Story by Terian Whitepaw on SoFurry

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This story takes place after the ending of "Grandma, there's a wolf here for dinner..." by just a few weeks (figure timeline this year). So, what you're getting in this story is a few days past, today and then into the future by 24 hours depending on whether you read it today or tomorrow.

If you're looking for sex in this story, as I've had in other chapters of 'GRANDMA' , well, you won't find it. This story isn't about sex. It's about love, futures, standing up for what you believe in and how that special person completes one's life.

It's not a long story. I'm sure I could have 'asked the characters' if they wanted more but something told me that it was exactly what they wanted to say to you all.

It's also my way of giving you all a Christmas present from me. There is music in this story (my second love is romantic music). I have included YouTube video links to listen with the story as you read (at the end of the songs). I didn't chose the person's singing based on some preconceived notion but only because I loved the arrangements.

Please take away from the story and the music together what it's supposed to symbolize with the main characters, that being LOVE.

May you days be filled with peace, love and may you find the mate, ALPHA or whatever you need in your life!

Lastly, to answer any question, yes, this is my idea of love!

Thanks to all of you for reading my work, supporting me and giving me great and important feedback.


©® KAYCEE** Pseudonym 2012

This material may not be copied, sold or distributed without written consent of the author. All rights reserved.


"THIS FUCKING BITES!" yelling at the top of my lungs while throwing my calculus book across my dorm room. The only thing that saved the damn thing was that I was worn out from practice and dealing with my Mother.

I swung around and pointed at my laptop, "GRAN!" The system came to life and seconds later the screen turned purple before connecting to her. I'd made the thing a modified 'Witch's Glass' to stay in contact with family. At the present, my Mother, in her infinite bitchiness, had decided to put hers on 'answering machine' mode and wasn't responding to me at all.

Gran popped up a second later while I was storming around the room trying to clean up the mess.

"Hi hun," Gran's voice softly echoed through the system. I went over to turn the volume up.

"Have you had any luck in getting her to respond or even find her?" barely trying to keep a civil tongue in my head.

Taking in Gran's fallen face said it all but her words just confirmed it, "No dear."

"BLOODY F'ING PUSS-BUCKET TO ALL HELL!" I screamed at the top of my lungs. The only reason no one came running is that I'd charmed this room the day after my roommate left for the frat.

"Jesse," Gran said calmly, "you need to calm down."


"I know dear but screaming doesn't help," Gran's voice rose as she materialized in my room.

I dropped down on my bed in a huff.

Gran came over and sat down beside me and pulled me to her, wrapping her arms around me.

I was fighting hard not to cry. It was three days till Christmas and I wasn't going to get to go home to be with Kyle.


Roughly a little over three weeks earlier...

"NO! I ABSOLUTELY FORBID IT!" Mom yelled at the top of her lungs just after Thanksgiving dinner with her, Gran, Kyle and me. We'd traveled up to LA to have dinner with her there because her business had really taken off in the expansion. It was just a few weeks after the entire thing with the feral lycan was settled and I was more than ready to just relax with family and Kyle.

However, what was really on my mind after everything that we'd (Kyle, me and Gran) been through was the fact that I'd decided to leave school and move in with Kyle. Gran was hesitant about it until I showed her all the classes that I'd be able to take and work towards my counseling degree.

"What about your music and singing?" she asked me while we sat at the table and Kyle was working.

"I can sing anywhere and, honestly, my music is more for me than others. It was Mom that pressed me into a musical career. I think that I have more strengths in working with others than trying to start something that is a 'dime a dozen' in people trying to break into something that is so fickle," shrugging my shoulders.

Gran nodded, "I understand and I'm proud of you. Celeste," my mother, "might have an issue with it."

Which brings me back to remembering my Mother yelling at the top of her lungs and 'forbidding me' and what was she forbidding me about. Dropping the musical career was the first thing, leaving school and taking online classes to become a therapist was the second and third was moving in with Kyle.

"WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU THINKING?" Mom continued to yell and waive her arms frantically. I noticed a couple of glasses burst on the sink from her ire.

"I WAS THINKING, MOTHER," putting particular emphasis on my words, "THAT I WAS LIVING MY LIFE!"

"Celeste," Gran spoke up trying to grab my Mom's attention before the entire level of glassware exploded in a thousand little pieces (not that we couldn't fix it), "You need to calm down."

"CALM DOWN?!!!" my Mother continued to yell before whirling around and pointing an accusatory finger at Kyle, "YOU! YOU MADE HIM DO THIS!"

Kyle threw his hands in the air in defense trying to placate her, "Ms. Meriweather, I promise, I didn't try to influence him at all. I asked Jesse if he was serious about his decision. It's his and not mine."

"I SHOULD..." her voice roiling with anger and seething at Kyle.


My Mom's face dropped at my own expression and tried a different tactic, "But sweetheart," pouring it on thick, "we had such plans."

"No Mother," grabbing Kyle's hand and squeezing it tight, "You had plans. Ever since you moved back up here to LA and started running around with these 'holier than thou' witches and warlocks, you've done nothing but tug me along to those dinners, meeting and introductions into inner high society circles of bigots and push me to try and date these asshole, pretentious warlocks with nothing better to do than to look down on society."

I could feel Kyle's eyes on me and a small gasp escape his mouth about dating others before a soft growl emanated from within his chest. Even though I didn't show it outwardly while being focused on my Mother, since at the moment I didn't trust her, it gave me no end of pleasure that my mate was jealous.

"Even the 'Witch's Counsel' has had their fill with most of those pricks," pausing to catch her eye and hold it.

"Besides," taking a step over and wrapping Kyle's arms around me, "He's not only my Alpha with regards to being a 'Red Cape' he's also my 'mate'," holding her eyes and letting my words absorb into her brain.

"HE'S WHAT! YOU AND HE?" as she gasped for breath.

"MOTHER!?" she asked incredulously towards Gran, "YOU LET THIS HAPPEN?"

Gran drew up and eyed her hard, "Celeste, I could no more change his mind than I could your own when you chose his Father." Mom cringed at the mention of my Dad. "And for that matter, it is not for us to interfere on what is determined by the Seven Muses. Kyle has always loved Jesse. His being changed into a lycan only reinforced that matter and his wolf saw him as his one and only mate."

It wasn't a few seconds later that the back door to her place flew open and wind started rushing through the house along with thunder and lightning rolling through the atmosphere.

Gran turned to me, "We should go."

I nodded, "We're going to Kyle's place." Gran nodded and waited for us to leave.

"WE'RE NOT THROUGH HERE JESSE," she boomed at us.

"I think we are Mom," before Kyle and I dematerialized.

Kyle was a nervous wreck for a week after worrying that my Mom would do something to him. By the third day it was pretty obvious that she wasn't going to bother him, at least not as long as Gran was in the vicinity. Mom might be one hell of a powerful witch but Gran put her to shame hands down.

What I didn't expect was her way of not only being petty but to try and make me capitulate and treat me like a child.

It was a hair over a week before Christmas and I was finishing up classes before my last two finals and Christmas break that everything went to hell and a hand basket. I was running late for class and realized that I'd left my keys sitting on my desk when I pulled the door closed.

"Shit!" I mouthed. I went to open the door when I found that it had locked. "That's strange," I shrugged, "I must have hit the button." Looking around to see if anyone was near I waived my hand over the door but it didn't feel right to me. I tried the knob. Nothing.

I pointed at the door and tried and incantation. Nothing.

"What the fuck?" I cursed.

A moment later writing appeared on my door, "Until you change your mind about this situation, you are hereby stripped of your powers the moment you step out of your dorm room until you return. And don't think you can fix the problem from within because I've blocked it there as well."

"Goddammit Mother!" I gritted my teeth and wanted to yell it but didn't want to draw too much attention to myself.

"You had no right!" I seethed.

"I had every right," the message overwrote the previous. Then nothing. I went outside and yelled for her and tried every incantation I could think of at the time.

Finally, I woke my RA up, apologizing for the need to get into my room do to forgetting my keys. He was at least understanding about the situation.

The moment I walked into my room I felt my power return. I ran my finger along the door frame and door lintel. I could feel the damn thing had been spelled to draw off all my powers like when I was in school but this one had a twist and I couldn't override it.

I thanked my RA and as soon as he left I was on the Witch's Glass to Gran.

"SHE WHAT?!" Gran yelled incredulously. "Jesse, pop down to the house now and we'll talk about it all."

I tried. Three times and nothing.


Gran fumed and disappeared from the Witch's Glass in on my laptop and materialized in my room. "Well, at least we know that she didn't prevent any witch or warlock from coming here."

"Gran," I started to say but she held up a finger to her lips.

Gran held up her arms and spoke a four word incantation before turning back to me "There," she smiled, "At least she can't try to prevent me or any other witch or warlock from entering and I've silenced the place to where only you or I can hear what's going on in this room. She won't be able to listen in at all. She also has prevented any other lycan to be brought to the room but nowhere else from what I can sense. In her haste to try and punish you she got sloppy."

My face showed everything at the thought of Kyle and me not even being able to be together in my own room. He's been working so much lately and I'd been studying for finals that the only time we'd have together was when I would pop down there or bring him here. I dropped down on my bed and stared out the window. Gran sat down beside me and pulled me to her. "Gran," I choked up and started to cry. She held and rocked me till I calmed down.


And here I sat again with Gran's arms around me. "So," she said with a soft smile, "how were finals?"

Sighing, I stood up and looked out the window, "Fine. I've passed everything and put my notice into the school about not returning in January. I've already applied to the other school. They got my transcripts the other day and have given me conditional entrance as long as I pass my classes here."

"That's wonderful!" Gran spoke grabbing my hand and squeezing it.

I turned to her and smiled, "Yeah. I called Kyle as soon as I got the news. Since all my base courses are done then I'll be starting on my Bachelor's in Psych this January and then it's two and a half years towards my Master's."

"It sounds like you have things planned out," Gran said while standing up and looking out the window with me. "What about Kyle?" she asked.

"He's not the college type but is going to take some business classes online. He's thinking of opening a camp ground near his place for traveling lycans to run and hunt. It'd bring in more money, not that he needs with inheritance, and his brother is spreading the word around Europe. It should actually stay busy year round," I smiled at the thought of his ingenuity. "He's still going to work around the area with yard stuff, wood and such too but that's what he likes and I'm going to support him in the matter."

Gran nodded, "That is a good idea. Blake helping him?"

"Yep," turning around to face Gran and leaning against the window ledge, "He's also talked with Blake about building cabins and offering space to other supernaturals that can be trusted; Witches, warlocks, vampires, etc, who want to get away and have some relaxation. Blake mentioned his vampire friend and his lycan partner would be interested in the construction. It seems the vamp owns a construction company and can get things at a reasonable cost. The lycan and Blake can work with Kyle to make sure the cabins fit all the needs of supernaturals but still be rustic."

"You two seem to have a grip on your lives and have things planned," Gran smiled while pulling me close.

"It's a lot Gran but Kyle and I've talked about all the things we'd like to do. As much as Mom wanted this singing career for me, it's not what I wanted. Hell, I never wanted it. I like singing for and with my friends and maybe at a bar now and then but to do it professionally, um," pausing and rolling my eyes, "NO!" finishing up my statement firmly.

"Speaking of singing," my Grandmother said releasing the small hug, "are you guys still doing that holiday thing for the school?"

I laughed, "It's not for the school Gran. It's just the band and I doing a few sets on Christmas Eve. I really hadn't planned on being here but Mason got the gig for the school pub and we were making some money off of it. I didn't need it but he did, as well as Jonas and Daniel could use it. They were concerned because of me "traveling"," as I made air quotes with my fingers, "home Christmas Eve and being late to see Kyle. I assured them that it would be no trouble."

"OH!" Gran looked surprised at the last statement, "You told them about you and Kyle or for that matter came out to them?"

I blushed and laughed, "Yeah, I did. After all I've been through in the past few months it didn't make sense to be afraid anymore. They actually met Kyle the last time he was up a couple of weeks ago."

"Kyle come to hear you sing?" she asked.

My eyes went wide as dinner plates, "OH GOD NO!" She looked at me with that raised eyebrow of hers, "Jesse..."

"Seriously Gran," pacing the room, "I'm a nervous wreck at times when I sing in front of people and then to have my boyfriend, mate, sitting there listening to me sing. God! I start to hyperventilate just thinking about it."

"You think that's fair to Kyle?" standing and looking at me with her arms crossed.

"I.." taking a breath and looking at her expression. It's the same one that she and Mom used to give me when I was a kid and they found out my feelings for Kyle. They had tried for ages to get me to 'man up' and talk to him about it but I continued to avoid the situation.

"Look," I said exasperated, "maybe after all this shit is over then I'll sing for him. Right now I'm a wreck because Kyle isn't even aware of what Mom did to me. I've been making excuses left and right with regards to us seeing each other."

"If you are going to have a relationship then you have to be honest with your partner," Gran spoke softly, yet firmly to me. I hated when she did that! It had more impact on me than yelling.

"I know," letting out a large sigh. "I just didn't want him freaking out because Mom pulled this stunt. I'm not a little kid anymore Gran. I've been in battles, entered school on my own, lived my life and was finally able to be with the one person that I've always truly loved. Can't she get it through her head that I want my life and not hers?"

Gran pulled me close and kissed my forehead, "I understand Jesse."

She stepped back a bit, "Well, I had better go. When I left that dishwasher was on its' first wash cycle. It ate one of my plates the other day and spit out the dishwasher soap I'd bought to use. The stuff wasn't what I normally use and the blasted thing had a fit."

I laughed and rolled my eyes knowing full well that she'd never remove the charm from that infernal contraption only because it was infused with its' own life. It had become the cantankerous 'Uncle' of the family.

"Let me know if you hear anything Gran," I spoke up before she left.

"I will dear. Let me know how practice goes," she said before she dematerialized from my room.

I flopped down on my bed and stared at the ceiling. She was right. Kyle did deserve the truth.

I continued to stare at the ceiling for another half hour before dozing off.


Althea rematerialized in her house just as the dish washer because it's rinse cycle. "Obviously," she smiled, "you seem happy to have your regular soap back."

The old machine shuddered and shook before letting out what sounded like a happy sigh and continued the cleaning process.

She reached into her jacket and pulled out a small mirror. Wiping her hand across the face of it she spoke loudly enough for the person on the other end to hear, "Did all of you get all that?"

There was only a one word multiple responses, "Yes."


Practice that night was fine and the next day went just as smoothly. When I wasn't in my room, I walked around campus and the nearby city to think about all that's been going on with my life. Sure a lot of fucked up shit had happened but, in the end, I had Kyle and that was all that mattered. I just wanted to be with him on Christmas Eve and wake up with him on Christmas morning.

I just wished my Mother understood.


Christmas Eve had now arrived and as we set up all the equipment, I felt the nervousness that I always did before a show. They had moved a lot of the table out of the pub to allow for more chairs. People would have to figure out a way to keep their beer from being spilled. The booths had been decorated as was the rest of the place.

Mace came running up onto the stage just as I was finishing up my mic check, "Hey guys! Guess what?"

"Your girlfriend finally got some common sense in her and is dropping your ass for me?" Jonas smarted off while adjusting the equipment and his drums.

"Piss off!" Mace laughed. "No, it looks like we are sold out and more. It's going to be standing room only! They're opening up the walls," pointing to the sliding fabric walls that were located on the left side of the pub to allow for larger functions by adding on the smaller meeting room. Generally the fabric walls were covered in ads from bands in the area, plays, etc.

"Seriously?" Daniel gasped putting down his bass guitar.

Mace nodded.

I got nervous. Small venues were fine but that many people? My mind went whirling and at a rough estimate with what the pub held and the small area could be like 400-500 people. Still there didn't seem to be that many people still on campus that I could surmise so it probably was just to give more room for people to move about.

"That's great," I tried to be enthusiastic with the guys. They already knew that I wouldn't be back in January but had already been interviewing others to take my place and had included me in on it. There was one or two that would potentially fit in well.

"Ok," Mace said rubbing his hands together, "let's go get ready and meet back here in an hour. Show starts thirty minutes after."

The short walk to my room through the cool night air helped my nervousness. Unlocking my room and stepping inside I could feel my powers return once more.

"Gran!" I said pointing to my laptop while pulling off my shirt to go get a shower and get ready.

To say that I was shocked when I heard the message was an understatement, "I'm sorry the witch you are attempting to reach isn't available at the moment. Please leave your name and glass ID number at the sound of the tone and she'll get back to you later."

"Gran!" I said hopping around the room trying to take off my socks, "It's me. Concerts tonight. Let me know if you hear anything. I'll be through about 10PM or so."

Sighing and a little bit upset about the prospect of being stuck here at school Christmas Eve and Christmas Day made me want to scream at my Mother. Knowing full well she couldn't hear me since Gran had blocked off the room, I just got my stuff together and headed for the shower.

The hot shower had helped and I dressed up for the holiday in my own style. Black jeans, black and bright orange ASICS and a grey, long sleeved t-shirt that read "TIMBERWOLVES HOCKEY - High Sticking Encouraged". A little cologne and I was as ready as I'd ever be.

Still nothing from Gran though but it'd only been a half hour and if she'd driven down to the town, shrugging at the thought.

The place was PACKED!

"JESUS FUCK!" I gasped at the amount of people that seemed to come out of nowhere on campus for this thing.

"See," Mace said coming up to me in a fit of excitement, "I told you we were sold out man!"

I didn't say a word but only nodded. I knew that I only need to focus on singing and not the people and that would be fine.

Thirty minutes later we started our gig. People really seemed to like us as we did a myriad of Christmas stuff and got the audience to sing with us. I felt relaxed and was enjoying myself with my friends as we sang and played.

The guys stepped back for me and the last song. After all that had gone on this past week or so, I'd decided earlier today that I wanted to sing it. They'd never played it before so we just got the CD music, with pre-inserted back up, for me to use.

"Ladies and gentlemen," l said looking out over the audience but could barely make out anyone because of the lighting, "I'm going to finish up the evening with one of my favorite recent Christmas songs and I hope it means a lot to you as well."

The lights went down before the beat started and then they were preprogrammed with red and green lights to mix with the white and splash across the stage to the beat of the song.

Take a deep breath...

I don't want a lot for Christmas

There is just one thing I need

I don't care about the presents

Underneath the Christmas tree

_ _

I just want you for my own

More than you could ever know

Make my wish come true

All I want for Christmas

Is you

I don't want a lot for Christmas

There is just one thing I need (Background "And I...")

And I don't care about the presents

Underneath the Christmas tree

I don't need to hang my stocking

There upon the fireplace (Background "I..")

Santa Claus won't make me happy

With a toy on Christmas Day

I just want you for my own (Background "Ooooo...")

More than you could ever know

Make my wish come true

All I want for Christmas is you

You baby

_ _

Oh I won't ask for much this Christmas

I won't even wish for snow (Background "And I...")

And I'm just gonna keep on waiting

Underneath the mistletoe

I won't make a list and send it

To the North Pole for Saint Nick (Background "I..")

I won't even stay awake to

Hear those magic reindeer click

'Cause I just want you here tonight (Background "Ooooo...")

Holding on to me so tight

What more can I do?

Baby all I want for Christmas is you

You (Background "Baby")

Oh all the lights are shining

So brightly everywhere

And the sound of children's

Laughter fills the air

And everyone is singing

I hear those sleigh bells ringing

Santa won't you bring me the one I really need?

Won't you please bring my baby to me?

Oh I don't want a lot for Christmas

This is all I'm asking for (Background "I..")

I just want to see my baby

Standing right outside my door

Oh I just want you for my own (Background "Ooooo...")

More than you could ever know

Make my wish come true

Baby all I want for Christmas is

You baby

All I want for Christmas is you baby

All I want for Christmas is you baby

All I want for Christmas is you baby


I was brought back by a large amount of applause and whistling. I blushed profusely and bowed.

"Thank you very much ladies and gentleman that..."

I didn't get to finish. The lights dimmed down low and Mace pushed out this fake fireplace on the stage that was glowing with some God-awful plastic flame. I looked at him like he was nuts. We hadn't planned any of this at all.

"What are you doing?" I asked while covering my mic.

"You have another song. Dan's loading it up now!" he laughed.

Jonas walked on stage with a glass of steaming cocoa and put it on the stool that was beside me.

"Mace!" I started to panic, "I haven't rehearsed anything."

"You know this one!" he laughed and then took two stockings from Jonas and pinned them on the fake fire place while Jonas brought out a small fake Christmas tree.

I could finally make out the stockings. They said 'Jesse' and 'Kyle'.

My mind went into a whirl as the music started playing and I heard a familiar voice say...

"** Baby, It's Cold Outside"**

When I saw him walk out on stage and look at me with that smile of his I almost lost it until he nodded me to sing and I heard him sing, for the first time, to me...

I really can't stay

_ But, baby, it's cold outside (Kyle)_

_ I've got to go away_

_ But, baby, it's cold outside (Kyle)_

_ This evening has been_

_ Been hoping that you'd drop in (Kyle)_

_ So very nice_

_ I'll hold your hands, they're just like ice (Kyle)_

_ My mother will start to worry_

_ Beautiful, what's your hurry? (Kyle as he scoots close to me)_

_ My father will be pacing the floor_

_ Listen to the fire place roar (Kyle pointing back to the fake fireplace)_

_ So really I'd better scurry (sliding away from Kyle)_

_ Beautiful, please don't hurry (Kyle pulls me back to his chest and smirks)_

_ But maybe just half a drink more_

_ Put some records on while I pour (Kyle)_

_ _

The neighbors might think

_ Baby, it's bad out there (Kyle)_

_ Say what's in this drink? (picking up the cocoa and sniffing it)_

_ No cabs to be had out there (Kyle)_

_ I wish I knew how_

_ Your eyes are like starlight now (Kyle)_

_ To break the spell_

_ I'll take your hat, your hair looks swell (Kyle)_

_ I ought to say no no no, sir_

_ Mind if I move in closer? (Kyle leans in behind me and wraps right arm around my waist)_

_ At least I'm gonna say that I tried (snuggling back against his chest)_

_ What's the sense in hurting my pride? (Kyle)_

_ I really can't stay_

_ Baby, don't hold out (Kyle winks down at me)_

_ Oh, but it's cold outside (both of us)_

_ I've got to get home_

_ But, baby, you'll freeze out there (Kyle)_

_ Say, lend me a coat? (I mouth 'furry boy')_

_ It's up to your knees out there (Kyle winks at me)_

_ You've really been grand_

_ I thrill when you touch my hand (Kyle grabs my hand)_

_ But don't you see_

_ How can you do this thing to me? (Kyle)_

_ There's bound to be talk tomorrow_

_ Think of my life-long sorrow (Kyle)_

_ At least there will be plenty implied_

_ If you got pneumonia and died (Kyle)_

_ I really can't stay_

_ Get over that hold out (Kyle pinches my butt) _

Oh, (baby) but it's cold outside (Kyle takes my hand again as we finish)

( , FYI if you can't see this version (outside US) then you should be able to listen to the song, additional stanzas from the original song included;

By this time, I've got tears in my eyes as Kyle leans down and kisses me. He nudges over to my ear, "I love you Jesse."

He glances in my eyes and nods over to the corner in one of the middle booths. There sat Gran, Blake, Gordon and my Mother. She was dabbing tears from her eyes and smiled. She didn't say a word but lifted her right hand up and whispered softly and suddenly I felt all my powers fall back into me.

I mouthed "Thank you," before taking Kyle's hand and leading us in a bow.

Christmas morning waking up in his arms was the best present of all....


I'm dreamin' tonight of a place I love

Even more then I usually do

And although I know it's a long road back

I promise you

I'll be home for Christmas

You can count on me

Please have snow and mistletoe

_ And presents under the tree_

Christmas Eve will find me

Where the love light beams

I'll be home for Christmas

If only in my dreams

Christmas Eve will find me

Where the love light beams

I'll be home for Christmas

If only in my dreams

If only in my dreams

Merry Christmas to all my readers... May the joy of the holiday season bring you peace, harmony and love!