One Week - Chapter 2

Story by Mykell_Wildfire on SoFurry

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#2 of One Week Series

Steven has found himself in quite a situation. Captured by a very attractive dragoness and being held for no less than 1 week. Escape is a possible option, but it seems that Alexia isn't the only who wants to keep him around...

Deep within the abandoned train tunnel, inside Alexia Wildfire's hidden home, morning was signified as the candles, infused with a bit of magic, slowly began to come alight. The dragoness woke from her peaceful slumber alongside her new 'pet'. She sat up in her bed, stretching her arms and legs slowly as not to wake the young human next to her. She glanced down at him, watching him as he still slept. Many thoughts coursed through her mind. Replaying the events of the previous day and fantasizing of the events to come over the next several days and nights. Another thought entered her mind briefly, but she quickly shrugged it off.

"Too soon..." She said to herself quietly.

She ran a clawed finger softly along Stevens cheek, causing him to stir but not to rouse him from his sleep. She slowly pulled herself out of bed and made her way to her desk on the other side of the room. On the desk were various documents and lists. She retrieved a grocery list and a small necklace from a drawer, as well as some articles of clothing that seemed far too small for her frame. She took a pen in hand and wrote something on a free piece of paper which she tacked onto the outside of her bedroom door. She donned her necklace, a golden tightly-weaved chain with an unfamiliar silver symbol hanging from its center. Encrusted in the symbol was a golden-colored jewel that seemed to emit a faint glow.

At the doorway, she glanced back at Steven. She took the jeweled symbol of her necklace into her clawed hand and closed her eyes. The jewel began to glow brighter from within her grasp. In seconds, the glow had spread from her hand to her whole body. From within the veil of light, her form began to change. She grew shorter, her draconic features fading away and replaced with that of a human. When the glow faded away, a human woman stood where the large dragoness had been. Her features were that of an attractive human female. The only things that hadn't changed were her hair, though her chest was still large for her size, it remained proportional to the rest of her body. She took the clothes she had taken from the drawer, consisting of a red t-shirt and light-colored khaki pants, and casually put them on. She took a moment to think, making sure she had remembered everything she needed, then made her way to the front door and left.

About an hour later, Steven began to finally wake up. His mind was a jumble of confused thoughts. He kept his eyes shut, wondering if everything that had happened was just an elaborate lucid dream. His questions were bluntly answered upon waking up. He found himself in a very large bed in a room lit by multiple bright candles and, to his dismay, found himself wearing a collar tethered by a sturdy chain to the bed post.

It wasn't a dream, he thought to himself. Everything he remembered really happened. He looked beside him on the bed to find Alexia had gone. He listened close but heard nothing throughout the lair to suggest she was still inside. She must have gone out somewhere, or maybe was in that underground lake she mentioned. He pondered exactly what he could do, though anything was rather hard due to the chain around his neck. While looking around, his eyes lit up as he vision fixated on the nightstand next to the bed. On it was a single candle in a candle holder, a book, and a key.

Out of curiosity, he took the key and pressed it to the lock that bound the chain to his collar. He had to stop himself from yelling in triumph when it clicked into place, causing the chain to fall from his neck. He was free for the most part. The collar for some reason wouldn't come off however. It had a strap to release it, but all his attempts to do so proved futile. Collar or not, he felt, this might be his chance to escape.

He exited the bedroom into the main living area. He thought long and hard about his idea of escaping. The dragoness technically did nothing to harm him. Quite the opposite in fact. The previous night was one of the most unique and exhilarating sexual experiences he ever had. However, she made it clear to him that, should he displease her, the only thing he could look forward to was a trip to her stomach. He figured that if he could get out and back to his home, he would be safe. She wouldn't risk going outside to hunt him down. Middle of nowhere or not, there are still people around and he just knew she wouldn't risk being seen trying to drag him back.

He quickly retrieved his clothes, putting them back on in a hurry. He slowly opened the front door and exited. As fast as his feet could take him, he traveled out of the train tunnel and through the woods. Getting home was the only thing on his mind. He managed to get lost and turned around a couple times during the trip, but eventually found his house in sight. Ironically, he never thought he would actually be happy to see the house. The past couple days have certainly been full of 'first times'. He rushed inside and went straight to his room, instantly collapsing on his bed. Despite sleeping quite well the previous night, he couldn't help but drift off to sleep once again, in the comfort of his own room.

Steven woke up suddenly, disturbed by a knock at the front door. He took a moment to collect himself. Glancing at the clock, he found he had been asleep for about two hours, making it about noon time. He made his way downstairs towards the front door. Who could this be, he thought? His mother wouldn't knock on her own door, and as desperate as door-to-door salesmen were, he doubted they would come all the way out here to sell useless crap. Maybe it was someone his mother worked with.

"Who is it?" he called through the door. The only reply he got was another set of knocks. He took the doorknob in hand and slowly cracked the door open to see outside. On the doorstep was, oddly enough, no one. He opened the door fully and stepped outside. Looking around, no one was in sight. Perhaps it was just old wood creaking near the front door. He shut it and began to walk away when the knocks came again, harder this time.

Steven was confused, and a almost began to panic. What if he was wrong? What if Alexia had decided to take the risk to hunt him down. What would she do to him if that were the case? He reached for the door again, his hand trembling as he did. He swung the door open fast, but again found no one outside. He paused for a moment, allowing himself to calm down. He let out a sigh of relief before shutting the door and turning away. However, something caught his eye. In an instant, he swore he saw something almost just appear at the front door through the small opening as he was closing it. A blue form of some kind.

Before the door closed, it burst open, catching Steven completely by surprise. He was knocked face-first to the floor. Taking a moment to collect himself, he attempted to get up but found something was holding him down. In an instant, he became terrified. His suspicion of Alexia hunting him down were true, he thought. He wondered if she would drag him back to her home to be punished, or if she would just devour him right there in his own home. His eyes were shut tight, trying to brace himself for the inevitable. He could feel her breath on the back of his neck and hear the rumble in her throat. This was it, he thought.

"Did you honestly think you could get away THAT easily?" She asked.

Confusion set in once again. Confused not over just the fact that her question was in an almost playful tone, but more over the fact that her voice was different. He slowly opened his eyes and looked. On either side of him were a pair arms holding her up while the weight of her body pinned him to the floor; a pair of blue arms. Steven couldn't speak, still trying to grasp what exactly was going on. Without warning, a clawed hand gripped his shoulder and effortlessly flipped him onto his back.

On top of him was a dragon, but not Alexia. This one had dark blue scales with a purple underbelly, long green hair and light blue eyes. She seemed obviously female as well, given the feel of her large breasts pressing to his chest. Instead of ear-fins like Alexia, she had a pair of long ears on her head along with shorter and more rounded-off horns.

"W...Who are you?" Steven studderd, trying desperately to hide the fact he was terrified, "How did you find me?"

"Oh dear, where are my manners," She laughed, sitting up and straddling him, "I'm Lynn, and I'm guessing you're Steven. Alexia wrote about you briefly. She left a note for me while you were still asleep, but when I arrived, you were already gone. Tracking you wasn't that difficult, especially since this is the only place you could have escaped to in a reasonable distance."

Steven took a moment to process what she said, silently cursing himself for not covering his tracks, though it probably wouldn't have done any good either way. He wanted to try to get up, but it was no use. She was about the same size as Alexia, though her bust was significantly larger. She wore a low-cut purple t-shirt that did wonders to show off her large chest as well as blend in with her purple underbelly and a loose fitting short skirt. Her claws were firmly placed on his chest, keeping him pinned. The digits on her claws were webbed, and the tips, which were rounded-off like her horns, were colored green. Her tail swayed behind her, showing off her webbed tail fin at the tip.

"So," She said, interrupting Steven's wandering eyes and with a sly smile on her snout, "Care to explain why you decided to run off?"

"I..." he stammered, trying hard to conjure an excuse that wouldn't get him eaten, "I panicked, Alexia was holding me captive and I thought that, even if I made it to the end of the week, she wouldn't let me go. I just felt I had to try to get away."

Lynn lifted her claws from his chest, though still remained seated on top of him. She looked him over, running a single clawed finger from his cheek, to his chin, and down his throat and chest.

"I guess I can understand," she said calmly, "I wouldn't blame you for being intimidated and afraid. But I can promise you that she is true to her word. The agreement was for one week, no less. And I can assure you, she won't hurt you unless you give her a good reason."

"OK," he replied semi reluctantly, now making an attempt to stand, "Would you mind if I got up now?" Lynn giggled girlishly and lifted herself from him, grabbing his shirt and easily pulling him to his feet. "So what now?"

"Now I bring you back," she stated.

"Is...Is Alexia mad?" He asked, worried about what she may do to him for his escape attempt.

"She doesn't know. Yet...." She replied, an odd smile forming on her face, "She won't be back for a few hours."

"Well, in that case, would it be possible for me to at least change and maybe take a shower?"

The smile on Lynn's face grew even wider, "Of course."

Steven made his way upstairs, rather puzzled by the look she gave him. He grabbed a towel from one of the unpacked boxes went into the bathroom. He disrobed, leaving all his clothes in the corner. He turned on the water, leaning over the bathtub waiting for it to warm up. Once it got to a comfortable temperature, he stood up straight, only for the back of his head to bump into a pair of large and soft objects. He spun around to find Lynn standing before him, completely nude. Stevens eyes went wide. Not only over the fact that she had somehow sneaked into the bathroom with him without him noticing, but at a feature of Lynns he couldn't see before. Between her legs was a large sheath accompanied by a set of very large balls.

"See something interesting, little one?" Lynn teased in a very playful and sexually charged tone. Steven couldn't take his eyes away, lost in his racing thoughts that he barely heard her speak.

"What...." he stammered, "What are you?"

"Surprised?" she replied, licking her lips. One of her webbed claws moving to her large sack and sheath, rubbing it, causing her thick green shaft to emerge. Stevens eyes were almost ready to pop from his head from being opened so wide. In very little time her shaft reached its full length, as thick as Stevens forearm and just as long.

"You're not a girl...?" Steven muttered unconsciously.

"Not quite," She replied as she moved closer, her cock throbbing and the tip almost at the level of his head. "I'm what you refer to as a transgender of sorts. Or a shemale if you prefer to call me that instead."

She moved closer to him, causing him to instinctively back up until his back was to the wall. Lynn got very close, placing her claws on the wall and leaning down, staring at him with hungry eyes. Her massive cock just inches from his face, and a wide smile on her snout.

"But," he stammered, obviously terrified, "What are you doing in here with me?"

"Silly boy," she laughed, "It's quite simple, really. Alexia can't know you ran away. The only way she would find out is if I were to tell her."

Lynn's smile grew wider as she leaned in closer.

"And you wouldn't want me to tell her," she asked, "Would you?"

"No..." was all he could say.

"Then how about you get the water ready for us." She said, subtly disguising her statement as an order. Steven had no choice in his mind other than to obey. Who knows what Alexia would do to him if she knew he tried to run away. Though he wasn't exactly sure if he would even get that far if he were to refuse Lynn. It didn't take long for the water to become comfortably warm. The bathroom filled with steam, arousing Lynn even further.

"Good boy," she cooed in his ear, pressing her erection to Stevens back, "Now be a dear and hop in."

Steven complied semi reluctantly and climbed in to the shower. He was surprised at exactly how big the tub was. Big enough to fit three or four people. Or maybe, perhaps, a pair of or larger creatures. But, why was it made that way? The question occupied his mind only for a brief moment until the large shemale dragoness took hold of him. She held him close, pressing his head between her huge tits, sandwiching her cock between their bodies. Her hips lightly pushing back and forth, grinding her shaft against his chest as she purred deeply.

Suddenly, Steven felt his knees buckle as her long powerful tail slapped the back of his legs with enough force to drop him to his knees before her. She smiled her lust-filled smile down at him, her tail lightly wrapping around the back of his head. With a strong and sudden pull, his face was buried into her sizable ball sac. Without any further instructions, he began to lick and suck at the huge orbs. The dragoness rumbled with pleasure. Her webbed claw gripped her throbbing member and stroked, slowly at first, but faster and faster with time.

Her scent was surprisingly intoxicating. Steven felt himself grow incredibly aroused. His hands wandered and caressed her hips and thighs as his mouth and tongue worked on her leathery sac, soon letting his hands cup and rub them. Without thinking, his hand reached past her balls, reaching under her tail, letting his fingers rub and prod at her tailhole.

Lynn growled lustfully as she felt the human's hand under her tail. Her stroking became faster, precum oozing from the tip of of cock and dripping onto Steven's forehead. Her moans grew louder. He knew her climax was close. Without warning, her tail wrapped around his midsection and pulled him away just in time for her to lean forward with the tip of her cock inches from his face as her orgasm hit. A torrent of dragon cum exploded forth into Stevens face. Every inch of him from his chest to his head, as well as the back wall of the shower, was drenched in the thick and oddly sweet-tasting fluid. Her spurts seemed to go on for minutes before finally tapering off.

Steven wiped away what he could from his eyes to look up at the dragoness. His eyes met with hers, leering down on him with a wicked smile. With a chuckle, she turned and proceeded to clean what little mess she made on herself under the hot water of the shower. After a moment, she stepped out, glancing back at her little plaything.

"Better make it quick sweety," she chuckled and licked her lips, "We still have to get back before Alexia." With that, she left and made her way downstairs. Steven had to take a moment to collect himself. It took him a good while to fully clean all of the cum from his upper body. Even after he scrubbed the last of it from his body, the scent still filled his nostrils, and it made him horny as hell. He knew he was bi-curious, and this was a hell of a way to be introduced to another male-ish figure. Though something tells him that she was nowhere near done with him. Some of the day still remained, and there was plenty of time in the night ahead of all of them.

After drying off and getting on some clean clothes, Steven made his way downstairs. Lynn was waiting for him by the front door, her mischievous smile not once leaving her snout.

"Ready to go, sweety?" she chuckled. Steven nodded apprehensively and they both departed. The walk was fairly uneventful, aside from the random gropes he had to put up with from his horny traveling companion along the way. About halfway back to Alexia's lair, he drummed up enough nerve to try to start a conversation.

"So," he started, still too nervous to make eye contact with her, "How do you know Alexia? Are your two friends or something?"

Lynn glanced down at him with a smile, "Alexia and I have a...Special relationship together."

"So you're, uh, girlfriends?"

"Something like that." Lynn laughed, her tail draping over Stevens shoulder as they walked, "Don't worry, you'll find out soon enough."

Steven couldn't help but glance at her crotch as they walked. He couldn't believe that he didn't notice her extra 'equipment' before. It seemed so noticeable now. Not really surprising, given how well endowed she was. The short skirt hardly hid her sizable sheath and balls packed tightly into a pair of panties. She seemed to have a thing for that, really. Tight clothing holding back her large features, but making no attempt to hide anything. It was certainly odd, though he couldn't help but find it strangely attractive.

"Don't worry, sweety," She said seductively, interrupting his unconscious gawking, "You'll get plenty of time to play with that later." Steven couldn't help but look down and blush.

The rest of the walk didn't take very long. It went by rather quickly, though a good chunk of it was spent with Lynn trying to snake her tail tip into Steven's pants and him trying to keep her out. Steven couldn't help but hold his breath as they walked into Alexia's home, silently praying that she hadn't come home yet. Thankfully, it was just the two of them. Though, judging by the grin on Lynn's face and her paw idly rubbing at her crotch, maybe it wasn't such a good thing.

No amount of complaining or protesting could prevent Steven's inevitable situation as Lynn effortlessly hoisted him up and carried him to the bedroom. The next several minutes were spent with Steven trying to run away while the horny dragoness stalked him, her panties straining to contain her growing excitement. Given her size, she was surprisingly fast. It didn't take long before Steven found himself pinned to the bed under Lynn. A special kind of hunger filled her eyes. It was no mystery that she wanted to go a bit further than they did at his house. All he could do was look at her massive dragonhood, looking forward to a world of soreness at best. If he was lucky, that is. Everything came to a sudden halt at the sound of the bedroom door swinging open.

"Home sweet home," came a familiar voice, "How's my sweet pet doing?"

"Welcome back, Alexia." Lynn said with a warm smile, her innocent expression in stark contrast to the throbbing erection between her legs.

"Sorry I took so long," Alexia said, setting herself down on the bed next to Lynn and Steven with a smile, "Did I interrupt anything?"

Lynn looked down at Steven, who looked twice as worried as before, and gave her own little mischievous smile, "Of course not! In fact, I think you're just in time to join the fun."

Alexia chuckled, laying her claw softly on Stevens head, petting him gently. Lynn Shifted herself around behind Steven, holding him up as the two of them watched Alexia disrobe. It wasn't enough to just remove her clothes, but she wanted to make a show out of it. Slowly slipping off her pants and shirt, leaving herself in her panties and bra. Her body twisted and spun to show off each inch of her luscious body. Her tail swaying as she made her way to the bed. Steven watched mesmerized at Alexia's striptease, feeling himself growing quite aroused. Lynn seemed to only become more aroused judging by how hard her shaft was throbbing against his back.

At the foot of the bed, Alexia continued her little show. She slowly and sensually undid her bra, slipping it from her upper body and revealing her voluptuous breast, her stiffened nipples, letting her claws softly rub and squeeze the soft flesh. Meanwhile, putting her tail to use, her tail tip curling up between her legs and rubbing her sensitive slit through the fabric of her panties. Moments later, the tip curled into the top of her panties, hooking them and slowly pulling them down and revealing her nether lips.

Feeling quite satisfied with her show, Alexia climbed onto the bed with Steven and Lynn. Using their positions, both of the well-endowed dragonesses pinned the smaller human between their sizable cleavage. Steven had half a mind to complain, but felt keeping his mouth shut was better for his health. He shut his eyes and decided to just submit to them.

Ever so slowly, Alexia and Lynn let their claws wander softly all over Steven's body. Low pleasurable growls and purrs escaped their lips. Their eyes met, followed immediately by their lips locking in a lustful kiss over Steven's head. Their tongues entwined with one another, claws shifting back and forth from their human plaything and each other.

Steven couldn't help but become aroused, pressed between the two large females with their claws all over him and themselves. After some doing, he managed to writhe his hands to his waist to undo his pants and let out his cock. He unconsciously reached forward and wrapped his arms around Alexia's hips and began to slowly rub. Meanwhile, behind him, Lynn's shaft was doing plenty of rubbing of its own against Steven's back, leaving parts drenched in her pre.

After a while, Lynn and Alexia slowly broke their kiss. The looked down at Steven with warm and lust-filled smiles. Without a word, Lynn released Steven and slipped off the bed while Alexia moved forward, pinning him to the bed with her hips hovering over his own. She sat up slightly as her hips lowered, letting her wet slit rub and grind against his throbbing cock. His hands reached up to rub and squeeze her amazing breasts, making her moan and growl. He began to rock his hips up and down in time with her grinding, making both of them want each other more.

Steven, though lost in the wonderful experience, noticed Lynn move in behind Alexia. She had a wicked smile on her snout with her cock throbbing proudly before her. She leaned forward and started grinding it against the base of Alexia's tail, leaking more of her pre all over her red scales. Alexia turned slightly and returned the wicked smile before raising her tail high and thrusting her hips down onto Steven, slipping his cock into her pussy. Steven's eyes went wide for a moment, followed by Alexia as lynn took hold of her hips and pushed her massive length into her tailhole, burying it to her hilt.

The three of them laid their panting for a moment, letting their minds catch up to the ecstasy before all of them began working their bodies into a smooth and passionate rhythm of lovemaking. Moans and purrs filled the entire underground, mixed with the sounds of flesh and scales slapping together. Lynn reached forward and let her claws grope and squeeze Alexia's wonderful breasts along with Steven as she he thrusts began to pick up speed and force. Alexia winced slightly in a mixture of pleasure with a bit of pain as her tailhole was taken quite hard. Her tail wrapping around Lynn's hips and pulling her in time with her own thrusts, which in turn caused her to ride Steven even harder and faster.

Steven could feel the pressure build in his loins, and the intense moans and growls made by the dragons told him the same of them. It felt like they were going at it for hours, but none of them were giving in. Their thrusts and and panting grew faster and faster, all of their climaxes quickly building. Steven was the first to go. His head flew back as he erupted a nice load of cum into Alexia's hungry depths. Moments later, Alexia reached her peak. Her pussy clamped down on on Steven's cock, milking every drop of his seed that he could produce. Not long after that, Lynn, letting out a roar, slammed into Alexia's rear and flooding her ass with a torrent of of thick dragon cum. Her climax lasted for a while, causing her seed to overflow and leak from her tailhole and drip down her legs.

The three remained locked together for quite some time, slowly taping off and recovering from the intense session of sex. After almost 20 minutes of the pleasure subsiding and trying to regain their breath, they slowly, though reluctantly, pulled themselves apart. Alexia and Lynn flopped onto the bed on either side of Steven. The cuddled up close to him, sandwiching him between them yet again. Steven found it quite comfortable, especially finding his head on and against two sets of very large and very soft dragon tits. Alexia rubbed her claw on her human pet's head with a smile.

"Mmmm" she purred, "good boy. You performed quite well tonight, and we still have 5 more days to go." Steven, though knowing in the back of his mind that he was still a prisoner, found himself rather liking the idea. His eyes slowly closed, preparing to drift off into sweet sleep.

"Gods babe," Lynn chimed in as she started to drift off as well, "That was amazing as always. Hehe, you really are a wonderful sister."

"....Sister?" Steven mumbled, before his body and mind finally gave in to exhaustion and a deep sleep.