In The Belly WIP

Story by Ta5tele5584 on SoFurry

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Kinda in a rut atm. This is what I have done so far. Tell me what you think.

Detective Mathison detested coming here.

For Skellig Alley, or "Scumbag Alley" as the guys in the department liked to call it, was not the most pleasant place to be; for this was the home for the half dead, the homeless and the forgotten. A putrid stench of excrement and vomit ranked the ghetto, which no matter where you turned, filled up your nostrils and pushed down your throat. Whispers, quiet utterings and incoherent babblings in a language that only an alien from another planet could translate, were picked up in Mathison's hearing. Pairs of glazed suspicious eyes followed the vulpine detective as he exited his parked black Sedan.

Paranoia struck him. Even though his Salvation City Police Department badge was safely hidden from view, deep inside him knew that Skellig's residents were aware of what he was, a cop.

The seeds of distrust between Skellig and the authorities were sown five years ago. Two rookies eager for a quick promotion attempted an unauthorised drug bust in one of the north-western apartments. A long battle of a shootout followed and in the midst of the chaos, one of the rookies shot an innocent bystander, a little ten year old girl. The death brought shockwaves throughout the city.

The frenzied circus that was the journalistic media blamed the SCPD for being incompetent and reckless, whilst at the same time shunned the people of Skellig Alley as society's lepers and the cancer of civilisation. Tensions ran hot but it was not until after the rookies' disciplinary hearing that everything exploded. A one year suspension with full pay was nothing more but a slap on the wrist. This was the day that Skellig's faith in the SCPD diminished to non-existence.

Rioting, looting and murder spilled out in the surrounding areas. Robert Thompson, a father of two, was dragged out of his car and beaten half to death with a baseball bat, leaving him with severe brain damage for the rest of his life. Kevin Wu, a hard working shopkeeper, was killed by being shot in the throat attempting to defend his shop from armed robbers. Leanne Taylor, a nineteen year old hairdresser intern was dumped and stripped naked in a car park with barbed wire knotted around her throat; bruising was found around her groin and buttocks during post-mortem. The daily lists of Skellig's crimes were long and bloody.

The rampage went on for six days until the rookie who shot the girl, out of self-guilt or martyrdom, hung himself in his home's basement. Seemingly satisfied with the rookie's death, the outward violence stopped, however, inside their territory, Skellig Alley was a different matter.

Anyone that wasn't one of them was considered an outsider, an enemy and if one crossed into their alley were in danger of being assaulted and maimed. The Mayor deemed that Skellig was a hazard and prohibited all government and maintenance work in Skellig. This had led an already poor area of the city to step into decline, turning it into an demoralised filthy trodden cesspit.