The Magic Puzzle #1: Bridget and Colin meet Silver

Story by Silver Teh Coyote on SoFurry

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#1 of Magic Puzzle

Two children are playing with a puzzle when suddenly they are sucked into Silver's world, and they are now coyotes!--what will they tell him? What will HE tell THEM? How will they get home? Will they stay coyotes forever?? FIND OUT in "THE MAGIC PUZZLE!" Yush. :3

"This puzzle is almost done!" said Bridget. Bridget had blonde hair, a pink sweater, denim skirt, and red high heels. She was eight years old. "We just need three more pieces," said Colin. Colin had brown hair, a yellow shirt and red shoes. He was seven, so he was Bridget's little brother. "Isn't it cool that we found this puzzle under the couch?" The couch Bridget was referring to was a dark green leather couch, in this bright pink room with a navy ceiling, tan carpet, and a table with a lamp next to the couch. "This new house I don't like very much," said Colin. "At least we found this puzzle," said Bridget, "just one more piece!" "You should put it in," said Colin, "you found the puzzle!" "Okay, here I go!" said Bridget. Bridget put the last piece of the yellow puzzle shaped like a star together. Suddenly, from the center of the star shone a bright light that spread to all corners of the star, until the whole thing was shining. Then green stars projected from the puzzle onto the ceiling. "What is happening, Bridget?" asked Colin with fear in his voice. "I don't know! Just hold on!" replied Bridget. Suddenly, a dial with all the colors of the rainbow appeared between the puzzle and the green stars on the ceiling. The spinner on the dial landed on a tan square. Then Bridget and Max were gone in a flash of tan light!

"Where... are we?" said Bridget. Then Bridget saw in front of her an upright coyote! "Colin, look out!" "Huh?" replied the coyote, "Bridget, help! A coyote!" "'re..." "And you're... " "We're coyotes!" said the two together in amazement. "But we're built like people!" said Colin. "This isn't good," said Bridget, "our parents will freak out if they see us like this!" "And then they won't let us in the house!" gasped Colin. Suddenly, another human-like coyote walked up to them. He was a bit muscular, had blue eyes, fluffy ears, and a turquoise Mohawk that covered his ears on the back of his head, almost as if it were also a mullet. "You two seem to be in a whole lot of trouble," said the coyote, "Is there anything I can do to help? Name's Silver, by the way." Silver smiled. "We're far away from our house!" Said Bridget. "Well, you've come to the right coyote," said Silver, "I know this desert like the back of my paw, so if you need to find your den-" "No, not a den, our house!" interrupted Bridget. "Your house?" asked Silver, "so you found some humans to take care of you?" "No, no, no! We are humans!" cried Bridget. "You can't be humans; not from what I'm seeing," laughed Silver. "Well, we were humans, but then we put together this puzzle shaped like a star. It somehow made us end up here as coyotes! You have to help us get back home!" said Bridget. "Now hold on, chill out. You're gonna be fine and get back with your humans...I mean...parents. I'll help ya out!" said Silver, "now let's see. We coyotes use cactus juice for many things. Maybe it can get you back home. Follow me!" "Should we really follow him?" whispered Bridget to Colin. "It's okay, he seems like a lot of fun!" said Colin. "Are you guys coming?" asked Silver. "Coming!" said Colin and Bridget as they followed their new acquaintance.

"So yeah, our policy is that if you don't bother us, we won't bother you," said Silver as the three walked through the desert towards their destination, "I'm happy to answer any more of your questions." "I've got one," said Colin, "Is living in the desert hard?" "Well," said Silver, "it's a challenge. We coyotes have to use the best of our abilities to survive. It hardly rains in the desert, so sometimes we dig for water, get it from cacti, and if things are really bad we have to eat coyote melons. They taste terrible! I only had to eat one once, though. You guys aren't hungry, are you?" "Luckily, we just ate," said Bridget. "That's good," said Silver, "'cause I don't smell anything nearby. Come to think of it, you humans shouldn't eat any meat that isn't cooked, anyways." Silver sniffed at the air. "You smell that?" said Silver. Colin and Bridget sniffed at the air, too. "It smells like...a plant!" exclaimed Bridget. "It's a cactus!" explained Silver. "But I don't see a cactus," said Colin, "how did we do that?" "Simple," replied Silver, "you're canines now! All canines can smell way better than humans!" "So that's why our friend's dog can smell his food from when he's in the yard!" exclaimed Bridget. "Yup!" replied Silver, "and from what I smelled that cactus has to be less than a mile away! Come on!"

Soon, the three had reached the cactus. Silver took his claws and carefully slashed the cactus open, leaving a stump filled with water. "When you drink this water you should be able to get back home. It was really nice meeting you guys! Maybe you could come back as soon as you know how to easily find your way home!" said Silver. "That sounds like a great idea!" said Colin. The two lapped up the water. But nothing happened! "Does this mean we're gonna be coyotes forever?" cried Colin. "Wait!" exclaimed Bridget, "our puzzle was in the shape of a star! Silver! Do you know if there's anything here that's shaped like a star?" "Of course!" exclaimed Silver, "why didn't I think of it before! There's a giant red stone shaped like a star! And-" Silver sniffed the air. "It's close! If we start walking now, we should reach it in no time! Let's go!"

Soon, the three had reached the giant red star stone. "Well I guess this is goodbye," said Bridget. "Don't worry, you'll probably see me again," said Silver with a smile, "in fact, tonight, keep your ears open!" "What does that mean?" said Colin. "You'll see," said Silver with a wink, "but now it's time you two got home. I guess you just touch the star like this-" Silver touched the star with his paw, but as soon as he did, the star fell to the ground in pieces! Luckily, it tipped over on the side opposite of Bridget, Colin, and Silver, so no one was hurt. "Now what will we do?!" screamed Bridget. She began to cry. "Don't give up the bone just yet!" replied Silver, "it's in pieces! Just like your puzzle at home! So if you got in by putting together a puzzle..." he began. Bridget stopped crying. "Then that's how we'll get out of here!" exclaimed Colin. "That's right!" said Bridget, "but Silver shouldn't put the puzzle together. That will put him back at our house in Arizona with us, and our parents would not want a coyote living with us!" she laughed. "I wouldn't like it either," laughed Silver, "this entire desert is my home, and that's the way I like it!"

The two started putting together the star by using their paws to push the pieces together. Since they were coyotes, they were a lot stronger than usual. Soon, there was only one piece left to push in. "You should do it!" said Bridget to Colin, "I put the last piece in at home, so now it's your turn!" Colin pushed in the last piece of the giant puzzle. The star started to glow in the center and then spread out to all of the sides. "Goodbye, Silver!" shouted Bridget. "Thanks for being our friend!" shouted Colin. "See you around!" shouted Silver, "remember to listen at night! You guys were really cool! This was a blast!" Then green stars projected from the star on to the sky. A picture of Bridget and Colin's house appeared. Then everything went tan. Silver was gone.

Bridget and Colin were back in their room. The star puzzle was disassembled just like it was before they started playing with it. "Did that really happen?" said Bridget. "It could have happened," said Colin, "but how do we know it was real?" Then Colin and Bridget heard their mother tell them that it was time to go to bed. As they walked to their rooms, they heard the faint howl of a coyote in the distance. It had to be from Silver! This is what he was talking about! Colin and Bridget looked at each other and smiled. They had no idea that this little adventure of theirs was the start of something big.