A Walk Away - Part 3

Story by moshwulf on SoFurry

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Part 3 of the series A Walk Away.

You'll have to deal with my wording, it's just how I write haha.

Hope you enjoy, sorry for the wait!

Between work and procrastination...It got bad. Lol.

_Enjoy Part 3!


"I want to be with you."

Those were the first words that left Kaisers lips after the question.

His eyes stayed focused on Dawson's, patiently awaiting his reaction. Dawson smiled and licked the shepherds nose softly before speaking, "I was hoping for that." Dawson couldn't help but to let a small chuckle escape from him. "Now that you're officially in my life, I don't think I could ever feel alone again," the smile stayed plastered across his maw.

Kaiser's ears perked at the others words, keeping himself close to the other, "I don't ever want you to be alone, I want to be the shadow that walks beside you; so I never have to miss you." His maw curved into a smile, embracing Dawson in his arms.

The fireplace reflected their shadows onto the flooring, outlined in a black blob as the room became dim. The skies began to darken outside as time passed by and evening shifted itself into night. The snow continued to fall from the heavens above outside, coating everything exposed.

"You want to stay with me?" Kaiser spoke in a soft tone, "I mean, you don't have to." Dawson leaned forward and licked Kaiser's ebony lips softly, "Of course I want to, you honestly think I want to go back to..that?" Kaiser smiled softly and brushed the side of Dawson's cheek softly, "Not at all."


The building was infested with a rank smell, the cheers and yelps of drunken furs leaping from their seats rang out as their pitchers of beer sloshed out of the sides. Among the crowd of course, was Amery; Dawson's father.

Amery made his way over to a divine looking vixen sitting at the bar table, the seat beside her was empty. Having his fair share of drinks already, Amery sat himself down beside her as he faced her. "Hiiii there misss."

The vixen turned to the wolf now placed beside her, letting her silk white paws fall to her knees as she let her eyes study over the other. "Well hi yourself, sir." Amery let a soft chuckle escape him, the aroma of alcohol revealing itself from his maw as he exhaled. "What's your name lovely girl?" "My name is Nevaeh darling," she replied in a soft tone, letting her maw curve into a small smirk. "Well Nevaeh, that's a very lovely name. Care to treat this gentlemen to a fun night?" Amery gave a toothy grin, letting his golden orbs scan her figure.

"Hmph." Nevaeh smirked placing one of her paws on Amery's thighs before looking him in the eyes. "Keep playing with fire and one day you'll get burnt. Hun." She winked and patted his leg before turning her attention back to the bartender.

Amery gave the vixen a blank expression, his ears giving a twitch as he watched her turn to the large tiger behind the stand. "Sir, I wouldn't waste your time," he slid himself up to the wolf with a smug scowl. "She's not interested."

"Who are you to tell me I'm wasting my damn time?" Amery smirked and placed one of his paws on the vixen. Before he even had time to glance up at the tiger, he found himself falling to the ground.


The phone began to vibrate on the coffee stand next to the couch. Dawson's ears perked as he pushed himself from Kaiser's lap. Somewhere in time, they had fallen asleep against the couch. He reached over for his cell phone, sliding the lock screen over to get it unlocked. "Hello?"

"Dawson, I'm locked up again."

Dawson slid his paw over his face in frustration, heaving a heavy sigh from himself. "What the hell, for what?" "Mm, fight. Nothing major." "Well, I'm not coming to get you. You can stay in there. I'm tired of your shit dad. This has to stop sooner or later."

Click, end call.

Kaiser had woken up during the conversation, giving an amused look. "What's going on?" Dawson gave him his attention before speaking. "Dad's been taken to the station downtown again for causing a disturbance. Go figure." He rolled his eyes before placing his phone back on the table.

"Hmph," Kaiser smirked and placed a soft kiss on Dawson's forehead. "How about we go get some sleep, in an actual bed. You don't need to worry about that crap right now."

"Sounds like a plan, we have tomorrow to figure out things anyway." Dawson smiled as he stood himself up. "Yeah, tomorrow works for me."

Kaiser chuckled softly before swiping Dawson up into his arms and licking his nose. "Let's go to the majesties bedroom shall we?" Kaiser made his way down the hallway before making his way into the bedroom. Throwing himself on the bed with Dawson still wrapped in his arms securely, laughing lightly as he landed on top of him.

"Do we really have to sleep? I could think of better things to do." He winked and nuzzled himself into Dawson's neck scruff. Dawson gave a small chuckle before wrapping his paws around Kaiser's back. "I could also, but we have a really busy day tomorrow. It's going to be long, I have a feeling. We need our sleep lovely." He smiled softly and kissed Kaiser's lips softly.

Kaiser smiled back and rolled himself beside Dawson. "Okay, we'll catch some shut eye." He brought Dawson in close to him before shutting his eyes, slowly letting sleep overcome him.


"Damn, morning already?" The alarm clock continued to beep until Kaiser smacked the top of it with his paw. He turned to Dawson who was still asleep and curled into a ball. He smiled and kissed his cheek softly before dragging himself out of bed. "Let's get this day started."
