right I suppose...damnit all.

But it wouldn't be that big of a deal, she had just gotten the dosage wrong for her species and it was ending a little earlier. She was sad that she couldn't do this with Reah, but a quick paw off and then she could get back to work...

Lilly pulled off her panties that were already drenched in feminine nectar from her arousal, allowing her clitoris to swell all the way out as she tucked her skirt up over it. She smiled in relief as she leaned back in her office chair, taking a moment to admire the pulsing, red form. Then another wave of arousal pounded against her, and she gripped her penis with both paws.

Gasping and pumping, Lilly pawed off frantically, her throbbing penis searing with hot need. She vaguely regretted that she hadn't been able to put anything under her so she wouldn't ruin the upholstery, but the thought was pushed aside as she felt her vagina pour forth another rush of her nectar. The need to orgasm was unbearable, and Lilly bucked her hips rapidly as she slid her length between her paws.

She made the mistake of looking down at her penis, and yipped under a new rush of arousal. She saw the gentle taper of her tip throbbing with each rapid beat of her heart, and she bent her clitoris forward as she pushed back farther in the chair. Her hind paws shook as she stretched her toes, then curled them back as she humped into her paws. This was going to be a big one, and saliva dripped out of her mouth as she imagined the stream of her nectar.

The mental image seized through her body as she felt her vagina begin to contract, her spread vulva tightening around the base of her penis as a rippling tingle spread through her loins. She screamed in arousal as she felt a gush of her nectar spewing against the back of her desk, and couldn't help but look at the spurt of her feminine juices.

But instead of feeling the pleasurable relief of her climax, she felt a new need burning inside of her cock. An unpleasantly strong sensation pulsed through her shaft, and she felt a weird sliding tickle working up through her erection. With stronger arousal and almost panic inducing alarm, she realized that the rippling buzz was the need to ejaculate. Her chest heaved as she watched a small slit open on the end of her taper, the division continuing down to meet bubbling pulse coming from the other end.

The pleasure was intense enough to drown out the nauseating sensation, and she pawed even harder as she waited for the development to finish. She managed to think that it wouldn't be good to cum all over her clothes, and angled her cock forward as her vagina sputtered underneath her.

A flood of nectar misted from the end of her penis, the feminine liquid finally forming into regular spurts. Oxygen didn't have a chance to settle into her lungs, her breaths rocking the chair as she spewed from her clitoral cock. The feeling of release was incredible as she watched her ejaculation, hot nectar gurgling under the flesh beneath her paws.

She heaved as the orgasm finally slowed, and she chuckled breathlessly as she felt her penis begin to soften. The slit at the end remained as it turned flaccid, but she noticed with relief that it shrank with her clitoris. At least it wouldn't be too obvious, even if it didn't go away completely, and she settled into her chair as the afterglow set in.

Then she felt an odd tingling begin to undulate through the comfortable fog, and the satisfied warmth grew hotter into need. She gasped with fear as she watched her penis reform, the desire to mate rushing back like walking into an oven.

She had to have sex with Reah, now more than ever. She needed to feel her cock inside of her mate's walls and have her own vagina penetrated. Lilly hiccoughed as her dripping member throbbed up against her tummy, and she frantically stuffed tissues into the crotch of her panties as she pulled them on. She needed to get home, she had to somehow get back and fuck Reah, nothing else mattered. The desire was more powerful than estrus now.

She pulled her erection up and stuffed it under her blouse, hoping that the dark fabric wouldn't show the growing wetness where her cock throbbed against her stomach. The waistband of her skirt helped keep it pressed straight up, but she felt the need increasing as it put pressure on the base of her shaft. Just have to get home, just get your bag and leave...

She walked with shuddering steps as she made her way to the garage, trying to ignore the stares as people saw her and smelled her arousal. She hugged her purse over the throbbing erection under her shirt, and almost started crying as she saw Jack coming towards her.

"Lilly, are you in the return stage?" He called sharply as he saw her staggering steps.

"Yes! I mean, no!" she gasped back, "F-food poisoning...have to go home," she shivered as she felt her nectar soaking through the tissues in her underwear, already beginning to send wet trails down her legs.

Jack looked at her with pitying eyes as he watched her try to lurch down the hall, and wished he could comfort her as she looked away humiliated.

"Oh, put you in heat didn't it?" Jack whispered as she drew close and smelled the intense aroma.

Lilly sobbed as she moved her purse to show where her blouse was being drenched, "It's worse than that...I need to get home...I need fuck me..." She couldn't help but glance lingeringly at his groin even as tears streamed down her face.

Jack winced as the strength of her arousal stood the fur up on his neck and stood some other things up as well, but he put a gentle arm around her to lead her to the garage, "I'll call Reah at her work so she'll be waiting for you when you get home. Just use the autopilot, though. I don't want you driving."

Lilly whimpered as she realized that she had forgotten to call her mate, and pressed her head into Jack's shoulder as they walked into the garage, "...Thank you Jack...I'm, sorry...I can...I can ejaculate now...and I want to so bad..." she bucked her hips as a new rush of her precum-like nectar flowed into her blouse.

"We'll figure that out if it stays after the serum wears off," Jack briefly considered making her come back to the lab and wait for Reah there...but the ejaculation was a side effect for one of the previous test subjects. He knew that she would do anything to be with her mate during the return phase, and she still could have hours before the dosage would flush out.

"You just get home safely where you'll be more comfortable, and call me if the effect doesn't wear off after the deadline estimation." Jack whispered as he helped Lilly into her car and turned on the autopilot.

"Thank you...thank you so much for this, Jack..." Lilly's tearful smile turned into a grimace as another wave of mating desire coursed through her.

Jack almost began to reprimand her for the situation, but then he realized that the long hours forced by his project had not been kind to the pretty fox and her mate, "It' fault too, we've been pushing hard for so long that I didn't even...But from now on I'll try to keep the boss from letting us lose our personal lives."

Lilly squeezed his paw appreciatively before she shut the door, and looked back tearfully as her car drove itself out of the office garage.

But tears couldn't hold back the searing heat of lust for long, and she quickly pushed her seat back so she could paw off on the ride. She just hoped that Reah would have the good sense to be erect for her when she got home...

Lilly fiddled with her keys uncoordinatedly trying to open the door; she only had seconds before the orgasm-dulled need came back with a vengeance. Also, her skirt and blouse were back in the car, and it would have been extremely embarrassing if one of the neighbors looked over and saw her flaccidity poking out of the top of her panties while she fumbled with the back of her bra in the other paw. Even trying to shove keys into the lock looked like sex to her...oh, no...please don't make me masturbate on the front door of my own house...

Fortunately Reah heard the jangling scrapes from outside, and quickly opened the door she had purposefully left unlocked.

"Thank you!" Lilly gasped as she felt her penis swelling against the drenched waistband of her underwear, her paw already unconsciously stroking the tip. She drunkenly stumbled into the house, the waves of heat pressing stronger against her brain.

Reah's nose was assaulted by the smell of her girlfriend's arousal, sparking her own even as concern crept over her face, "'re..."

"I know!" She panted back, "It's really bad, I have to start fucking now." She ripped off her panties and danced anxiously while Reah undressed.

Despite the rushed circumstances, Reah's erection was already forming as she pulled off her pants and kicked them away, but as she started fumbling with her shirt, Lilly rushed forward at the sight of her opening vagina and erecting clitoris.

"I'm sorry," she gasped with the hint of a sob, "I'm so sorry...please, I can't wait any more!" She wrapped her paws around Reah's bottom and drove her penis up into the surprised fox's gratefully dripping female sex.

"It's...oof...okay...sweetie," Reah yelped in between thrusts as Lilly pushed her back against the wall, "This kind of...turns me on..."

Lilly almost started crying again as she kissed her mate repeatedly in appreciation, the pressure in her loins increasing with every buck of her hips. But she had finally made it, and she drove her throbbing erection into Reah's vagina as she lifted her up along the wall.

Alarm was pushed to the side as Reah felt her beautiful fox pumping into her, the scent of her heat wrapping around them and making her clitoral penis throb while it rubbed between their tummies. Lilly's cock was scorching as it roughly pushed aside her labia, and Reah felt it swelling larger inside of her and increasing the already ecstatic pleasure.

"Lilly," She gasped, "You''re getting...hngh...bigger..." The rasping words ended in a yip as she felt Lilly's cock erotically pushing her walls apart.

"I don't...ungh...yeah," Lilly grunted not really knowing what Reah was talking about. She had made it, she was finally having sex. It felt too good to be true, but then she humped back up with the relief of feeling her beautiful mate's genitals as they parted around her and rubbed against her belly.

The intensity of their lovemaking soon had both foxes heaving in bliss, the sensation becoming stronger as Lilly began ejaculating her nectar into Reah. The boiling heat that rushed into her vagina made Reah gasp in surprise, neatly throwing her into an orgasm as well. Her penis pulsed faster and harder between their fur, and she yipped in the frustration of not being able to stroke herself during the climax.

Lilly felt unleashed, she felt almost painful satisfaction, and the rush of her ejaculation began to cool the heat searing inside of her. She could feel every gush of her fluid as it pumped up her shaft and shot into her mate.

But, her spurting finally slowed while her knees began to weaken under the strain of her release and holding up Reah. With a shuddering gasp she lowered her to the floor, and wrapped her arms around her dearest lover and friend.

"I'm sorry...I'm so sorry...thank you," she sobbed as her penis slid out of Reah's cleft.

"Shh, it's okay," Reah cooed, "Really, I liked it. I don't think I've ever seen you so switched on."

Lilly nuzzled into Reah's neck to dry her tears. It had been scary how badly she'd needed to have sex. What would she have done without her beautiful Reah to help her? She shuddered at the possibility and tried not to think about it as she slowly turned and began limping towards the stairs to their bedroom.

"I need to lay down for a bit, would you come up with me until--AHHH," Lilly's gentle request was cut off by a lewd cry as she fell to her knees. The desire had returned, and it was even stronger than before.

"Fuck me now!" She screamed as she leaned onto her paws and pushed her bottom into the air, ", please!" Her elbows shook from the straining need coursing through her, and she looked back through her legs in horror as she saw her penis reforming.

Reah was similarly fearful as she watched her delicate partner straining to present herself, her tail held quivering as it arced over her back. She took off her shirt to buy some time, her own penis unwilling to harden immediately after her orgasm.

"Just...just give me a second, sweetie," She gasped anxiously as she frantically pawed at her shrinking clitoris, "I'm trying..."

"I need you in me so bad!" Lilly choked around her heaving breaths, she tried masturbating desperately with one paw as she strained to keep her vagina up in the air, "Please...I'll do anything..."

Lilly screamed in painful arousal as she orgasmed spontaneously, an unsatisfying spurt of nectar adding another puddle in front of the one under her burning vagina, "I'll do anything...anything, just fuck me please," she begged as her penis sputtered more fluid.

Her clitoral cock was swelling in her paw, and she couldn't masturbate one-handed for much longer, "I'm sorry! Just get in me...I can't cum anymore...don't make me cum again like this...I need you to fuck me!"

Reah was beginning to panic. The couple had always enjoyed a pleasantly mild estrus, although Lilly's had always been stronger. Still, it usually just resulted in a pleasantly more sensual period, as the affectionate couple spent a fun week of pressing their tingling vaginas together in between trying new sex toys or testing how long they could go without licking each other. It was sweet, and tender, not like this...Reah had always been the one with a slight penchant for orgasm denial...

"I'm almost there," Reah whimpered as she felt her clitoris beginning to respond. Lilly's presenting and the overwhelming smell of her sex was helping to fight through the afterglow. She quickly knelt behind her violently quivering partner, one paw still working her own clitoris as she tried to stroke Lilly's back soothingly.

"I can't...I can't..." Lilly wept as she felt her penis sputter again, the need to release only increasing as she ejaculated without touching herself. She fell on her face and dug her toes into the floor, trying to just keep her vagina up as her nectar spewed from both sexes. She was powerless under the lust, and couldn't feel her arms enough to reach back and try masturbating again. Her head pounded with unrequited desire that made her shudder violently, the heat growing stronger under the numbing crave to orgasm.

Reah put her still soft member against Lilly's opening, trying to guide it as the overwhelmed fox bucked back frantically. But at least there was something in her, and Lilly began to weakly regain some of her senses. Unfortunately, this only made her feel the desire more strongly.

"You feel so good," she moaned as Reah began to harden in her, " feel so good."

Reah began humping as her penis finally swelled to a useable hardness, and saw with relief that Lilly was beginning to push her face off of the floor. Soon, the experience even began to feel pleasurable as Lilly supported herself into a more standard position. They were having sex again, and the estrus began to fade under the satisfaction of her penetration. Reah humped more deliberately and tried to sound as lewd as possible for her benefit, leaning forward to stroke Lilly's penis as it began to throb faster.

"I'm just glad we didn't throw out all our vibrators," Reah muttered as she leaned on Lilly's tail. She hoped that the sex toys would be enough to help through this stage when it hit her. But for the moment, she was just happy to feel her partner squirming with relief as her vagina began to contract. The sensation made Reah release Lilly's cock so she could wrap her arms under Lilly's stomach, laying her cheek on the back of her climaxing lover. The more intimate position made her own penis begin buzzing, and she bucked her hips faster so she could orgasm with her mate.

Lilly was in heaven, this was her happiest moment, and she looked between her swaying breasts to watch her penis ejaculate for what she could feel would be the final time. Her vagina began to squeeze Reah more rhythmically, and she felt a surge of her nectar building behind her shaft.

The first shot rocketed past her nose, the release of orgasm putting all of her previous ones to shame. The clear liquid began to grow cloudy as she continued, the temporary serum finally beginning to flush out through her sexual fluids. It was like paradise, satisfaction couldn't describe it, and she slowly fell forward into the massive puddle of her nectar.

Reah gasped as her own climax continued to twitch her member gleefully, and she prayed that Lilly's heat had finally been satisfied. Her own vagina was beginning to protest the rough treatment, but at least she would have estrus to drown out her pain in the morning. She regretted that Lilly would not have that same advantage...but she rather deserved it for bringing home an untested serum.

"Is it...gone?" Reah asked gently as she shook her partner's shoulder.

"Mhmm," Lilly moaned back with a serene smile, her face still laying in her ejaculate.

"Then let's get you to bed, sweetie, you have a big day tomorrow," Reah said with more sympathy than irritation.

"" Lilly yawned as she slowly got to her feet, "I'm not big anymore..." she giggled deliriously as she watched her clitoris shrink down to it's normal size, the slit at the end sealing like a zipper.

Reah didn't laugh back, but put Lilly's arm over her shoulder as she dragged her up to bed.

Lilly woke up. That in itself was something of a miracle, as she felt like every muscle in her body was screaming for her to just go back to sleep. She hesitantly lifted her lead-like arm and placed a paw on her sex to inspect the inevitable damage.

By another small miracle, she didn't feel the expected searing pain, only a general soreness very similar to the rest of her body. She felt drained, but in the same way she felt incontrovertibly satisfied, and gingerly rubbed her clitoris to see if it would grow. Even more relieving than her slaked mating desire, she didn't feel the small nub start swelling under her touch. The serum was gone...and good riddance for the time being.

"I don't think I'll ever want to have sex again," Lilly blearily called out to Reah, who was presumably in the bathroom, "I'm...I'm so sorry about this whole thing."

"I was kind," Reah's muffled voice came back through the door.

Lilly didn't agree, but...maybe if the serum could be relaxed by a good margin on the return phase, she'd try it again. Not for a little bit, though...

Reah came back into the room with two cigarettes dangling from her lips. She casually lit them as Lilly looked at her perplexed.

"I thought you didn't like it when we smoked?" Lilly asked as Reah handed her one.

"You're going to need it, darling," Reah answered with a paw over her pubic fur.

Realization dawned on the exhausted fox, " forgot about..." Lilly took a massive drag on the cigarette, hoping that the pleasant buzz of nicotine would wake her up faster.

"Yeah. I just finished cumming all over the bathroom," Reah said with a regretful smirk as she pulled her paw away to reveal a swelling and now dripping clitoris, "And I'm horny again, so you better not have been serious about not wanting sex anymore." She blew a gentle cloud at Lilly, ending with a smoke ring.

Lilly whimpered cutely as she crawled forward on the bed, hoping it might engender mercy from Reah's penis as she sucked down her cigarette before moving to start sucking on her mate...