My life as a furry Chapter: 13 [We meet again Part 1]

Story by Bell_the_gaomon on SoFurry

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#13 of My life as a furry

[Go to chapter 1]

Symbol Key:

(Explanation) [Time Change] "Talk" " 'quote ' "

'Thoughts' Link to a picture of this person

Link to a picture of this room or area

\ **Sounds* *

{Change of point of view} >Reading<

My life as a furry

Chapter 13 (We meet again Part 1)

Its been 2 weeks since the fieldtrip and a lot has happened since then. Danny has been spending a lot of time with the group, Tony and Casy have gotten closer (not dating but closer). Max's leg is getting better and Ian cant look Luan in the eye without remembering their kiss, getting all red in the face and running off.

[In Ethan and Ian's dorm room]

"So when are you going to tell him you love him?" Ethan asked

"Ethan!" Ian yelled blushing

"Come on Ian can you blame him for asking you've had that crush for over a month now." Casy said walking back in the room

"Ah! Casy I thought you left to go to the bathroom!" Ian yelled in surprise

"How did you know about his crush?" Asked Ethan

"I left 5 minutes ago it doesn't take a guy that long to pee and come on Ethan you have to be blind not to see how he acts around him, the blushing is the biggest give away. If you were any more transparent you'd be see through." Casy said

"Am I really that obvious?" Ian quizzed

"Sorry hun but you are." Casy replied

"Oh that reminds me how's the new found sexuality working out for you?" Ian asked

"Pretty good I don't really feel that different." Casy answered

"So you don't feel any differently for a certain Mexican boy" Ian said teasingly (in a friendly way)

Casy's face turned red and Ian then knew there was some truth in what he just said.

"H-how did you know about that? Stuttered Casy

"I didn't until you just told me." Ian said blankly

"Damn." Casy said as the red in his cheeks faded away

"What's going on between you guys?" Ethan asked

"Nothing we're just friends." Casy replied

"With benefits?" Ethan joked

"No we haven't anything since that day Ian found us!" Casy protested

"Calm down I was only joking, sorry." Said Ethan

"That was a little insensitive Ethan." Ian commented

"Sorry." Ethan repeated

"Its ok I forgive you." Casy said

"Now that that's settled we should get back to studying" Ian

So they did just that, they studied and studied until they fell asleep. Oddly the only one who fell asleep in a bed was Casy while Ian and Ethan slept on the floor (even though it was their room). The next morning hit Ian like a ton of bricks, when he woke up he realized that he slept on the floor, and then he noticed the pain in his back and butt.

'Oh great now I'm going to have to go through my day with more pain than usual.' Ian thought. He got up and looked around the room to find that Ethan found his way to his bed and Casy is still on his (as in Ian's) bed. Ian shook them both awake and told them to get ready for school, so they got their school uniforms and supplies and headed to the showers.

[Breakfast time]

Everyone sat at a table eating breakfast and talking, Ian was sitting awkwardly is his chair. The whole group noticed this and someone pointed this out.

"Why are you sitting like that?" Tammy asked

"Because my butt hurts." Ian answered

"He got a little to rough on you in bed huh." Yumi joked

Ian's face turned red as a apple and he almost fell out of his chair.

"I'm a virgin back there and I'm sore because I fell a sleep on the floor!" Ian protested

"Maybe you should go to the infirmary and get something for the pain." Max put in

"Ill walk with you." Volunteered Luan

"Ok." Ian said hesitantly

Ian and Luan walked to the infirmary, Ian was given a pain pill and sent on to class. On the way to class Ian accidently tripped over Luan's leg and fell to the floor.

"Oh my gods I'm so sorry! Are you ok?" Luan said as he helped Ian up.

As Ian got he got up he ended up looking into Luan's eyes which reminded him of their kiss and his face turned red. Ian turned and ran to the computer lab where his first class of the day is held. Ian walked in and sat down at his computer, minutes later Luan walked in and sat at his computer which was across from Ian's.

The teacher walked in and immediately sat down at his desk and started typing on his computer. After a minute of this he stopped and got up off his chair, he then cleared his throat to get the attention of the class.

"Good morning class today we have a new student, please come in please" Mr. Walsh said

With that said a demon kid walked in to the room, he looked kind of like a bat but with horns and more demonic looking wings and claws.

"Hello My name is Waren Davis I'm 18 years old and I'm from Enna Italy" The demon kid introduced

When Ian heard that name he jumped out of his seat in surprise, fear and anger.

"You!" Ian Shouted

"Why Hello Ian" Waren said almost mockingly

"You two know each other?" Mr. Walsh asked

"Do I have any choice to know this monster." Ian retorted

"Ian! I'm surprised at you!" Mr. Walsh said

"If you knew what that son of a bitch did to me you would call him that too!" Ian yelled in almost a cry

By then the whole class was looking at Ian wide eyed, and Luan was staring to get worried (aside from surprised). the teacher on the other hand, he was flabbergasted (and angry) which didn't help things. His reaction just made things worse.

"Get out of my classroom right this instant young man, to think a bright student such as your self would use such foul language!" Yelled Mr. Walsh yelled

"Fine I don't want to be here with that sicko anyways!" Ian yelled

Ian then stormed out of the class room, Luan worried for Ian got out of his seat and head to the door to go after him but was stopped by the teachers voice.

"Where do you think your going?" Mr. Walsh asked roughly

"Look I don't care if you give me detention or whatever but I'm going after Ian." Luan said and then ran after Ian

Luan reached the second floor of the library/computer lab building he caught a Ian on the other side of the room going down the stairs. Luan ran after him ignoring the staffs commands to walk when in the building.

"Ian, please wait up!" Luan pleaded

"Huh, Luan?" Ian said as he stopped

"Are you ok, what was that about and who was that guy?" Asked Luan

"Ill tell you but not here. Lets go to the park." Ian answered

Ian and Luan walked to the campus park, entering through one of the two entrances, this one located near the sports field. They walked to the nearest bench and sat down, once seated Ian sighed and began explaining.

"That guy... Waren... he is an ex of mine." Ian explained

"I see. But what happed between you to cause you to act in such a manner?" Luan asked worriedly

"Well... One night he asked me out on a last minute date. I was supposed to go hang out with Max and Ethan that night, he seemed to be in a hurry for some reason and he was acting odd. We told my mother where we were going and we left." Ian started off, his accent starting to show from stress

"You know you don't have to tell me if its to much" Luan said

"No ill tell you!" Ian said obviously in a panicked state of mind

"We went to the beach where are date was supposed to take place and he took me to a secluded place away from the road and a place too dark to see if he turned off the lantern he brought with him so if people were to walk past they would not see anything. He dug out two bottles of pop (soda) one his favorite and one mine, he opened it for me... At the time I thought it was because he was trying to be kind but how wrong and stupid I was to think it. He handed it to me and I took a drink.

By the time it was about half gone my cell rang I looked at the number and it was Ethan's, so I picked up and told him that my plans changed at the last minute and I was on a date with Waren. In the middle of the call I started feeling tiered, not sleepy but like my mussels were spent and before I knew it the phone was on the ground and I followed. He picked up my phone and closed it (as in it was a flip phone) and walked over to the lantern to turn it off." Ian continued in almost a cry

"Oh gods did he rape you?" Luan shrieked

"Legally no, in my opinion yes" Said Ian in a cry

"What stopped him?" Luan asked

"Ethan stopped him." Ian replied

"How did he get there in time?" Luan pondered out loud

"Because that sicko took his sweet time mentally torturing me and putting his fingers where they did not belong!" Ian spat in a mix of anger and distress.

Luan pulled Ian into a comforting hug and let him cry on his shoulder, after the crying stopped Luan noticed there was more weight on his shoulder so he moved Ian away so he could see his face and Ian's head sagged down as far as his neck would let it signifying he cried him self to sleep. Luan carried Ian to his dorm room not wanting to risk going through Ian's pocket for his key possibly waking him up and scaring him, and getting Ethan was not a option at the time.

Luan gently laid Ian onto his bed and covered him up before sending Ethan a text telling him what happed and that he took care of it. After he looked at the clock and noticed that its almost time for his next class so he wrote a note for Ian and put it on the table next to the side of the bed where he was sleeping. He walked to the door and before leaving he took one last look at Ian before walking out.

[Six minutes later]

{Luan and Ethan}

"Hey Luan! Over here!" Ethan called out

Luan walked over to Ethan unsure about why he would be on this side of campus when his class is on the other.

"What happed? The whole school is talking about what went on in your class!" Ethan said loudly

"Huh?" Luan puzzled

"Quote on quote. 'Did you hear about the emo fag that lost his head in Mr. Walsh's class?' " Ethan explained (saying the quoted part in a higher pitched voice)

"Great..." Luan said sarcastically

"Ian's ex Waren just transferred here and judging by how he reacted when he saw Ian it wasn't a coincidence that he's here." Luan spat

"Shit! As we don't have enough to worry about with Ray here" Said Ethan

"Really" Luan agreed

[20 minutes later]


Ian was slowly starting to wake up, noticing he is not in his own bed he shot up looking around. He calmed when he realized who's room and bed this was and laid back down, starting to replay the memories of what happened before blacking out and sighed.

'I must have made a fool of my self, crying my self to sleep.'

Ian sighed once more turning to his side, he noticed a piece of folded paper on the bedside table with his name on it and picked it up and read what it said.

On the note: (In Japanese)

>Ian, you had a rough day please stay here and get some rest, and don't worry I had Joey call you in sick. Ill take notes for you in the class's we have together so you don't fall behind and if you need me I'm a text away so feel free.

Fumio <

'Oh Luan your such a sweetheart. No wonder I fell so hard for you' Ian thought

To be continued

Ok for those who didn't read My life as a furry on my site before it was hacked, twice, Fumio is Luan's real name. Anyways happy holidays and happy new year!

Don't forget to checkout the My life as a furry soundtrack, heres a link to the latest song in the playlist

Heres a link to my website

[Next Chapter]