Changleing Heart: Realization

Story by eragon13666 on SoFurry

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#11 of Changeling Story

Week 2: Day 2-Night

I just sat there on the floor, looking right at not only the Changeling Queen, but also Saki's mother. The information she just gave us...shocked me beyond anything I could ever think. She was claiming that my father was a Changeling...that the reason for my skill to be unaffected by the Changelings spell...was because I was one or half of one; myself. The look she gave me, something that looked like that of a small smile, but burned much likes that of a sly smugness of an evil grin.

"That's...impossible!" Saki called out first as I shook my head and gazed at the ground. "Light is no Changeling, I mean...he can't even phase into other ponies or forms."

"True," Chrysalis answered while nodding her head. "But remember what I said, though he is a Changeling, only by blood, he lacks the will to change. The only thing he truly has of a Changeling is that but the ability to not be affected by our spells like ponies can."

"You're..." I spoke softly before looking up at her. "You're lying!"

"Now my dear Lighting," she spoke shaking her head. "What could I gain from lying to you about what you are; your father is a Changeling, which makes you one of us!"

"Wait..." Saki asked looking at me and then her mother. "Does that make me and him...cousins? Because if that's the case, then we just had hot incest..."

"Saki?!" I cried jumping back as the Queen howled with laughter.

"In a way, he could be our cousin, for he is but a different breed of the over seas Changelings. But, no, not family tree valued here."

"No," I shook my head again. ", this makes no sense at all!" I gazed up at Chrysalis once more. "I am not same half breed hybrid of a Changeling, if I was, my family would've told me!"

"Oh but they were...Bright Star," I flinched at once, backing away slightly as Saki looked to me with worry. I narrowed my eyes slightly before asking.

"How do you know my real name?"

She softly chuckled as she turned so her back was facing us.

"It is late...stay the night and I will..."

"No!" I screamed out loudly, my horn covered in a light blue hue. "You will tell me right now! How do you know my real name?!"

"Lighting no!" Saki called out as Chrysalis looked back with a raise eyebrow.

"You wish to fast me young one?" she asked with her sly grin. I only growled softly as my horn glowed even brighter. "If you attack me right'll never get the answer you seek, all I ask is stay the night." She looked to Saki with a warm smile. "It has been a great many weeks since I've seen my daughter."

"Lighting, its okay!" Saki spoke placing her hooves on my side; I turned to look at her, her eyes pleading for me to stop. "We can stay one night and leave in the morning, alright?" my eyes softened as I looked deep into her eyes, closing my own as I calmed down, I took a deep breath, and brought the magic back within me.

"Good!" her mother claps her hooves together. "You may stay in your old room, and tomorrow I shall see you two off, not without giving you s bit more information that is."

"No good son of a fucking bitch whore..." I muttered as I followed after Saki to where her old room was at. I could feel the eyes of the other Changelings bearing down on my back as I followed my mare-friend. I paid them no heed; I was in no mood anyway.

" will be fine," I heard Saki in front of me say before she stopped me. She looked up at me, her blue eyes looking like the ocean to me. "I mean...she's the kind of Changeling that will keep her word, trust me."

"Ugh..." I scoffed looking away as she followed my muzzle to look at me.

"Is that really your name...Bright Star?" I sighed softly looking at her and nodding.

"Yeah," I answered looking back at my Cutie Mark; I guess I went so long without writing what it looked like. A five pointed golden yellow star stood there, for some reason it almost seemed like it was glowing, but behind it, a lone sword, going down the north east side where the hilt laid, toward the south-west where the tip was seen. "Like I said...I changed it to make myself sound...braver."

"And we know that didn't work," I gave a small smile as she leaned up to nuzzle me softly. "Listen Light, even if what my mother says is true, I'll still love you." I smiled and nuzzled her back before she went off down a tunnel, following her once more, we went into a rather small round room, more then enough for us to walk around; but still small. "Guess mother left it the same as I left It." she spoke as I looked around. All there was in the room was that of a small bed, but big enough that we could share. She went over and jumped on it, I guess it was so soft that she slowly sank a bit before she wiggled her way out and went to the foot of the bed.

I climbed in after her; she moved over to allow me some space with her. I rolled on my side so I was looking at her, she softly smile and snuggled up to my chest, her head under my chin as I closed my eyes and hugged her to my chest. I felt her shift a bit until I was looking right into her eyes; she gave me a soft smile before leaning up and kissing me softly. I smiled and returned the kiss, softly placing my right hoof on her cheek. After a while, we started to grow tired, and soon, we fell asleep in each other's arms.

The was back...

I was just a small colt, barely able to do simple spells. My mother, I watched her lifeless body, burn in the fires of a pillar after she was thrown away from me. I cried out, trying to move, but fear and shock pinned me in place. I could hear my father's scream, looking over at him, I watched the light blue unicorn turn with hatred in his eyes, his blue eyes narrowed, the scar over his left easily seen in the blazing inferno.

"Cocoon!" he screamed as he was then held down by two Changelings, looking much like Saki, but where there was not green or blue, blood red was all I could see.

"Daddy!" I screamed as the Changeling Queen of the area grabbed me and held me as I struggled.

"Let him go you bitch!" my father snarled looking at my captive, the red Changeling Queen softly chuckled.

"And why would I do that dear Shade?" she asked talking softly. "I told you, didn't I? I told you if you did not come with me, your so called family would suffer!"

'You already have him!" my father struggled to be let go. "Why do you want me so bad?!"

"Him? Bah, he is but a tool for me to get what I want. had your chance and you threw it away." She then turned so I was looking at her, I whimpered and started to cry as all I could see were the red blood eyes. "You have brought into this world, a being that should not be, a half pony, half Changeling. You gave proof of your love to...a lowly piece of food!" she then chuckled softly as she threw me to the ground; more of her little Changelings surrounded me, holding me and carrying me away. "Oh, but I'll make sure he is gone Shade, I'll make sure that he suffers, for the mistakes you made!"

"Son!" he screamed as he rolled and kicked one Changeling off as others came after him.

"Daddy!" I screamed as I watched as more and more piled him."

"Father!" I screamed as I bolted up from the bed of Saki. I was breathing heavily, my hooves on my head as I curled up slightly and sobbed, I do not know why, but I had to cry.

"Light, Light!" I heard Saki's worried voice as I felt her embrace me as I sobbed. " was just a dream.

"I...I saw ...more," I whispered softly. " mother was burning, my father being..." I broke down more as Saki tried to calm me down.

After a while, I indeed did calm down, now I knew more. Cocoon, the Changeling Queen of my home land. But, who was this 'him' the two spoke about in my dream, why was he just a pawn, as she had pointed out? More questions were being brought to light, and yet...more questions were bringing shown as well.

Saki's mother indeed met with us once more, but this time, topside. She sat before the hole of which we exited from as she smiled to Saki.

"It was good to see you at least just for a while," she told her as Saki looked away. "And Bright Star..."

"It's Lighting Knight," I corrected her with a firm glare. "Bright Star died the day his family was torn from him."

'Well then Lighting," she corrected herself before going on. "As promised, I shall tell you on how I knew your birth name." I stood there with Saki by my side as we waited, we did not have to wait long, as she started to tell me. A few weeks before the attack of Canterlot, I went to such a kingdom where you were born Lighting," she started as I listened. "I was thought of invading on Queen's Cocoon territory, and was attacked. But, a Changeling came and saved my life, fending off the small group of ten Changelings single-hoof. I was wounded a bit, and needed some time to rest, so he asked me to change into that of a pony as he changed as well, and took me under the roof of where he stayed. I thanked him before I left, and asked if I could do anything for him." She smiled slightly and shook her head. "'All I ask of you,' he sated to me as I was about to leave. 'Is to find my son, tell him that I am alive, and I have some explaining to do.'."

"Wait..." I gasped looking down at the floor. "My alive?!"

"Yes," she spoke with a raised chin. "He showed me a picture of you, and him and also of his mate." She looked back and buzzed her wing a bit as a Changeling came with something in his mouth. Using her magic, she brought it over to me and sat it down, my heart raced.

In the picture, stood a small foal of myself, my coat looking a bit whiter when I was younger, my large green eyes and wide mouth grinning as I smiled. My mother, her green eyes soft and caring, her coat being a bit green, a light, but far off it looked white. Her long white hair covered the right side of her face. My father, his left eye scared, his coat a light blue, his eyes blue as well, his hair black like mine was, pushed backwards in a slick fashion. The picture was slightly burnt as I picked it up slowly; my alive...

" know of the 'pawn' Cocoon is using?" I asked as she shook her head.

"I did not know she had such a thing," she answered. "Why...?"

"I plan to go home," I answered putting the picture in my mane. "I plan to go home, find my father...and kill Cocoon."

The train ride home, nothing was really said. Me and Saki sat beside each other, her as Cloud Dasher; softly leaning on me as I gazed out into the train's window. I watched the hills and such pass us as we ascended higher and higher up.

"Excuse me, is it possible for me to sit here with you two?" both me and Saki turned over to the source of the voice. A mare stood before us, her coat that of purple, her hair, two shades of purple, one being the same shade as her coat; the other, to me, a lot darker. Her mane was just the same as well, her cutie mark being that of a six pointed star on her flank. On her back slept a baby dragon, his scales a lighter purple then her, his underbelly green as well as his fins. He was snoring away a bit as I chuckled, but something about her seemed...familiar; but I couldn't but my hoof on it.

'Sure," Saki spoke with a smile as the mare smiled back before laying on the dragon on the seat as she climbed and sat down.

"Thanks," she answered looking at us. "Many ponies are annoyed of his snoring, and I couldn't find anywhere else were his snoring wouldn't be heard. I hope you don't mind."

"We don't," I answered with a smile.

"Yeah, seeing how this log here snores loudly!" Saki joked as I frowned.

"Hey..." the two mares softly chuckled before the unknown named one spoke.

"By the way, I'm Twilight Sparkles." Wait...Twilight? As in student to Princess Celestia, wielder of the Element of Magic; and Shining Armor's little sister? "And you two are...?"

"Well I'm Cloud Dasher," Saki spoke as she then pointed to me. "And this is Lighting Knight."

"'re Lighting?" Twilight asked me as I nodded. "My older brother told me about you, said he was training you before he moved."

"Yeah that's right," I answered with a smile. "I thought I knew you from somewhere, I mean, you two kinda have the same cutie mark and all." she softly chuckled and nodded her head. "How is Armor doing?"

"He's great; the last time I saw him was a few days ago when me and my mother and father went to visit. The only weird thing is that every few weeks the ponies are crystallized."

"Huh?" Saki asked as she tilted her head to the side.

"Oh it's just a thing they do now I guess. Seeing how they do that, sort of like a celebration."

"I see..."

"Anyway, Lighting, are you going to take up his offer, I plan on writing him a letter soon and will put your word in for him." I looked to Saki; we had this talk while coming down in the train. Sure it would be good for me, but this was Saki's home, and she truly didn't want to leave it behind. I told her that I could rent it out, make sure that it would always be there.

"We're thinking about it," I answered looking back at her. "It's...a big leap you know. Moving to one place to another. And this is Cloud's home."

"That's understandable," she smiled and nodded slightly. "All parties of a relationship should be happy, not just one right?"

"Right," we both answered at the same time.

We spoke a lot more, the dragon named Spike woke up a bit later and we all spoke for the rest of the trip. After we made it to our stops, we bid each other goodbye, Twilight asking if we would like to visit her in Ponyvile one day, for her friend Pinkie Pie to have a way to make a party. Saki answered with a yes as we parted ways.

After a bit more walking, we were home, I sighed and I fell on the sofa with a soft thud, groaning at how tried I was. It wasn't even night fall for goodness sake. The door closing, and soon I felt Saki softly land on my belly. Opening my eyes I saw her laying across my chest with her front hooves crossed over her own chest as she gave me a smile.

"What?" I asked her with a raised eyebrow as she chuckled.

"I hope you're not fully tried,"

"And why that?" I asked as she grinned, I yelped as I felt her tail slip between my legs. "O...oh,"

"Well, I hadn't had any sort of fun in two days." I gave a small smile, and was about to lean up to kiss her, when a knock came to the door. "Ugh, really?!" she hissed under her breath as she changed and went to answer the door as I laid back to listen. "Yes?" she sounded slightly annoyed.

"Sorry to bother you miss," that sounded like my captain. "Is Lighting around?"

"He's lying down," she answered. "I think he caught what I got."

"Ah, yes, a sickness has been going around...can I trust you to relay a message to him?"

"Shoot," she answered as my captain cleared his throat.

"In the letter, in case he had yet to read, I have told him I wish for him to be second in command under me," wait...what?! "And also, a letter came from his home kingdom."

"What did it say?" she asked as my captain scoffed.

"Getting to that," he answered her before going on. "The letter sated that the rebels of the kingdom needs help, and they asked for Lighting, for he is the only one they trust out of the kingdom, to return to aid them. We guards would've gone to provide support, but they do not wish for two lands to fight each other." They...want my help...why, after I left, sure I wanted to return, but now?

"When does he have to leave?"

"Two days times, he will have those two days to get himself ready, a air ship will be ready for him with a crew."

"I'll pass that along then," Saki answered. "Now, if you excuse me," she then shut the door as she came back, jumping back on me as her Changeling self.

"That wasn't nice," I told her as she glared.

"Less talky, more Bucky!" she told me with a sly grin as I softly chuckled but turned her so I was laying behind her. My legs wrapped around her as I nuzzled her neck softly.

"Not tonight," I whispered to her as she looked back with an upset look. "Saki, I am really tried anyway, plus, we still have two days until we leave. I promise, tomorrow night for sure."

"Promise?" she asked me as I nodded and kissed her neck softly.


"Good, cause I got some rope and chain I wanna use!"
