The New Pet

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When you get what you want, it comes at a cost...

Hello everyone. So this is my first time on posting anything on here, and it's my first story of this sort. I am new to this life as well, so please be gentle with me...


_ This is Skylar. For those of you who haven't read my earlier posts, lets recap. I am twelve years old, four foot eight, light tan fur covering most of my body. From underneath my muzzle to the end of my sheath is white, as pristine as winters first snow. My paw pads are white as well but they contain a hint of gray. Today will be my last day under this roof. I can't do it anymore. Right now, there screaming at each other...and its my fault again. So thank you, for all of your help, and maybe, just maybe we will talk later.... _Skylar closed his laptops lid and slid it into his backpack that he had sitting next to his twin bed. He stood up, brushing his hair out of his eyes and looked around his room one last time. He couldn't say he had a bad life. He always tried to think positively. His parents believed him to be a disappointment, he couldn't play any sports, didn't like to play outside. He had no friends, wasn't allowed to eat in the kitchen with them, and he could only go get what he could find after they had cleaned up, which usually wasn't much. Sky shook his head to stop thinking about all the things they had done to him. It would only slow him down. He needed to move quiet and quickly, or this would never work.

His parents, they always fought in their bedroom so they could make sure Skylar heard them. Their bedroom was literally the room next to his. So with there voices louder than ever, he slowly crept out his bedroom door. The fighting was giving him the cover he needed to get out of the house without them noticing, and that's exactly what was happening.

The night was a welcome change to his atmosphere. Skylar looked to the stars above. Running away was going to be easy with so much light to lead him away. The wind blew and Skylar gave thanks he wore a pair of his dark blue jeans, a long sleeve gray t-shirt, and a black zip-up hoodie. He pulled the zipper up and adjusted his black back-pack and started off. The surrounding city wasn't a nice place, so anyone seeing a young kit walking down the street in the middle of the night wouldn't think twice about it. With everything going his way, he took the moment to feel proud of himself. His so called parents thought he would never be able to do anything himself. If only they could see him now just so he could prove them wrong. No matter how horrible they were to him Skylar was selfless, and he regretted stealing what money and food he could get, but he figured it wasn't much so they shouldn't notice.

As he walked he mentally went over what he had brought with him. Two hundred and some odd dollars, bread, cheese, juice, and his laptop. He couldn't think of anything else he would really need. He couldn't bring clothes, they were to bulky and he wouldn't be able to bring enough for it to make any real difference. Without thought towards the difficulties he would face soon, Sky walked forward, and for the first time, since he can remember, he smiled, a true smile, the reached his eyes and threated to burst.

Brushing his hair behind his ear, Sky looked down at his watch and noticed it was past midnight. Before he could look up he bumped into what felt like another body, but was as sturdy as a wall. Skylar was knocked onto his butt and was shocked to look up and notice a rather large,and fit wolf. Easily towered over himself and had to be at least in his mid twenties.

"Oh...excuse me..I..I'm sorry. I should watch where I'm going...."Skylar stood up and brushed himself off only to be lifted off the ground and thrust into the wall of a nearby building.

The wolf grinned down at the small boy in his hands, watching as he squirmed against the wall where he was held. "Oh, your not sorry yet boy, but you will be......"


So I wanna stop this here because if it's no good than well I don't wanna embarrass myself....Let me know if I should continue or not kay?
