Interview with a post-human, the early years

Story by AnnoyedDragon on SoFurry

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Posted December 2012, Interview with a post human is based in a time of emerging biological cosmetics that allow humans to customise their body to preference. However the main character in this instance took things much further and has gone full anthro animal. The interviewer asks him to explain his side of things at a time of high hostility to extreme changes such as his own. Rated adult for mature subject matter in the interview.

Cover image wasn't created for this specific story but was selected to give an impression of his new form. Credit to WhiteFenrril:

In the early days of mutagen body customisation, one lone man took the plunge in trying to become another species. Met with shock and aggression, he takes this interview in an effort to explain his view on the matter.

Rated mature because some of the questions.

The interview nature of this story was inspired by one of 9delta's stories over here.

As usual feedback of any kind is appreciated :)

"I'd like to start by thanking you for coming on today" said the interviewer, obviously unnerved by my appearance but attempting to maintain her professional composure. "I understand for a... person such as yourself, going out to attend a meeting can be a difficult given your appearance".

"Not at all" I reassured the woman, giving the best smile my reptilian muzzle could offer. "You need tough skin to be able to take the steps I have. No pun intended. If I couldn't take verbal, and sadly on occasion physical abuse, then I wouldn't have gone ahead in adopting my particular tastes in species anatomy. Of course not everyone is as privileged as myself in being able to attain my preferred look without severely impacting their finances and lifestyle. Of course, it is matters such as these that I agreed to speak with you today".

"Yes, and for that we're most grateful. When pictures of yourself first emerged in the media a couple of years ago it caused quite the uproar. Mutagen based cosmetics have been slowly progressing over the last decade and other previously inaccessible areas have been explored. But in your case, you threw out the rulebook, didn't you mister Blake? Or should I call you lizard man"?

"Blake is fine" I assured her, giving her the widest grin my reptilian muzzle could muster. Although attempting not to, I could see the occasional glance by the interviewer across my form. Not that I could blame her given I had become a most exotic creature and something never really seen in this world prior to me. But she remembered herself, bringing her eyes back to mine and continuing.

"All the expressed concerns aside, people really just want to know, why? Why do something like this to yourself, knowing that it would be alienating and restrict what you could do with your life? The public are used to eccentric wealthy individuals, but you'd be the first to turn yourself into... well... an animal".

I nodded in understanding, attempting to offer the typical human body language in a not so human body. The swaying of my tail offering a better indication of my mood, but not one I'd expect the interviewer or those behind the cameras to understand.

"It's not really accurate to say I'm the first of my kind".

"Oh?" she said, my claim seeming to peak her interest.

"Not at all. People have been using the technology of the day in order to modify their body to preference for as long as humankind has existed. The technology I used to give myself this appearance being no different from what they now use to sculpt people's bodies today, whether that be longer legs or a larger bosom." I grinned. "Gone are the barbaric days of slicing and stretching, today a simple injection of programmable mutagen does all the work that used to require a steady hand".

The interviewer interrupted "Yes but at no point have people used such technologies, whether it be plastic surgery or mutagens, in order to change their species. In that context, you are unique".

"Because there has never been a suitable option that effectively offered such modifications" I attempted to explain. "There has been a handful of pioneers who tried to change their species, but the results have always been crude, and that offered little incentive for those who may have been interested to pursue those changes. The technology just wasn't there yet".

"But it is now?" she added.

"Nearly. Very close, but not quite there. It took a lot of work to bring me to this level." My clawed hands gesturing over my body to draw attention to its appearance. "But it's a pioneering field in its infancy. Scientists have hardly had the time and financial incentive to develop techniques for augmenting the human body with animal characteristics, to get real animal anatomy and organs functioning correctly in a human. We only managed to get this far because I have the money to pay for it".

While my face probably wasn't a useful indicator for my mood, if there was one thing a radio host could go by it was the tone of my voice. Which while altered due to the shape of my mouth, still gave those essential hints, and she ran with them.

"I get the impression that you are frustrated"?

"Very much so" I responded, my eyes wandering downward in thought. "While I'm sure I look very lizard like to someone such as yourself, a lot of compromises were made and this form is sadly skin deep for the most part. While I can feel my tail, it's still a bit numb and moving it isn't as responsive as I would have liked. Those of you looking forward to your own tail may want to wait until the second generation of the technology, when they get the nerve connections sorted".

"So do you regret your decision to make these changes?" she queried. Her question snapping me out of my pondering and back into the ongoing interview.

"Not at all!" I insisted. "I just wish mutagen enhancement was where I'd like it to be today. I'll keep enhancing myself based on where the technology is, and of course increased demand for such enhancements will aid research into these areas".

"You really think there will be demand for people to become like you Mr Blake? No offense, but I and many others cannot see that happening anytime soon. The protesters outside of this building are a testament to that, they're calling you a monster"!

I chuckled at that last comment, a monster, me? "I'm just ahead of the curve my dear, an example of things to come. People can already get their eyes changed to look more animalistic. A teenage phase I admit but it's the next generation who are playing with these biological cosmetics, the future consumers and politicians. I also understand the mutagen producer, BTRME, is also trialing tails at this time? What is more animalistic than a human with a tail? Yet they will be selling them to people in just a few months time if things go smoothly".

I continued "As for the protestors outside. When has there ever been change without opposition? These people are no different than those who opposed any of the liberties we all take for granted today, the same people who scared their parents generation with the latest shock cosmetic of the day. Mutagens are just the latest fear porn for those who dislike change".

"Those protesters fear what you represent, that you are taking things too far and may encourage others who are less privileged than yourself to make the wrong choices. Lion eyes and a tail hardly compare to what you have had done to yourself, Mr Blake. There is a difference between a few small changes and the full body overhaul you have given yourself".

"But that's where it always starts, the little things. Once upon a time tattoos and facial piercings were regarded as barbaric mutilations of the body, yet with today's easier to change and remove variants; we don't think twice about decorating our skin. But what would these same people have to say if they saw people lining up to get a tail in a few months time?" Giving my own tail a flick as I said so, attracting the attention of everyone in the room".

I continued. "They'd have something to say, I'm sure. But this generation will be growing up with the human tail. They will become the norm despite the rejection of the older generations, there is no doubt about that. It won't even take a year after release for brand name clothing producers to be offering jeans with tail adaptations, creating new markets in tail fashion and care. As a long time tail owner, I can tell you now they are quite the novelty and will become the focus of many a young adults obsession. At least, for a time, until the next big tweak comes along".

"The next big tweak"?

"Who knows. Maybe it will be paws, women do like going digitigrade in those high heels. Maybe it will be something more subtle than that. But what is for certain is it will be another small stepping stone towards me".

"Such arguments could be considered slippery slope fallacies Mr Blake. Just because mutagen body modifications of an animal nature are slowly gaining in popularity, doesn't mean people will be lining up to become a werewolf or sea monster lookalike".

"Not everyone, of course. But there will be that percentage, whatever it may be, who will want to take things that bit further than people are comfortable with. After all why settle for the body you were born into when other options are available? There will be those who prefer to stay all natural, many people will want that super model or bodybuilder physique the media bombards them with. But society is going to have to come to terms with a new definition of human either way, as those who choose to take advantage of these technologies continue to blur that line".

"Which brings us to some public questions, Mr Blake." She shuffles through some notes. "Questions many people will want to know the answer to... Why a lizard, of all the things? It's hardly the most romanticized of animals".

I laugh, crossing my legs and bringing my clawed feet into view for inspection by the surrounding staff. Them being too oddly shaped to support any restrictive shoes.

"Why blue?" I asked, directing my question to the colour of her dress. "Why long hair and not short? Why these posters around the room? When it comes down to it, we really cannot explain personal preference, why we like the things we do. There is no logical or reasoned decision as to why I chose to base my new bodies appearance on that of a lizard, I simply like the look of them. People are going to have to factor personal taste when trying to understand this issue. When the tails are available to the public, you're not going to get many reviews explaining why they chose the lion tail over the wolves one. It's your body after all, and like your home it will be decorated to taste".

"Another common question is admittedly a personal one, so I'll understand if you don't want to answer" Her cheeks visibly becoming more red, despite the layer of makeup covering them. Suggesting the contents of this next question will be of a very personal nature. "Since becoming a lizard man, how has your sex life been"?

"Honestly? None existent. Which is understandable. It was my decision to take on this appearance, I understand it's not every woman's dream to lay in bed next to godzilla. Again this is down to social attitude, which will adapt in time with the technology. I can only imagine what the porn industry will be putting out when tails become more commercially available. Admit it, they're going to be used for that, it's inevitable" I ending the sentence with a grin. Though granted, with a face like this I was always grinning.

"There are those who have suggested... and you will have to forgive me, we have to ask when rumours are circulating. That you keep various lizard species in your home as a substitute for not being able to access women"?

"Does the lizard man commit bestiality with his lizard pets, that's the question, isn't it? The answer is simply no. I keep lizard pets at home for reasons already stated, I like the way they look. But I can understand why such rumours would surface, given my alterations and spending a lot of time at home because of the way I look. I have no doubt such rumours will continue despite me saying this, everyone loves a taboo subject. Especially one about crazy rich people turning themselves into lizards so they can get in bed with one." The silence in the room that followed being awkward, given the subject matter.

I continued "It probably doesn't help either that yes, my reproductive system has been altered to be more lizard like. As has the rest of me, but people like to focus on that one area because a guy having a lizard like penis makes them think of sex and animals. Two subjects that when together aren't reflected well anywhere in society. Changing my penis isn't about sex, it's about completing my transformation. It would be strange to change me head to toe but leave that one area left human. In fact people would probably question my resolve in being changed into a lizard, if I wasn't willing to go 'all the way' so to speak. So I cannot win".

"But you understand how that may affect what people think of you"?

"Yes, of course. It's one of those awkward hurdles that society is going to have to get over, before a form like this becomes more acceptable. My manhood is as lizardy as the rest of me, get over it".

"But no sex, that must be hard".

"Oh men have always had ways of venting those frustrations, I just have a different tool when doing it".

"Well... erm... I won't press further on this matter Mr Blake, though it will undoubtedly keep being brought to the table of this debate".

"Undoubtedly, sadly. You'd think society would have better questions on the significance of this body than focusing almost entirely on my dick".

"John asks if being part lizard has made day to day tasks any more difficult"?

"You understand that with my wealth that I live in a position of privilege, and hence have access to support the common man wouldn't normally. That said, from my experience, not really. My longer fingers and toes took some getting used to but I handle them just as well as before. Though you have to keep the claws in mind at all time, keep them well manicured. The tail of course causes problems when sitting, particularly with seating that has a back. But you find ways to accommodate it, stools have become a new favourite of mine and I've had some tail adapted seating made".

"But in a world designed for people without tails, isn't it a hassle"?

"Having a tail is a pleasure. It opens up a range of experiences and expressions that only the human face can compete with in terms of showing your emotions. Sure I have to be aware of it being there at all times, but it's fairly easy to accommodate once you know how and personally for me the benefits outweigh the disadvantages".

"And your scales, how have they affected your life"?

"Well they're a lot easier to manage than human skin, that's for sure. You don't realise how dirty human skin is until you try the alternative. In fact I must admit that I do find myself thinking about the greasy skin cell filled marks that guests leave on my drink glasses during visits. I'm becoming a bit of a clean freak I'm afraid. Sweaty BO, shedding skin cells everywhere, hairs. You ever had a friend bring their dog over and it gets on your couch? That's how I feel when one of you lot have stopped by, everything is contaminated." I laugh, but the surrounding humans didn't seem to appreciate my outsider's view on them.

I continued "But let's be fair, it's not all advantages. I cannot sweat, which while great for hygiene also means I overheat easily. I wear a thermal suit under my clothes that automatically adjusts to help maintain my body temperature, plus I try to avoid too strenuous physical activity. But personally? Yes, I prefer scales to skin, despite their problems. Not everyone will share that preference but not everyone would turn themselves into a lizard either. It just suits my tastes so that's all that really matters".

"Which brings us to our next question. Don't you think you're being very selfish about this? We know your family want nothing to do with you, plus you're subjecting the public to your admittedly shocking body whenever you do go out. Have you not considered how other people feel"?

"My family have always had problems with my eccentricity, long before I got scales and claws. So it's misleading to suggest my lack of contact with them is a result of my decision to become a lizard".

"We're just looking into the facts Mr Blake".

"Of course, and you should consider the timing of those facts before you make such connections... But on the subject, am I being selfish? Well, how can such a decision be anything but selfish? Are you going to accuse people who underwent sex changes of being selfish? Or a better comparison may be, are you going to accuse people of changing their hair colour of being selfish? Why didn't they consider the feelings of friends and family before going red"?

"Hair colour and trying to change your species are hardly comparable though".

"Are they not? Red is not a natural colour, but we recognise that it is down to individual preference when someone gets a mutagen to turn their natural hair colour red. The only difference between someone preferring red hair and me preferring a lizards traits is what society has embraced as acceptable customisation. A bar which is always moving, ever quicker these days".

She didn't appear to be swayed by my argument, but she was looking at things from the attitude of today. When full body customisation is available, affordably so, and business accomodate those unique needs for the additional revenue sources they provide. I wonder if under that context, I'd be talking to a woman or an avian creature on a completely different subject right now. Because she did look like the avian type to me, and someone who adapted for the latest fashions to stay in line with today's audience.

"Red hair and a different species... many will question that comparison, Mr Blake. But sadly we are running out of time so I won't be able to go over these other questions. I do have to ask though, how do you intend to get home after this interview"?

"One of my helicopters is currently perched on the roof, so I should be home shortly".

"A helicopter", her attitude becoming even more critical, "so you won't have to deal with the opposing opinions outside"?

"It's simply a matter of safety my dear. They knew I'd be here today and last I observed there was quite a large group chanting out there. I do try to venture out when I can, but until public opinion becomes more welcoming of those such as myself, safety is paramount I'm afraid. It's the one thing I regret about being a lizard, not being one but that more people are not open to such expression".

"Well if things go as you hope then one day you will be able to wander the streets with your muzzle held high, taking pride in being the pioneer of your movement".

"I do look forward to that, but I don't expect it to happen in the short term. Maybe in a few decades... But I'm in it for the long term, and anyone who wishes to keep track of my continuing transformation into lizardhood can follow me on my blog, where I often post about my life as a post-human".

"Thank you for your time today Mr Blake, and while I don't agree with your views I wish you the best of luck in achieving happiness".

"Happiness is a body that fits the person inside. Thank you and goodbye".