Fireteam 404, Sunday 14th October(Chapter two)

Story by Jamie Thompson on SoFurry

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#3 of Fireteam 404

The second chapter in the 404th book. More of a linking chapter then one of action.

I was sitting opposite Annabelle as she read through my report on the raid. Annabelle was a Moreian hair with snow white fur and stood at 5'8". She was physically tough although her body was very curvy and her breasts were round and perky. She had sea blue eyes and kindly features. She was also a very good kick box and would easily beat me in a fight not that I would take her on because I value me manhood quite highly.

She finished reading the report and dropped it on the table then folded her arms. "Six months of research and three months of planning went into that raid. We were given the orders and told to carry them out. Our primary objective was to secure or eliminate our H.V.T. Granted only Nita managed to get to me before the alarms went off. However we adapted the plan and went after the H.V.T. ourselves. We were about to brake down her door when an explosion that could be heard from the dark forest shook the building then collapsed the cat walk we were standing on! In all that commotion the H.V.T. escaped out a back door and managed to get to her helicopter!

Goodbye H.V.T. goodbye reputation and goodbye future missions. Now what do you have to say?" "Nothing ma'am." She then leant across the table towards me. "You're a good marine, a dam good marine! I picked you out of three others that were better than you, in every way. This isn't the first time you've made a screw up that endangers the lives of our team and the mission. It needs to stop. Granted you were in a tight situation and you weren't thinking straight and you didn't know what would happen when that grenade went off. But it happened and she got away."

She took a sip of water and leaned back in her chair. "Luckily we know where she is going and we can still get her. But I need to know if you are capable to do this." "Yes ma'am." "Good man. Dismissed." I got out of my chair and walked out of the room.

Luke was waiting outside for me. Luke was a Moreian badger he stood at just under the average height, for his spices, of 6'6". He had very well defined muscles. His arms and snout were covered in multiple scars that gave him a more fearsome appearance. However at heart he was a kind and considerate person. His eyes were a dark hazel and had a much defined jaw.

I moved up to him and kissed him quickly. "So how did the growling go?" He spoke in a deep gruff voice. "Not bad, I still have my head which is good." He smiled. "Well it would look bad on your death certificate. Cause of death: Head ripped off by agro bunny." I started to laugh. "Call me a bunny again and I cussing mute you, understand Luke Rimper." Luke stood quickly to attention and shouted. "YES MA'AM I UNDERSTAND COMPLETELY MA'AM!" The sentence echoed around the room a bit. Annabelle came out of the room. "You don't need to deafen me just a yes ma'am will do." Luke then spoke in a very quiet voice. "Yes ma'am." Annabelle just looked at him and walked off. I thought she smiled as she walked off though. We all know that she secretly appreciates Luke's sense of humour.

"The sub isn't in a good mode after what you done at the warehouse." I jumped as Taylor startled me. Taylor was a Moreian leopard. She had golden yellow eyes and a young face. She was slightly shorter than me at 5'9". Her body was quiet flat except for her breast that were very well rounded and slightly upturned, although I didn't find her at all attractive. Also she had a habit of sneaking up on people which she was very good at because of her light step. She was our sniper.

"So do you boys want to join me and Nita for a butter beer in the brake room?" Luke and I thought about this for a second. "We also got black forest gateau that we need to eat." "I'm game." We spoke it simultaneously.

The brake room was simply a room with a table, fridge, microwave, sink and a coffee maker. The sink was there when we got the M.C.P. and we added the other accessories. Like most of the rooms in the M.C.P. it had plasterboard on the inside wall and armour plating on the outside. A M.C.P. was basically a porta'cabin strapped to a T-63C with a bit of armour plating on the side, living quarters and a control centre.

The last member of the team was sitting at the table drinking a bottle of butter beer with a bowl of black forest gateau in front of her. Nita Stockly was a Ridolean she had green eyes and a rugged, carefree appearance about her, she stood at 5'11", the average for her species of Ridolean, earth born. Here musicals were defined and her breasts weren't that big but she didn't care. She was our pilot, hacker, combatant and engineer.

She smiled at us as we walked into the room. "Looks like the animals are coming in threes today; I thought they only came in twos as the old rhyme said." Tayler smiled back. "Yes but if join us we become four animals which would mean we are able to come in twos." She walked over to the fridge, opened it with her tail, pulled out bottle of butter beer and opened it with her teeth. I went to pick one up but she closed the fridge as she sat down.

I then got out a bottle and handed one to Luke and pulled out a bowl of black forest gateau. "What about me?" "I gave you a butter beer." I complained. "So, you closest." I sighed at my mate and slid over my bowl then pulled out another one for myself. "So what did the sub do to you this time?" Nita asked. "The same as last time, although one of these days I will screw up badly and be thrown out." "To true." Annabelle came walking in with a folder in her hand.

She put it down on the table and sat down. I slid her down a bottle before she even asked. "You're not going to get into my good books that easily. Anyway I can't be bothered dragging you all to the command room so I'll do the briefing here. This is the man we are after." She handed out photos to all of us. The man in the photo was an elf, Miyark Royalist by the looks of it. "As you know this man is an intergalactic arms dealer and is a high supporter of the Royalist and would love for them to go to war against the U.A. again. We believe he is producing and selling W.M.D.s we don't know who he's selling them too or what is being planed with them. The woman we tried to eliminate yesterday is his 2I.C. and mate. We received word that the chopper she was escaping in experienced technical faults and crashed into the ocean." "What sort of flats sorry faults?" I enquired. "A leaking fuel tank with a hole the size of a hundred in it. Nice shot by the way Taylor." "I didn't shoot." We all looked at her in surprise. "And I was using my fifty that day. I simply didn't have a shot from where I was." Now this mission had got interesting. "So someone shot the fuel tank with a hundred, or made a hole the same size, and it wasn't one of us." Annabelle corrected Luke's statement. "It was defiantly an I.P. hole but the question is who did it." "Rival arms dealer, kills the wife to make a statement." Nita suggested

"Possibly but to the point in hand we have an arms dealer to take down. We need him alive and able to talk." "Annabelle, what happened to that Royalist I shot in the leg?" She looked through the folder. "Cyanide, these guys are series." "Aren't they immune to cyanide?" Taylor enquired. "You're thinking of Amazonians." I corrected. "To the point we need to track him down and catch him. We bring him here and interrogate him. Then we go home, or we get assigned to the peace council guard either way we'll be out of this cuss of a planet and back on Lucanto, Ridon or wherever. Any questions?" "Why do you not like this planet?" Luke asked. "What?" "Well we each have our own reason why we don't like this planet so what's yours?" "It's too dirty, there on the path of destroying this planet and it generally feels horrible. Any more questions?" No one had any. "Good I'm going to call my mate." She got up and left.