Life's Pains (Part 2)

Story by Ollie the Otter on SoFurry

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Life's Pains (part 2)

Author's Note: Hey guys sorry this came out a bit late. I have been dealing with a lot of crap in my life lately, but I finally got this up. I made this one two pages this time. I want you guys to tell me if I should keep it like that, or add another page. Whatever you guys think will make this series enjoyable, I will do. Please keep in mind, however, that the amount of pages you guys ask me to do will affect the amount of time it will take to post them. Also personal events in my own life may also screw up the amount of time you guys have to wait, but I will do my best to get these stories to you as fast as possible. Thank you, and enjoy.

The kiss lasted for what seemed like endless minutes, but really only lasted for about 20 seconds. I forced his maw open with my tongue and began exploring the inside of his mouth while he did likewise. It was the most amazing thing I had ever experienced. I felt like I couldn't get enough of his scent and being a wolf, I did. I wrapped my arms around him as he gently took hold of my shoulders as we kissed. I felt like I was in one of those movies where the main character and the women he loves start making out and it seems like the most amazing thing in the world. The reason the portray it like that is because it's true. Aside from sex it is literally the most amazing thing you will ever experience, regardless of what gender you're with.

As I said it only lasted about 20 seconds but when we finally broke apart and stared into each other's eyes for quite some time. When I finally looked away, embarrassed, we had just made it to the school. We both blushed but hid it well as we got up and got off the bus. All we did was look down and by the time we needed to look back up, the red spots on our cheeks had gone away. Since the bell hadn't rung yet, we sat down at a lunch table and began making small talk. What had happened on the bus wasn't even hinted at in our conversation. The only thing that made me certain that what had happened on the bus was real was when the bell rang and me and John made it to our class, He gave me a barely noticeable wink as we sat down.

I smiled at him and pulled my homework out of my bag. I had it laid on my desk and was talking to John, who also had it laid on his desk. We sat there talking about the new Black Ops game that had just recently come out. Our conversation was cut short when the teacher walked between us and gave us both stern glares. He was one of the many humans that are against furs. His name is Mr. Bruner. He hated me and John with a burning passion. Me and John just looked at each other smiling. We laughed at everything Mr. Bruner did concerning his raging hatred against furs. He thinks that giving us extra homework was a good punishment even though we finished it all. So to cover up his embarrassment he decided to give us no credit for them. We didn't care either way since we both have A's in his class anyway. He tries everything possible to fail us but it doesn't work that well. He can't give us too much homework or else our parents will notice, and he knows it too. He snatched our homework up in a flash and when he walked up to the front, checked them. Once he finally figured out that we had done it, his face got a little red and he crumpled up the paper and threw it in the trash. I conveniently noticed that there was a recycle bin right next to the trash and I decided to comment on this. "Hey Mr. B wouldn't you want to throw that in the recycle bin? I hear it's important." His face turned to a bit of a brighter red but he didn't respond. My comment earned several snickers from the class, and to be honest I felt kinda proud.

He walked back over and when he turned to face the class, he had regained his composure and his face was unfortunately no longer red. "Ok class, take out your textbooks and turn to page 783. Mr. Redshon, since you feel so inclined to make yourself heard, you will read the part of Romeo. (We were reading Romeo and Juliet) He scanned the class, and chose the ugliest girl in the class to be Juliet, which also earned snickers from the girls section. He smiled at this so I could tell he did it on purpose. So he smugly beckoned me to start and I began reading. I've been told I sound about 4 years older than I really am, which came as a surprise to me since it seemed like I had the deepest voice in the school. My deep bass voice came out as I read Romeo's line where he talks to Juliet for the first time. Surprisingly enough I could read all that modern English perfectly ok. You know all the, thou, shalt, doth, and so and so forth. I read it without stopping and ended the part in the amount of time it would have taken anyone else in my class to read about 4 lines. (I read 10)

When the girl playing as Juliet (Amanda) spoke, it was the most akward voice anyone could ever have been born with. If you couldn't see her face you would never be able to tell wether or not she was male or female. I could tell she had been practicing on these lines just from the way she said them. She said the words at the practiced pace of a person who has spent way too much time on this stuff. The only thing that alerted me wasn't the lack of emotion in her voice. It was actually quite the opposite. She put way too much emotion into her lines when she spoke and it sounded weird with her he/she voice. By the way I forgot to mention that when we get chosen to do a part, we have to get up and act it out in front of the class (oh joy!). So I stood there akwardly with one paw holding my book while she moved her head every which way in the most dramatic way possible. At one point she got up right next to me and leaned against me as she said the line. Looking up at me and giving me what she thought to be a cute look. I just kinda moved away as I said my line. She seemed a bit disappointed but didn't show it. I didn't even know what a human like would want with a fur like me. So I was kind of confused at first but when I gave it more thought I dismissed it as insanity. So we keep going at like 2 lines every 30 minutes because Mr. Bruner thought it would be cool to interrupt us every other line to give us a mini-lecture on what Romeo and Juliet were really saying when translated out of the crap they think is English. (I know it was a huge stepping stone for our language but that doesn't mean I don't like it any more). So again we start going again since we skipped the part where Romeo and Juliet kiss for the first time (thank god!). So we get to the part where they kiss again and I thought, "Oh shit!" So time seemed to slow down as we got closer and closer to the part in the book where it says, [they kiss]. So I decided to take the edge off my nerves by memorizing a 4 line part while Amanda was saying her 11 line part. So I put the book in my other paw and let it hang loosely at my side. Mr. Bruner gave me a weird look when I didn't look at my book to say the next line. The book said there was also a pause so I decided to act that out to. Once Amanda was done I stood there telling myself I would count to 3 before saying anything. When I was about to say 3 in my head Mr. Bruner opened his mouth to say something and I immediately launched into my line. I surprised myself by not only saying it without a screw-up, but also by putting emotion into it and saying it a nice rate that I instantly set at the beginning of the part. I turned around and used my right paw to emphasize the emotion I was trying to put into it. I overlooked one crucial detail when I was looking over the line. When I was done I brought the book back up and saw what was next after her line. Shocked I looked up right on time for her to wrap her hand around my waist, and kiss me.