Colors Of Destiny Ch.2

Story by LukeBlueFox on SoFurry

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#2 of Colors Of destiny

The Second Chapter Of the life Of Luke, The Blue Fox, and his "quest" for a love life

Author's Note:

Hello Guys, Here is Luke, And I introduce you to my second Chapter, I am deeply sorry for any kind of mistakes on it because I only had today (Monday) to work on it, otherwise I would have to wait another week and it has been a long time since the First Chapter, and it's hard to do it without a Computer, but I managed!

Colors of Destiny

Chapter 2: Lucky Bump

I was a little frustrated that I found a guy like me and we barely talked, it was rare to encounter a fur with another color, even if we didn't share the same color I bet we could have a great conversation about it! I stayed at the Diner for a couple of minutes then I decided to head home so I could rest a little and get myself a nice bath before we go out.


I was in a taxi heading for a bar that Carol had heard, it was about 20 -30 minutes away from my home, she texted me with the directions and she said she was going to be late but Peter was already there, Peter was a Shepherd like fur, I met him on College, and we have been friends ever since, It has been I think 4 years or more, he was pretty but straight, that's always a problem, and as I said before if he doesn't like it I am not going to force anything, he is an accountant, very nice guy , I think he has been with more Women then I have blinked though, I don't know how he does it !


I arrived at the Bar and Peter was on the Door waiting for me, he was wearing a short with slippers and a green T-shirt, Still he was prettier than most guys there, and I was wearing jeans with a white shirt with decorations in Black and Some Shoes that matched the shirt.

-Hey how is my Foxy? - Said the dog that greeted me as I walked out of the taxi.

-I am No one's Fox Pete, and I am Fine, and how is my mutt? - I gave a grin and so did he.

-Your mutt is fine, we should get in Carol told me you have a story to tell-

  • Dammit Carol- I sighed.-You are not gonna believe what happened today in the school- I said while we got in the bar and began to order some beers.


-So a student had a crush on you, you took him to his house aaaaand? - He wanted me to say dirty things and he got disappointed to with my answer.

-And nothing more I just drove him and that's it-

-Oh man you said the boy was already 18 right? - He said that deadly serious.

-Yeah so? He still is my student and I am not going to do this okay? - I was as serious as him. He looked the other way and sighed as if I was doing something wrong.

-You need to get laid you know? How long has it been? - He said out of Curiosity, but I knew he didn't want to know, he was just being polite.

-Sometime, look I just don't want to do it with the first guy that appears in front of me - I then realized to who I was talking to and gave an embarrassment smile.- But I totally respect who does it! - How could I forget that I was talking with a guy that once had 10 woman in a week?

-You better do! - He said it giving it a smile and drinking the rest of beer it was on his mug. - Now I hate to leave you alone but I need to get going with this! - He got up and walked towards a Female Otter that was alone in a corner staring at him.

I was again left, usually when Peter goes out to "hunt" I have Carol but she isn't going to be here for a while, and even if she was here I didn't hold her much, I mean she wants to go out, so hearing my problems or sitting down with a gay fox and talk isn't much Amusing. I decided to go to the bathroom, as I walked up to the restroom I started to notice what a cute little place it was, It was all made of wood and there where a balcony where you can sit and talk the music was loud enough so you can dance with it but not enough so you can't talk to someone or Hit in someone for that matter, After I was done with my the bathroom I walked out of the bathroom and..


I hit the floor for the second Time in the day, again something very hard yet soft hit my face and when I looked up I was shocked, I bumped again with the mysterious silvered grey/black husky and judging by the looks on his face I bet he had the same reaction as me, then he offered his hand on a similar movement as he had done earlier, and I accepted, my heart was beating so fast, I mean what is the chance of this happening twice in the same day? I don't believe in fate or any religious belief but this certainly wasn't a coincidence. We glanced at each other again, but this it was quick because he initiated the chat.

-Again? I'm beginning to think you like falling! - He smiled and I was having a mix of blushing and embarrassment in my face at the time.

-I am really Sorry I wasn't thinking and... - I don't know why , because I don't usually do this but it could be Peter attempt to make me realize I needed some sexual relief or my frustration on "dumping" a student, but I did it anyway.- You know what, want to get a drink with me?-

-Sure. - My heart skipped a beat when he said that, I couldn't believe I met the husky and I was having a drink with him, we walked up to the Balcony order ourselves some drinks and started a conversation.

-So, I bumped into you twice today and I don't even know your name! - I said in an attempt to begin the talk.

-Well My name is Joey as you can see I am a husky, and before you ask yeah I know you don't see many as "colorful" as me- He had a faint smile in his face.

-Did you look at me? I am a Blue Fox, how did you saw in your whole life? - I started to laugh and point to my arm with the blue fur in it, And I could notice that he checked me out, my legs, my butt and then my chest, I wasn't very big or very muscled I was a little bit athletic and that's all, after the checking, he laughed, took a little sip of his beverage and replied.

-Yeah I notice, why you think I accepted your invitation?-I was now 99.9% sure he was gay and he was into me but I had to have 100% sure or else I could cause an unpleasant feeling to this guy.

-Because you are a cool dog that wants to make friends with a silly fox? - I Giggled. -I am Luke by the way.

-Cool- He started to take off his Jacket, which left his upper body only with a sleeveless shirt, now I could really see his body and arms, he was very muscled, Not much but it was enough for me to want him- So, Luke, What do you do for a living? -

-Me? I was, hmmm, I am a high school teacher! - I think I might have blushed when I saw him and when he got the response he grinned.-What about you? - I took another sip of the beer in d desperate attempt to make him not aware I checked him.

-Me? I work in a Bookstore but that is only because I am still in Law school, I just needed it to pay rent.-

-Wow, that is pretty nice- I said with a little surprise.

-Can I ask you something Luke? - I nodded in response as I Started to drink my beer.

-You are gay aren't you?- I widened my eyes and I almost choke with my beer, he went to see if was okay but I made a sign that meant that I was okay and I started to cough a little.

-Sorry for the beer and all and, hmm, well yeah - I started to blush and look down. - Was it that obvious? - He opened up a big smile.

-Yeah it was, especially when I took of my Jacket, I saw the look on your face- I blushed vigorously and looked down while gave a faint smile.

-Sorry- Was the only thing I managed to say.

-Don't be. - as I turned my head up he was already in front of me, our heads going towards each other I could feel his hot breath in my snout, until they our lips softly met, I let his tongue explore mine, I started to touch his strong chest and with the other hand going down his thigh, after what is seemed hours he ended the kiss, I was almost falling off the ground, it was like I woke up from a heavenly warm dream and I replied.

-So, Are you gay? - We both laughed, I then hugged him, he was very warm, and fuzzy, perfect for a hug, or even a cuddle in my bed. I looked up to him and he had the most warm smile ever and so did I, we kissed again, my stomach felt like someone was tickling it with feathers, it was incredible and his tongue explored every inch of my mouth, I loved and I could see that he liked too, also started to rub my thigh and one arm of mine wrapped itself on Joey's Neck. I barely knew this guy, but one thing I knew I was going to have lots of fun with him.


Extra Notes:

Hello Again, Thanks For reading everything, leave a comment, you constructive criticism and you support because it helps a lot!

I also want to thank everyone that Supported me On Twitter (Ryan and Lightning) and On Steam (Stark and Angst) And everyone that Watched, followed and friended me! You guys are the best Thanks again for the reading and for your support!!

See you next time ^^!