Creepy Furs- 02 -OCD

Story by TigCub247 on SoFurry

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28 years, now. 28 years of repeating the smae thing over and over again. Wake up, go to work, sleep, repeat. It seems to be never ending. I would just make a pattern; I'd turn the water on in my shower to the same temperature, ever day. I would leave the door cracked the same amount, every day. I hated when things changed. Things were just a lot better when nothing surprises anyone. But even I would tire of that. Everyone would. It's just human nature that people should get old of the same routine every day... right?

Today was exceptionally different. I woke up, and did all my normal stuff. At least until I got to work. I walked the same path to my office until I realized. "Something is different today..." I mumbled to myself. I didn't like it; something was off and I could feel it, something was definitely wrong.

The rest of the day went by just as any other day. The thought of that one thing being off bugged me, but I made it through. On my comute home I made sure to stop by the church to see my father and mother, then left the parking lot, 3 turns left, never right. I hated going right out of that parking lot. I don't know why, I just did. I pulled into my garage, shutting the door behind me, and took out the water hose. I had always washed my car after work. Just the front, not the back or sides. I only ever needed to wash the front of my car. That seems to be where everything is targeted. I finished up and walked inside, a little sleepy after the long day. My kitchen, just how I left it this morning, just how I leave it every morning, had an empty feeling, as it always had. I would just ignore it and walk past, heading straight to bed for a small nap. But this was different. That one change in my daily routine, that one out of place piece in my perfectly designed puzzle, missing. It pinched at my mind and drove me insane to think about it. To the point so I would completely miss my oportunity for any sort of a nap. I just got up and walked to my kitchen. "Yet another piece out of place." I said, staring at the floor as I made my way to my destination. I set the heat of the oven, slightly above 400, just like always, and placed my next meal inside.

I stared at the wall, trying to think of what I missed. I did everything I could remember. How could I have missed something? Questions and possible answers raced through my head, giving me a headache. I heard the timer on the oven go off, which snapped me out of my transe. I walked up to it and took out my dinner. "Chicken again, everyday the same thing." I smiled. At least that will always be consistent. After eating my meal I layed down in bed and drifted off to sleep. I had always managed ot dream about the same thing, also. Some people think it's weird, I find it quite amusing.

The next few days weren't any better. I kept forgetting that same thing, over and over again. So maddening and frustrating. It was driving me INSANE! Until. I was on my comute home. I stopped by the church to see my mother and father. 3 turns left, never right. I raced down the street. Faster than normal. A lot faster, actually. So fast, that what happened next would become just a blur lost in my mind soon after. I didn't see him. An elderly man, slowly crossing the street. He didn't see my Mustang coming at him at 20 over the speed limit either. I smashed straight into him, stopping almost immediately after. It hadn't damaged my car, but I wasn't concerned with that. "Sir, are you alright!?" I yelled, asking him over and over again. I knew he wasn't "all right". I knew he was dead. I panicked. I wish I hadn't but I did. I picked him up and slid him into my trunk, speeding away soon after. I went to my back yard as soon as I got home. Taking out a cinder block and a large trash bag. I stuffed him and the cinder block inside, closing it tight. I threw it into the nearest lake. The lake had always been very deep, but this time it didn't take very long to hit the bottom.

I was terrified of what might happen. I rushed home and jumped into my bed, determined to sleep off whatever happened through the day's course. I had a surprisingly easy time sleeping that night. No troubles at all. The next morning I woke up, and decided to turn on the news. "Breaking news, the serial hit-and-run murderer has struck again, once again in the same spot." The reporter announced. I could only just sit back and laugh. I let out a huge sigh and spoke. "Same old schedule, right guys?" I knew they could hear me. The people in the walls, In the back yard, in the basement. I collected their bodies, and no one has found them... yet.