
Story by kaeori on SoFurry

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mysterious experiences reach a climactic point.

just a concept format for a story that I typed out. More so, fragments of a story all bundled together to create a common theme or over all picture of a story.

Dont really know if this is the right place to post a story like this, but Ima do it anyhow

Have you ever felt so alone,and removed from everything and everyone that you had no one to answer you most bewildering questions? Ive been so afraid to ask these questions of loved ones for fear of being labelled insane and after all, who could answer such questions? over time though the rift between me and them has been getting worse...

It wasn't always like this for me though. It all started around Five years ago.like many teens I sulked around the empty house in a kind of angsty diminished anxietal haze, much like a metaphor for my adolesence. Late in the night I stalked up to my room, brooding. As soon as I opened up the room, a wave of negativety hit me like a brick. Something was wrong, something malicious and otherworldly. In a trance I shut the door and sat on my bed, I couldn't back out now even if I tried!, I sat staring at the large chest opposite of the bed. I could sense a presence was there even though I could not see it. It wanted something from me, It tried to tell me but try as I might I couldn't understand, I could only feel. I felt as though it were reaching into my very being, as If it was touching my soul, sipping on my very being, my life, it was taking what was rightfully mine! I felt sick to my stomach yet I was so petrified I couldn't move, I'd never been so scared in my life. Suddenly I snapped from the trance and bolted from the room. I knew something had changed, but what? and what was that prensence I could sense so clearly? I needed answered but none volunteered themselves..

Since a child I had always felt senitive to spiritual things. I'd had a long stream of paranormal encounters stretching all the way back into childhood. If that wasn't enough I'd felt distant from everyone else, removed in a way as if I was viewing life from an outside perspective my whole life. Some days I didn't even feel human, many days I could look into the mirror at my reflection and not see myself staring back, as though someone else were standing in my place. I would ponder, why did I feel this way? and ask

"who are you? what are you?"

But there were no answers.

Slowly the gap between me and my family widened. I had always been interoverted but It had gotten so much worse lately. Now I felt as though I could not stand to be around people, not even them and often not even my closest childhood friends. Often times I would find myself awake in night more than day. Bike rides in the middle of the black nights were common place as well as the odd encounters.

I recall one night, the first time I ever had any concrete evidence of something other worldly. I'd stopped at the bottom of a hill in a deserted neighborhood in the middle of the night. The houses were darked chunks of shadow under the hue of the midnight blue sky. Night time was so beautiful.

Out of the corner of my eye I saw movement. On the rooftops of the shadow houses I saw a blur jump from one roof to the next. I whipped my head around to look straight at it and waited. Then, another jump and this time I saw clearly, the black shape of a man with giant wings like that of a dragon contrasted against the blue of the midnight sky in mid leap!

I was shocked, this was the sort of thing that happened in movies and I had seen it in real life! I waited for a long time but didn't see the shadow again. I didn't know what to think, maybe I had imagined it? but I knew I hadn't. Suddenly I felt very vunerable, sitting there in the middle of the street and decided to move on.

Many weird things happened after that, blackouts were common place, I would leave to go to school, a 2 km walk only to 'wake up' pushing through the doors of the highschool with no recollection of anything else happening.

Then, The climax of events, on new years four years ago. I had spent most of the night at a friends house, surrounded by friend's family. I was beginning to feel suffocated by so many people around me so I went for a walk.

It was foggy and the streets were absolutely empty, 10 minutes to midnight. perfect time for a new years by myself. I walked up to the highway at the end of the street enjoying the erie atmosphere the fog created. I looked both ways, then laid down in the middle of the road for a second. A solitary figure against the deserted road. Crazy right? I knew it was something I would never get the opportunity to do again and besides, I was feeling particularly odd that night.

I figured I had best start to walk back though I was in no particular hurry. half way back a particular feeling came over me. I felt as though my soul was brimming with energy and power that overflowed my physical boundries. I was positively extatic, something very strange was taking place. As I kept walking the feeling intensified. I was positively tingling with an energy I had never known before as though the slightest thought of motion could move me into a flurry of motion.

Next I noticed a heat in my palms, though it was like none I'd ever known. It was not a heat like the heat of a fire, but as if I had two balls pure energy like that of the sun sitting in my hand. I staggered a few more steps then stopped, my entire body tinged and my stomach wretched into knots, I crumpled to me knees as if to puke but nothing came. It felt like I was changing, or transforming and I was no longer my self. Then the strangest feeling came over me that I've ever felt and will probably ever feel again. My mind clouded with pure energy and instinct. Thought came at miles a minute and every sense in my body multiplied tenfold. I could see the tiniest detail on the ground though it was night and hear everything going on around me at once and SMELL the fresh damp of the fog like I never have again. Then instinct told me to run, and I did. I sprinted as fast as I could and shed my jacket and shoes for the will to go faster as energy flooded my entire body as though I was reaching a climax in this mysterious and thrilling change I was experiencing. And just like that, I heard and seen a family sitting in their living room laughing together, a big happy family.

The rift that had been widening shrunk at seeing that, and even for one second through my anxiety and depression I felt humanity if only for a second and all prior feeling of change dissapeared. I gathered my shoes and coat and went back, though I didn't speak of what had happened.

Later on I would come to realize that I felt something within myself was missing that used to be there, but what? I do not know. Though depression is gone and happiness is at an all time high I often find that I ask myself, 'what had happened and why? Did I miss my chance with a glimpse at a possible destiny?'

Those are questions I dont have answers to and probably never will, So my question to you dear reader is this,

Have you ever felt so alone and removed from everyone and everything that you have no one to answer or make sense your most bewildering experiences?