Alvin and the land of giants part3

Story by Nicholas Hanson on SoFurry

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mourning came and alvin woke up and got out of bed and stretched out. then he smiled at doug and walked out of the bedroom and onto the deck of the boat and he didn't know was all naked either. the warm sun felt good all over his orange fur too and he looked over to the side of the boat and saw an island far away. then he went back down to the bedroom and woke doug up who was still sleeping.

Alvin:doug come on wake up. i think we're about to the giants island.

doug opened his eyes slowly and about halfway and he looked at alvin and smiled. then he yawned and stretched out.

Doug:are you sure about that alvin.

Alvin:yeah i am cause i saw an island not far from here so we're getting really close now.

Doug:well then let's get dressed and see if any giants are watching for us.

Alvin:hee hee ok doug.

Then doug got out of the bed and they both put on there clothes and went up to the deck and looked to the side of the ship and saw that the island was getting closer.

Doug:your right alvin. that's the giants island all right. i can tell by looking at the huge trees and leaves.

Alvin:yay. oh i can't wait till we get there.

Doug:yeah me neither.

Just then a giant bear sees the boat from a distance and gets very excited.

Bear:yay it's the boat that nice little wolf is sailing on. i got to tell the others that he's back.

The bear then ran back to the center of the island and he told the others that doug was coming back to the island. The others went to the beach to where doug and alvin were going to dock at and they all sat down and waited for doug and alvin to arrive.

Bear:see guys i told you that small and sexy wolf is coming.

The others smiled and started talking to each other. there was a giant fox, otter, wolf, dog, lion, cat, and dragon as well as the bear too who were watching the boat come ashore to there island.

Fox:i hope he brought someone else to see us.

Lion:yeah. and if he did i wonder who it will be.

Wolf:and what it's name is too

Dog:i'm sure whoever that wolf brings to the island will be as sexy as him.

Dragon:hee hee yeah. and i hope he brought a another guy with him too.

Otter:yeah since we're all gay.

Bear:oh goody here it comes


The boat then docked at the beach and doug looked up and saw the eight giants looking down at him and smiling. alvin went behind doug cause he was a little shy.

Doug:hee hee hey guys.

Giants:hello doug.

Doug:i like you to meet someone.

Then doug moved a little to the side so alvin could be seen by everyone.

Doug:everyone this is alvin.

Alvin:nice to meet you all. oh my you look so nice and huge. hee hee and sexy too.

Fox:awww it's another fox just like me. except he's orange and i'm red.

Dog:allow us to intrduce ourselfs. my name is nick.

Cat:i'm jeff nice to meet you.

Wolf:my name is tommy

Lion:i'm dale

Dragon:the names brian

Bear:i'm max.

Fox:my name is chris

Otter:and i'm stan.

Alvin:nice names. so is there anyone else here on the island. or is it just you eight.

Nick:there's more here. but they all are busy so they couldn't come and see you guys.

Dale:yeah. but you'll meet them soon enough.

Chris:oh my alvin. you look so nice and sexy.

Alvin:aww thanks. so do you chris.

Doug:well let's go and show alvin the sights guys.

Stan:yeah and then have some fun.

Max:hee hee oh stan you silly otter.

Tommy:well come on then guys.

Nick then picked alvin and doug up and put them on his head and smiled.

Jeff:well you two already know this is the beach. now to show you around the rest of the island.

Doug:i already know the whole island. but i would be honored to take another tour of it.

Tommy:yay. it's a lovely island too and we're glad we call it home.

Nick:we sure do. come on guys. time to go.

Then the giants got up and walked off of the beach and walked around the island showing doug and alvin the sights. alvin looked around and smiled big and was thinking to himself.

Nick:so how do you like the island alvin. is it lovely.

Alvin:yes it is nick. very very lovely.

Doug:yes it is. and it was great to see it all a second time too.

Dale:well i'm beat. i'm going home now guys. but i'll be back this evening so i can talk to doug and alvin.

stan:yeah i'm kinda tired too.

Jeff:me to.

The other giants felt a little tired as well and they all went to there houses and went inside and rested up.

Nick:well i guess that leaves us you two. want to stop for a while and rest up. or do you two want to see some more of the sights again.

Alvin:i think we can go and rest up at your place nick

Doug:yeah. so you can show alvin here a good time at your place. just like you showed me the first time i came here.

Nick:hee hee sure doug. and i'll show you another good time too.


Alvin:oh goody goody. i would love to go to your place nick.

Nick:ok then. well lets go.

Then nick grabbed alvin and doug and put them on his back. when they were on his back nick walked all the way to his house and alvin and doug sat down on nicks back and smiled as they looked around.