Dead of Winter

Story by Victor Dachs on SoFurry

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My entry for the Wintertime Contest. Hope you all enjoy!

Cold. It was all Elias could feel. His smallclothes did nothing to protect him from the cold. He wished his cougar's tail offered more warmth. The burlap sack over his head blinded him, leaving him disoriented. He knew he was meant to die. He felt the movement of his horse slow and finally stop. He heard the sounds of boots hitting the hard pack of snow as their owners dismounted their horses and walked toward him. The knots keeping him astride the mount loosened as well as his wrist restraints and he was shoved to the ground, hitting it painfully on his side. With the new-found freedom of his arms, he yanked the sack off his head, revealing the menagerie of soldiers gathered around him. He couldn't make out their faces; each one bundled against the cold with cloth. His eyes scanned the soldiers until they rested on the one uncovered face in the crowd. He couldn't help but notice how much the young wolf looked like his father, even though they were nothing alike on the inside. Tomas walked toward Elias with a stern expression on his muzzle, the judge and executioner as one, punishing the guilty. His tail, however, belied the expression. It swayed slowly against the harsh winds, showing the pleasure the wolf took in this task. Elias couldn't help but growl and lash his tail, causing the wolf's muzzle to quirk into a smile.

"Aw, my father's little pet is upset. Go on; see what good it'll do you." The wolf sneered. "Even if you knew where you were, you wouldn't reach the city before you freeze to death."

"I only need to speak to one person to get the truth out." Elias growled.

Tomas laughed haughtily. "And who will you speak to? A farmer? They always speak of conspiracy and hearsay. None of them will be heard with an open ear."

"What about these soldiers? Do they know the truth? A betrayer's company is always filled with betrayers."

The wolf's smile grew. "These soldiers are from my personal guard. They could never divulge anything about me."

"What makes you so sure?" Elias narrowed his eyes at the wolf. He would pay for this.

"Well, for one, they swore their lives to me - and only me. Secondly, well... I think it's best to show you. Terrin!" He shouted the last to the soldier to his right. The soldier responded by pulling down the cloth around his muzzle to reveal the face of a grizzled fox. He then opened his mouth, and Elias winced in disgust. The fox's tongue had been severed, the stump of a muscle ending abruptly in the fox's muzzle.

"You're sick! How could the King let you do this?" Elias yelled at the wolf, who held his smile.

"The King is standing before you. Oh, you mean my father? Well he never knew, of course, and due to his untimely murder at your hands, he never will. Anyway, it's time for me to be off. Funeral preparations and all. Give my regards to my father when you meet him in death - oh wait, I forgot. You're not royalty at all, you don't get to see his afterlife. Oh well." The wolf shrugged and left, mounting his horse with the rest of the soldiers. Elias didn't dare retaliate. It would be a swift death with no hope of survival. He had a chance - however slim - of getting out of this with his life as it stood. He couldn't be too far out--

Elias' thoughts cut off as he scanned the area, looking behind him. Mountains rose to the sky. He was much farther than he thought. He didn't think he had been unconscious long, but he was wrong. It was half a day's ride from the city at full gallop. He would never be able to make it in his smallclothes. The wolf had planned it well; Elias would die here. All he could do was sit and reflect on the day's events as he waited for the cold paw of death to take him.

Elias wondered the kitchens looking for the head cook. It was his fifth anniversary with Aeryn. They didn't really officially have an anniversary, but such was the life of a male consort. The King had to take a wife and bear children, no matter where his heart lay, and most everyone in the castle knew exactly to whom the King's affection was directed. It had taken a while for the talk to stop referring to him as "the King's cougar" and start using his name, but now it seemed most held him in high regard.

"Anton!" Elias waved at the older raccoon across the kitchens, signaling him to meet. The raccoon smiled, and after a short word to one of the other kitchen servants, he walked toward Elias.

"Well hello there, Elias!" The raccoon smiled. "What brings you here today?"

"I wanted to make a request. It's our fifth anniversary."

Anton chucked. "Oh, I know. I can remember dates." He winked. "We've already got a special dinner planned for you two. This time, however, I'm going to keep it secret."

"Aw, not even a hint?" Elias teased. "It better be good."

Anton scoffed in mock offense. "As if I could ever serve anything but the best."

Elias chuckled, "Well there was that one time with the meat cakes..."

"Ha! That wasn't me, if you recall. I never should have trusted that boar."

"Ah, yes. Kellan, right? It's been a while since I've seen him here."

"About as long as it's been since those meat cakes. I don't suffer bad cooks in my kitchen." Anton smiled.

"And the castle thanks you." Elias smiled back. "Is anyone in the dining hall?"

Anton nodded. "I think most of the lords took their lunch in their quarters today, but I just brought out plates to Lord Bren and Sammel. I can make you a plate if you'd like to join them."

"Yes, I think I will. Thanks, Anton."

The two parted ways as the raccoon scurried off, and Elias started toward the dining hall. He enjoyed talking with the servants, and it seemed many of the servants enjoyed talking to him as well. He knew many of the lords in the peerage were cold to them, but no matter how long Elias was exposed to the luxuries of being consort to the King, he could never forget the cougar that joined the army to be able to support his family and ended up working in a tavern just to survive. Even though the lords accepted him as nearly noble, the commoners made him feel at home.

After reaching the dining hall, Elias scanned the tables until he spotted two bears sitting across from each other. Lord Bren was the only gay lord in the peerage, and Sammel was his husband. They were a lucky sort. Lord Bren's wife had died years past, and since he already had children he was able to marry his lover. They were good friends of him and Aeryn. Lord Bren wasn't very high ranking in the peerage, but he was the only lord aside from Aeryn's brother that could sit and talk to the King without some ulterior motive in mind. That and the fact that they were the only other gay couple in the nobility brought about their friendship. They noticed Elias standing at the door and waved at him to join them. He obliged, taking his seat next to Sammel.

"How's it going, Elias?" Lord Bren asked as he sat.

"Pretty well. Aeryn's out hearing petitions, so I'm stuck wondering about on my own today. You?"

"As well as can be with this winter. The Landing is taking a big hit this year with the early snows. Not a day goes by where I don't get a letter from the governor complaining about how things are. A lot of the farmers had a small harvest, so it's pretty dire out there."

Bren's Landing was the land that Lord Bren presided over. It was a poorer area, filled mostly with grain farmers. The bears rarely visited; only going twice since Elias had lived in the castle.

"Symon needs to learn to take care of things himself." Sammel interjected. "He's always bothering you with the most trivial matters."

"It can't be helped, hon." Bren smiled at the other bear. "He's new at his post. He'll get better. So, Elias, have any plans for your anniversary night?"

"I'm keeping it simple this time. I just spoke to Anton, and we'll just have a nice dinner. It's hard to really celebrate an anniversary when you don't officially have one." Elias smiled at a young fox who arrived with his plate, full of what looked like lamb.

Lord Bren nodded. "Yes, I remember those days. Has Prince Tomas been bothering you anymore?"

Elias shook his head. "Surprisingly, no. Aside from the off glances, he's been fairly civil. Almost makes me think he's up to something."

"That cur of a wolf is always scheming." Sammel said. "It's really the Queen who's at fault, though. She's been against King Aeryn from the start. He should have taken someone else; anyone else."

"Be careful, Sammel." Bren warned. "That's not good talk for public. It may be true, but those are dangerous words."

Elias nodded. "He's right, though. I doubt the boy would be as bad if he spent his time with anyone else. She's been poisoning him against Aeryn and me. Especially me. Ever since I advised Aeryn at the defense council, he's had it out for me."

Bren waved a paw. "I try not to worry about the Prince while King Aeryn is still on the throne. It'll be a while yet before he's King, gods willing. On to better subjects."

Elias chatted with the bears for a while even after he finished his meal. They were good company, especially while Aeryn was occupied. After he and the bears parted ways, he returned to the chambers he shared with the King. He intended to read a book for a while until Aeryn returned, but was intercepted by the old hare who served as Aeryn's - and his - personal servant.

"Sir, sorry to intrude, but the King has requested your presence in the gardens."

"Oh, he must be done early. Thank you, Harris. I'll go see him now." The hare bowed to him as he left. It had taken Elias quite some time to get used to a personal servant, but he grew into it. He still liked doing most things himself, but he had to admit that a servant did come in handy sometimes. He walked the lengthy trip down the levels of the castle - the King's quarters were near the top - nodding his greetings to the many nobles and servants he encountered along the way. The castle was a bustling place, and his small-town habits of greeting everyone he passed were hard to abandon, even when it became almost tiresome. He finally reached the courtyard in the gardens and saw his wolf sitting on the central bench. The guards stood a short distance away. They were always near the King, but kept a respectful distance when they were together.

"Hey there, stranger." Elias said, smiling at the wolf as he stood.

"Hey, kitten." Aeryn embraced Elias, holding him tight. Elias pressed against him, and sought the wolf's muzzle out for a kiss.

"Busy day?" Elias asked after their muzzles parted.

Aeryn sighed. "Short, but exhausting. One of those days where I just want to run off and live a normal life with you by my side."

Elias laughed. "I doubt you'd want it after you've gotten a taste of how 'normal' can be."

The wolf just smiled at him. "With you there, I could handle any life."

Elias gave him a quick kiss on the muzzle. "Let's keep this one for now. So why did you want to meet me down here? It's freezing."

"I thought we could go for a short walk. I've always loved the look of the garden in the winter. Join me?"

Aeryn held out a paw, which Elias grasped. They started to stroll through the gardens, not saying a word. Elias had to admit that the wolf was definitely right. The gardens were beautiful in winter. The small dogwood and pear trees glistened with a slick layer of ice and snow, bare branches reaching out like skeletal arms. The conifers with their still-green leaves dusted with a layer of white set off the stark sterility of the others. Bushes of blooming snapdragons - planted to replace the summer flowers - gave a pop of color contrasting the harsh white landscape. It was truly beautiful.

They didn't have to say any words during their journey through the gardens. He and Aeryn had bonded so much these last five years that often the best time together was just being in each other's presence. After they made their slow circuit through the gardens and started toward the door leading into the castle, Elias finally started to feel the cold that he had been ignoring.

"I can't believe you kept me out here this long." Elias shivered as they crossed the threshold into the castle. "We could have caught a cold."

"You warm me up enough." Aeryn just smiled at him.

Elias scoffed. "Seriously, what has gotten into you? You're acting like a character from some lovers' poem."

Aeryn chuckled. "Well, it's our anniversary. I'm just getting it all out of the way for the next year. I know I'm gone a lot, and I don't say so enough, but I really do love you."

"I can handle it, puppy. I love you too."

Aeryn shook his head. "When are you going to stop calling me that?"

Elias smiled. "As soon as you stop calling me kitten."

"But it fits you so well, kitten." Aeyrn chuckled.

Elias gave the wolf a sly look. "We'll see if you can say that later."

"Are you threatening your King?" The wolf smiled.

"Oh, I don't make threats." Elias winked.

Aeryn quickened the pace slightly, and gripped Elias' paw more firmly. He knew just how to get that wolf excited. He let Aeryn lead him on until they got to the door to their chambers. The guards posted themselves on either side of the door as they stepped in, and Elias barely had time to close the door before the wolf was on him, kissing him deeply.

"Gods, cat. I couldn't wait any longer." Aeryn started to undress himself quickly. The finery did not yield itself well to quick removal, however.

"Oh, so I'm cat now? What happened to kitten?" Elias teased as he started to undress slowly. He'd be lying if he said he didn't want this just as bad as Aeryn, but he definitely had more control.

"Shut up." Aeryn had finally doffed his tunic and shirt, and had started to lower his trousers, revealing his already full erection. Elias still had his trousers on, but the wolf pressed against him, pulling him into another kiss. He had to admit, he loved the feel of the wolf's bare fur against his. He rubbed Aeryn's back as they kissed, sliding his paws down slowly until they cupped the wolf's rear. He could feel Aeryn's erection even through the fabric of his trousers, and he felt his own start to grow.

"You might want to let go if you want me to get these off." He smiled at the wolf, who obeyed instantly and left to sit on the bed. Elias eyed him as he started to slide off his trousers, taking in the nude form. Aeryn was filled out, but not really overweight, and the slight swell of his midsection was mostly concealed by the dark gray fur. It was a stark contrast to Elias' more muscular build, but he wouldn't want his wolf any other way. Aeryn moaned in anticipation when Elias finished his slow undressing, revealing his thick, almost full member.

"Mmm. Bring that over here." Elias smiled and obliged, walking to the end of the bed where Aeryn sat, waiting. He was rewarded with a warm tongue sliding up his shaft. Elias arched back in reaction to the attention, purring softly.

"Gods, you're good at that."

"I just love the way you taste." The wolf paused and smiled. "Almost as much as how you feel."

Aeryn continued, bringing his shaft all the way into his muzzle, caressing the sensitive skin with his tongue. Elias couldn't help but thrust into the attention, resting his paws on the wolf's head. He knew the wolf could finish him just like this, but he also knew that Aeryn would want more. He pulled back on the wolf's head, bringing up his eyes to meet Elias'.

"Let's put this somewhere else." He smirked, pushing the wolf back to lie on the bed. Instantly, Aeryn lifted his legs. Elias grabbed ahold of them, and leaned in to claim a kiss while simultaneously pushing himself into the wolf.

Aeryn moaned loudly into Elias' muzzle, and reached down to grab his rear and push even harder. Elias obliged, starting to thrust harder inside the wolf. Aeryn grunted and moaned with each thrust, as Elias panted over top of him. It was bliss seeing the wolf's expression as he pounded away. After a while, he felt himself getting close, so he grabbed ahold of the wolf's throbbing shaft, and started to stroke in time with his thrusts. This made Aeryn moan even louder as Elias worked him to climax. Suddenly, the wolf howled and sprayed his seed over Elias' paw to land on his stomach. Elias roared in reply as he reached his own climax, filling the wolf.

Elias collapsed onto Aeryn as they both panted. "Oh, I love you, Aeryn."

The wolf caressed the back of his head in response. "I love you, too, Elias. More than anything."

After they were finally able to pull apart and get cleaned up, they headed out to the parlor, where Anton was already waiting with the table set for dinner. Elias had to hand it to the raccoon; it smelled delicious.

"Your Majesty," Anton bowed to Aeryn, "I have had the honor of preparing your anniversary meal at Mister Elias' request. I do hope you find everything to your liking."

Aeryn smiled, glancing at Elias, who shrugged sheepishly. "I'm sure I will, Anton. You are a valuable asset to this castle. We can serve ourselves, so you may head home if you wish."

"Thank you, your Majesty." The raccoon bowed again, and smiled at Elias as he left. Aeryn had never refused service at a meal before. He said he always found it more romantic to be served as a pair. Elias wondered what the wolf was up to. To Elias' surprise, Aeryn rushed ahead of him and pulled out one of the two chairs, beckoning him to sit.

"What's going on?" Elias raised an eyebrow as he took the seat. "Shouldn't I be holding the chair out for you?"

"Ah, well..." Aeryn smiled as he took the lids off of the assorted trays, revealing the courses prepared only for this dinner. It seemed to be some sort of duck filled with a creamy stuffing, spiced potatoes, mixed vegetables, and a type of pastry. The servings were huge, much more than he and Aeryn could eat alone, and the spices smelled exotic. "Being royalty, I'm always seen as the most important person in any room; but you're royalty to me and the most important person in my life. So I'm serving you tonight."

After Aeryn dished out the courses, they ate and chatted about different things. None of them were very important, and Elias couldn't really focus on the subjects. All he could focus on was the beautiful wolf in front of him and how happy he was.

They finished the meal in short order, and decided to call it a night. The food definitely had its effect on Elias, he felt like he could sleep standing up. They stripped to their smallclothes - it was too cold to be sleeping nude - and cuddled beneath the blankets of the large bed. Elias wrapped his arms around Aeryn, who pressed back into his chest. He bent his nose down to fill his senses with the wolf's scent, and quickly sleep took him.

Elias could only remember bits and pieces. He remembered being startled awake by a sound. He remembered the blood. He remembered the sword. Most of all, he remembered Tomas' face before blackness took him once more. Elias found himself beginning to sob. It hadn't really hit him until just now. Aeryn was dead. The only thing he truly cared about in this world was gone.

All he could do was hope that Tomas paid for what he did. The pain inside him told him that it didn't matter. Aeryn was gone, and he would never see him again. As much as he hated to admit it, Tomas was right in one aspect. Elias wasn't royalty. He would not see the same afterlife.

His tears ran cold down his cheeks as the snow once again began to fall. He stood from the spot he was sitting to take shelter underneath a tree. Leaning against it, he recalled the moment that Tomas first turned against him.

Elias stretched and stood as Aeryn walked through the door to their chambers. Smiling, he embraced the wolf. He had been away most of the last few days due to an increase in raiding parties along the eastern borders.

"Finally get everything taken care of?"

Aeryn shook his head. "Not yet. Apparently Eaton and Tomas can't agree on the plan of attack, so I have to go down there and probably pull them off of each other."

"Oh. I was hoping we could eat some lunch together. I guess I can go down to the dining hall again."

"Honey, I'm sorry." Aeryn kissed him on the cheek. "Wait, come with me. Maybe after, Eaton would like to join us for lunch."

"No, no. I don't want to intrude on your meetings. I know how important they are."

"Elias, you've been here two years. It's time you got a closer look at what I do. Besides, Eaton likes you. I doubt he'd think of you as intruding."

"But what about Tomas. I haven't really met him aside from in passing."

"Don't worry about Tomas. He doesn't really like anyone, so I really don't care."

"Ok, if you think I won't be a bother."

Aeryn led him down the maze of corridors that Elias still had some issue navigating even after two years. Finally they reached the door to the office of the Defense Minister - Aeryn's brother, Eaton. Aeryn opened the door to reveal two wolves standing around a map. The older wolf, Eaton, smiled at the pair as they entered. Eaton was a few years younger than Aeryn and Elias, but one could easily see that the second wolf, wearing a scowl that seemed a permanent feature, was much younger. Elias never asked how old Tomas was, but he seemed to be no older than twenty.

"All right, so what's the trouble here?" Aeryn boomed. Elias had never heard Aeryn yell, but it was obvious that he was irked over the disagreement.

"Father, this should not be discussed in front of, er... Mixed company." Tomas looked directly at Elias as he spoke, giving no mystery as to what he meant.

"You will not disrespect Elias in front of me, Tomas. He is here, and you'll deal with it. Now what is the problem?"

"Aeryn," Eaton spoke up before Tomas could retort, "the Prince and I have had a disagreement on how to quell the raiding parties. We agree that the best place to meet them would be at the canyon on Seer's Road." The wolf pointed to a part of the map that showed two cliff faces on either side of a small road. "They've been spotted heading in that direction. My idea is to post archers on each of the bluffs, facing the road. The raiders will be dealt with quickly from the higher ground."

"While my idea," Tomas interrupted, "is to send cavalry to meet them head-on. The terrain bottlenecks on the western side of the pass, breaking any lines they may have. They would be easy to pick off."

Aeryn mulled over the choices silently, rubbing his chin. "You know, Eaton, I've never been adept at troop maneuvers and battle. This is why I appointed you as the Defense Minister. Any decision I make would be a guess. Elias, what do you think?"

Elias' eyes went wide in shock. "What do I think?" Why would Aeryn ask him?

"Yes." Aeryn turned to look at him. "You were a Captain once, right? You know much more about this than I do. What is your opinion on the matter?"

Elias swallowed. All three of the wolves were looking at him. He walked to the map and studied it. There was, in fact, a bottleneck at the end of the pass, but it was not very small. Also, the pass would break their own lines if they had to give chase. He hadn't led troops in many years, but the choice was clear.

"I agree with Eaton. In my experience, there are always casualties on both sides when cavalry or infantry is involved. With the archers on the bluffs, it would minimize the danger to our own troops. Also, the pass could work against us if the raiders decided to flee. We would have to give chase, breaking our own lines, and giving them the advantage and time to regroup. The archer attack could catch them off guard. Furthermore, if they're trained, they'd probably send scouts on those bluffs. Securing the bluffs would render them blind to any attack if it was done right."

Elias looked up to see Eaton nodding and smiling. Tomas' dark scowl remained the same, if not deeper. Looking at Aeryn, he saw a glimmer of pride in his eyes, which he didn't really know if he deserved, really. It was a simple choice for anyone who could see it.

"Very well. Eaton, your plan will be executed."


"I have spoken, Tomas. You may go."

Tomas sulked off, staring coldly at Elias. When the wolf passed him he whispered to Elias, low enough to keep the others from hearing.

"These fools may think you equal to the King, but you are still just a peasant. I will make sure you are reminded of that."

Elias didn't know what Tomas meant. He knew he was a peasant, if a lucky one. He just hoped he didn't cause any trouble with the Prince.

"I didn't know you were in the army, Elias." Eaton patted him on the back, smiling.

"Yeah, up until a few years before I met Aeryn."

"He commanded at Kardack, even." Aeryn smiled.

"Oh, wow. You must tell me about it. Aeryn tells me you're heading to lunch, would you mind if I joined you?"

"Not at all." Elias smiled as the trio walked together out of the office.

It never mattered to Tomas that Elias had been right. They quelled the raids, and hadn't lost a single soldier in the process. All that mattered to Tomas was that Elias, a peasant, had shown him up. As Elias leaned against the tree behind him, he wondered about Eaton. Surely he wouldn't believe that Elias would murder Aeryn. Surely he'd oppose Tomas.

Over the years, he had grown close to Eaton, and saw him as a brother. The wolf definitely treated him as a brother would, and often would visit him when Aeryn was busy. He felt sorry for him, knowing the pain and grief that would come for him. It was the same grief that Elias felt.

He hated Tomas more than he ever thought he could hate someone. He couldn't help but hope that the wolf died on the trip back to the castle. It was an empty hope, however. He knew Tomas had planned and prepared everything meticulously. How could he not?

Elias felt his eyes begin to drift shut; he was starting to get tired. Or was it more than that? It wouldn't be long in any case. He resolved himself to thinking about something else. He would not die with that cur on his mind. He would die remembering the good times. The time when he met Aeryn. Yes, that would do.

Elias was wiping down the bar counter when he saw the wolf come in. The same wolf as before. Always wearing that hooded cloak, hiding everything but his muzzle. The past two days he came in, took a table to himself, and ordered one ale. Elias figured he was a soldier, due to the fact that two days ago a cavalry unit passed through and camped to the north. They were used to soldiers in Teros. Being a moderately-sized town, they were often used as a resupply point. At night, the soldiers would fill the taverns, causing Master Tul - the tavern owner - to temporarily higher another strongarm. The odd thing about this wolf was that he came during the day, and always alone.

Elias poured an ale, figuring that the wolf would want one again, and headed over to the table himself instead of sending one of the barmaids. He set the mug on the table, and met the wolf's eyes as he looked up. They were a sharp golden color, quite stunning. This close, he could make out the wolf's features somewhat. He seemed to be around the same age as Elias, fairly old for a soldier, unless he was a general or something. The wolf nodded his thanks and brought the mug to his muzzle, taking a sip.

"What is your name?" The wolf suddenly asked, almost startling Elias.

"Elias. Yours?"

"Call me Godan."

"Ok, Godan. Are you with the army?"

"I suppose you could say that."

"Why do you always come here, and alone?"

The wolf smiled up at Elias. "This bar has the best sights. I do so enjoy watching them."

Elias turned back to look at the barmaids. "I guess so. Not really my interest."

"I wasn't talking about them. I was talking about you."

Elias jerked his head back to face the wolf. "Uh, er... Thanks?"

Godan chuckled. "You're very welcome. Sit with me?" He motioned to the chair next to him. Elias looked around the tavern, which was pretty much empty.

"Why not? However, I would like to see your face." The wolf obliged, taking his hood down to reveal his full countenance. The wolf was definitely within a couple years of Elias' age, and his eyes seemed to almost glow with color in the light. "Well, you're not such a bad sight, either." He meant to just compliment him, but he couldn't help but agree with the statement.

"Thank you. Tell me about yourself."

"There's nothing much to tell really. I served in the army for a while, and..." Elias couldn't shake a feeling about the wolf as he continued. The way he smiled as Elias spoke, the look in his eyes, it was very endearing.

The next week went by with every day the same. Godan would come in during the day and leave at night before the crowds came in. While he stayed, he talked with Elias. He couldn't help but notice that the wolf skirted a lot of questions about himself, instead preferring to hear about Elias. It didn't really matter to Elias; he liked talking to the wolf. Toward the end of the week, Elias was almost saddened by the thought that he would have to leave soon when the army left, when finally, Godan announced his departure.

"I'm to leave in two days, it seems. I will miss our talks."

Elias nodded. "I will, too, honestly. I don't know what, but there's something about you."

"I assure you, I feel the same. There is one thing I wanted to ask before I left, however. Would you share a bed with me tonight?"

"I..." Elias tried to think of the reasons why he shouldn't, but his mind seemed to go blank. "I would love to, actually. There's one problem, however."

"What's that?" Godan looked at him with curiosity.

"My 'bed' is actually just a pallet in the back. I'm afraid I may have misled you when I said I lived here. I can't really afford anything else." Elias looked down at the table in shame. He didn't like admitting how poor he was. He knew there were poorer folk, but he couldn't help it."

"Hey, there's no problem. I have my own tent in the camp. We can go there."

Elias looked up to face the smiling wolf. "Really? You won't get in trouble?"

Godan laughed heartily. "No, no I doubt that would happen."

Elias didn't get it, but he nodded. "Ok then. Let me tell Master Tul that I won't be in tonight."

After Elias went back to speak to Master Tul - who was furious, but Elias really didn't care - Godan led him to his horse outside. The stallion was beautiful, easily the finest horse he'd ever seen. It wasn't as large as the warhorses he was used to, which made him think that Godan was probably some sort of commander.

They rode through the town quickly, Elias riding behind Godan with his arms wrapped around the wolf. He couldn't help but get a little excited holding the wolf. It felt good to hold another male again. They slowed as they approached the sprawling camp. Elias couldn't help but notice that every soldier bowed as they passed. He had never seen a commander treated with that much respect, but it wasn't completely unheard of. He started to wonder about the wolf, about those questions that he never answered.

Elias gasped as they approached the central tent. It was in the center of the camp, which definitely pointed him as a commander, but it was bigger than any other commander's tent he'd ever seen, easily twice the size of the larger tents in the camp.

"We're here." Godan announced as he dismounted the horse. A soldier approached to hold the reigns, and after he and Elias dismounted, took the horse away. Godan grabbed Elias' paw, and pulled him into the tent.

Elias looked around in awe. He had never in his life seen such finery. Golden chests, gilded chairs, and a huge bed that seemed softer than clouds covered in silk sheets. Even the rugs were finer than anything he'd seen. Godan must have been a lord.

"Wow. So you're definitely not a commander. Who are you?" Elias asked, turning to the wolf.

Godan rubbed the back of his head sheepishly. "Well, I may have actually told you a couple lies, but it was necessary. My name isn't actually Godan. It's Aeryn."

Elias stared at him confused. Why would he need to change his name? Then it hit him. "Aeryn? You--you're--"

"Yes." Godan--no, Aeryn nodded. "Most people just call me King."

Elias' jaw dropped in shock. The King. He had no idea what to do, so he did what he figured he should do. He dropped to one knee. "Your Majesty."

"No, no, no. Stop." The wolf lifted him up. "If I wanted you to grovel at me and call me 'Majesty,' I would have introduced myself as King at the tavern."

"Then, what?" Elias' mind raced. He couldn't believe he was face to face with the King. It was almost too much.

"I've already told you. I'd like to share a bed with you." He smiled, and leaned forward to claim Elias' mouth with a kiss. Shivers ran down Elias' spine, but it was more than the thrill of kissing the King. It was kissing this wolf that thrilled him. "So what do you say, cougar? Will you stay with me tonight?"

Elias responded by unfastening his shirt and trousers, a task that was mimicked by Aeryn. They were both nude in short order, looking each other up and down. The wolf was already quite excited, his large member standing erect between his legs. The wolf licked his chops as he stared at Elias' groin. His was shorter than the wolf's, but thicker even without a knot at the base.

"You're beautiful." Aeryn whispered as he closed in, kissing Elias' neck and fondling his balls. Elias breathed heavily at the attention, and reached to caress the wolf's shaft. It felt good in his paw as he started to stroke.

Elias could barely hold his lust back as he dropped to his knees and licked the wolf's pink member. Aeryn moaned loudly as he wrapped his muzzle around the hard shaft, moving in time to the wolf's thrusts. It felt good to be with another male again, but it felt better to be with this male. They stayed in rhythm for what seemed like forever and too short at the same time, until Aeryn put his paw on Elias' shoulder to signal him to stop.

"Lay on the bed." The wolf commanded. Elias obliged and was startled when the wolf jumped on the bed, straddling him. "Let's see how this feels."

Aeryn grabbed Elias' shaft, and held it upright as he sat back, guiding it inside him. Elias gasped at the pressure from the tight entrance, and moaned as he started to fill the wolf.

"Oh gods, cat. You feel so good."

Elias couldn't answer as his breath was taken away by the wolf's motions. Aeryn started to ride him, sliding up and down on Elias' shaft. He couldn't believe that it was the King on top of him, taking his cock. Swimming in ecstasy, Elias wrapped his paw around the wolf's shaft, stroking and pressing against his swelling knot. Elias moaned as the wolf tightened around his.

"Can't... Hold..." He panted.

"Go ahead, stud. Fill me. Fill your King."

Elias roared as he thrust into the wolf, emptying his passion inside him. He grabbed the wolf's knot, squeezing it in his climax, when the wolf howled, spraying his seed onto Elias' chest. They panted together, unable to move, reveling in the climax.

"That was better than I had hoped." Aeryn said between pants. The wolf leaned in to kiss Elias as he pulled himself off of his shaft, sending another shiver down Elias' spine. "It seems like you enjoyed it, too."

Elias could only nod. It had been amazing. He hadn't felt like that in years, and never thought he would again. Now he really wished that the wolf didn't have to leave. They laid in the bed together as the ecstasy started to fade away. Even when it did, Elias still didn't want to have to leave the wolf. For some reason unbeknownst to him, he wanted to hold Aeryn forever.

"You know," the wolf broke the silence. "I'd really like to pursue a relationship with you."

"Really?" Elias was aghast. "What would a King want with a poor barkeep? You could have anyone in the kingdom."

"Well, I suppose I could, but it wasn't anyone in the kingdom that caught my interest. It was a poor barkeep."

Elias couldn't deny that he felt the same. "Actually, I would like to as well, but... How?"

The wolf turned to look into Elias' eyes. "It would be quite difficult to be in a relationship after I left, unless... Unless you came with me."

"You would take me to the capital? Where would I stay?"

"In the castle, of course, with me." Aeryn smiled as if it was the obvious answer. "I promise you, I'll take care of you."

Elias couldn't think of any reason not to. He really liked the wolf, and it would definitely be better with him than on his pallet in the back of a tavern. "Ok. I'll go."

You took care of me, Elias thought, but I couldn't take care of you.

Elias still didn't know why he chose to go with Aeryn, but he never regretted doing so. Not even when things went badly. The thought of his wolf warmed him. He couldn't even feel the cold any more. He wished he could see him again, but he had to content himself that Aeryn was well, and in a good place. He was safe in the afterlife of Kings and royalty. Elias was sad that he lost the love of his life and would never see him again, but that sadness had faded to be replaced by the joy of having ever had that love at all.

Elias' eyes grew heavy. He knew it wasn't sleep that beckoned him, but he didn't care. His story was over now. His life with Aeryn the final chapter. He thought of how truly lucky he had been as his eyes finally drifted shut.

"Hey there, kitten."


"Like I said..."

_ _

"You're royalty to me."