My little Pony: Guardians of Equestria pt. 6

Story by eragon13666 on SoFurry

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#6 of MLP:GOE

"So mind me Pinkie Pie always so...happy go lucky so to speak?" Victoria, or as we now called her as Vicky, because she thought that her full name sounded too much like a older women, and how much Vicky seemed to for her; asked the small group before her as she had a plate of food before her. Her hair was a lot cleaner then that of when she first came to Ponyville, being now straight with slight curls at the top of her shoulders. Rarity had long since given her many new clothing to wear, though she wore a style that being much of a tom-boy in a way. The jeans she wore were pale blue, they hugged her legs tightly, and her black v shape neck loose shirt. Sitting around the large table outside of the café was myself, on ether side sat Sonic Flash, and Twilight. Next sat Devon, with Cloudy Skys and Rarity on ether side of him, and lastly, Mike with Applejack and Sapphire Bloom. I chuckled as I took a bite out of the salad I was eating, after living here for nearly three years, you tend to eat more healthier then what you were used to eating.

"Oh yeah," I answered with a nod. "She'll try to find anyway, and I mean anyway to throw a party."

"Yeah I know," She answered with a nod. "The first day I started to work with her, she had this little thing that poofed colorful paper in the air, saying that I completed my first day of work." I chuckled, remembering she did the same thing to me. "Anyway Brandon...and also Devon and Mike. Do you mind if I ask you three something?"

"Sure, go right ahead," Mike answered taking a sip from his drink.

"Well, I've heard that you three had it you mind telling me a bit of your pasts?"

Now that I think of it, I truly didn't know of Mike's nor Devon's pasts, I never did ask them about it because I truly didn't care about. They barley knew of mine, all I said was of what my father did, and the little things I knew of the three new humans, of who are working with my father Sinbad.

"Who do you want to hear first?" I asked putting my chin on top of my knuckles giving her a blank like look as she turned to look at me. I sighed and straighten up as I crossed my arms and closed my eyes as I started to tell my tale.

"My father was a man with great power, and not the good kind ether. Before I was even ten, I found out about the 'family work' so to say. I truly didn't know what he did before then, he told me that he was teaching people who crossed him to behave, I thought he was some sort of police officer or something; boy was I wrong." I sighed and shook my head, opening my eyes to watch her as she sat back to listen. "Once I found out that he was a kingpin of a large ring of shady men and women of the sort. This is when I went to my mother to truly know if this was true. When she told me all she knew, I'll tell you, I hated her for it, to allow him to do this and not tell the police, but then I knew...just how much power he truly had." I sighed and looked away. "When I was ten, I watched him and his lackey beat a man to death before me, for leaking something that didn't make any sense to me. First chance I got a few years later, I ran...I just ran." I ended my tale there, which was pretty much my history; short but not sweet at all. She just gave me a look of pure shock in a way, I smiled slightly, but not a kind smile. "You know what they say, what doesn't kill you makes you stronger? Everyday I thought when he was going to kill me, I always thought that on that day, I had to get stronger, every breath I took, could've been my last. That is why even today, I still train, I still fight; readying myself for the day, when we face off for the last time."

"Whoa..." she muttered softly as I only nodded, I could see that Sonic was also watching me, his mouth slightly opened as I never really went into the detail of my past like that with him. "And I thought I had it rough..."

"HA!" Devon yet out a short laugh. "My life was way more colorful then that shit!"

"Oh really?" I challenge him with a raised eyebrow. "Go on then, tell us your story!"

"Okay, so this is what happened to me, seems my pops left after one night, so a one night stand really. And after many years, around the time I was thirteen, my mother grew ill...I was hyper back then."

"Was?" I asked tilting my head. "You still are!"

"Hyper, no; crazy, yes." I only rolled my eyes and watched as he put on his famous cocky smile, god I was really started to hate that smile. "Anyway, about four mouths after she fell ill..she passé don, leaving me with nothing to my name but my father's red sweater, you know, the one you saw me in when we first met each other?" I nodded, he barley wore it anymore, but he sometimes did, the sweater and other such clothing, like jeans, seemed to fit him a lot more better then that of the red tux he was now wearing. "Anyway, after a few weeks on the streets, I went under the wing of a local gang, you now, little stuff. Selling coke and other such things as well as being a paper boy to them."

"Did you by any chance smoke your own stuff?" I could tell that the ponies around us had no idea what we were talking about, but Vicky and Mike surely knew what I was getting at. Devon just waved his hand at me before leaning on his forearm on the table.

"Come on man, I may be a little crazy,"

"You would have to get better to be crazy," I answered him as he blinked in confusion.

"I would have to be better to's so nice,"

"Eh, I try."

"Anyway," he answered rolling his eyes. "No, I did not smoke, snort, or inject anything I was selling, I don't roll like that."

"So what happened after that daddy?" Cloudy Skys asked as she moved closer to hear as Devon smiled and went on.

"Well, one night, the boss told me to go to this warehouse, I wasn't really sure why, there was some word going around that a rat was in the gang. It wasn't me if that's what you're thinking. Anyway, so I go there, and it's a rival gang, seems they wanted something that I was carrying, course I knew how to defend myself. Being the youngest of the gang you learn to fight." He then looked away, as if thinking. "I don't know what happened next...all I remember was being hit in the head hard, blacking out; and waking up...with me being the only one alive." I brought my hand on my chin as I listened carefully to his story, that part got me to thinking, what happened after he blacked out?

"I got lucky then, you see, this old man that ran this juice bar found me, gave me a job to work for him. I took the job, leaving the gang, they thought I was dead anyway. Anyway, a few years passed after that, and one day, Darkness kidnapped me...and well you guys know the rest of that story."

No one really said anything for a while. It was weird hearing about Devon's upbringing, I mean; he sold drugs and did things like run with a gang and such. I didn't know if my life or his life was worst, I guess it just depends on how people, or ponies; think on it. And yet, as I watched him, he just held a huge grin on his face, not a care in the world, but when he spoke about when he blacked out, I saw something. Only a flicker, but something all the same, something I would never think of seeing from him; fear, true and down right fear. What happened to Devon on that fateful day when he was knocked out, did the gang he ran with came and killed them off, also thinking that he was dead? Or was there something more to the story, something that he didn't know; or didn't want to know.

"If ya'll don't mind," Mike spoke up as he cleaned his face with a napkin. "I rather not speak of my past just yet. It's rather...hard for me to speak of what happened ta me, or should I say, someone else."

"Hey we don't mind," I answered with a nod. "Remember, it took me a while to tell you of my past right? You'll tell us when you think you are ready."

"Yeah homes!" Devon nodded along side me with his same old grin. "Anyway, I got to go anyway, Fluttershy is gonna help me pick out a pet!"

"Did she freak out when you said you wanted one?" asked Twilight as the dark skin human chuckled.

"Oh yeah, she was dragging me across the field!" we all laughed and bid our farewells. Since it was spring, the apples were just about coming out now, in fact many of the trees had apples already, so Mike with the help of Applejack and Sapphire Bloom, would be working on picking some of the apples showing their bright red colors. Cloudy Skys came with me, Twilight, and also Sonic Flash, the two little foals talking for a bit before I over heard the two talk.

"So when is Vlad coming again to visit?" the filly asked on her small cloud, hanging low toward the ground.

"I dunno," Sonic answered her. "Why do you want to know?"

"No reason," she answered almost too quickly. "He's kinda cool."

"Well he IS my younger brother," Sonic Flash answered, I swear, I could only think of him hold a coy like smile at the way he said it.

"Yeah, so how is HE cool, but you're not?"

"Hey..." Sonic grumbled as Cloudy giggled slightly. "So is your mom still bugging you about the hair thing?"

"You mean the green streaks? Yeah she wants me to get rid of them, but I love grin!" I then leaned closer to whisper to Twilight.

"Man, a mother who hates green and a daughter who loves it...wonder how her room looks," Twilight held back a giggle at this as we made our way toward the large library/home.

Walking in, I noticed Spike putting some books in a case, even though he was taller and growing older, he was still working for Twilight by delivering books to and from our home. What I also noticed was what he was wearing. Just as he told me days ago when we found him wearing one of Devon's old jeans, he had taken up the habit of wearing clothes. Rarity had made him a small wardrobe to start him off just in case he didn't wish wear any more. Today he was wearing a deep blue pair of baggy jeans and also a grey vest, with the letter S on the right side of flaps. The curves of the S near the 'tail' looking much like that of Spike's own tail in a way. Putting a book into the shelf, I also noticed that he wore grew fingerless, or nail-less gloves.

"Hey Spike!" Sonic called out as the dragon turned over to look at the foal running upt o him. "Man I love your clothes, they make you look epic!" Spike only smiled as he brought his claws to his hips and grinned, before his right thumb flicked over his nose.

"Yeah I guess so huh, I mean at first they were a little weird to wear, but now I'm sorting liking it."

"Suits you," I told him as he looked up. "The vest I mean, I don't really see you wearing a long sleeve shirt or sweater."

"Nah, they make my scales itch." We both chuckled as well as Twilight as she came over. "Oh Twilight I nearly forgot, that book you wanted came in today, it's on your bed."

"Ah thanks Spike," the purple unicorn answered with a smile. "Anything else?" she asked as I watched Sonic and Cloudy go up toward his room. Sonic found this gem stone and wanted to show Cloudy, and he had it where Spike wouldn't find it.

" you think I can speak to Brandon alone?" he asked as I looked over to him and raised an eyebrow at him.

"Sure, I'll be busy anyway reading this book." So with a nod, she turned and went up the stairs, leaving me and Spike alone.

Spike went over to lean on the nearest wall as I went over and took two bottle of juice, the kind that Devon made from his little shop. The bottle being that of white, with a cartoon version of Devon on the bottle, showing two thumbs up with his eyes closed and a wide smile; pretty much the same face he made two years ago when I first tasted his juice. The name of his shop, 'The Devo' easily seen under the picture, on top showing 'Don't knock', his slogan. Passing the bottle to Spike who opened it and took a sip, I also lent my body on the wall as I did the same.

"So what is this about?" I asked taking another quick sip. We both let out a gasp of air, before softly hiccupping.

" see," He started while sighing and closing his eyes. "There's...this girl I like."

"Wait...not Rarity?" I asked in slight shock as he smiled and shook his head.

"You were right man," he told me looking over at me. "And now that I think of it, me being upset on the past, hating on Devon for taking my first crush; that will just ruin the friendship we have."

"So...who's the lucky girl you like?" I asked as Spike then looked down, I watched as he tapped the floor with his foot nails, he didn't wear any shoes at all.

"You promise not to tell anypony?" he asked me as I nodded.

"Cross my heart and hope to fly, stick a cupcake in my eye." I then placed my fist on my eye as he rolled his eyes.

"Aren't you getting a little old to be doing that?"

"Aren't you getting a little old to be looking though porno?" his face tightened at once as I laughed. "Kidding man, but yeah I promise I won't tell, who is she?"


I didn't say anything after that for a while, Vicky, as in Victoria? The Victoria that just came to Equestria a little over a week ago?

"Really?" I asked, I mean, Spike didn't show any sighs of liking the girl when they were around at all. The dragon nodded as he sighed.

"But...I don't know if something like that could even work...I mean we are different..." at that I burst into a fit of laughter as he glared at me. "What's so funny?!" he demanded as I sighed and wiped away the tears.

"Spike man, my wife is a unicorn, and our son is a Pegasus, if we can work, why can't you two?" the humanoid dragon turned to look at me as I lifted my bottle up a bit and smiled. "Look, all I'm saying is don't just go up to her right now and say that you have this crush on her. Spend some time with her at first, see if these feeling for her are real you know?" I watched as Spike seemed to think this over for a moment and then slightly nod his head. "And as I said, I won't tell anypony,"

"Nor shall I." we both jumped and looked down to see Vlad standing before us, still wearing that same cape like before as he looked up to us with his half closed eyes. "Hello father, Spike." He nodded to each of us. "Is my brother upstairs?"

"Uh...yeah, he's with Cloudy Skys up there."

"Alright, thank you." and with that he made his way up the stairs before we then heard the yelp of surprised coming from ether Sonic, or Cloudy.

"The way he does that," Spike told me as I turned to look at him. "Is kinda freaky, almost how Pinkie Pie pops out of anywhere at any given time." I only chuckled and nodded at this, the bottle I had now empty as I took it toward the trash can. "Well, I'm going to go out for a bit, tell Twilight I'll be back before it gets too dark."

"Where are ya going, if you mind me asking?" I asked washing my hands in the sink as Spike sighed.

"Well," he answered almost toward the door. "This place is getting a little cramped now you know, I mean, with Sonic, you and Twilight living here, it's like I'm just extra space."

"So you've been looking for a place for your own?" I asked as Spike nodded.

"Just don't tell Twilight just yet alright, I don't want her to make a big deal out of this. I mean, sure in a way she is like a mother to me. She has taken care of me ever since I hatched." I nodded to this as I smiled my agreement to him, and with that; he turned and left with a wave of his claw.

After letting Twilight know that Vlad was here and with Cloudy Skys and Sonic, I left the house to get some fresh air, that is, not without taking my sword with me. Clipping it on my back and making my way outside, I noticed some new faces in Ponyville; these being the ponies whose homes were taken over. Since we now had a whole kingdom around, it was no that hard finding places for them to live. Some even went to the homes in ether my city or Devon's City, though many decided to ether come to Ponyville, Cloudale, or stay within Canterlot. Some of the new ponies bowed their heads as I walked past, I only giving them a small nod and a smile as I went on with my own. I was just minding my own, until I noticed something come flying toward me; was that...a parrot? It was too, as it flew closer and closer to me, I noticed the color of blue and yellow easily. It stopped before me and hovered for a bit as if waiting for something, so bringing my hand out, it landed on it and cocked it head toward the side.

"Well hello there little one," I spoke as I went to pet its head with my finger as it softly cooed and nuzzled my hand. "And who do you belong to?"

"Ark!" it yelled out flapping its wings. "Prison Bitch, Ark!" at once, my smile went away as a frown came onto my lips.

"Oh...I know who you belong to..."

"Sup bro!" I looked behind the bird to see Devon standing there with his arms crossed as he held a huge grin on his face. "I see that you've met my new pet."

"Ark, Brandon's a prison bitch!" I turned down and glared at the bird as it only tilted its head as Devon laughed.

"Devon...I'm gonna kill your bird."

"Oh come on man, he just repeating what he hears!"

"Just repeating, just repeating!" the bird confirmed the half human, half unicorn words as he flapped his wings.

"Yeah, yeah whatever, anyway if your looking for your daughter." I pointed with my thumb behind me. "She's hanging with Vlad and Sonic at the house."

"Alrighty, thanks man, come along Polly!" the bird then took off into the air, and as the duo left the bird screeched out.

"Bye, bye prison bitch; ark!"

"I'm gonna make that bird into KFC if it keeps calling me that!" I screamed as Devon laughed loudly.