Family Days 19

Story by Grizzled Bear on SoFurry

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#19 of Family Days

Ben is slowly finding himself hanging out with two certain wolves quite a bit more. And whenever one spends more time with another person, one is bound to make certain discoveries about the other--be those good or not.

Well, this update feels like it's within a decent bit of time--sorry it took a bit though! Hope everyones' new year is going well!


"Oh..." Ben let out, feeling something strange rushing through him. It had started out so innocently! He'd gone over to Marion's for their date, smiling and even bringing a flower, and blushed through the fact that Chris opened the door. Soon enough he was face to face with the wolf who told him he had big plans. And with a quick kiss he felt his fate was set in stone, and well, to say certain things hadn't gotten hard a little bit after their trek would be untrue.

"Come-on Big-guy, give me all you got," Marion panted with a grin, his tail wagging away as they continued their sweaty task.


"We're almost can d--Oh!"

"Are you OK?" Ben asked with concern, his paws quickly falling over Marion's side as they both stopped the mutual task with a mutual goal. He stared down at his boyfriend with concern, wondering if the small yelp that had escaped the wolf would be enough to draw back Chris's attention--he hoped not.

"Yeah...feel great actually," Marion replied, quickly returning to a happy rhythm they had built up what felt like hours ago. He didn't wait for Ben and let his paws grasp out to get settled, quickly shooting off again.

" the hell did I convince you to take me on a hike?" Ben asked, watching as the wolf did what looked a lot like a dance between the many small saplings in their path. He wiped at some more sweat at his brow before hurrying off after the wolf, ever reminded of his lack of cardio through the hike.

"Because you wanted to come, remember, I said we didn't have to,"

"Yeah, yeah....this is just showing me I should probably take a walk more often I guess," Ben replied with a huff, stopping and leaning against a tree after having tackled a particularly difficult incline that was stopping off. He wanted to lean over to catch his breath but knew that wasn't something wise to do, and soon enough kicked his leg forward, if only to keep the blood pumping in him.

"You OK?" Marion asked, looking at Ben and then ahead of them and then back to the bear. He wanted to hurry up, a bit anxious to make sure they could get to the top and at the same time not wanting to rush the bear.

"Yeah, just give me a moment to catch my breath,"

"OK, well, we're almost there, OK?" Marion asked, relaxing a bit too and taking in a deep breath, "I love hiking,"

"I enjoy it...but I realize I need to probably start some sort of cardio routine,"

Marion chuckled a little and moved by the bear's side as Ben began to move forward. He jokingly let one of the bear's arms be cast around his shoulder, as if he was hauling the bear and began to pant heavily.

"Oh don't be a jerk," Ben replied, pushing Marion away with a laugh.

"Fine...didn't want to be near you sweat too much,"

"And you're any better?" Ben asked, knowing the answer. He was a sweater--there was nothing he could do about it. The front of his shirt and even the back were wet with his labors, but he'd stopped caring if people thought it was gross a long time ago; it was better than over heating after all. Marion's shirt was a bit wet too, though not to the same extent, and he couldn't deny that some of it was probably from the fact that the wolf wasn't struggling with the hike as much as he was.

"Well, I'm a bit better I think," Marion replied, smirking as he saw the clearing to the lookout ahead. He picked up his pace to a jog, looking back over his shoulder at Ben, "And come-on, we made it!"

The sight awaiting the two was amazing, the city behind them and a vast amount of forest and nature being all the eye could see from the top of the mountain. Marion stared out at it and soon found Ben next to his side. He smirked at the bear, noting how he didn't stand as close, and after a moment put a paw around his waist and jerked him closer--wanting to let Ben know he hadn't meant what he said about the bear being sweaty. And if he had to admit it, he was kind of enjoying the musky scent that came with it all.

" is beautiful," Ben said, smiling out at the sight he had worked so hard to obtain and wishing he'd brought a camera. He was still breathing heavily and let out a small sigh.

"It is...but...come-on...let's sit down, OK?" Marion asked, concerned about Ben and just how heavily he was breathing; it sounded heavy and needful.

"OK," Ben replied, not minding a bit of relaxing, knowing just how much he needed it. He moved over and leaned against one of the larger rocks, trying to repress of hacking cough but losing. He took in a deep breath, hoping to avoid what he felt coming on.

"Ben...are you OK?" Marion asked, moving over and rubbing over the bear's upper back. There was a look of concentration on Ben's face, and he felt a bit of increase in his heart rate that wasn't due to the hike for once.

"I'm...Ok...just..." Ben let out, shaking his head a little. He didn't want to have an asthma attack, he didn't want to appear weak, but he knew just how stupid that was--that first off it wasn't like his attacks cared about how he looked, and that worrying about his appearance wasn't exactly supposed to be his top concern.

Still, one of the very reasons he wanted to appear strong was soon rounding a corner.

"Is he OK?" a new, but still familiar, voice asked from where the leaves seemed to scatter aside as Chris appeared from a different trail, seeming completely better off than the two older furs who were breathing heavier, despite what to him had seemed like a very slow pace. But Ben's breathing was worse than he thought appropriate for a hike. It seemed more like the bear was having trouble.

"J--Just..." Ben let out before wheezing again, clasping a paw to his chest. A second passed before instinct took over though and his paw shot down to his pocket and dug about for a few moments, fiddling about with his inhaler. He quickly inhaled again, feeling the great relief that came with it and holding it in for just a moment before repeating the process, afterwards taking careful breaths.

A minute passed before Ben opened his eyes, the sight of two concerned wolves staring intently at him being the first thing he noticed. Heat ran into his cheeks and he began to scratch at his sweaty chest, "Sorry...about that,"

"Are you OK?" Chris asked, wondering just what they would do if the bear wasn't. Ben was a big guy--and despite his admiration of his father and the strength he knew the wolf could be capable of, there was no way they would be able to carry Ben. Would they get a helicopter to pick him up? Would they leave him? Would one of them ha--

"Oh, yes, I'm fine...don't worry," Ben said, giving a grunt as he forced himself up to his feet and threw his paws behind his head to breathe better. He smiled at the pup and rolled his eyes, "I've just got a small case of asthma...not sure if you knew that,"

"Oh," Chris let out, not sure if it changed his opinion on Ben or not. At first he hadn't been quite enjoying Ben's accompanying him and his father on the hike--even if he knew he was the one who had been invited on their date. The bear was slower than he would've liked, and didn't exactly seem like he was too used to long walks, but now he wasn't sure if that wasn't just because Ben had asthma. And well, it wasn't like he was expecting he could judge the bear off how well he did in a hike, right?

Marion felt his nose winkle a bit at the bear's words. "You've got a bit more than a small case Ben," he added from the side, not wanting the bear to down-play the severity of his condition just to make Chris think better of him. He knew Ben's case was a bit more than mild, but not quite as severe as some other furs. Still, the bear's asthma was nothing to look over.

"Heh...well...I'm fine now," Ben replied, wanting to just cast the issue away. A small coughing spurt began, but he tried to contain it. He didn't want to be hacking up all the mucus while the two were around. He looked around and pointed to a small area of trees, quickly moving over and explaining himself away.

The two wolves watched the bear for a few moments, both with varying levels of concern in their eyes. After a moment Chris looked over at his father, "Did...I do something wrong?"

Marion's ears twitched and he looked over at the pup, "What do you mean?"

"I...I mean, I didn't go too fast or anything....right?" Chris asked, having been the one to decide which trail they had taken and everything. And after the first hour he'd left the two alone anyway, going off on his own. He waited every so often for them, by his father's command, so that he didn't get lost or anything. Still, he knew his dad probably sped up a few times to catch up, and that Ben had had to do so also. He hadn't meant to cause an asthma attack.

"Oh Chris, trust me, none of this is your fault," Marion replied and moved over to his son. He patted him quickly on the shoulder and smiled down at him, "You can't control asthma or anything, and the best we can do is be prepared. You know what asthma is right?"

"Yeah...for the most part," Chris replied, remembering a bit about it from biology.

"OK, well, Ben's got a bit worse case than most, but it's nothing bad,"

"So...he's not sick or anything is he?"

Marion chuckled a little and shook his head, "'s just a pre-existing condition. In our society, it's becoming more of a nuisance than an actual problem," he explained simply to Chris, knowing it wasn't entirely true but not feeling like getting into the problems of rising cases of the disease, or air conditions, or the various ways to tackle it, or how it might affect people later in life.

After a minute Ben returning, having coughed up a bit of mucus from his lungs and feeling much much better now. It was one part of having asthma that annoyed him even more than the trouble breathing; the sometimes continuous hacking up stuff. Of course, it was always worst during the pollination months--which he made sure to try and avoid by taking some extra medications, and even then he knew his doctor could give him something to help. "Sorry about that you two..."

"You sure you're OK?" Marion asked.

"Yeah, don't you worry about me...I may not have your pace Chris," Ben said, nodding and smiling at the pup, "But I'm hardly unhealthy enough to be taken down by a mountain,"

Chris smirked a little, not minding the compliment to his youth.

"And," Ben continued, shucking off his backpack and holding it up to the two, "I was the one carrying the food, so I think that gives me a bit of a handicap, right?"

"Heh, you wish," Marion replied. He clapped his son on the back and let out a small laugh, "But we can help you take some of that weight about we eat right here? A great view, a nice breeze...this is a good spot,"

"Yeah, that sounds good," Chris replied with a grin, and they were all soon settled down. He couldn't deny that it was sometimes enjoyable with Ben around, the bear was good with conversation. He didn't feel like a third wheel at all--and it didn't feel either of the two were trying to include him either. Actually, it didn't feel like any of them had to try and include one another in conversation.

It was nice. If this was how it was, he wouldn't mind the bear dating his father. Still, it was strange to think of them being together, but whenever he saw his dad smiling at the bear it became much easier to accept. And Ben could even make him smile--making it even easier to accept too. Of course, the fact the bear asked him if he'd finished his homework did make him remember that the bear was his teacher too.

They all sat around and ate--and then enjoyed the time at the top for close to an hour before beginning the trek back down. Unlike the journey up though the three furs stayed together. The pace was still rather tough, but not nearly terrible as going up. It was enough to make Chris feel like he was working out, was tough enough to make Marion break a sweat, and made Ben ask a few times to slow down for a water break. But in the end it was nice.


"Hey there,"

"Hey," Marion replied, smiling at the bear, "What can I get you today?" he asked, wondering why he was getting to see his boyfriend at work. It was coming in mid-week and he actually hadn't been expecting to see Ben till at least the weekend for a possible date.

"Well, I called in an order yesterday and didn't realize it would come in so quickly," Ben said, watching as Marion began to type away at the computer. "I didn't know you'd still be working, is Chris catching a ride with your neighbors?"

"You got another inhaler?" Marion asked, looking over at the bear. "And yeah...he's already got a ride...I just had to work a bit later today,"

"I lost know...I think...when we went hiking," Ben replied, scratching nervously at his cheek.

"Ben, you should've told me, we could've started looking,"

"In the that big an area?" Ben asked and rolled his eyes, "It's much less trouble to just order a new one,"

"Well...if you say so," Marion replied, knowing there was nothing they could do about it either way now.

"But...sorry, I should've told you," Ben added, hoping he hadn't made the wolf angry at him. Even if Marion had been angry, he couldn't help but take a bit of solace in knowing the wolf would be angry out of concern for him.

"It's least you go a new one...which if you'll wait right here I'll go get," Marion said, moving off to retrieve the small item for his boyfriend. He quickly returned, a small bag in paw and beginning to go through the standard procedure. "Oh...umm, Ben......" Marion began, looking back and forth from his work place and wondering if he was doing something immoral or not. There was really no one around--it was a slow day. But how could he be doing something wrong? He was talking to his boyfriend, who had to come by his workplace to pick up medicine.


"I get off in ten minutes...and I need your help at the house, do you think you could wait and come by and help me?"

" problem," Ben replied, looking around the store, "So...can I just sit and wait?"

"Yeah, I'll be off as soon as I can,"

Ten minutes later Marion found himself checking his rearview mirror to make sure Ben was still there. He had caught Mary talking to the bear--asking him all sorts of questions. After promptly apologizing for his nagging co-worker they had left. Soon enough they were at the house and Marion was guiding the bear inside to the area he needed help, and they stopped right in front of a grandfather clock.

"I really want this in my office....but me and Chris couldn't quite get it. I was thinking you and me working together could take it up the stairs to my office,"

"Ok, that sounds easy enough," Ben said, rolling up the sleeves of his flannel shirt.

"Thanks for coming over to help,"

"So, is it safe to pick up?" Ben asked, looking over the clock and wondering if there was something difficult to moving it. It reminded him of a patriarch grandfather clock, and couldn't help but wonder how much one would cost.

"Yeah...I mean, you know, it's just really hea--" Marion began, turning to face Ben and his jaw dropping as he did, Ben holding onto the clock.

"Where to?" Ben asked, trying to be as steady as he could and hoping it wouldn't be a terrible haul. There weren't any great paw-holds in the clock, and he was basically just sandwiching it to himself--still, he'd picked up far heavier things before.

"Uhh....j--Just upstairs," Marion replied quickly, a mixture of emotions running through him. He was a bit worried for the clock and Ben's back at least, was shocked at the bear's strength, and a bit confused on just how the bear was doing something he and Chris hadn't been able to do--without even looking like it was difficult. "To my office...if you don't mind,"

"OK..." Ben replied and began the bit of arduous work up the stairs. He stopped after the first flight and let out a slight huff, flexing his paws and making sure he was fine to get the clock up the last little bit. With a quick intake of air he bent his knees--remembering to make sure he was doing the work with his legs and beginning his journey again.

Marion walked behind the bear, wondering what exactly he was doing. He told himself he was making sure he was protecting Ben, but that was such a lie. If the bear were to drop the clock or lose his balance what was he going to do?

Ok perhaps that answer was simple: provide cushioning.

But that was never a concern. Without making another stop Ben made the rest of the trip up the stairs and down the hall to his office. Marion felt his eyes drift a few times over the bear, confused about what he was seeing and at the same time wondering why he hadn't seen if before. He could easily recall Ben telling him of his college days and how the bear had worked out, but now it seemed much more realistic; now he could see Ben having been walking to the gym--wearing his gym shorts and perhaps even a tank-top--and pumping some iron.

"Umm, Marion...where do you want it?" Ben asked after a moment, still holding onto the clock. He couldn't exactly see around the office and really wished his boyfriend would start directing him to where he needed to be. He quickly enough got the wolf's attention, and for a few minutes they both began a bigger than planned task.

"Thank you so much Ben," Marion said a few minutes later, looking around the room and grinning at his 'new' office. He didn't mean to misuse his benefits of being so close with Ben, but the bear had said he'd been happy to help. And so he let Be help. He'd let the bear help him move the desk closer to the window that let natural light pour in, helped him move a bookcase closer to a corner, helped him put the clock next to the desk where it would be easily seen both on entering the room and on sitting at the desk, and much much more. He hadn't meant to rearrange the furniture, but he was glad he did.

"It was no problem," Ben replied, scratching a little at his chest, not breathing at all heavily or seeming very tired. A part of him felt that he had redeemed himself from the hike--at least to show that he wasn't weak. He was a bear--he could do short spurts of energy fine, and heavy lifting, well, that came to him like a duck to water.

" that it?" Ben asked, looking around his boyfriend's office and unable to help feeling a little bit envious. Still, his envy didn't outweigh his annoyance at the fact he'd just asked the question like he was trying to get away. He quickly cleared his throat and looked back, "Cause...I don't have anything to do, so if you need anything, I'm here..." Oh yeah...nice save, you know....if I didn't sound desperate now....

"No...I--I mean, well, yeah, that's it," Marion replied, still eyeing the bear a bit oddly.

"....Is...everything alright?" Ben asked, catching the wolf's eyes and looking over himself as he did. He looked fine he thought. Well, maybe his shirt was a bit ruffled, but it wasn't exactly worthy of looking at him like the wolf was doing--not rudely, but just with more interest than usual.

"Yeah, it's fine," Marion replied, blushing a bit. "It's just....well, you're strong,"

This tiem it was Ben's turn to blush. Still, he took the compliment easily enough, smiling and shrugging his shoulders as he did, "You think so?"

"Me and Chris couldn't have picked up that clock if we both worked together Ben," Marion replied, wondering if the bear was playing the humble card. A part of it didn't sound that way though--more like the bear was just a bit embarrassed to be complimented.

"It wasn't terribly heavy....I've lifted heavier things," Ben said with a small chuckle.

"What's the most you've lifted? I remember you telling me you lifted in college...but it just seems a bit more acknowledible now,"

"So you didn't believe me?" Ben asked with a small smirk.

"I believed you," Marion defended himself quickly, smiling back at the bear.

"Well....that was a bad question," Ben began, going back to the question. "My max rep or my usual routine? As a general rule for benchpressing you want to at least bench your own weight..."

"...You don't just lift?"

Ben let out a sigh and shook his head," No...there's form, there's technique,"

"Heh...well," Marion began, nodding at the bear, "All the explanations would probably go over my head,"

" don't want to hear how much I could bench?" Ben asked with a smile, wondering just what he could've told the wolf anyway. At his best he remembered lifting what others in the gym could've only dreamed of doing.

" about you just strike a pose for me?" Marion asked, smirking and flexing a bicep as he did, as if to show the bear what he meant. He got more than he bargained for though, the bear doing that and what looked like one of those poses you might see in a work out magazine. He let out a small chuckle at the sight.

"What? You asked for a pose, this is a pose," Ben growled playfully, doing a front double biceps pose for the wolf. It wasn't like he was even showing off his muscles while wearing a long sleeved flannel shirt and jeans anyway, at least he thought not. His confident demanour began to fail him quickly enough when the wolf took a step forward. His smirk fell and a look of nervousness fell over him, "What are you doing?"

Marion noted the change and took a small step back, "Sorry...was just going to feel your bicep I guess," he replied, not having wanted to make the bear uncomfortable.

"You really want to?" Ben asked, not minding the idea.

"Sure..." Marion replied, and after a few tentative touches, and awakward smiles at the other he felt a bit more comfortable feeling his boyfriend's muscles. He pressed over Ben's chest with a paw, wondering just how long it had taken Ben to build his muscles, or if they were natural. After a moment he even asked that question.

"Well...some of it is natural," Ben replied, moving to flex the muscles along his torso, "I know, bears have a bit more strength than most, but I definitely worked to get it too,"

"Cool...lots of work it feels like,"

"It paid off....I've lost some of it," Ben noted, knowing he'd put on a bit of heft along his chest and thighs mostly--though he thought it made him look a bit more ursine than he had in college. The wolf's paws ran over his back and he let out a small laugh, "Not with your fingers...I'm ticklish! And don't you dare try to abuse that fact," he said, looking over his shoulder at the wolf and giving a fake growl.

"Oh...I'm trembling..." Marion said, before feeling over the bear's back, "'ve got a lot of muscle...some guys would kill to have this much,"

"Yeah...but maybe not the gut," Ben said, patting his stomach with a laugh.

"I like the stomach--it makes you look like you know how to eat, and a real bear knows how to eat,"

"So...a wolf is telling me how a real bear acts?" Ben asked, looking away now, if only so the wolf didn't see the redness that was in his cheeks--even if he had loved the compliment; one he was replaying already over and over in his head.

"What can I say? I've got a great model to base it off," Marion told Ben with a small grin.

"Well, if I can say's not like I got this all at the gym you know. I did work too...if you ask me, nothing beats building the body by using it without the equipment....gyms are just ways to get to a point so that you ca--"

"Cut down a tree,"

Ben culdn't help a hearty laugh, "Still on the lumberjack role?"

"Well...lumberjacks are good looking,"

"And what about high-school chemistry teachers,"

"Them too...they're both hot," Marion said with a laugh.

Ben chuckled a bit too, but was blushing much more than the wolf and couldn't help but feel like he had fished for that compliment. Still, it was given, and the wolf was feeling over his muscles--what better compliments could there be to his body?

"Lose the hides too much," Marion told the bear with a smile, and it was quickly thrown away, leaving Ben in his white undershirt that hugged his chest well. It was tucked in and showed off Ben's gut, but it wasn't unhealthy looking at all. The bear soon picked a simple pose and he couldn't help a grin at the sight. It reminded him of those furs at the Olympics who stood with the chalk on their paws before lifting some ungodly amount of weight into the air--amounts impressive for even the strongest species he was sure. Well, perhaps not exactly like that, because Ben had a thick body that wasn't pure muscle, but it certainly wasn't useless either. He imagined the bear was the type that, no matter what he did, would always be bigger than others, and could be the strongest out there and still have a gut--but a muscle gut.

"Like this?" Ben asked, grinning lightly and enjoying the attention he was getting at the moment. It had been forever since someone had looked at him as a bear who could lift more than a stack of papers to grade. He probably still looked a bit teacher-esque, with his glasses on, but he didn't mind.

"Yeah, that's good," Marion replied, still admiring his boyfriend. Perhaps it should've been obvious the first time he set eyes on Ben, and maybe he was just reacquainting himself with the features, but he let his eyes take in his boyfriend; the thick legs, arms, chest, neck, and back--all with a bit of heft but with strength he could see right below the surface. He let his paw run over the bear, sometimes groping at his arm or pressing against him to see just how easily Ben resisted the force.

Ben changed his pose a few times, blushing through the entire thing as the wolf's paws poked and sometimes ran over his body. He noted the wolf's paws, running over his stomach a bit lighter than to just feel and felt heat running all over him. After a moment he caught the wolf's, "M--Marion..."

Marion blushed under his own fur smiled at the bear, "Sorry..."

Ben snuffled, noting the wolf's paw didn't stop, and not minding that fact either. He slowly relaxed himself, eventually losing his pose and just standing straight up, smiling down at his boyfriend. After a minute he let his own paw move out, and found himself wrapping his arms around the wolf.

Marion embraced the bear, squeezing down on him and letting out a content sigh as he did. He wasn't sure where it came from, but he felt something in him that was novel, yet familiar and very missed. No matter how he tried to skew it, he couldn't help but feel safe. There was something about resting his head against Ben's chest and the bear's arms holding him closer that--even if he didn't feel precarious--made him feel secure: emotionally, physically, and even mentally.

Ben leaned down and kissed the wolf lightly on the top of his head, letting his own muzzle rest there. A smile stayed over his lips, and he couldn't help but enjoy the warmth of holding his boyfriend close, or the happiness that could come from so simple an act. It was different than holding Marion and kissing him, better in some ways and not as great in others. Focusing on just the embrace he felt stronger--like he could keep his mind on holding onto his boyfriend and not letting go; letting the wolf know he was there for him.

Neither felt the longevity of the embrace made it strange, instead it just made it better. Sometimes their paws were still, and at other times they might've moved up and down their backs or in small circles, finding new places to rest or press against. Time continued to move though and the newly placed clock began to chime. Marion peered over Ben's shoulder, seeing the time and letting out a small 'oh' of surprise.

"Everything OK?" Ben asked, running his paw up and down the wolf's back, eventually coming to let them rest on Marion's waist--as if in a slow dance.

"It's late, and I was going to make dinner tonight...but...moving the office, and...well, other things kind of made me forget," Marion told the bear with a small smile, not minding the intrusion into his plan. "I'm just going to order a pizza here!"

It was gone. As nice as it had been it was gone entirely. The mood disiapted as Marion flew out of the room like he'd just left the oven on--which was so obviously not the case. Ben couldn't help but laugh a little though, scratching over his chin and wondering what had caused his boyfriend to zoom out of the room. After a few minutes Marion returned, closing his phone behind him and his tail wagging quickly behind him.

"Ben, why don't you stay?" Marion asked, having run to ask Chris if the pup would mind them having pizza tonight, or if he would mind Ben joining them. The pup hadn't, and when Marion told him he was going to order and closed the door behind him he let out a small leap of happiness--realizing fully well how strange it was to be the parent asking to have a friend over for dinner. He'd already ordered two pizzas too.

"Oh...I wouldn't want to intrude," Ben replied quickly, put his paws in front of him as if to stop the offer. Still, it did sound nice, and he couldn't help but remember how all he'd had today was a ham sandwich and small carton of milk from the cafeteria--hardly filling.

"'d make me happy," Marion told the bear, moving up to him and letting his ears fall onto his head, "Please..."

Ben chuckled at the 'puppy eyes' the wolf gave him and after a moment had not choice but to concede, "Fine...but you have to do something for me,"

"Besides offer free food?" Marion asked with a small smile, feeling Ben's arms wrap around him again.

"Yeah...just a small thing,"

"OK...what can I do for my personal mover?" Marion asked with a smile, wrapping his own arms back around his boyfriend and squeezing him closer.

"I'll stay if you kiss me," Ben told the wolf, smirking down at the wolf who looked a bit confused but just as happy still.

"Kiss you?" Marion asked, making sure he'd heard his boyfriend correctly.

"Yeah, ki--Umph!"

The kiss was quick and short. Marion pulled back after the quick peck on the bear's lips and grinned, "Like that?"

"Yeah...that was fine," Ben replied with a small laugh, noting how their lips were closer than before and wondering just what they would do till the pizza arrived.


"I should probably get going," Ben said, looking at the clock on the wall and seeing it was nearing eleven at night. He kissed Marion on his cheek and leaned up on the couch, ruining the comfort they'd enjoyed of laying together for the past three hours.

It had been a great evening--more enjoyable a one than he'd had in quite some time. It hadn't been a date, that much was obvious, and that made it just as nice too. He'd just been at his boyfriend's house, stayed for dinner, and watched a little bit of TV. They had filled the wait for the pizza to arrive with small kisses--never a full on kiss, instead a strange mix between kissing one another and focusing on the embrace; a hybrid of sorts it seemed. The dinner hadn't been official by any means, instead with them all in the living room, the pizza box on the coffee table, and eating as they spoke and watched TV.

Talking with Chris was becoming easier and easier, and the pup had even called him 'Ben' a few times through the night. He had liked just sitting down with the wolves and relaxing--wondering if it was the type of thing they did very often. Too often over the past year he'd found himself relaxing alone; there was a definite allure to relaxing with others.

After the pizza was put away, and Chris had gone upstairs it became a bit more intimate, but still not a date. About half way into a show Ben found himself lying down on the couch with Marion nestled back into him. They didn't stray into kissing or anything other than just providing a bit of warmth for one another. Well, there were plenty of small kisses on the cheek, something neither minded at all.

The only time that it had been strange had been when Chris had come down for a small snack about an hour ago. Neither the furs had heard the pup coming and were still nestled together when he came down. It felt strange for the teacher and father, and Chris felt a bit odd seeing his dad and teacher lying together too. All of them blushed a little, but Marion made it much better by acting like it was natural.

Even the pup seeing him lying down and watching TV with his dad had seemed like progress to Ben, like it was just a small step to show Chris he was his father's boyfriend. Maybe it was obvious, but he was glad it had happened--like it put him out of 'father's good friend' and really into the boyfriend category.

"Are you sure?" Marion asked, standing and stretching along with Ben. He knew the bear had to leave, but that didn't mean he wanted him to. He felt like Ben could've stayed over, like they could've dozed off on the couch together like on one of their previous dates a few weeks back.

"Yeah...I have to get back to my apartment and get some things ready for tomorrow,"

"I'm sorry I kept you so long,"

"You didn't keep me any longer than I wanted to stay,"

"Well, I'm really glad you came over Ben. I wouldn't have gotten half of the stuff in the office done today if it wasn't for you," Marion said, hugging Ben in appreciation after he got his coat on. "And...I'm sorry I didn't see you as such a strong guy before,"

"Well...I am a bear," Ben replied, smiling as he did.

"And a strong one at that," Marion added, feeling the cold of the outside air rush into the house as the door was opened.

"Heh...uhh, y--yeah, I guess I'll see you later?" Ben asked, smirking down at the wolf and feeling great for some reason he wasn't quite sure he could explain. Well, perhaps he could. It was nice--everything about right now was nice. So nice that he didn't wait for the wolf's answer before leaning down and kissing his boyfriend lightly on the lips.

"Heh...what was that for?" Marion asked, smiling too.

"Just a small thank you for such a great evening,"

"Well...." Marion replied before leaning up and kissing the bear back. He stayed for a moment, making it the first full kiss of the day and even moving a paw to stroke over Ben's cheek as he did. After a minute he pulled back, smirking and trying to sound confident, "How about we make that our good-bye and thank you kiss...otherwise we might stay here all night 'thanking' one another,"

"OK...I guess I can settle for that," Ben replied, smiling and leaning forward before pulling back, realizing he was about to do exactly what his boyfriend had suggested be the end.

"...One more couldn't hurt," Marion said after a second, having noted the embarrassment on Ben's features at having leaned forward to kiss him goodbye but realizing that they had already said it. He accepted the kiss quickly and it ended soon enough. Behind the bear and across the street he noted a few furs walking, and couldn't help but feel a strange sense of pride at the fact he could kiss his boyfriend in the doorway--even if he had no plan to abuse it. "Good-bye Ben...and good night,"

"Goodnight Babe," Ben replied, seeing the light that jumped into Marion's eyes as he called him that--the first time. He realized it too and grinned a little, "I...can call you that, right?"

"Y--Yeah, of course,"

Perhaps it was because of everything that wasn't quite said yet. Ben moved down the stairs, feeling an odd sense of giddiness. But they were open. The entire time he hadn't worried about Chris seeing him, or about having to hide the fact that he enjoyed Marion's company. He could've just kissed his boyfriend--he had just kissed his boyfriend--right on the steps of the front door in front of the whole world without a concern in the world. He could go home, call up a friend from college and tell them about his date, or perhaps even some of his family if he wanted to. Neither of them had anything to be ashamed of--things could only get better. In his car Ben pumped his fist to his side, quickly looking about the area to make sure no one saw such a childish act, and after a moment moving a paw to his bicep. "He thinks I'm strong..." he said to himself, still letting his pride swell in his chest.