Anthro novel - Chapter One, I've Missed You.

Story by TheRain on SoFurry

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The first chapter. There is much more, so let me know if you like and i will upload.

Pakari leant against the door to her small dingy flat, panting to try and catch her breath. She was exhausted. Working at the factory had worn her down more than any form of labour she had ever taken on before, making her once brazen fur dull and brittle. She sighed and though fatigued, lifted her free paw to try and clean the dirt from between her digits with her rough tongue. It was hopeless. The dirt clung to her claws, turning their once black sheen into a muddy brown. The stress had even narrowed her tail down to almost half its original size, the fire having been lost from it. Oh, her beautiful tail...however, she understood now that there were more important things in life than the thickness of a tail, a thought which would have shocked her younger self. She grinned as the thought of what her eighteen year old self would have made of her severe lack of grooming, deciding she would have been devastated by her appearance now. But then, she had only been a pup.

She fiddled for her key, which was tucked safely in the small pocket sewn underneath the thick fur of her hip by her then mate. Pakari remembered him decidedly convincing her that every pup should have one, and explaining that it was a place to keep mischievous secrets. She had giggled at the time, and proceeded to pounce on him lustfully. Fitting, how the place where she used to keep adorning love letters and small tokens and charms, now held keys and shopping lists on battered scraps of paper. A definite sign of maturity. Or perhaps she had simply lost the feral instincts that used to define her so.

She slid the key into the lock, and turning it, pushed heavily against the stiff yellow door to persuade it open. It swung forward, into a small dark wooden room containing only one window. The only other light came from a plain bedside lamp placed on the floor, beside the mattress sat comfortably in the corner. As she turned and closed the door behind her, something caught her eye, and she twisted her head sharply, her pointed ears pricking up and forward in readiness. The sight she witnessed however made her expression soften dramatically, a smile spreading across her face and throughout her eyes. Her ears turned back in delight, as she stared happily at the masculine panther now sprawled comfortably upon her bed. Manu. He'd come back...

She continued to stare at him for a short while, having missed his beautiful frame. Though he was larger than the average cat, he was full of childish charm, and even as he slumbered, the very end of his tail and a single paw twitched, as though he was dreaming of batting a small ball of wool, or pouncing kitten-like on a new toy.

Pakari chuckled, padding over to him and dropping her bag to the floor. She kneeled beside the mattress, and placed a soft black paw gentle upon his thick glossy fur. The touch made her sigh with happiness. A sigh which, perhaps a little louder than expected, caused Manu to drearily wake and gaze up, immediately into Pakari's own deep azure eyes, an unusual shade for a fox.

"Hello darling" Pakari crooned.

Manu let loose a great, dreamy smile, flashing his small fangs. He rolled onto his back, exposing his light toned underbelly, and reached a large paw out to Pakari, beckoning her closer. She grinned and leaned forward, nuzzling her snout into the thick fur surrounding his neck, breathing in his scent again. Oh how she had missed him. Her body began to move of its own accord, and soon she found her self laid beside him, her head rested upon the soft fluffy kitten fur which still grew upon his chest and belly, expressing his youth.

She closed her oh so tired eyes, and allowed herself to savour the moment, feeling a smile spread across her face and her small black nose twitch in happiness. When she finally opened her eyes again, she found Manu staring at her, a smile upon his lips. He swished his tail in amusement, and spoke in his gorgeous low husky voice.

"I've missed your beautiful fur Pakari..."

The smile vanished from Pakari's face as she returned to herself, remembering her shabby and unkempt appearance. She opened her mouth to apologise, thinking he must be whole heartedly disappointed with her distinct lack of beauty. He interrupted.

"Hush darling. You look more beautiful than ever" And leaned forward to give her a small gentle lick on her cheek with his rough tongue. She felt her fur stand on end at his caring touch, and smiled, closing her eyes once again. His whiskers brushed against her face and tickled it as he moved closer, whispering in low, hushed tones.

"Now, come here you....." She felt a fang gently sink into the very tip of her ear playfully, and could do nothing to stop her tail swishing in pleasure, her claws appearing and sinking lightly into his soft fur. A deep, resonating purr appeared in Manu's throat, and he nuzzled her lovingly.

"Oh, how I've missed you..."