Sulphira\'s War: Chapter 1-Part 1

Story by Darkscribe on SoFurry

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The black castle loomed over the soon-to-be battlefield. The woman in the lead of the force charging on the ground looked up at the tower with utter hatred in her eyes. She remembered all of those times she was raped. Raped by Jallek. She would get her revenge. She swore it on her life.

Up in the tower, the tall man stood at the rail, looking out at the imposing forces, one by land, one by sea, and a swarm of winged insects with people riding their backs in the air. A black and red viper slithered around his shoulders and brushed against his cheeks. He smiled and gently cocked his head to brush back against her. He whispered into her ear.

"After this, no matter what happens, I want you to know that I love you," he rasped. She returned the sentiment with a lick to the cheek. He quickly turned to the army and held out his hand. In the middle of it a small red orb floated. He looked at the woman in the lead of the ground force and his eyes glowed with pure hatred. He quivered as the orb grew in his hand. The woman saw this and called for all of her forces, land, air and sea, to stop. She looked up into his eyes and he into hers.

"Surrender Zellamus! You have no way to escape and there are too many if us to fight! If you give yourself up now, you will be killed quickly and painlessly," she called to the mighty demon standing on the tower.

"You may think that it's just me alone in my tower, but if you look around you, you'll see I've made some new friends!" he shouted back. She turned her head to her surrounding trees and bushes. Kree were pouring out of the landscape.

"Kree! Dammit, I thought they were extinct!" she thought angrily. She looked towards the man at the tower and then at the snake curled around his shoulders. Sulphira! That bitch! She must have been the one who told Zellamus of their arrival. As she pondered what her next move would be in the middle of this predicament. She looked at her men and then at the Kree, there was no way in heaven, earth, or the fiery depths of hell they could kill this many! She could barely kill one herself. They were incredibly enduring, strong as a bull and just as mean. And on top of that, they were completely merciless! She would either have to die fighting, retreat and probably die anyway, or give up and be sent back to Jallek. None of them sounded like a good choice, but she would rather die than go back to Jallek! She shouted back at her men.

"To arms, give them more hell than that of which they came! Fight to the death! Give them no mercy, for you will receive none!" she screamed. All her men gave one final war cry before charging practically into open arms of the Kree. The battle lasted for barely a minute and a half. All her men were slaughtered in the blink of an eye. The sky forces were blown away by the blast from Zellamus's hand. The sea forces were the only ones to escape with their lives, retreating to the Rebel's fortress. She couldn't be mad at them; they were only trying to make sure the Resistance wasn't completely crushed. The plan for her, however, didn't come out as well as she was cracked in the forehead with the back of a Kree's sword. Also, instead of feeling a blade through her chest, she felt herself being dragged across the ground with her arms and legs bound. She was taken into the castle, where she could hear all of the Kree gawking and laughing at her, saying cruel things and spitting on her. She was dragged into a room she knew all too well, Zellamus's grand throne room. She was taken before him and forced onto her knees. A Kree held her head forward as Zellamus spoke to her.

"Well, well, I don't know about some of you, but I'm feeling one hell of a Deja Vu right now!" he snorted to the Kree in the room. They all snorted back and laughed in their low, feral growls. Celina looked at the Kree holding her head. It had black teeth that protruded through its lips, light grey skin, black hair that fell down its back, and claws that stuck into the sides of her head as it held her. She looked at the throne where Zellamus was sitting and, right next to his throne, the demon that caused her more pain than anyone in the world had. She would kill that son of a bitch! She would!

"It's good to see you too, Zellamus. I thought making friends was impossible for you! You must have finally learned how to use the shower!" she laughed at him. The Kree around her actually giggled a bit, but were quickly silenced when their master stood up and started walking slowly down the steps towards her. She was forced to her feet by the Kree. He leaned towards her face and bared his fangs, showing a sign that he was really not in the mood for this.

"Ever heard of brushing your teeth, you bastard?!?" she grimaced.

"I really missed your feistiness, baby," he leaned to give her a kiss. His lips were inches from hers when he felt a sharp pain in his left shoulder. He stopped and looked over to the source of this slight annoyance. Sulphira had buried both of her fangs in her master's shoulder. She pulled her fangs and gave her master a look of anger and betrayal.

"How dare you, you bitch!" he shouted as he grabbed her off of his shoulder and held her by the throat. He threw her across the room; she hit the wall at the other end and curled up in painful ball, keening from within herself.

"You bastard!" Celina shouted, surprised by what she was about to say, but couldn't stop herself.

"She was only trying to make sure you didn't betray her, too!" the entire room went silent. Even Sulphira stopped her keening and looked up at the girl who had spoken out for her. Zellamus's eyes widened. As he looked over at the poor creature staring at him with eyes wet with her tears. His composure fell apart around him and he felt a tear in his own eye. As it fell down his cheek, it left a black mark. He felt this mark; it was scorched into his skin. He cried out in pain as steam and the smell of burning flesh rose from it.

"M-master?" Sulphira began to uncoil from her ball. She had never seen her master cry, or even attempt to show real emotion except lust and rage. Apparently, neither had he.

"Sulphira, wasn't my...she...I...I'm so sor-ahhggg! I'm sor-AGGHHH!" he made a noise that sounded like he was choking. She slithered towards him. He ran away from the throne room and back to his chamber. As he did he called out to Jallek.

"Jallek! She is yours!" he called to the demon. Its pupils tightened and he grinned an evil grin as he walked towards her slowly. Sulphira looked at the girl and the girl looked back at her.

"I'm so sorry," she mouthed before she turned and slithered away, following her master down the corridor. The girl turned and looked up at Jallek, who smiled back down at her. He picked her up and slung her over his shoulder and began to walk back to his chamber.


"What is happening to me?!?" Zellamus thought as he ran, clutching the scorch mark on his face. It had begun to bleed.

"MASTER!" he heard Sulphira shout from behind him.

"Leave me be!" he screamed back at her.

"Please Master! Stop! I beg you! Stop!" she called. He didn't. He ran straight through the door to the outside of the castle, the way to his chambers. She continued to follow him. He reached his chamber before she could. She sped up and charged at the door. He hadn't made a crack in his door for her to slip through, as he liked having his own privacy. Therefore, she had never even been in his chamber. As he slammed the door, she leapt and just barely made it through as the two iron panels connected and locked. She rolled forward and landed under his bed.

"SULPHIRA! Dammit! Get out!" he screamed as he reached under the bed to pull her out. She slithered out the other side and up onto the bed. She looked around and saw an interesting sight. Books piled in corners, pages of writing and works and drawings littered the floor. The entire room was bathed in an eerie red light that seemed to come from nowhere. No fires, no lanterns, torches or any kind of light-giving device. Also, it was incredibly hot. Blades of many shapes and designs also covered the walls. A small set of test tubes and beakers lay on a table in the right corner. All in all, it was quite strange. It took him five minutes to realize she had left from under the bed and was just looking around the room.

"Dammit Sulphira, I thought I told you to get out!" he screamed at her. She looked at him. His anger began to fade as they locked each other in a loving gaze. His face contorted with rage and then went back to normal as he slumped into the bed, letting his head hit the side of the bed with a sickening crack. She grimaced. He didn't care.

"What do you want from me?" he asked, sorrow and agony dripping from his words. She licked his scarred cheek. She tasted nothing at all. No salt from the tear, no human taste, just nothing.

As she came close to him to lick him, he caught a scent that passed over his inhuman nostrils. It didn't smell bad, it smelled sweet. Kind of like cinnamon, but with more of an after-smell. It wasn't that he didn't know what it was; he just wanted to identify what exactly it smelled like. He knew all well what it was, the viper was in heat. He continued to smell the arousing perfume while at the same time letting it subliminally pass his nose, not wanting the viper to know he knew and get embarrassed.

She already knew he smelt her heat. It was impossible for him not to. She was three inches from his face and the smell couldn't be missed by any male of any species. She commemorated him for trying to help her out and not saying anything to embarrass her. She, however, had to be the one to make the first move. He wasn't going to do anything. She snaked her head down to where he was, resting his head against the bedside, a drop of blood escaping from his forehead. When she was so close to his face she could kiss it, she did. He kissed back, shoving his long tongue down her throat. It tasted familiar, not because she had kissed him before, but for some reason just like she wasn't kissing a human. When he pulled his tongue out, she put hers in his throat. This lasted for about five minutes. She pulled out and turned her head away from him.

"I'm not sure...we...should be doing this," she spoke softly. "What...I would it work? You know, how would it all work? I'm a snake, you're a human wou-" he cut her off by taking off his cloak. A long, red and orange tail slithered out from his where his cloak covered. He wasn't a human.


(hope you enjoyed this new, longer addition to the "Sulphira's War" book. i will be making a few more after the next addition, please comment and vote, i would like to see what people thought of my very first story ever on Yiffstar! :)

P.S. the song for the fight scene and the dragging scene is Sober by Tool. thanks again!