A Whole New World [Trade]

Story by Lukas Kawika on SoFurry

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#2 of Old stories

this is for a trade! woo!

(also, i hate herm pronouns! kill me now!)

The snow fell so serenely, like dust from some far-off desert; the ground and trees had all been veiled in a cloak of pure white, and the sky glowed a light grey. This was one of the places in the world that seemed to be designed and crafted for this weather: this was not some overpopulated city, nor rural town street, nor flat plains or rolling hills - no, this was a forest on a mountain, regal oaks and pines clustered and scattered over massive sheaves of stone and earth. It was surprising, somewhat, that the ground did not buckle and collapse under the broken fragments of frozen clouds it had been forced to shoulder.

Amidst this endless sea of white and brown slept, so peacefully, a gently pulsing, glowing house - smoke just a little bit darker than the sky rose from its chimney, forming little lethargic clouds all their own. On the first of two floors of this house lounged a grey-furred otter on an olive fabric cough; some amount of feet in front of him burned a fire in its red brick hearth, very calm but very alive. This otter turned another page in the book he was reading every now and then, the only sound other than the crackling of the fire to break the silence; he lay on the couch underneath a luxurious warm blanket, head propped up by a stack of two pillows. This had been a good day so far, with the clock having struck 2 PM a few minutes ago - with luck it would remain a good day, and chance and probability certainly tipped the scales in that direction.

Dottar, this otter's name was. Bright, bright blue eyes - topazes, sapphires, aquamarines, something else, some phantasmagoric and opalescent gem still yet to be discovered - flicked left, right, down; left, right, down; left, right, down; taking in, processing, absorbing the words he read. So often before had those eyes caught and reflected a sunset over the far-off horizon, or look through a frost-webbed window at the innumerous legions of stars that wove their ways through a black velvet sky; so often had those eyes opened in the morning, pinched at the corners in a multitude of smiles throughout the day, and then closed at night so they could open once more the following morning; so often had those eyes looked upon a face so comforting, so familiar, so wonderful to Dottar, and had his heart warm and speed up a few paces.

Krauser was a skunk; he was another face in another crowd, another soul walking this earth; but, he was the only one who made an impact on the otter's life. He was Dottar's primary and one love, the one he had sworn to follow to the end of the universe and beyond. He was his life and love, and today was his birthday.

He was out right now, doing something or another; his mate waited there on the couch with his book in his paws, formulating and planning the rest of this special day in the other half of his mind. He already had Krauser's gift bought, wrapped, and prepared, and now only waited for the skunk to get home. A glance up at the fine regal clock hanging over the fireplace informed him, in stoic onyx Roman numerals, that 2:13 had just passed. Twenty minutes remained to when Krauser usually got home - twenty more minutes to spend in silent solitude and loneliness, until then.

With Chapter 14 now drawn to an end, the otter figured this a good place to stop. He closed the book, turned, placed it on the endtable under the lamp, stood, and let the blanket fall away from him while he did so; underneath, he was nude. From the deeper, more graphite grey that dominated the rest of his body, his chest and belly melded to a softer, lighter grey, much like that of today's clouds; he stretched his arms over his head, voiced a yawn, let a shiver run through his body, then pulled the blanket tight around himself. Winter had only recently begun, and still, more snow fell each and every day. He sometimes wondered where it all came from, for it seemed there was not enough space on all of Earth to accommodate what had fallen by the end of a week.

He had been reading in the aid of a cool shaft of light that came in through a window behind him. He went to go stand by that window, close enough so that he could see clearly out of it yet far enough so its icy searching fingers would not trace up his body. This house stood on the slope of a mountain, with a road winding down to the rest of Earth one way and a second another - oh, how he hoped his skunk would be okay, driving up those bends. Too often had Dottar made a mistake himself that led to a nervous shock on those roads, and now, he held something like a perpetual fear for that reason around this time of day.

He skirted away from that window and wandered into another part of the house, just passing the time between now and then. Formal dining room, informal dining room - which was actually the part of the house that held the nice couch, the big TV, all the gaming consoles and systems, and a sound system to give the gods a headache - laundry room, kitchen, the other living room. This house looked large and expensive on the outside; on the inside, it was... large and slightly more expensive. Shame, but after all the work both he and his mate had done to get here, it felt pretty damn nice.

Everywhere, it was cold, despite how the heater had been set to constantly run, despite the fire crackling in the fireplace, despite everything. Krauser had gotten used to this kind of weather - he could walk around naked without a blanket during any given season of the year, while Dottar only could on particularly warm summer days. Damn him.

One thing the otter did in his spare time was eat - he did it all the time, and yet he still retained this fine figure that Krauser so loved, with a flat belly and sides that arced slightly in above his waist. Slim, yes, but not thin or lanky: his ribs didn't show, his hips didn't protrude, his legs weren't awkward and knobby. He was just right, for both himself and himself and his mate; to get here, he ate when he had nothing else to do, so to retain a form such as this, he figured he should continue doing the same. He instantly regretted opening the fridge after he did, though - now that was cold.

Dottar didn't like cold. To him, Hell contained no fire, but instead, statues of fire sculpted of ice.

Krauser, too, had the otter's form, but he was certainly of a different build: he stood about a head and a half taller, with wider shoulders, larger paws, stronger legs, and none too invisible nuances of muscles that wound their ways up his firm belly and over his arms. To be blunt, it was quite clear who the dominant one in this relationship was. Dottar smiled to himself, memories of that body above him, holding him down, pressing and lurching against him running through his head.

Ah, Krauser. That sexy skunk was in for one hell of a birthday.

Underneath the idle humming of the heater overhead and the fire's quiet crackling, another sound arose: this was the deep whirring of the garage door motors working. Speak of the devil - and the devil has a black-and-white single-striped body. Dottar reminded himself of where he put his skunk's gift, hurried into the living room, and flopped back onto the couch to pretend as if he had been reading this whole time. His blanket fell away to reveal the inside of one thigh and a stone-hued swathe of his nude body all the way up - this was acceptable, he deemed.

Krauser's rich voice carried through the after, after the slam of the door to the garage. This was a voice that made Dottar's heart skip a beat every time he heard it: "Hey." Just one word, but that was always all it took.

The otter peered up over the back of the couch: there, in nice semi-casual formalwear, stood his mate. He smiled, seeing that Krauser had already unbuttoned his shirt halfway and now worked at his tie. "Hey there, baby. How was your day?"

"Boring." Apparently, he had already kicked off his shoes, for his claws tapped on the hardwood floor as he walked. "End of the day couldn't come fast enough - glad I'm home. Now, I get to spend the rest of my day with a certain sweet otter, and that's all I could ever ask for." He leaned over the back of the couch;

and Dottar's lips met his in a soft kiss. He knew that, if he really wanted, he could say something along the lines of "I got you myself for your birthday", and Krauser would be perfectly okay with it - however, he was a better boyfriend than that, and besides, that wasn't good enough. His grin widened. "Sweet as an old potato or something, in comparison to you, hon. How about you sit down here, and I'll go get dinner started and your birthday gift from upstairs?"

"I almost thought you forgot." Krauser sat down next to the otter, to receive another kiss and help with his tie. "Thanks, dear."

"You know me better than that." Dottar noticed his mate's eyes licking over his nude body, so he took his time in getting up and then swung his hips as he walked. He wondered if he would come back downstairs to find a skunk as naked as he lounging back on the couch; this thought caused a warm stir in his sheath and purr to rise in his throat. Today would be a good day for both of them.

In the master bedroom, the curtains were drawn; this darkened the room, and also dropped the temperature considerably. Dottar pulled his arms close to his chest and went for the nightstand on his side of the bed: he had pushed the gift to the back of the second drawer when he bought it, and with a paw reached in, he found it to still be there. Heavy cloth and cool metal buckles waited; he closed his fingers around the collar and pulled it out. It was a finely crafted thing, handmade from high-quality fabric and metal: on the inside was embroidered a string of strange characters in gold thread - probably Japanese or Korean or something like that, Dottar wasn't sure. It was pretty, though, and he knew Krauser would love it. He hid it behind his back and went back downstairs.

When Dottar walked back into the living room, Krauser was lounging on the couch, yes, but he still wore his pants, and his shirt remained buttoned halfway down. Shame. He caught the otter's eye and raised a sneaky eyebrow. "Did you get me more lube, like last year, or something?"

Dottar grinned. The warmth in his sheath hadn't gone away; he knew for a fact that his tip poked out of the grey fur, knowledge that only widened his smile. "Mm... something like that. Depends on how you look at it."

"Really." Dottar then noticed that Krauser had undone and removed his belt while he was upstairs - now, it lay on the endtable, over the book he had been reading. "Will I like it?"

"Of course, silly. That's why I got it for you. Now, stand up and close your eyes."

An occasion such as this was just about the only time Dottar could tell Krauser what to do, and have him listen. It was the little things in life, right? He had to stand on his tiptoes to get the collar around the skunk's neck, whose paws came up while tightening it.

Krauser adopted a tone of mock disappointment, but a genuine smile lifted the corners of his mouth. Dottar's tail swayed back and forth behind him. "A collar? Don't you think a collar's more suited for the bitch in the relationship?"

"Bitches, studs, they're both dogs, hon." Dottar slowly undid one of Krauser's remaining buttons as he spoke. "I don't think it matters much. Besides, you look damn sexy with that on..."

"You always look damn sexy."

"And it's obvious that you think so." Dottar brought a cupped paw up between his mate's legs and gave a squeeze and a rub through the fabric of his pants. There, he felt a thick, familiar hardness, and moved down to another button. "Judging by this, I mean."

"See? You're such a bitch." Krauser licked his lips and grunted softly - Dottar worked at the button of his pants with his other thumb and forefinger. "Always teasing, always getting into my pants."

"You say it as if you're complaining." Krauser shrugged off his shirt once the otter finished unbuttoning it; then, Dottar ran the pads of his fingers over the lines of muscles in the skunk's belly, and focused both his paws on his pants. "Hell, half the time, you're not even wearing pants for me to get into."

"I don't complain about not getting fucked enough."

"Hey." Dottar drew down Krauser's zipper, never once taking his eyes from his mate's. Without looking, he pressed into hot fur, found the skunk's pulsing shaft, wrapped his fingers around it, and began to stroke slowly. "That's because you don't have to. You know I... 'play' with you in your sleep, right?"

"I'm not always asleep." Krauser took Dottar by the shoulders and pushed him back down to the couch; he stood over him and directed his cock downward with a paw at the base. His tip dribbled of pre out onto the otter's nose. "Now, I do believe it's my birthday..."

Dottar licked off the drip on his nose and nuzzled his mate's member. He had one hell of a time keeping his muzzle off that cock. "I still have to get dinner started, sexy."

"That can wait. More... pressing matters." Krauser hooked two fingers and a thumb around the band of his new collar and tugged on it; this sent a shiver through his body and caused him to breathe out a moan. He really loved his gift, apparently.

The otter still held himself back, with increasing difficulty; Krauser ran his paw up and down along his length now, each time bringing his drooling tip closer and then moving it away. Dottar licked his lips and then let his mouth hang open; by now, his own cock had pulled all the way out of his sheath. "God, you turn me on, babe."

"Then get to work. What are you doing?"

"Teasing." Dottar smiled up at his mate and risked one long, slow drag of his tongue up the underside of the skunk's length. "Like the bitch I am. Besides, it's your birthday: I figured I'd make the pleasure last as long as possible."

Krauser was starting to get impatient and urgent - that was what Dottar wanted. One time, he had gotten him so worked up that he threw the otter onto the bed, spat into his palm, slickened himself up with it, and then fucked him then and there with no prelude. That had been a fun day; today, though, Dottar felt that he wouldn't have the willpower to do that again, after not cumming in about a week for this day, and he doubted Krauser would put up with it for that long. Today, something shone in his eyes, a hungry glint that made Dottar wonder; those eyes drifted shut, however, when he drew his tongue once more over his tip and then closed his lips around the skunk's meat. Such a strong, powerfully being this Krauser was, and yet all it took to subdue him was a swift, dexterous tongue or an experienced paw. Luckily, Dottar had both of these, and more.

He kept his tongue always in motion as he descended, be it by flicking it, swirling it, or some other technique, to bring to Krauser the brightest of early buildup. He cupped and massaged the skunk's sack in one paw and kept the other on one of the hips in front of his muzzle. Krauser was much thicker and longer than any other guy Dottar had had in the past: that was why only now, after so long in practice, he could deepthroat him and hold him at the back of his throat for longer than six seconds.

Krauser tilted his head back and panted softly - his paws had migrated from Dottar's shoulder to the back of his head, where they now guided his movements. This collar his mate had given him was strange: every once in a while, it seemed to send a jolt of electricity through his body, a shock that heightened his perception of everything - colors, noises, smells, physical touches. He repositioned his fingers and swallowed, his breath coming in quick, light gasps.

"You okay, babe?" Dottar took his mouth off the skunk's shaft to say this, replacing it with his paw.

"Yeah... yeah, I'm fine. You're good, is all."

"You've got boobs."

"What?" Krauser cracked his eyes and glanced down - to find that his view of Dottar spit-shining his shaft was, in fact, obscured by a pair of large, supple breasts. Undoubtedly but strangely, they did belong to him, for they carried fur of his color, and he could feel it when he squeezed one in experimentation. This brought another thought to mind: what else had changed, and why had it?

Suddenly, one of Dottar's fingers underneath his - hir? - sack made a movement, and he - shi? what? - knew what else had changed. Fine, full breasts; a cock just as thick as it used to be, with the balls to match; a tailhole, assumedly; and then, something else, something between that sack and tailhole. Dottar took notice when the side of his finger rushed against it, so naturally, he decided to figure it out: Krauser watched his face - well, what of his face shi could see over hir breasts - as he poked and probed around, occasionally having to steady hirself as hir legs gave out with the feeling. The otter dove under, nuzzled up under the skunk's sack, murmured a "well, would you look at that", and placed a single deep lick right there.

Krauser shuddered and couldn't hold back a moan from the resulting bolt of electric bliss that shot up hir spine, exponentially greater than anything the collar had done - when hir mind had cleared from this, shi realized all this must have been the gift's doing. Strange, but it was a good kind of strange. "Oh my - fucking God. What was that?"

Dottar came back up, licking his lip and grinning. He returned his attention to the cock that bobbed in front of him, keeping one paw behind Krauser's sack. "It's been quite a while since I last licked a pussy, babe, and might I say, yours tastes the best."

So that was it, then. Krauser had never really been a... fan or admirer of this sort of thing, from what shi had seen in art online; however, now that shi was the subject, shi found hirself to be turned on so much more than shi thought possible before. "Where did..." Shi had to catch hir breath. Dottar when on, diving up and down on hir shaft. "...where did you get this collar...?"

"Oh, I dunno. Some... mystic's place." The name of the store had been something in the same language as what was embroidered on the collar; when Dottar bought it, the clerk had said something he didn't fully understand. Now, though, it all made sense. All the thoughts of what the two could do at future playtimes with this excited him; he rose to the couch, bent over, and lifted his tail. "C'mon, sexy beast. I want you."

Krauser licked hir lips and positioned hirself behind the otter; it was an odd feeling, dripping pre out the tip of hir cock while the juices from hir pussy soaked the fur of hir inner thighs.

...Who else on this earth could say that they had felt such a thing?

"One day," Krauser purred, teasing Dottar's tailhole with hir tip, "I'll have you fuck me in this new... plaything of mine, just to see what it's like..."

"I'll enjoy that, babe." Dottar spread his legs a bit and pressed back against his mate, biting into his lip in preparation for what he knew was coming. "It's your birthday, and your otter bitch is one his knees just waiting to be fucked..."

Krauser pushed hir hips forward and sunk an inch or two into Dottar, who pulled in a gasp through his nose and dug his claws into the couch cushions. The skunk slid in a little further and closed hir eyes, letting the feeling of this tight moist warmth surrounding her length to wash over hir and send another shiver up hir body.

In front of hir, Dottar clenched and unclenched, clenched and unclenched his paws. He loved his skunk and hir cock, yes; it was just that he had avoided being fucked for the past week, as it always led to his orgasm no matter what, and he had been... preparing, so to say, for Krauser's birthday. It was just that he was a little out of practice. The first penetration always hurt - well, most of the time with any other guy but always with Krauser - but Dottar had come to recognize and anticipate it as a good pain, like whenever the skunk bit into his shoulder or neck and just so happened to break skin. It was the kind that brought a moan of mixed pleasure and pain, one indistinguishable from the other. Dottar shifted, swallowed, accidentally breathed out a gentle whine, blushed.

"See?" Krauser grunted as shi still continued to slowly push further in. "I - told you. Bitches whine when you fuck them."

Dottar wanted to playfully growl "not if you do it right" as a retort, but that gave off the wrong implication, so he held his tongue. Besides, he enjoyed being called a bitch - sometimes, he even called the skunk 'master'. As he began to feel hir sack brush and then press against his own, he wondered if Krauser would ever let him try on that collar of hirs for himself.

Krauser remained hilted there inside hir mate for a period of time, allowing the otter to adjust while shi enjoyed the warmth and tightness. At the end of this, he would loosen up a bit, but he'd be ready by tomorrow for another go. Man, sex was pretty great. Krauser closed hir paws on Dottar's shoulders and began to slide slowly out, in preparation to slam back in - shi wasn't worried. He could take it.

When shi did push back into him, he lifted his head and let out a noise somewhere between a moan and another whine. "Oh, God," the otter panted. "Only you can - can make me do that."

"I know." Krauser fucked Dottar in a slow rhythm, though quickly began to increase hir speed. Shi knew the otter wouldn't last very long at this rate: it was obvious in his breathing, his moaning, the movement of his arm when he reached down to stroke himself. Having this cunt between hir legs was still strange, still foreign, but much less so: now, as shi sunk into and pulled out of the squirming, panting Dottar, the ecstasy of arousal it brought made hir shiver, close hir eyes, and even begin panting hirself.

Dottar came close to climax multiple times, but held himself back with a thumb squeezing the base of his shaft - this was Krauser's day, and it would do no good if hir fucktoy bummed out in the middle of the fun. He could tell that it wouldn't take her that long - for the week the otter had resisted sex and orgasm, he had somehow persuaded Krauser to do the same. He could feel hir lust drooling out into his tailhole.

But, then, the skunk pushed in deep, shuddered, moaned greatly, and emptied a flood of thick seed into the otter; this was too much for him, and he bucked under the weight on his back and shoulders and shot out a few ropes of his own cum, despite him having removed his paw a while ago. His cock bobbed underneath him as he came.

Krauser swallowed and held hirself up with hir paws on Dottar's shoulders. There was this tingling that reverberated in all hir limbs and hir body, and shi couldn't think straight; however, shi had already decided that shi would keep the collar on for the rest of the day. Shi had a whole new world to explore.

Underneath hir, Dottar also panted, but harder; he had his eyes closed. Some of his cum had spurted onto his chin and cheek when he finished, and he lapped at what he could reach. "Well," he purred after a while, "happy birthday, sexy."