Earth: Prologue

Story by bhscorch1313 on SoFurry

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This is the prologue to the first book of a novel series I've been working on for the better part of five years. Please let me know what you think, the comments really help.

Things exist in the universe that you can barely imagine. Myths and legends can come to life, and fantasy can become reality. Nightmares can live, breathe, and can chase you and your fears. Death, life, war, and peace can all merge into one long, twisted hrror, making your worst fears come true. Friends and enemies alike, can all fail and succeed, fate sparing neither. And dreams can bring forth ideas from imagination and creatures from your worst nightmares. These things and more are what I have seen.

The universe is full of endless possibilities. We discover new things with each passing day. No one is who we think we are. Every person changes from day to day. Life is one big journey that we are all a part of. Some people's lives are more interesting than others are. Some people's lives determine the course of other's.

My story starts here, on Earth, where everything seemed normal. However, I suddenly became someone different. And then everything changed. The universe changed in a way that no one will ever forget. Here is my story.