Talbain and Nanaki

Story by Nanashi Eru on SoFurry

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Warning~ This story contains scenes of sexually explicit description of both heterosexual, and male homosexual acts. Do not read if you find such material offensive. This story pertains to Nanaki (Final Fantasy VII) and Talbain (Darkstalkers), both of which I do not own the rights to. This is a work of fiction and in no way is ment to represent actual events. Enjoy!


Talbain and Nanaki

The sound of battle caught the attention of a relaxing animal. He perked his tounded ears to get the direction of the sound and followed it. As the russet furred creature neared he caught a glimpse of a massive machine swinging and firing at an odd canine who easily dodged each attack but couldn't get close enough for an attack of his own. The feline growled softly and charged into the fight, his eyes glowing and a massive blast of fire knocked the machine on its side. The blue and white canid wased no time in leaping onto the machine and ripping its armor apart with his strong claws and shredding the internal components.

The machine lay smoldering and inactive. The bipedal wolf's golden eyes raised to look at the firey cat who aided him. "Thanks. That thing was giving me a hard time..."

A soft, yet wise voice came from the cat, swishing his tail, the firey tip burning warmly. "You're welcome. These machines have been a major nuisance for years now. I've not seen someone like you around here before. What's your name?"

"Talbain. I'm not from around here. I was hit with a magic spell and suddenly found myself here and that machine attacked me almost as soon as I saw it."

"I see. I'm Nanaki. It's an honor to meet a fighter with as much skill as yourself. If ou wish, I could try to help you and show you around this land."

The bipedal canid grinned softly at the compliment, then nodded. "My thanks, Nanaki."

The pair traveled through the semi-arad land they were in, through the valleys and over hills until they came to a wide canyon. Nanaki grinned softly to Talbain and motioned with a paw toward a large rock outcropping with a telescope perched on top. "That's my home, Cosmo Canyon. We can rest there tonight."

Talbain nodded and followed the red cat toward the town. As they walked, his golden eyes watched Nanaki. He admired the power of the muscles bunching and stretching under his fine fur coat, the lithe and fluid movement of his limbs, the warm flame on his tailtip, the way his balls swung as he moved....... Talbain shook his head. He wasen't gay, so why was he looking at those areas? He was just admiring the form of another warrior he kept telling himself, and yet his mind kept wandering to more carnal thoughts. He wondered what Nanaki was like while mating, or if he even had a mate. He murred softly, imagining those strong hips thrusting forward over and over, making a female under him moan and cry out as the feline rutted inside her. He imagined that long tail lifting up, giving Talbain a nice view of the feline's sack slapping his mate's rump with each strong thrust, making her squeal in extacy. He could see his mate's face showing nothing but pleasure at the expert motions the strong cat made, doing everything perfectly for them both, bringing them close to their release then backing off. Talbain wondered if Nanaki would lick his mate's neck, or be more forceful and give her a mating bite, He could see the strong feline and his amte as they both climaxed, Nanaki roaring in triumph as he left his seed deep inside her gasping body as she held him close.

"Must be a nice daydream..." Nanaki grinned as he saw the sizable tent in talbain's pants, snaping the wolf from his daydream.

"Uh, well... yea...." the wolf swallowed nervously, hoping Nanaki didn't suspect what he was thinking of, but also silently wishing the cat knew.

They soon walked into the village and on to Nanaki's home. The cat gave Talbain the tour of his home and they soon settled down for a warm meal, the werewolf murring and giving the meal many compliments.

After dinner, Talbain was shown to where he would sleep, which was on the unused bed in Nanaki's room. The feline himself slept in a nest of sorts on the floor. Talbain fell silent as they settled in for the night, the only light coming from the flame on Nanaki's tail. Talbain glanced over at the cat, once again admiring his strong, warrior's frame. His mind wandered again and he imagined his host awakening, stretching his forequarters, then his hind end, his male equipment displayed for Talbain. He couldn't resist and reached out to touch them, rubbing them softly. Nanaki moaned softly and looked back at the strong wolf's hand, lifting his tail slowly, letting Talbain explore him even more. His paw gently began to rub Nanaki's sheath and he-

Talbain yipped in supprise as Nanaki spoke softly, standing beside him. "Are you alright? You've been moaning for the past minute." Nanaki then noticed the large tent in Talbain's pants and grinned softly, "Ah, I see. Anyone in particular you're thinking of?"

The were's mind raced as he tried to come up with someothing, but only one word came out. "You." The wolf looked away,, hoping he haden't offended his kind host. When he received a gentle lick across his muzzle he murred, looking int the one bright eye of Nanaki. They touched noses for a long moment and only Nanaki's gentle paw rubbing talbain's thigh broke their gaze. Talbain nodded softly and Nanaki leaned in, using his teeth to untie the sash which held Talbain's pants up. His strong paws slid the loose pants softly down, churring as he gazed at the fully erect and exposed wolfish member. His raspy tongue went out to taste the wolf's furred balls, churring as he licked them over and over again, causing their owner to gasp and moan deeply, his tail swishing. Nnaki slowly turned, his tail raised, showing himself to Talbain as he started lapping at his cock. Talbain's big paws rubbed the firm rump and heavy orbs gently. His claws very carefully raked across the sensitive region, causing Nanaki to groan loudly. The feline's erection quickly caught the attention of Talbain who's wide tongue gently sliurped over it again and again. Both furry beings were gasping and licking each other softly.

Nanaki gave a soft growl and slid away from the wolf, grinning over his shoulder, his tail raised and fron end lowered. "Come over here, alpha wolf." He winked softly as the wolf neared, erection bobing gently with each step. Talbain kneeled behind Nanaki, rubbing his erection against his tight tailhole as he reached around the cat, stroking him slowly. Nanaki gasped, mewling softly as Talbain began pushing forward, spreading and stretching his opening widely. Both of them began grunting as Talbain began a deep thrusting in and out of Nanaki's rear. Their balls began gently slapping together and Nanaki started thusting back at the thick canine cock deep under his tail as his own feline precum dripped onto Talbain's stroking paw. Nanaki lifted his head and growled lustfully. "I want you to tie with me, big wolf." Talbain was more than happy to fulfill his wish as he started thrusting more roughly, his growing knot stretching Nanaki's anus wider and finally growing too large to slide back out. The blue and white wolf snarled softly into Nanaki's ear as his hi[ps bucked, grinding his loins to the russed furred firm rump. The wolf howled suddenly, his length pulsing deep inside Nanaki asn he released his seed, reaching between them and rubbing their balls together. Nanaki panted and gasped as Talbain curled over his body and began licking and sucking his arousal. The cat was so close to release just from the rutting that he began to spurt almost as soon as Talbain's warm, moist muzzle closed around his hard length.

They cuddled close as Nanaki kept feeding Talbain his creamy semen. As his flow ebbed they kissed deeply, churring to each other soothingly. Nanaki gazed deep into Talbain's eyes and Talbain looked back. They rolled to their side, Talbain's knot locking them together pleasurably and they slowly drifted to sleep against each other.


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story by Nanashi Eru