His Story part 1: A Tragedy

Story by AnthroLover on SoFurry

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#11 of Out of the Shadows: AnthroLover's Version

Chapter 11. First par of Chomper's story.

(A/N In this chapter, the sharpteeth will be speaking english, not 'sharptooth'. ; )

On the mysterious island, it was raining lightly. As a light wind brushed against the tree, small droplets of water fell onto the puddles that were forming. Beetles and other insects started burrowing underground while frogs and worms were coming up, escaping the underground. The meat-eating flyers were hiding in their nests, afraid that a storm was coming.

"Yahoo!" A laughter ran through the thick isolated jungle island. A small figure sped through the forest, snapping at small insects that were flying in the air. None of them were captured, upsetting the figure. "Aw... man!" He moaned.

Chomper, a young little sharptooth, was exploring the jungle unsupervised by his parents. It had been quite some time after Littlefoot had left. Chomper missed him so much. Surprisingly to him, though, his parents also missed him. The small sharptooth remembered how his parents had told him that they never planned on harming Littlefoot because they realized that he was the one who protected him while in the valley, while most of the plant-eaters probably would've killed him.

A small frog hopped in front of the sharptooth. He growled a little. He was starting to get hungry. His parents were already hunting, but he wasn't sure if they'd get any food. The food supply on the island was dramatically dwindling. Chomper wondered if there were too many sharptooth on the island, upsetting the balance.

Drooling and too impatient to wait for his mom and dad, Chomper lunged at the frog, mouth wide open. He snapped down, but missed the frog. It jumped out of his way! Smiling darkly, Chomper continued on chasing the amphibian, snapping crazily and hungrily, trying to sink his teeth into its soft flesh.

The frog, luckily, was easy to spot. It was very brightly colored. It had a bright red body with large black eyes, small black spots, and black legs with a few motting of pale blue. It just made the frog look so much more appetizing!

The frog was finally cornered. Chomper smiled toothly, and stalked forward. The frog was trembling in fear, its black eyes wide with fear. The youngster lunged forward! Mouth wide open, and he was getting ready to slam shut.


Chomper was startled as a mouth engulfed him and lifted him way up in the air. He was redirected far away from the frog, near where he had started running. The mouth opened up and released him. The kid looked up to see his mother's concerned face. She had seen what Chomper was doing, and luckily stopped him before it was too late.

"Mother? What's wrong?" Chomper asked.

His mother, whose name was Goldclaw, was panting from worry. "What were you doing!" She snapped angrily.

Chomper cringed. "I was only hunting, mother..."

Goldclaw shook her head. "Son, that was a poisonous prey. You could've been killed!"

(A/N I do not know if poisonous dart frogs existed at this time. ; )

"I'm sorry, mother." He cooed, rubbing his head against his mother's leg. She sighed, and gently nuzzled her son, purring.

"It's all right. At least you're safe."

The wind started to pick up a little. A few leaves were knocked off the trees. The rain picked up a little. Goldclaw lifted her head and sniffed the air. She didn't sense any true alarm, but she felt perhaps they should go locate where Sly, her mate, was.

"A storm seems to be coming our way, Chomper." She announced. "Follow me. Let us go find your father."

She looked back at him briefly. "He was hunting."

Where Sly was, he was looking for his mate. He couldn't find any food. "The prey must've head for shelter." He could sense an oncoming storm. "The prey is wise. Perhaps we should've stayed in our den until the storm has passed." Sly turned his snout towards the south, and sniffed. He caught the faintest hint of Goldclaw's scent. He turned to walk in that direction.

The wind blew harder now. It wasn't enough to knock down him, but it was strong enough to cause a few fallen logs to roll a little. This started to worry him. If the winds continued getting stronger, that would spell trouble for them. Stuck on an island, they had to place to run to! A sharptooth couldn't swim. If it was a hurricane, it would've been even worse.

"I gotta find them..." He growled softly. "Where could they be?"

Sly suddenly caught something moving in his eye. It was a shadow against the trees. It stood on two-legs. He squinted, and could see a smaller figure with it. His eyes brightened and a smile curled up on his snout. It had to be them!

"Goldclaw? Chomper?" He cried out.

The figures who were stepping out of the wet jungle were indeed his mate and child. Sly rushed towards them. "There you are!" He gasped. "I've been looking everywhere for you!"

Goldclaw said, "I was out looking for Chomper. Good thing I did." She slightly glared at the guilty Chomper.

Sly raised an eyebrow. "Why? What did he do?"

"He tried eating a poisonous frog." She said, rolling her red eyes.

Sly winced. "You must be hungrier than I thought, boy..."

Chomper nodded, smiling. "Speaking of being hungry, did you catch anything?"

The dark-colored sharptooth shook his head gravely. "Sorry, son." He sighed. "The prey must all be hiding underground or something." He looked at his mate. "We should do the same. A powerful storm is coming."

Goldclaw nodded. "I was thinking the same. As we searched for you, we noticed a few trees had already been knocked own." She closed her eyes. "That can't be a good sign..."

"It never is." Sly shook his head. "Hurry, we must go, now!"

Suddenly a flash of lightning and a thunder broke through the skies! The ground started shaking, as if it was struck. A brief moment of white flashed in the sharpteeth's eyes, blinding them for a few seconds. As soon as their sight returned, they realized that they were standing dangerously close to the edge of the island! Chomper realized that this was where he himself had fallen off. Memories of the horned sharptooth and swimming sharptooth flooded his mind. He clung to his mother's leg, and shivered.

Goldclaw licked his small body. "Shhh...it's all right, Chomper. We'll get out of here." She cooed.

Sly nodded, smiling a small smile. Suddenly a wind gushed their way. It was so powerful that it ripped trees form their roots! About five trees were rolling down their way! Sly gasped and shouted, "Run!"

Goldclaw saw the trees coming. At that speed, she knew she couldn't make it out of the way in time. But perhaps Chomper could... "Chomper! Move!" She shoved her son out of the way.

"MOM! DAD!" Chomper got off the ground and watched in horror as the trees slammed into his parents' sides. He rushed forward, but knew he couldn't do anything to help. "NO!"

Sly and Goldclaw rolled against each other, and rolled off the edge. They plunged into the cold waters below. They held their breath, and opened their eyes. The water was surprisingly calm. They tried swimming up, and managed to poke their heads out of the water. They gasped for air, and coughed. They looked up.

"CHOMPER!" Sly called out as loud as he could over the thunder claps in the sky.

Chomper could barely hear his dad. "DAD! MOM!" He could barely see them, but he knew their heads were out of the water. He was very relieved. "THERE'S LAND NEARBY! SWIM!" He shouted at the top of his lungs.

Goldclaw looked at her husband. "What did he say?" A flash of lightning broke through the skies, illuminated Sly's face.

"He said there's land nearby. We must swim to it!"

The two sharpteeth wasted no time in swimming around the island. They could barely see a small beach where Littlefoot and his friends landed on once. The sharpteeth were delighted. They knew a beach meant soon they would feel ground on their feet. They began swimming frantically towards it.

Chomper watched intently as his parents were making their way towards the beach. He turned around and was about the head down himself when a bloodcurdling scream caught his attention. He looked over, and his face drained of color.

There, in the water, he could see a large pool of blood forming. His mother was nowhere to be seen. Suddenly she popped out of the water. But before she could take a breath, a huge swimming sharptooth, 40 ft long, popped its head out of the water. Its huge mouth slammed on his mother's head, crushing it as it pulled her underwater again.

His father already had a large gash on his neck. He was losing a lot of blood. Another huge swimming sharptooth, about 35 ft this time, shut its powerful jaws around his neck, and ripped out his throat. He gurgled and coughed up blood. He, too, disappeared beneath the waves.

(A/N The sharks were megalodons. The other was not fully grown.)

Chomper's heart was speeding. He couldn't believe it. He just saw his parents get devoured, and by other sharpteeth! Tears rolled down his cheeks. He didn't want to believe it. He couldn't believe it. "No...no...NO!" He cried out.

He leaned over the edge. "MOM! DAD! NOOOO!"

A large lightning bolt struck the edge of the cliff. Chomper could feel himself falling. He slammed into the waters. At this point the waters had started churning as winds picked up and the hurricane getting closer.

He struggled to swim, struggled to get up at the surface. He finally got his head out of the water and took in a large, choked breath. A large wave crashed down on him. He struggled to the surface, but the waters spun him around. He started getting disoriented and didn't know where he was going.

He was able to come up to the surface one last time. He found himself pinned against the rocky cliff of the island. He got one last glimpse of a wave before he was knocked out. His unconscious body floated in the ocean, vulnerable to the elements.

Rush... baby... Be still... Stream.

Sleep... last... Dream.

River... Gently... Precious cargo.

Peace... Deliver... There.

After what seemed like hours, he slowly opened his eyes. He noticed he had washed ashore. He struggled to his feet, trying to remember what had happened. He could barely remember his parents blood, swimming sharpteeth... "Mom...dad..." He whispered softly.

He remembered then of that song, well the pieces of song he had heard. It was sang by a very beautiful and gently voice. A sweet voice that was strangely familiar. He remembered that while he heard that he felt also a presence. A good presence thta made him fell good and safe, and give him a felling of hapinnes and peace. But this felling was quickly whased away by the memory of what had just happend to his parents.

It took him several seconds to realize he was no longer on the island. He looked around for a few minutes, registering what had happened in his brain. The area he was now in was a dry desert. There was no sign of foliage or food anywhere. He could see a few bones scattered, and a few small boulders, but that was it. It was a wide, flat desert.

"Mom? Dad?" He didn't wish to believe his parents were dead. Perhaps they had escaped. Perhaps they were here. If they were, he had to find them. He just had to! "Where are you?"

Suddenly a calm voice spoke. "You're parents can't be with you...anymore."

Chomper swerved his head. "Who are you?" He realized it was another sharptooth.

"I see you don't remember me." The sharptooth smiled, stepping out from the shadowy area he was standing in. As he stepped out, Chomper could see the sharptooth's olive green body, the small horns, the stripes, and the fins on his back. Chomper snarled and backed away.

"Get away from me..." It was the sharptooth that invaded his island when Littlefoot and his pals got stranded.

"I guess now you do." The sharptooth commented. He took a step forward. "You are without parents, aren't you?"

Chomper looked away. "What's it to you?"

The sharptooth looked a bit sad. "Why don't you come along?"

Chomper narrowed his eyes. "Why should I?"

The sharptooth sighed. "Forgive me for last time. I didn't introduce myself. My name is Slasher." Slasher lowered his head to eye Chomper right in the eyes. "I'm your father, your real father."