Zombie Apoc-fur-lypse

Story by Ollie the Otter on SoFurry

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Many things have happened since the events of Life's Pains and my life has become a lot more complicated. First things first my name is no longer Alpha as I have changed it to Dalavin. I also got my cast taken off and the third thing is so exciting I can scarce bring myself to write about it. Xander and Amy got married about two weeks before the....incident. "What is this incident," you may ask. Well the zombie apocalypse of course. Yeah the stuff you would hear in a cheesy horror movie. People being eaten alive, zombies everywhere, whole cities deserted. All the cheerful stuff that makes you feel warm and fuzzy inside. This is only the beginning so the infection hasn't spread that much, but again, this is only the beginning. -Dalavin 1/6/2012

1/22/12 "Come on guys MOVE IT," I yelled as we ran down the car clogged street. "We have to be as far away from that horde as possible." We jumped over cars, slid under fallen poles, and sprinted as fast as the equipment we carried would allow us. Looking behind me, I could see literally hundreds of zombies swarming around and over cars, yelling for our blood. Beside me I could see Amy, Xander, and of course, John still going strong, though they were becoming tired as well as I was. I looked ahead of us and spotted a crane standing over a building that would never finish construction. "Get to the crane," I shouted to them as we continued to eat up ground between us and possible safety (note I said possible). I was able to run a bit faster because I didn't have as much equipment to carry since I only had a bow and a lot of arrows, a machete, a knife, and a pistol. Everyone else had sub-machine guns and pistols that weren't all theirs. Earlier John and Xander had volunteered to help with my equipment because my leg had been bothering me, but before I could get it back from them, the zombies came and we had to book it out of there. We got to the foot of the crane and with the zombies still right behind us, I ushered my friends up the ladder but John hesitated. "John what are you doing," I asked hurriedly. He shook his head and said, "Nothing. I just spaced off for a second there." With that he climbed up the ladder with me following quickly behind him practically being smacked in the face by his tail as the zombies smashed headlong into the ladder in their crazed blood frenzy. We got to the top of the ladder which was on a platform a fair way off the ground that was walled in so we wouldn't fall off. We all gave each other hugs in relief and celebration that we had survived another attack

Comment, rate, watch, favorite, and do all that stuff to tell me if I should continue this. It's a prototype idea and I want your opinion. Yes you?! Thanks! -Dalavin