Minecraft Fiction – The Approaching Winter

Story by AnnoyedDragon on SoFurry

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The Approaching Winter was posted May 2012 and is the biggest, most in depth story I have written. Which is strange for Minecraft fiction, people have told me they didn't expect much because it was Minecraft themed but ended up pleasantly surprised. I hope people enjoy reading it as I am quite proud of this one :)

The lovely cover image is by the talented Taus: http://www.furaffinity.net/view/8488367/

How does Minecraft fiction usually go? Ah yes, you wake up in the Minecraft world, now what? The residents of my story went through a similar experience long ago. Now they are trying to pick up the pieces and rebuild some resemblance of a life in the dangers of the Minecraftian world. We take a look at one resident who isn't too keen about taking on the shape of his avatar, an anthropomorphic lizard, as he seeks out the resources he needs and finds more than he bargained for. But will he come to accept his new existence as a lizard with the assistance of a female in a similar predicament?

cliché story theme in a popular game world.

You get the drill. I needed some sort of a theme to get me out of a writing rut, so why not one of my favourite games? As the keywords suggest there is some stereotypical furry victimisation in this story, some depressing scenes. Saucy scene is near the end for those who wish to skip to it, but I appreciate anyone who reads through the whole thing and can offer some feedback; as I put a fair bit of effort into it. As usual don't be afraid to point out any mistakes I made, I'm typo blind and as much as I've proof read this to death there will undoubtedly be something.

Hope people like it :P


That nostalgic word escaped my green toothy lips, sparking reminiscence of long ago for just a moment, following that all too familiar dreaded cracking sound. The bovine which had been at the receiving end of the blade was still very much alive. It ran mooing towards its fellow captives at the other side of the pen, for comfort and misplaced faith in their protection. I was still very much capable of putting down a single cow, but didn't particularly relish the idea of the chase, having to claw it to death with my bare hands. Nevertheless my blade lay on the ground in useless shiny shards, I'd have to retrieve another one from storage.

Having discarded the broken handle over the pens wooden fence; it disappearing into near by foliage, I leaned back for a good stretch. My reptilian tail joining in the attempt to relieve the strain that had built up from this morning's labour. As usual, the cows had already forgotten the assault from just moments ago, gradually dispersing from the protective group in search of newly grown patches of grass. Stupid creatures, I had little pity for the purpose I kept them. Though I suppose they were designed to be just that, livestock, and couldn't help but be anything else.

I made my way through the mooing mass of brown and white and to the gate of the pen, ensuring it was suitably secured behind me. Lest the mindless beasts get out, trampling my wheat and various other crops planted near by. The pumpkins and melons were ripening nicely, though the wheat was still green and not quite ready for harvesting. Even when they offered no nourishment at this stage; the smell of growing wheat was always welcome. It was a smell I associated with home and home meant safety, a link that made those fragrances most soothing, despite the dangers outside.

Thankfully I had stockpiled a half chest full of wheat from many past harvests, so the current crop needn't rush. Always producing more than I needed meant I was rarely concerned about meals, as well as having plenty to barter with should I need to. Assuming of course I could find someone willing to look past my... flaws. The majority humanoid population didn't think too highly of beast folk such as myself. Whether due to our reputation in a previous life or they simply didn't like the way we looked, meetings were tolerated more than welcome.

Self reliance was therefore a lesson best learned quickly; as you didn't want to find yourself wanting and dependant on the charity of others. Claws and sharp teeth rarely provoked the humanitarian in people, especially when you didn't look particularly human. You can therefore understand my concern then; as I searched through the numerous chests of my storage room, containing everything from leather to apples, unable to find metal for the replacement of my blade.

It's not like I couldn't have seen this coming, it had been a long time since I had ventured underground in search of iron. Autumn was approaching. The once lush leaves that decorated the forest had begun to brown, the days getting shorter. It would not be long before the forest was coated in a thick white snow. The rich fertile soil of my farmland turning hard and unusable as the cold took its hold.

It was for this reason that I had been stockpiling produce much more than usual, who after all really needed that much food? Not just food but growing trees to turn the wood into charcoal, as well has organising my property for easier access to supplies without going outside. White death was coming to the world. A cold, dark, lifeless place where uncovered candles would not stay alight due to the falling snow. Dangerous times, especially for a reptile.

I had invested so much time and energy into stockpiling food and fuel to survive the winter; that I did not consider my dwindling supply of the fruits of the earth. Stone was not an adequate replacement for the weapons I'd need to quickly fight back the horrors of the night; should I need to venture outside. I needed metal. Metal I had consumed on axes to fall the trees, hoes to toil the soil and stupidly on blades for slaughtering my livestock. As irritating as it was to chase those animals about, a stone sword would have sufficed in harvesting their meat.

I could still venture into the mines, that I still had time for. Time better spent securing the house and supplies for a long cold winter. No, I'd have to do something I hadn't done for quiet some time now. I'd have to go to a village where most of the humanoid races lived and worked. Where the adventurers brought the riches of their explorations underground in exchange for what they needed, where they'd undoubtedly have some spare iron lying around. I rubbed the sides of my head in an effort to ease the frustration, as this wouldn't be easy.

They'd undoubtedly be preparing for the winter themselves, making some of my over zealousness in stockpiling supplies a good trading commodity. The real question would be whether they'd need such supplies enough to look past my scaly hide, whether I'd get a reasonable return on my goods. There was nothing else to consider, no alternatives in the scarce time left, I'd have to load up on some items and hope for the best.

I went chest to chest, gathering samples from each container that I'd expect would be in high demand at this time. Wheat & fruit, cooked meats & fish, lanterns that would not be extinguished by the snow and a few luxury items. A cake and a biscuit did the mind good during bad times; and they'd be plenty of those on their way. A stone sword was the best weapon I could get at this time, I selected two to bring with me; as they were not known for their durability. Raising chickens also meant I was blessed with an abundance of feathers to make arrows, so I took a few piles of them as well. Both to trade and for my defence during the trip.

I put on some leather protection for the journey. Nowhere near as strong as iron armour, but warmer and something I had in abundance; given I raised cows on my land. Equipping any outfit always made me thoughtful of the past, as how could I not? Even with the daily labour of surviving in this land, being so disconnected from my former life, I still take note as the adapted leather leggings brush against my thick lizard tail as I put them on. How I must aim my muzzle upward to fit my long face through the neck of the chest plate, how my boots are just that bit longer and wider at the end to accommodate my exotic feet.

How could I not take note of what I am? Remember what I used to be? But such thoughts are unproductive, unhealthy. At the very least I was reminded to include a few piles of leather with the collection, as iron armour wearers will undoubtedly soon be forced to shed their shell for something more resistant to the cold. My abundance of desired commodities was comforting, but an unintentional swipe of my tail across the floor soon brought back to mind the reality of the prejudice I'd be facing at the village.

Dressed, armed and carrying a seemingly impossible number of goods in my backpack. I make my way to the frontal wall of my property, peering out through the gap in the fence to see if anything was waiting for me on the other side. Satisfied it was as safe as the great outdoors will ever be, I stepped through the iron door and outside my property for the first time in what seemed ages, which conveniently closed behind me; as I stepped off the pressure plate in the interior. There was no button to get back inside the walls of my home, but I carried a lever with me as a primitive key. Not that such a simple approach would stop any determined thief from breaking in.

For that I had other defences in place, as I cleared leaves to reveal a hidden shallow cut into the near by rock face. There a large vegetation covered statue stood, looking ancient and neglected. But no sooner than I had cleared a path did the statue then begin to move, rusty plates grinding loudly together as it did so, stepping forward and stomping its way to the entrance of my home. Golems were large and dumb, but this one standing in front of the sole entrance into my property; had been enough to deter most occasional would be raiders over the years. Quite and unjudging, the sort of humanoid I liked.

The home secure and protected, I breathed deeply though my nostrils to savour the smell of home; before beginning my journey through the potential dangers of the forest. My silent iron guardian watching on from the gates of my home as I disappeared into the forest.

Silence fell as the animals from my farm faded into the distance, only the sound of the leaves and fallen branches crunching below my feet to keep me company. The air was still fresh and moist from the recent morning, droplets decorating everything in sight from the previous nights downpour. Nothing could be taken for granted while I was out here. I kept my bow held at my side just in case, my eyes and ears open to any disturbance in the surrounding greenery. Quiet things lurked in these forests, quiet dangerous things.

I had to keep my wits about me. Only a moment of distraction would be needed and a considerable amount of supplies would be scattered across the landscape; along with my remains. As it was still daylight my greatest concern would be the creature known as the creeper, which earned its name from its silent and stealthy movements. An absurd abomination, a contradiction to life, as it existed solely to self destruct when close enough to someone to take their lives along with it. Not that much in this world made sense by our terms.

A point blank explosion would kill even the healthiest and well armoured of travellers, so it was essential that should I encounter one; it was dealt with at range. But detecting one when they were so silent, even to these inhuman ears, was a tricky matter. So much that I could think of little else as I cautiously moved across the dense vegetation of the landscape, keeping my helmet removed so not to obscure my hearing. If one of them managed to get near, an unprotected head would be the least of my concerns.

After what felt like an eternity; jumping at every unexplained noise, I finally exited the forest. Before me I could see a cobblestone road just before a sharp drop into ocean, a recent addition as far as I was aware but typically a sign that people were at the other end. I did intend to turn left, but given the road; I guess that small camp finally did decide to move on and build something more permanent. Hopefully in a secure state by now and hungry for supplies.

Well lit open space lay before me as far as I could see, the cobblestone path moving further uphill and away from the forest which I just exited. I could relax just a little now, though you could never be sure in this world.

Running along the road would exhaust my bodies fuel too quickly, leading to the consumption of goods intended for trade. So despite the outdoors being a time sensitive matter, I made my way along the roads hard bumpy surface at a relaxing pace. Giving me plenty of time to think on matters I had promised myself that I would put behind me. Yet here, travelling along this crude road to a village of people who will likely have disdain for me, I could think of little else.

I've often wondered if it was all just a big joke. If one of these days someone was going to jump out, laugh, then tell everyone they could go home. As sick as this would be, as angrily as many would undoubtedly react, most would welcome it. Welcome a release of the uncertainty of their day to day lives and a return to what they once knew. I don't know if I'm of that variety, I don't know if I'm of any variety. I have built something here, a home, what you could call a life. The idea of someone ripping that from me after all I had been through to obtain it left me anxious. So I suppose I'm biased in that regard, not everyone has what I have.

I used to be a nerd as they would call it, perhaps I still am but have been too distracted to put the attitude into practice. The sort of person people would look down on for their limited social relations, for their inability to relate with people with more common interests. When not meeting with the few close friends I did have to discuss insignificant matters such as the latest game release or online activities, I enjoyed playing one game in particular. One in which you had a large generated world to explore, in which creativity was encouraged by having the ability to reshape the environment into whatever you wanted. It was a popular game, one with many fans, building something you could call your own appeared intrinsically popular. Even if it was all virtual.

But one day, everything change for many people who enjoyed these sort of games. We went to bed that night like any other and then woke up with salty water in our eyes, finding ourselves washed up on the shore of a very different and alien world. That was the first shock. The second is when people realised that many of us had... changed. Taking on the shape of our game avatars was our first hint of where we were, the rest came into clarity as we found this world behaved disturbingly similar to a beloved game we once played. This made accessing our situation clear.

Regardless of the hows and whys, we were in a dangerous world. Some became inappropriately excited given our predicament while others wept, some frantically tried to gather resources for the coming night; despite it being far away. Then there was those like me, some pleased or horrified by their new form. Not everyone had a He-Man avatar of course, some of us lost our human likeness completely. Tearfully appealing for assistance, monstrous hands reaching out for comfort; as many either ran in fear or stared in amazement. Chaos is the only appropriate word for those first few days.

As for how I reacted. Washing up on shore to look past my long face and into two clawed scaly hands, a new appendage flicking nervously behind as the returning waves forced alien sensations on me; the water rushing over my new tail. I think I still am, I'm not really sure how I feel about the whole thing, being a lizard. Even to this day, survival has and always will take priority. Working long and hard days on the farm was more of a distraction than a necessity, as stillness returned my attention to green scales and the shape of my once human face.

Those who got it together and acted in those first few days. The people who remembered how to play the game, eventually began to flourished in this new world. But many didn't survive the first couple of nights. Sadly, the part of the game involving death did not appear to be replicated in this version of the world. Some died wandering the wilderness trying to find a way out, some found it drowning at the bottom of the ocean or jumping over a cliff edge... Who knows, maybe those who died here got back home. Maybe not.

The longer they rejected their new existence, the harder it was to survive. Not many of those people are left now. Those of us that acted have established numerous communities and safe havens in which to live, farms for food and the brave few who venture underground for rarer materials. We established a sort of barter economy. Diamonds, gold, iron and other useful materials being the most desired and difficult to acquire. Clearly this meant those who ventured forward with a sword and pickaxe became the richest, not that the risks they took with their lives weren't deserving of reward. The rest of us accessed these riches by selling them food and other goods that they didn't have the time to produce. A mutually beneficial relationship.

But it was as life started to become somewhat comfortable that other, more human, problems began to emerge. What was a light hearted avatar skin in a game became our flesh and bone, at least for those that bothered to use a custom one. Those that didn't remained the same, rewarded for their lack of creativity in character design. Someone with a friendly clown avatar found themselves unable to wash away the rosy cheeks, the white skin. Fictional races from both high fantasy and science fiction made real, some more unnerving to look at in the flesh than others.

Green scales, long claws, a thick tail and long toothy muzzle; I suppose I cannot blame them for being disturbed by my appearance. They should imagine how it felt to get used to such an alien body, how de-humanising and strange it was. Despite the wide range of unusual and exotic people that populated this world as a result of becoming their avatars, from cactus skinned plant people to living internet memes. It was the anthropomorphic animals that got the brunt of it, whether due to being the most inhuman looking of everyone there; or the reputation of the fandoms that obsessed over them in our previous world.

To be fair, the relationship between animal folk and humanoids has rarely been violent. Just... rarely warm. This has divided my people. Some of us are willing to try that bit harder; while some have developed a 'them and us' attitude, which only worsens relations. There are those few who would become aggressive towards each other, but thankfully everyone else did their best to keep them in check. A racial war wasn't in anyone's interests.

There is very little I myself can do about all this, I just isolate myself away from the daily political and racial issues of the main villages. If I were to have any success on today's trip; I'd have to be very tolerant of whatever awaited me. As used as I had become to this form, I'm still something strange for others to look at. I'm a upright walking reptile looking to sell wheat I've had my dirty scaly paws all over, that's the attitude I could be facing. I could only hope I'd manage to come back with a stack or two of iron before days end, as staying over night in the organised chaos of most villages was less than desirable.

On that thought, a arrow suddenly shot past my face and embedded itself in a near by tree. Thankfully it had missed! I had foolishly lost myself in thought and wasn't paying attention to my surroundings. On instinct my tail nosily whipped through the air as I quickly turned to face the direction in which the arrow had come. Stiffening and lifting, securing my balance in this position. The bow creaked as I placed one of my own arrows in position and primed it for retaliation, eyes darting to locate my attacker.


An uneasy moment past, not a sound of movement or anyone in sight. They would have had to have been standing pretty close if they had shot from atop the dirt ledge; hovering just above the ground which I stood, only a few steps away and too high to have targeted me from any further back than its ledge. But I did not hear or see anyone fleeing after the arrow had struck. The only alternative would have been below the ledge; hiding in the bushes. But no bandit would be stupid enough to hide somewhere they wouldn't be able to easily escape from, with a dirt wall at their back.

Another arrow shot out, sending me into a roll to the side in order to avoid its path, my pose shifting to kneeling down; before priming the arrow again. This time I saw where the arrow had come from, from behind the bushes; shadowed under the dirt ledge. The position I previously discarded on grounds of it being too unsuitable. Why would anyone choose to attack me from there? They have nowhere to run to.

I focused my attention into peering past the wind rocked foliage, focusing my sight as to what was hiding in that concealed shadow. I caught a glimpse of an all too familiar opponent, neither man nor beast; but something that didn't belong outside this time of day. This opponent couldn't be reasoned with or bribed, destroying it was my only option.

Ranged combat would be wasteful, close quarters ill advised as it could stick a few arrows in me if I charged towards the bush now. I'd have to be smart about it, one of the few things we had over the unlimited numbers of these monsters. Arrow withdrawn, I freed up my hands and charged not towards the bush in which the the creature hid; but towards the nearest slope that enabled me to get on the dirt ledge above it. Dodging another arrow firing out from the bush as I made my way.

The threat of projectiles ceased when I was at too much of an angle for the creature to get me in its line of sight. A human opponent would have left their cover in order to continuing shooting at me, but this wasn't a human opponent. There was a very good reason it remained in its cover, a reason I intended to take full advantage of; as I made my way onto the ledge and positioned myself directly over its hiding spot.

I didn't intend to do any digging on this trip, so my hands had to suffice in removing the soil which concealed my opponent below. At times my reptile anatomy had its advantages, this was one of those times; as my claws made quick work of the dirt. Having removed enough of it, light beamed through the opening and illuminated the area underneath. Stone sword drawn, I awaited the creatures inevitable reaction.

Sure enough, a skeletal archer came running out from under the cover, moments before erupting into flames as the sunlight did its work. Its bony maw open wide as if screaming in terrible agony; but lacking the lungs to do so. Yet I knew it didn't feel pain, it didn't feel at all. Even now as it burnt, it began the motions to prepare another arrow to send my way. Intent on taking life, even as its own was quickly coming to and end.

Before it could get another arrow into position, I had launched myself from my higher position; landing with the sword cleaving its way through its fire blackened skull. A critical blow that would take down any living thing. But to my surprise; the skeleton was still quite capable of posing a threat, even with my blade stuck half way down its head.

With my hands still holding the blades handle, the creature prepared an arrow in front of me, intending to fire it directly into my abdomen at point blank range. I was too shocked at its survival to just let go of the handle and move out of the way, too scared at the sight of a burning skeleton right in my face as it took aim at my chest. The arrow head scraping across my leather chest plate as it position for a fatal wound.

The skeleton pulled the arrow back, only for the string of the bow to twang in two as the flames began to disintegrate the bow. The sword once stuck in the creatures skull came loose as the surrounding bone crumbled. I slashed at it in a crazed panic, adrenaline surging, making sure it would stay down. Even as my sword broke in two from the overzealous slashing; I continued to hack at what I could with what was left. The sunlight doing the rest as its remaining pieces turned to ash, the ash eventually fading away into nothing. Leaving me alone once again; panting and wide eyed.

Truly the stuff of nightmares.

You'd see them stalking around outside your walls of a night, looking for something to kill. But the day wasn't its world, such monsters thankfully lived underground when the sun was shining. In this case a little bit of shade just gave it somewhere to hide from the light, enforcing the importance of keeping your home fully lit at all times. I ensured enough soil was removed from the ledge so that sunlight could properly reach that area before moving on. Wouldn't want this happening again to someone else.

Such creatures are why so few people ventured underground, any time of the day. They would appear seemingly from nowhere, out of the darkness, and wouldn't stop until everyone was dead. When it was just a game all you'd risk from such explorations would be whatever loot you acquired while down there, even some armour or a sword. Now however, when death is permanent, those who dwell on the surface truly owed a lot to the people who mined deep underground. Some metal and coal could be found near the surface, but only some.

I've never mined deep enough underground to find riches, nor do I wish to. Gold and a few diamonds aren't worth facing creatures like that, not when you can trade for them by growing food and raising livestock. The occasional fight with the monsters of this world was quite enough for me, venturing only a little below the surface when I needed to.

But as I just experienced, even in broad daylight there was always the risk of a few somehow getting through. As if the creepers weren't worrying enough. A scary enough thought to give you goosebumps, not that I could; having scales. It's those little human things that you missed.

Some distance further down the path, this time with my attention better focused on my surroundings. I see tall cobblestone walls topped with fence as I reach the top of a hill, the unmistakeable sight of civilisation. They were at least four times my height, the tops stretching outward to block anything from crawling over them, watchmen visibly peering through the fenced tops. Large walls were always a necessity for any community. Not just to keep out the monsters of a night, but other people who may have taken to a life of a bandit. Raids by other people trapped in this world, although rare, were a ever present concern.

But the most striking feature of this village was not the tall walls that surrounded it, only the entrance in fact had walls. Most of the village didn't need walls or a moat to restrict access, as there was a sheer drop down a cliff surrounding almost the entire settlement.

While I could understand the villages chosen location made it very difficult to access without the residents permission, the sight of an entire village on a large cliff edge unnerved me. If I followed the road further I'd undoubtedly find somewhere else, perhaps a trading partner with this village, but given I wanted this trip over with before sun down; I was given little option.

So I walked off the main path and towards these towering walls, a double iron door surrounded by stone brick marking its entrance. Usually all that was required to request entry was to knock at the main door for attention and hope for the best. Sure enough a piston retracted a block from the wall; to reveal a less than pleased looking bearded individual. An odd way to greet people given the rarity of materials to make sticky pistons, but I suppose a safe one.

He gave me a good look before declaring "There's no room, we're already overpopulated as it is. Find somewhere else lizard!" before continuing the unblinking gaze from under his metal helmet, awaiting my reaction. Despite the limited space I imagined there would be on a cliff edge, as large as this one was, unless many camps had merged into this village in recent months; I seriously doubted they were as crowded as he claimed. He probably just didn't want beast folk around where he lived. Thankfully, I had no intention of staying anyway.

Peering up at the bearded mass with eyes, I explained myself simply. "I'm looking to do some trade for things I need, nothing more". He looked me up and down a few times, probably gauging if what I had to offer was worth letting my kind in, before speaking again. "We don't need any clay or flowers" he said rather sarcastically, what I think was a grin appearing under all that hair. "So you better have something useful or you're not getting in."

I didn't need to respond verbally, as that was clearly going to do me little good. A hand full of steak was enough for him to disappear from his hole and prompt someone to open the gates on the other side. There was always the possibility that they would now try to rob me, wearing only leather and now a single stone sword as my only melee weapon; I'd likely offer little trouble. Hopefully they had figured out an active trade relationship was more profitable for their community than any short term loot they could grab from my corpse. Hopefully...

Much to my surprise the bearded man walked out; standing only half my size. His avatar must have been a dwarf of some kind, what the attitude was making up for was clear enough, probably needing steps just to reach that hole in the wall. He of course had two full size armoured friends not too far from him, ready to draw swords if necessary. If the short guy was their negotiator; I had best tread carefully, for several reasons.

The little bearded fellow walked right up to me, taking a steak from my hand without saying a word, sniffing it before taking a bite. Giving up a free sample was often expected in these sort of negotiations. If you couldn't afford to lose an item or two, you didn't have enough to be worth trading with anyway. Thankfully the sample was satisfactory and he waved me in, not before helping himself to a few other food items of course.

Upon entry the first thing I noticed was the village wasn't as populated as previously suggested, as I figured. The second thing, much to my amusement, is there was in fact stairs and a platform for the little guy to stand on. His stubby legs struggled as he made his way up the steps and sat with them dangling over the platform at the top. Perhaps there were worse things than waking up with scales.

The village from the inside was thankfully less daunting than seeing it resting on a cliff edge. The land rolled upward like a long hill, the available building space narrowing the higher it went. At the very peak of the cliff right before a sheer drop; was a tall tower like structure looming over everything else, likely a watch tower or some other important building. Down from there as the land widened was where people made their homes and businesses.

Several personalised wooden and cobblestone homes were organised along gravel pathways, which appeared laid out in a set structure for designated areas. Either side of these pathways were wooden poles topped with lit torches, undoubtedly the towns primary means of illuminating the area of a night. Though I questioned their effectiveness compared to the lanterns I had embedded across the floor back home. The coming snow would extinguish all of them, leaving this place completely dark. I didn't doubt they'd having something planned, but they'd best start on it soon.

Outside of those given the responsibility of protecting this village it appeared a general free for all, with residents doing their own thing; just so long as they didn't cause too much trouble. I didn't see any crops or livestock, the village appearing to get most of its supplies through trade with other villages. Clearly they had prioritised securing the village from attackers before establishing renewable food resources, but this left them vulnerable to shortages. To my benefit hopefully.

Some signs attached to wooden poles pointed the way to the trade zone, thankfully the residents decided to organise themselves in that regard. I identified the correct gravel path and made my way in that direction, taking in the various sights and sounds of life here as I did. As much as I preferred the privacy of my forest, I did enjoy seeing what others had built. I couldn't help but take some pride in the resemblance of civilisation that people had created here. A collection of individuals ranging from normal and bizarre living and working together.

Admittedly with some difficulty, as I watched a fist fight break out between a klingon and orc over what appeared to be bread rolls. Armoured guards running in to break it up, their brutish strength making it a difficult task. Perhaps I didn't arrive here with food too soon...

Though what uplifted my spirits the most was to see a few beast folk living here. A rooster man in an adapted woollen and leather outfit sat on a log under their porch. Massive tail feathers being his most striking feature, having a discussion with a plain looking human standing the other side of his fence. He had talons that made my feet look small and average by comparison; bare scaled legs resting either side of him on wooden flooring. His arms being like wings, but somehow retaining some hand like functionality underneath the large feathers. As odd as a rooster man appeared and likely felt, he looked quite impressive. Though I wouldn't presume he would be happy about his appearance, just because I found it interesting.

Further along, what appeared to be a female rat was sitting on a closed chest; leaning back against the wooden wall of her home. She glanced my direction, before returning to the book she was holding. What contents it contained was unknown to me, as the only books that existed in this world would have been painstakingly hand written by its captive residents. She could have been the author for all I knew.

What drew my attention the most however, was the sight of scales. A brown scaled lizard looking individual was dressed in a scruffy robe and sat on the grass; near a somewhat active gravel pathway, bothering those that passed. The sight was both recognisable and disheartening, someone who I presumed had failed to adapt to their new existence and was now begging on the streets. Their muzzle poking out from under a hood, looking around and hoping for some charity.

Not everyone could get past the fear of venturing into the dangers of the wild. Arming themselves, building a home while keeping an eye open for creepers, finding their place in the world. They clung to whoever would protect and feed them, before being discarded as what they would call a 'non-contributor'. As if giving them a name justified treating them like dirt.

Problem is even if they did get over those initial fears, the support that was previously there in establishing your new life had been withdrawn. People who once cooperated for mutual survival then turned to their own interests once some relative security has been established, forgetting they wouldn't have gotten there without the help of others. The days when people shared materials freely and helped you build your first home were long gone. Those left behind had to do everything for themselves from the ground up, many couldn't cope.

So you saw people like this from time to time. People who didn't die in the initial tough years, but were unable to pull themselves up in the societies that grew around them. I felt for them, though admittedly I had my own biases in this case. If it had been a regular human, rather than a lizard such as myself, I probably wouldn't have felt the need to walk over there. To see their large orange eyes peering hopefully out from under a dirty hood, enlarging further more when they saw the food I had brought them. They were understandably cautious at first, contemplating my motives. After some reassurance, the food quickly left my hand, followed by many thanks as they consumed it. Thanks in a female voice.

I squatted next to her as she ate, my tail snaking its way through the grass behind me as I did, before their delighted eyes saw another offering of nourishment in my hands. "Do you know anyone selling iron near by?" I inquired. Her orange eyes leaving the food and meeting my own, before she nodded. I gave the best smile my face had to offer, handing over the food; before asking her to show me where.

She led me to a small wooden building decorated using half blocks, stairs and fences to make it look more sophisticated than it really was. Essentially just being a wooden cube with window holes. I left her with a few other food items, scraps to me but life to her, before saying my goodbye. Sure enough one of the items listed on a sign as being sold within the building was iron. But there was another sign stating something rather concerning, a concept very new to me since arriving in this world, that they didn't accept barter.

No barter? How then did they intend to sell anything? To which another sign informed me they were now accepting gold nuggets only. Much to my dismay, many of the shops in the surrounding area had similar signs on their face. No barter, nuggets only.

I could only assume in a misguided effort to uplift the village to some higher level similar our former world, someone convinced everyone to implant a currency system backed by gold nuggets. As valuable and rare as gold was, gold was of little use to most people and more importantly; inaccessible. I had a backpack full of valuable commodities that were undoubtedly in demand here, but apparently unable to simply trade them for the iron I sought.

There seemed no way around it. I'd first have to find someone willing to part with gold nuggets in exchange for my supplies, then return here to purchase the iron I needed.

Looking around, a general item store appeared my best bet of selling everything under one roof. I was about to make my way in when my lizard lady friend had returned, grabbing me by the arm. At first I was concerned she may have gotten a little greedy and wanted more food. As cute as I found those large orange eyes peeping out from under her hood, there were limits to my generosity. I was after all here to do some trade, not charity.

Thankfully she wasn't after more gifts, as she whispered some advice in my ear about the owner of this establishment; which may prove particularly handy in negotiating a sale. I thanked her, making my way into the building as she watched near by.

Numerous wooden half blocks that were being used as shelves coated the walls of the interior, with everything from stone shovels to compasses laid on them. There were even a few iron swords, though many of them looked like they had seen better days; probably breaking after just a few fights, nothing worth trading for. No iron was on display, so the owners gold would likely be all I'd be leaving with from this store.

Behind a table at the very back, in the darkest side of the room, was a human man that looked like death. No, his avatar wasn't some reaper skeleton in a robe. He just looked terrible. Clearly in the process of recovering from an ill advised amount of drinking the night before. He looked at me squinting and groaning, the light from the open door apparently hurting his head. I closed it behind me, which appeared too loud for his tastes but gave him dark enough lighting to focus on his customer. Hopefully the single torch that illuminated the interior of his shop didn't pose a monster spawning risk to the rest of the village.

"... Another bloody lizard!" he eventually said, not being too pleased about my appearance. Decorating the table in front of him with saliva as he spoke. He took a moment to gather his strength, as if just speaking alone was enough to aggravate his headache."I told that last one, no money... no money no trade. If you ain't got no nuggets, git out!". Clearly my female friend had been begging here at least a few times, ill advised given the shop owners temperament. Not that she had made my life any easier, given he apparently now had a negative association between her and myself.

I put it simply, keeping it short so not to worsen his hangover; and in relation his mood. "I'm here to sell, not buy. I've got some goods I'd like you to look at; and perhaps we can come to an agreement on a price". The concept of a lizard trying to sell him something for a change seemed to amuse him. After all, the only lizard he probably knew was the beggar out in the street. Not that it improved his attitude, as he crudely responded "Bugger off, I ain't buying any crap".

Thankfully my reptilian face wasn't particularly good at betraying my feelings, as I wasn't amused. But I expected this, I just had to get over it and let my produce do the talking. "Well the door keeper of your village certainly didn't complain about my beef, and I have other things your village will likely have use for over the winter".

I laid a few for his inspection on his table. Him typically trying a few of the food items, testing the strength of the leather and the suitability of the feathers for arrows. I knew everything I had on offer was high quality, I used them myself on a regular basis. But you wouldn't have known that with the way he talked down various items, clearly trying to downplay their true value. The feathers weren't bent, the wheat wasn't old. Quite frankly he was having a laugh, or his eyesight really was that bad.

He was clearly interested, couldn't have been many livestock or crop farms near by willing to part with such items at this time of the year. Most of them being stored for use of the people producing them. But this was the game of business, both of us were after the better deal; it was just a matter of who had the will to get it. After viewing and tasting a little of everything, he was finally ready to put his offer on the table.

Forty nuggets... for the lot. I was new to their nugget currency system, but the sign outside the shop selling iron stated they were one to one. Therefore the quantity offered for enough food to feed this man the entire winter and beyond, plus various other items of value, would buy me less than a stack of iron. Nevertheless, that was the offer he put on the table; and one he portrayed as being reasonable. Needless to say, I wasn't going to accept.

"I'm afraid that figure wasn't quite what I was looking for, sir. Perhaps you could offer me one more proportionate for what I have on offer?"

He leaned forward with a unamused expression, bearing neglected teeth and staring right into my eyes. I've seen that expression many times before, that look of utter disdain. This is the part where he tries to make me feel like a inferior being; in the hope of getting me to accept his lousy offer. I wasn't going to fall for it of course, not that I could stop him trying.

"You're not getting better, reptile. Not in here, not anywhere. You're lucky I've even put half that on the table, I could have kicked your scaly arse out of my place the moment you scurried in here". He leans back, looking quite proud of his inflated sense of self worth before continuing. "Thirty nuggets. I'm knocking ten off because you've offended me. Take it and get out!"

As big as I imagined he felt from his speech, I wasn't leaving with anything less than three digits. His language gave him away, demanding that I take his offer rather than just leave. He wanted what I had, he just wanted me to feel so low about myself that I accepted his terrible offer. But I had a secret weapon in this... negotiation, thanks to my fellow lizard outside. A weapon I intended to use to full affect.

"So I hear amongst the gold nugget currency they are using in this village, they also have rules on gambling. They didn't want anyone gambling all their money away out of boredom, so you are only allowed to gamble with items rather than with nuggets". His grin fades. He doesn't say anything, but clearly I had struck a cord. Something he'd rather I didn't know about. Of course, I just continued.

"I also hear you haven't had the best of luck in your gambling endeavours. Quite a few loses I am told. Not that it matters, because you've still got your nuggets right? You can still buy food to feed yourself with, that's why they had those rules in place after all." Again, he just stares at me, not very amused at all.

"Of course, being a shop owner, if you were to lose your merchandise..." His hand shoots out to stop me looking in a near by chest, but I still managed to glance inside. It is empty, most of them probably are. What he has on display is likely everything he hasn't lost on his bets, a few scraps not worth winning from him. I continue, savouring the shift in power in these negotiations.

"...if you lost your merchandise, well, you'd have to decide between eating or staying in business. Wouldn't you? Because it's unlikely you'd have enough nuggets to both feed yourself and restock the shop. Not when winter is on its way and with food prices being what they are this time of year."

I knelt my elbows on the table in front of him, bringing my muzzle close to his face; which undoubtedly infuriated him. Making sure he could see my many sharp teeth with every word I uttered. Not that I needed to intimidate him at this point, I just wanted to make sure he was well aware that it was a reptile that had him so pitifully cornered.

"How convenient that someone with both food and items you can use to restock your shop with happens to come by. Items like leather and pumpkins, which will undoubtedly be in high demand over the winter season. Someone willing to sell food at normal non-inflated prices, allowing you to eat and stay in business at the same time. How very... convenient."

I exit the shop with a tune in my heart and a healthy two hundred gold nuggets in my backpack. Intending to spend the lot while here, as I had no intention of leaving a large pile of nuggets uselessly laying around at home. Although they had uses in making some healing items, I didn't need quite this many. I had probably left the man penniless, but in this case I knew it's not like he would starve. He could earn back the money he lost by selling those goods, most people would probably regard my price as being very fair.

Looking around to thank my reptilian friend, she didn't appear to be about. Probably returning to wherever she had shelter to hide the food I had given her. It would keep her fed for a while, but I was concerned about the coming winter. I didn't fancy her chances on the streets when the snow fell, but if she had lived this long maybe she would be all right.

What I did notice however was an unusually large number of people entering at the village gate and making their way uphill. Likely a trade expedition from another village looking to acquire certain goods, making my recent sale at an opportune time for that shop keeper. Strangely though, they walked right past myself and the trading area and towards the watch tower at the peak of the village. Out of curiosity I followed, as cross village relations would likely make for an interesting sight.

A crowd formed just in front of a raised platform, various chatter all around. Not just of those who had arrived but many from this village as well. It appeared to be a meeting of some sort, everyone waiting for someone to appear on the stage. Perhaps to defeat the end of year blues they had taken up to live events? Maybe an information sharing meet?

My knowledge of how these villages developed culturally was fairly limited, given my isolation deep in the forest. The privacy was preferable to the regular bigotry I'd likely receive living in a place like this, but I couldn't help but feel I was also missing out, not being witness to civilisation establishing itself in this world. Whatever was taking place here, I was most curious.

Guards took position either side of the platform, followed by a leather fitted individual who appeared to be the speaker of this event. He had some black tribal markings on his face but looked fairly human, his avatar probably being some sort of barbarian. Not that most people here were fully human by the previous worlds standards, be it elves or other humanoid mythological entities. The diversity of the crowd was one of the few things I enjoyed about visiting villages, to see such variety and colour.

Before I could inquire as to what was going on, the rooster man appeared at the corner of my eye; offering unprompted explanation. "It's how they deal with the useless ones" he said, unnaturally fluent considering it came from a beak. As he said so, I saw a chained and ragged individual being dragged onto the stage for public viewing. The bird turning to speak to me again. "If you're thinking about sticking around you had best make yourself useful. Or you will end up there next". He stared at me with similarly orange eyes to my own, before returning his attention to the stage.

His warning was welcome but still left the situation unclear. What were they doing with the beggars and scavengers up there? Given the chains, had he committed some sort of crime? Or as the rooster suggested to me, was this how they dealt with the non-contributors? Had they made their very existence criminal in this village?

My answers came quick and painfully; as the man with the facial markings on stage started the... bidding. It took a moment for me to figure it out, his reference to his strong back and legs. I didn't want to believe it; yet I couldn't deny the truth right before me, the disgusting display that was taking place on stage and within the crowd. These people from various villages had arrived here to bid in a auction, an auction for people, an auction for slaves.

Was this really the solution people had reached? Those who don't contribute should be forced to through forced labour? Were we really so disconnected from our former lives that in only a matter of years; slavery had returned to the world? I felt sick in the stomach. How did a lizard that lived in isolation still retain more humanity than those who still looked human? If it had been beast folk stood up there I could at least put it down to prejudice. But no, a human man stood on that stage, looking lost and hopeless. The entirety of their self worth, their life, was summed up to a number.

"Sold for one hundred and twenty!"

A a tune is activated to indicate the end of the auction, the winner told to collect his property over to the left...

What has happened to us?

I barely wanted to look up as the next slot was brought on stage for auction, my eyes quite satisfied with the contents of the dirt floor than the assault on humanity taking place on the stage up front. I was about to leave in disgust, quite happy to buy my iron and go home, before an unmistakeable brown came into view.

My heart rapidly accelerating and eyes larger than ever, I witnessed my lizard acquaintance dragged into position on stage. They saw fit to strip her of her clothing, bare brown scales glistening in the evening light. No exterior indication of her femininity, clearly it was reason enough to take from her the apparently valuable rags she once wore. I could imagine the rational. Why waste cloth when the beast has nothing to cover up? I could see her face, cast in stone to many here; but to me she might as well have been sobbing. Cold and afraid.

A large feathered arm blocked my way. Apparently I was stepping forward without realising, the rooster turning to me and shaking his head; before directing his beak to the guards near by. Full iron plate, metal swords and bows. I wouldn't stand a chance. I step back, trying to calm myself as the disgusting display continued. They graded her like a piece of meat, her tubby lizard build apparently not being too suited to physical labour. I'd have something to say about that if the context of the criticism wasn't her use in forced labour, as I had many a good harvest from these apparently weak reptilian arms. Certainly strong enough to stick a sword through that auctioneers head, if given the chance.

She's graded discount stock. A few tools thrown in to make it a better deal. Heart racing, adrenaline surging, I feel my claws as I make a tight fist. The bidding began.

"Twenty, thirty!" What should I do? "Forty, fifty!" What could I do? I was a stranger in a far more alien world than I imagined, a single bystander watching a slave auction take place. "Sixty, do we have seventy?" She helped me before but not unconditionally, I don't know her, she may have been my kind but I didn't know her. "Eighty, going at eighty." I didn't know her...

"Ninety!" I said without thinking, my impulses getting the better of me. Someone offers ninety five, I upped them at a hundred. I made my decision and I was sticking to it. I was getting her out of here, by their standards if I had to.

Someone beats me at a hundred and five, loudly announcing in a joking manner they would make an exotic looking pet; while cleaning up after and tending to their wolves. At least, I thought they were joking, with these sort of people you couldn't tell. But the humour was soon ripped from their face when I turned to the auctioneer, offering "One twenty". The bidders were silent, probably thinking I was overvaluing what was on offer. A moment passed, the tune is played, I am told to collect my property to the left...

They had found the largest brutes of people to guard the collection area. Orcs, trolls and whatever other exaggerations of human muscle that could be dreamt up. The one taking my gold and handing over the key to her chains treating the items delicately, lest he accidentally crush them. A few iron tools are handed over, shovels and pickaxes, before she was led out from under the platform. Nude and shivering, looking weak and lost.

I simply took her hand and turned from them, leading her away from the sound of another auction starting. One of the brutes yelling as we made our way, "Have fun with her!", to which the others chuckled. I suppose someone like me buying someone like her would give that impression, I wasn't going to dignify the comment with a response. I just wanted me and her away from there.

I led her a little down the hill and then behind a house, somewhere we could not be seen. I knelt with her, her large orange eyes peering into my own with an uncertainty and fear; as I took out the key and unlocked her chains. Letting them drop to the floor. I asked if she was all right, to which she simply grabbed me tightly and began to sob. Slowly, I put my arms around her, her scales cold to the touch. It had been a long time since I have had to comfort someone. I didn't even know her name.

Looking at her now, with tightly closed watery eyes, I couldn't help but admit I was probably just as racially biased as those people I criticised. Many slaves would have been sold at this auction and yet I chose the one lizard that was put on offer to save. Even if she hadn't helped me back there, I would have probably still felt compelled to help her. She was my responsibility now, I knew she couldn't stay here.

We simply sat there for a little while, trying to share warmth and letting her recover from that traumatic experience. But I noted the day was getting old, I didn't want to spend the night in this place; and it would be dangerous to travel after dark. If we were to make it back before sun down, it would have to be now.

I stroked one of my hands across her muzzle, prompting her to look up to me. Trying to provide the biggest smile my own muzzle could offer, I said "Let me take you out of here and to my place. From there, you can decide what you want to do next". She simply squeezed me tighter in response, returning her thoughtful gaze into the distance; before turning to me once again and nodding in agreement.

"We need to get you something warm first" I said to her, before lifting both her and myself from the floor. She was very exposed right now, very vulnerable. Even if we made it back before dark, the cold would do its damage. She couldn't go anywhere until clothed, both for her health and mental state.

Keeping her close, we made our way out from behind the house, attracting a few stares as she walked stark naked at my side. Thankfully, or shamefully depending on how you looked at it, many residents weren't too offended by the sight of a nude animal. The occasional long stare being the most bother we received. Though I knew it couldn't have been easy for her to walk around the way she was, so I took her to a tailor as quickly as possible.

The shop keeper wasn't too amused at the sight of her nudity as we walked in, but the gold in my bag soon turned their attention to profitable matters. She wasn't the first non-humanoid that they had to dress, so finding some warm woollen pants with a tail adaptation and spacious boots was not an issue. They wouldn't be particularly successful as a tailor here if they didn't accommodate a wide variety of anatomy. At the very least, they stopped her shaking from the cold.

From there I visited the store offering metal, where I spent the remainder on whatever iron I could afford. Not as much as I would have liked but it would have to do given the circumstances. I did make sure to keep a few nuggets aside for their other uses though. As much as I needed iron, a golden apple or two would undoubtedly come in handy.

Having what I came for and my acquaintance clothed, we left through the town gates; happy to see the village behind us. The dwarf watchman certainly didn't seem sad to see the back of her, one less scavenger on the streets, one less beast. Though he was happy enough to continue chewing the meat I had my scaly hands all over earlier today, as he silently disappeared behind the iron doors.

Looking up to the sky I saw the sun was not in a favourable position, I wasn't sure if we'd make it back to the security of my farm house in time. A risk we had to take, as I couldn't let her stay here another night. Not after what they had done to her. Turning to her, I was frank about our situation. "Follow me" I said, "we need to move quickly". She nodded in agreement, smiling nervously.

Running, her hand in mine, we moved away from the village and down the path I had previously arrived on. There was a lot of land to cover to get back to the safety of my farm and time was against us. This pace undoubtedly burned through our bodies fuel, but we'd have a lot more to worry about if we didn't make it back before dark. I still had a few food items on me if needed, but even stopping for a snack was a luxury we couldn't afford.

Down the cobblestone pathway we flew, past where the skeleton had attacked me and back into the forest. I could see the shade of light beginning to change as the sun began to set, the safety providing light fading. Eventually I became increasingly aware of the weight I was pulling along behind me, she was tiring, unable to keep up. Although I had fed her earlier; she wasn't used to running so long and far, malnutrition taking its toll. There was no choice but to stop for a moments rest, a moment we didn't have.

She leaned on herself as she caught her breath, long tongue reaching outward with each laboured intake of air. There was little I could do, the light was continuing to fade and the chances of making it back before dark were pretty grim. A stone sword wouldn't be enough to survive a night out here, the leather armour only providing mild protection. I kept a look out as she recovered, the assault would likely begin soon and I didn't know if I could protect us both...

Suddenly, scratching. Unusual scratching sounds appeared behind me. I turned to the bizarre sight of my reptile acquaintance on all fours; clawing her way through a small hill and throwing the dirt aside like her feral counterparts. She was doing quite well considering she didn't have any tools to assist in the digging... I just stared at the lizard girl for a moment, it was like watching animal planet; clothed edition. But we really didn't have time for this.

Eventually I caught on, rolling my eyes at my own stupidity.

Backpack noisily landing on the ground, I removed two iron shovels I had won in her auction, they'd do a better job than claws. I handed one to her and we both began digging, deep and fast. If we couldn't make it back in time, at the very least we could build a crude shelter to wait out the night. I just hoped we didn't leave it too late to start digging.

She made use of the excess dirt to begin work on a roof as I exchanged the shovel for a pick axe, having reached stone and needing to make the hole just a little deeper. It had been a long time since I had to bury myself to survive a night, usually not venturing far enough from home to be trapped outside after dark. Glancing at her though, I could see this was a way of life, she knew exactly what she needed to do to survive in the wild.

I was thankfully able to put the last piece of dirt in place to seal us both inside; as the cries of monsters began to erupt all around us. Complete darkness taking hold. Only the sound of screeching spiders and moaning zombies could be heard outside, very close, most frightening.

The den in which we sat began to glow as I lit a torch and attached it to the wall just above our heads. Even in cramped conditions like these; you didn't want to risk a monster spawning in the darkness, not that a light source for its own sake wasn't comforting. It's warm glow shimmering off the various minerals of the soil. A few leftover cow pelts made the cold dirt and stone floor more tolerable to lay on. Little else could be done, so we just lay there and waited. Eating and regaining our strength.

The noises outside were of little significance, as I knew even the strongest beasts of the night lacked the intelligence and ability to dig through even a thin layer of dirt. The sounds all too familiar of past explorations underground and the occasional night time wander around my property. We were safe, as scary as some of those noises can be.

My acquaintance while likely understanding the monsters couldn't get in; was still very disturbed by the closeness of the noises outside. Jumping from the occasional unexpected arachnid's screech and cuddling closer to me. I hugged her tightly in an effort to comfort her, closing my eyes and allowing my mind to drift far away. Far from the cramp environment in which we sat, far from the noises. Better to rest till morning than pay close attention all night.

Time had little meaning underground. Any gap large enough to see the outside world risked provoking one of the monsters, so the decision to take a look was largely dependant on experience. My mind focused on those instincts, waiting until it felt right to risk the security of the dirt roof above us. Times like these a watch would have come in handy, but the materials were rare and expensive. Too expensive to be concerned about the rarity of the items uses.

We just lay there for a while, calming down and relaxing. That little hole becoming cosy as the torches heat provided some much needed warmth. My feeling reaching out for when it was safe for us to move again. Feelings that were interrupted, as I felt something quite unexpected.

A warm scaled hand stroked across my own scaly chest, reaching under my leather plate. It's first motions being easily discarded as her just getting more intimately comfortable, but not its repeated caressing of my underbelly, making its way downward. Surprised, I looked to her face to see the torch light reflecting in half closed eyes, an expression even myself didn't recognise. She breathed in motion with the caressing of her exploring hand, making sensual grunts and purrs as she did.

I was quite taken aback by her sudden behaviour, not knowing how to respond. I removed her hand from under my leather, bringing it to my other. "You don't have to do anything for me" I said nervously. "I didn't get you out of there for any purpose, I don't own you". She looked to me with that perpetual reptilian smile, those bedroom eyes, removing her hand from mine and bringing it to the side of my face. Simply nodding, then nudging her face against my own.

She had clearly become more comfortable with her new nature than I had over these years. These behaviours not coming from the species we had both previously come from. But still I understood, I understood what she was proposing in this dark little den of ours; and I must admit it left me feeling awkward.

I had never done anything... sexually, since arriving in this world. To be honest, back when I was human in the previous world my experience with the opposite sex was limited. Never really getting very far, being the great nerd that I was. But it wasn't simply a matter of not being able to find the right person, I had plenty of opportunities to explore myself in the privacy of my home. But the fact of the matter was, the awkward little thing, is I'm a lizard.

I've got a lizards body, a lizards... man parts. While I had gotten used to living in this body I hadn't explored that aspect of it, as it just felt wrong, taboo even. There weren't lizard and rooster people back in the real world, so anything sexual outside of the species has always been something greatly objected to. A clean line being drawn. And yet... even as I struggled with my human moral compass, I felt compelled to strip my armour as she removed her own cloths. I went along with her, despite these concerns bubbling at the back of my mind.

Neither of us were much to look at. I doubt an observer could even tell which of us was the female, given the lack of obvious external gender indicators. Yet as she knelt next to me, returned to the nudity I had seen prior, something triggered in me. Perhaps it was just the association of mutual nudity and sex, that we were both nude together. Nevertheless, something began to happen just at the underside of the base of my tail. Something began to warm and swell.

My heart raced as I found the sensations alarming, my breathing heavy, as if my own body had just violated my sensitivities. The feelings were unquestionably sexual in nature but also so very alien. I think this was the first time I had become aroused since arriving here, a familiar buzz within very different flesh and shapes. It had been so very long, the feelings so powerful, yet I was also in unfamiliar territory.

She manoeuvred herself on top of me before I could object, the underbellies of our lower bodies now pressing together. She was so warm now, her body feeling so good against my own. Never before had I been so close, so intimately close with a women before as I was now. The realisation that our privates must be so very closely pressed together set off an explosion down below, my eyes widening and breath deepening even more. Mating urges were taking hold, I don't think I'd be able to stop myself now, even with the moral implications in mind.

I couldn't see behind her as she brought our chests together, her full underbelly pressed against my own; and her tight muscular thighs resting either side of me. But I could feel an erection down there, an exotic manhood pulsating with growth pushing its way out from under my scaly slit. Lengthening, thickening and pressing against the underside of her tail. Something she became all too aware of as her rear rose in response to its touch.

She looked back, unable to see it herself; but admiring her own tail as she slid it up and down over my meaty length. The silky texture of underbelly scales bringing my manhood to full hard erection, while undoubtedly stimulating what she had to offer. She savoured my erection now pressing against what felt like her opening, moist and widening by the moment, returning her face forward and nudging her muzzle against me.

Clearly, she was far more comfortable with being a lizard than I could be right now, embracing its behaviours and sensations. As aroused as I felt, there was a large brown reptile laying on top of me, my penis pressing against its scaly genitals. As strong as the urge was now, as familiar as I had become with this body. Could I really do it? Could I really go along with this? Could I really... fuck a lizard?

She seemed to quite enjoy being pressed so closely against me. I must admit, I felt to got something out it as well. Sharing our warmth, being so intimate together. But then that awkward moment arrived. She positioned her backside just right, lifting her tail into position, my penis aliened with the entrance into her vent. She looked to me to proceed. My feelings on the matter quickly being pushed aside by the incredible burning of my member, a strong urge to breed.

I put a hand at the base of her tail, ensuring I was in suitable position, then pushed her down onto me. Rising my lower half to meet her own as I did, we both gasped as my penis spread her slit and gradually made its way deep within her, so very deep. Did I really just growl? It all felt so incredible.

Thick tails met, green and brown scaled privates pressed together; as I savoured her texture around my meat. "Oh... oh god!" escaped my lips, I couldn't help it. It had been years since I had felt any stimulation down there, and the warm innards of this female made my new penis glow like never before. Something she clearly found amusing, chuckling lightly, before resuming her attention to my member buried deep within her; getting comfortable on it for the ride ahead. It had overwhelmed me for a moment, before I remembered my duties as the male in this performance. I had better not disappoint.

I intertwined my tail with hers, bringing us even more tightly together, making best use of the tools available to me. Straining my tail brought unexpected benefits. Being so close to my private parts; it apparently shared a few pleasure receiving nerves. Giving a most enjoyable burning like sensation at its base as the tail muscles stressed; wrapped with her own. A sensation that grew all the stronger as I began the motions, something she clearly enjoyed just as much; as her tails grip on my own tightened with each explorative push inside of her.

She hugged against me as we got underway. Panting, gasping, the occasional reptile squeal of delight as her human inhibitions began to break down. I too found my human mask crumbling, becoming all too aware of my alien shape as the lizards instincts began to take control. The tail curling tightly with her own, clawed toes scratching at the air. I nipped her neck on impulse, not intending to hurt her; but instead getting a deep satisfying groan from my mate.

Tighter, deeper, faster. I didn't want to hurt her with my over zealousness; but each push further was greeted with moans and squeals as we both explored our bodies limits. The sounds from outside were lost behind wildly swishing tails, curling claws and loud feral panting. Our sweat-less bodies heating up from the rigorous mating, the only moisture being that which escaped from our closely pressed privates; and the occasional lick we offered each other.

Female mating juices eased my meats repeated gliding in and out of her vent. It felt so much thicker and longer than what my human equivalent had to offer, her long body allowing it to penetrate so very much more deeply. I held her close, losing myself in the thrusting. My strained tail reaching its limits and falling from hers, as good as the strain felt alongside the intercourse; the muscles had given out. Laying loose against the floor, weakly curling upward at its base as I continued spreading her open.

All inhibitions had left my mate as she groaned and pressed against me eagerly, feral lust dominating her human intelligence. When I gazed into her eyes I didn't see the sheepish girl I had rescued but a wild, pleasure seeking primal animal panting unapologetically over me. Her lively tail jumping and shaking in the background, whacking against the dirt walls behind, responding excitedly as my penis pushed against all the right spots. Her face would have probably unnerved me moments ago, before my own animal instincts had awoken. She felt so damn good, my rod disappearing within a haze of exquisite pleasure at her core, those wild expressions actually being quite arousing to me now.

I could feel myself reaching climax as I repeatedly pushed as deeply into her as my manhood would allow. Again and again. Fastening the pace, tightening my squeeze on her. Again and again until finally I paused for just a second, holding my breath as I savoured those final moments for all they were worth, before my seed erupted within her. Firing powerfully, deeply, into the females body.

Hot reptilian fluid burst forth. I thrust my member into her wildly during those precious few remaining moments as I ejaculated within her warm inner walls, easing the pace in line with my dwindling supply of semen. Her tail appearing to almost vibrate side to side as her innards milked me. She sat up and looked down lustfully at our connection as she felt my seed enter her body, before leaning back with closed eyes; caressing across her own underbelly as she immersed herself in the experience. Both my hands at her lower abdomen holding her secure, just in case she fell backward and hurt her tail. My own tail's muscles beginning to ache painfully from the stress they had just endured, as the sexual high began to fade.

She sat on me for a while longer, maintaining our connection with closed eyes. Head raised high and breathing heavily as she basked in the aftermath, even long after the ejaculation has ceased. Before finally the tip of her muzzle returned to look down at me. Those large orange eyes slowly opening once again, bedroom eyes still, intelligence having returned to them. She just looked at me while breathing, that flat and sleek scaly chest inflating and deflating, that pleased lizardy grin. She had needed this, she had clearly needed this for a long time, but never found the right mate until now.

She pulled out from me and tried to stand up, clumsily falling to her back to the right of me. Chest puffing outward as she continued to try to get her breath back. Legs spread wide with a wet mess surrounding her still open vent, giving clear view of where her genitals were located. I didn't notice it when she was nude earlier, so I imagined it was only visible when suitably stimulated.

The sight of her womanhood prompted me to look to my tool as I recovered, never having actually seen it until now. It was as bizarre as expected from an animal, but the endorphins flooding my brain left me feeling too good about my body to particularly care. The general euphoria I experienced making me feel more comfortable with my form than I had ever been before.

My attention returned to my sexual partner, who was still relaxing in a compromising pose, legs spread wide either side of her. Hands caressing her plump form, undoubtedly feeling as good about it as I was at this moment. Sure enough her womanhood started to relax and revert back to its pre-arousal state, hiding its presence behind a pattern of scales. My own exotic genitals began to shrink and retract into its scaly slit, eventually disappearing from view once again. I never realised I was so big with everything hidden from view in there, if this was regarded as big for my species that is. I could have been average for all I knew, not that I was complaining.

Once again she approached me, only to snuggle on the leather mat for a rest at my side. Her tail curling over to wrap around my waist, indicating a desire to once again be close and intimate but in a different way. I watched her as she lay there eyes closed, drifting into sleep. My own beginning to droop as I watch on, one of my hands stroking across her face. I lost my virginity to a lizard tonight, and I still didn't even know her name...

Dirt breaks away as I take a cautious look outside. Daylight, thankfully not a monster in sight. We both emerged from our den fully dressed and well rested, just a bit dirty from a night underground. I felt lighter somehow, as if a burden had been lifted from me. Calmer and more comfortable than I could recall while being outside, the exotic movements of my tail behind coming to me much more naturally.

Perhaps last night, as taboo as it may have been, did me some good. It certainly brought me closer to the women next to me, whose reptile build I had developed a new appreciation for. Whatever problems I may have had with my reptile nature, I couldn't fault hers. If I could develop an appreciation for her looks, then perhaps, I could take more pride in my own. Learn to better tolerate what I am, maybe even enjoy.

The comfort of a long bright day lay ahead, offering relative safety for the remainder of our journey. As well as the knowledge of being far away from any village where the slave trade may now be in practice. We were in my world now, surrounded by lush green forest as far as the eye could see. No one to judge or bother us, and when we reached my farm; there would be no one that can hurt us either.

My home was not too far from where we were now, we'd be there soon enough to enjoy a good morning fry up and a refreshingly cool glass of water from the ice cellar. Once fully supplied, she'd be free to decide what she wanted to do next. Though part of me hoped she would stay at least until the winter had passed. I could teach her how to take care of herself, how to plant crops and properly secure your property and if willing... perhaps she could teach me to enjoy my form even more. Together.

If she does leave. If it turned out she had played me for a fool, simply intending to move on when she'd taken advantage of all I had to offer. Fair enough. At the very least, at least she allowed me to be more intimate with another human be... another person than I had ever experienced before. For that, I was thankful.

I turn to her, ready to lead the way to her new home. Temporary or not. But what I saw, if I had skin; would have drawn the colour from my face. The feel of the world changed around me, becoming darker and colder than before. In an instant, all my optimism was undone. She stood there, that brown scaled girl I had grown intimately fond of and wished to show a better life. But just behind, just a little distance away, a four legged green terror was making its way towards her. Intent on taking her and everything I had learned to love away from me.

I ran towards her without thinking; as the creeper reached fatal range and made the hissing sound that haunted many a nightmare. She began to turn, a clear fear filling her eyes as her mind recognised that terrible noise. The cold, sharp, trembling fear as some part of your mind recognises that death is coming your way; even before you have collected the thoughts to understand that.

I reached the creeper and I kicked it. I kicked it as hard and far as I possibly could.

Dazed, ringing in my ears, pain. That's all that existed for a while.

What... where... creeper! Still alive, must have knocked it back just far enough to survive the blast. But I was still injured terribly, my leather cut to shreds and red seeping from the holes... "No... NO!" I cried out, as my eyes landed on her body laying on the floor some distance from the blast, facing away from me, not moving. I struggled up and limped towards her, nearly falling over as I went; my head still not fully recovered from the explosion.

I found her bloodied, her body in a awkward and unnatural position. She wasn't wearing any protection, none at all. I knelt next to her and held her close, looking for sign of life. I'd call to her by name if only I knew it. I paused without breath, watching and listening in silence, looking for some indication that she was still with me.

... She coughed.

A little smile appeared on my scaly lips, but I knew she wasn't in a good state. Lifting her up, I then slowly carried her forward with me. Simply saying "I'm taking you home."

Painful and slow, my leather in tatters, I carried her through the forest with her tail drooping weakly over my arm and towards the ground. Slow and painfully; I made my way through the forest, past the silent golem that guarded my home and to the front door. I placed her down for only a moment, using the lever to open the strong iron door securing my property, before picking her up again and going inside. We made it back. We were home.

Months pass.

The golem still stood exactly where it was when I first left on that day, still guarding the entrance into my property diligently, its head and shoulders thickly topped with pure white snow. The animal pens now resembled large wooden stables, its residents silent, just glad to be shielded from the frosty outdoors. The crop fields now empty, nothing but a cold blanket of white coating everything in sight. A few leftover pumpkins peering out from under the snow.

Indoors I stood, looking out through the windows and across the brilliantly white landscape. My wounds long recovered, my scales returned to their normal uninterrupted smoothness. Wearing warm woollen clothing head to toe, even a little something knitted for my tail. The furnace popped and crackled in the background as it burned away, its smoke pumping outside through the chimney, keeping the interior of my home cosy and warm.

Life was comfortable. Peaceful. My extensive hoarding over the sunny months providing plenty of food and fuel to last the snowy period. I'd have to remain mostly indoors given my racial weaknesses, normally that would bother me but this time I had good company. Tasha as it would happen to be had agreed to stay with me, having made a full recovery herself.

She joined me at the window, pointing out a creeper nosily making its way through the snow near our wall. Perhaps this wasn't the best season for those monsters after all, as they crunched around through the mass of white; they'd be hard pressed to sneak up on anyone. Not that I planned to leave the boundary of my property any time soon.

I put my arm around Tasha and held her close. Another stroking across her large brown belly, unmistakable; even for a reptile. My time spent with Tasha had taught me to be more comfortable with what I have become, a lizard and proud. Though whatever head start she had on me in that regarded would likely do her little good when her time came. Nothing can quite prepare an ex-human for the experience of egg laying.

Now the next great adventure awaited, parenthood, of a reptile variety. Our children would be raised with all the skills their parents had to offer. The next generation would undoubtedly thrive in this world; being spared from the initial hardship their parents had to face. But I had other important lessons for them, lessons our generation had apparently forgotten. They'd be raised with a sense of decency, a respect for their fellow man. They'd have the humanity that so many others had so quickly forgotten, though perhaps we'd give it a different more reptile friendly name.
