The Last Tale- Chapter Four

Story by Bammer on SoFurry

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#4 of The Last Tale

Hello again, readers! Not much to say here, hope you're still having fun! Remember to read, review and give any CC. ^.^

Chapter Four

I awoke in a stuffy, dimly lit place. For half a heartbeat I thought that maybe it had all just been a very weird, very bad dream. And then the rest of my sense checked in and I knew it was all too real.

There was noise- creaking sounds that mostly came from below me and murmuring sounds that came from all over. There were smells- something like herdbeasts was the only recognizable one. There was the fact that I was moving and bouncing around too. I definitely was not home.

I looked around and saw that I was lying on a wood floor, and that there were thick bars that surrounded me. I reached forward and rapped my talons against one of the bars. They were hard like rock, but rang softly under my touch. There was something covering the cage, a tarp or something, that was blocking most of the light and making the cage so dim.

I tried to stand and found myself held to the floor by something wrapped around my middle. I squawked softly and strained against it. I didn't notice when the cart stopped, but I noticed when the tarp was ripped off of my cage. The amount of light was blinding, and I ceased struggling in favor of peering around.

As my eyes adjusted I got a good look at my captors. They were beings much smaller than I that walked on two legs. They were covered with an outer skin of many colors, but around their hands and faces they had soft skin that was any variety of brown. Their heads were topped with hair, some longer and some shorter, that also came in any variety of brown. One had hair the color of gold, and two had hair the color of midnight. Some also had hair on their lower faces.

My eyes met the blue eyes of the one with the golden hair. I screamed then, and strained against my bonds. He looked surprised. At least, that was what I thought. There were some of the murmuring sounds from behind me, loud and insistent, before I felt a pain in my flank and fell over.

I awoke in the same cage some time later and peered around. This time it was dark, but otherwise all was the same. This time I screamed for Yilell. I got a few good yells when the tarp was once again removed and then I was sleeping again.

The third time I awoke I just lay still until my mind had shaken the sleep-fog. I counted to three, and then pushed with all of my might against my bonds. They started to snap, but then there were the harried sounds from all around me before I was stung again.

I don't know how long it took, but the fourth time I awoke I was in a different cage. I was no longer moving, and the floor was made of stone. There were still bars, but no tarp. Before me stood two of the beings. One was taller, and had darker brown hair and a scar over one of its brown eyes. It had some scruffy hair over its lower face that it was scratching at, eyeing me thoughtfully. The other was smaller, with hair that disappeared down its back. The hair was pale gold, almost white, and this one was making those sounds at the taller one, hands held out, a pleading look on its face. At that moment I realized that those sounds were communication. I also looked hard at those two, and realized that, more than likely, the taller was the male of the species and the shorter the female.

He watched as I awoke, watched as I watched them, and watched as I stood. At that moment he held out a hand to the female to quiet her, and she turned to me, a look of awe on her face. I stood, and asked, "What are you and where have you brought me?"

This brought a round of noises from the female, and narrowed eyes from the male. He finally strode forward, and made some noise at me. I charged the cage, yelling, "Where is Yilell?!" He made some sort of barking sound and I shook the bars of my cage, straining against them with all of my might.

Try as I could, they didn't budge. With a twinkle in his eye, he turned to the female and said something, gesturing back at me. She looked back at me, slightly worried, and shook her head. He shrugged, and moved away.

I dropped back down, realizing that my strength wasn't going to get me out of this, and sat. She watched me for a few more moments, a thoughtful look on her face, and then followed the man out.

Shortly thereafter, a younger being whose gender I couldn't discern came into the room, bearing freshly slaughtered meat. For a heartbeat I entertained not eating, but then realized that being weak wouldn't serve me in the slightest. Plus my stomach ached with emptiness and made a horrific gurgling noise. So I just backed up to the back of my cage and waited for my food to be deposited. The young thing was shaking rather badly as he dropped off the meat, and ran once his task was accomplished, his smell sharp with something that smelled like fear. I shrugged, and ate my fill.

I paced my cage after that, shaking bars here and there, looking for a weakness in the stonework. There was nothing I could exploit and after a while I settled down for a nap. Beings came and went, looking at me and making those sounds. I would try talking to them, but it wasn't long before I realized that I couldn't understand them and they couldn't understand me. I had no idea what their plans were for me, but I knew that there would be no diplomatic solution to this problem.

The sun rose and set three times while I sat in that cage. I was reduced to relieving myself in a corner since they wouldn't let me out. It smelled horrible and I was beginning to think I would never smell fresh air again when the man from the first day came in, trailed by the woman from the first day. Her eyes appeared wet and she was shaking her hands at the man. He took this for a few moments before he whirled around, yelling at her. She shook her head, cast me a despairing glance, and then headed out of the room. He looked at me as a group of them came in, one carrying a tube. I rose and cocked my head, meeting his brown eyes. The one with the tube raised it to his lips, and I felt the now-familiar pain in my flank, followed by darkness.

When I awoke this time I was in a different room. I was strapped to a contraption that held my talons, and there was something wrapped around my beak. I was grateful that at least this room didn't smell like my excrement, but I was far from comfortable. I looked around wildly, unsure of what this could possibly mean. And then I smelled something I had never expected to smell here.

Male. His sharp musk penetrated the air, and burned my nares. I looked around and tried to say something, but then remembered that my beak was held shut so all I could do was mumble.

"Oh goodness, they have you all trussed up, now, don't they?" The voice was a deep bass rumble, and came from behind me.

I mumbled louder.

"Yes well, I guess since you don't speak and aren't from my neck of the woods I'll just have to explain some things to you. I don't know if your eyrie has a seer or not, and frankly I don't care. I know this isn't how things are supposed to be, but you need to just relax, everything is going to be fine." At that he pushed his beak up against my nethers and started licking.

I was startled, to say the least. I made a squawking sound and tried to lunge forward, but was stopped by the thing I was strapped against. Wasn't how this was supposed to be? That was certainly an understatement! A male, who I'd never seen before, was licking at my most private place! There was supposed to be fireside cuddling before this! Maybe a shared herdbeast or two! I squawked and lunged forward again, squirming my backside away from his beak.

"Oh, come now, don't be such a priss." Came the disgruntled voice from behind me. My nethers had started to throb from the attention, but my brain was screaming to run, run! I brought my wings down and managed a hiss. He sighed behind me, walking forward into my field of vision.

He was big. Much, much bigger than me around the chest. He glared down at me, his bright red eyes flashing from his black-feathered face, his red-furred backside with its black stripes and swishing long tail. He was stockier than me, thicker through the chest, with broader wings. He was a very handsome beast, even if his lack of a tail tuft and exotic striping would've had him standing out in our crowd. Handsome or no, there was still the matter of me being tied down.

"There is a great evil coming. I don't know how much the humans know, but I've heard the prophecies. The great evil is coming from across the mountains, and it will take a being of two species to save us. It seems like you are to be the vessel for the savior, wrought from my loins!" At that he puffed out his chest and looked grand.

If my beak hadn't been tied shut, my jaw would've hit the floor. He's clearly mad!

All I could say was, "MMMRPHHH!"

He strutted back behind me, positioning himself once again. "Now, just hold still!"

I felt his talons on my hips as he mounted me, preparing to penetrate me.

I did the only thing that there is for a female in this position to do. I pushed with all of my might and sprayed a jet of piss all over his scarlet-furred underbelly.