Stalker's Nostalgia

Story by Monster Tamer Billy on SoFurry

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Just some rhymeless words that I felt like writing about. I think it's self-explanatory enough. Also doubles for a 3~4 year-long artblock crushing!

And yeah, I am a sentimental worrywart like that sometimes :P

Just arrived from work. Boring job, stressful and tiring.Enough with chores, time to furry internets!I browse some pages,check friends I'm watching.See what they faved, what they said.And find an old drawing from years prior, a couple getting mushy.

Two furs familiar to me, though I only heard about and saw around.Never got to personally shake paws with. Too shy to try.It's a well made piece, showing them trading hugs and kisses.Seeing this pic makes me feel blue, however.Not because of jealously, or any weird head issue.But because those two lovers, pictured in five-layers gradientAren't loving each other anymore nowadays...

We are teenage dreamers, adult creators, children at heart.Lifeforms of imagination and re-imagination.And still, time take its tool even for us.Friendships grow sour, love runs out.Two halves of one single heart, once awwed by their fans.Separate and forget each other, walk their own way, alone.Digital, timeless pieces of memory like these drawings,Stop invoking warmth and care as they were supposed to represent.

Forevers... End...

I grow worried, irrationally so.Mind running rampant, trying to feel what their owners did.What kind of bitter memory from a fading-black day they invoke,When they held hands together, rubbed off a tear, and shared a parting adieu?I can't help but feel sad, even though I have no reason to care for this.But I just do... And I don't know why...

...Then again, should I pity?

It's over now, and though it doesn't bode a better future,To either of the two lovers, once close, once happy,Maybe they were mistaken, maybe they weren't soulmates.Maybe they will even come back together again.But what matters for this image?It's not a burden memory from what isn't anymore.It's a memento from what once was.

"There, in this time, we were happy"That's all it meant to mean.

I think of myself a softy fool,Misinterpreting such a beautiful message.Even though I feel for you two not being together again,I smile for what you once were, and how it cheers me,To search for the same feeling, awe-inspiring closure.

...Maybe I'll be in your shoes one day. Broken-hearted, mistaken... Alone.

But if that ever happens,I'll reach for the lone observer over yonder.And consolate his teary eyes as he feels for me.

"I'm glad you were happy for us. Thank you."