On A Night Like This

Story by Faora on SoFurry

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#23 of Fae's Christmas Music-Themed Special!

Heya, furballs! Welcome to Fae's Christmas Music-Themed Special 2012! The format is the same as the previous years! Five stories to tantalize your Christmas period. From yesterday on the 21st to the 24th, you'll get a series of short stories all focused around a particular song's title or lyrics. And finally, on the 25th, you'll be treated to a much larger story that will have a coherent story from year to year, starting this one! Exciting!

Don't forget to keep an eye on my Twitter (@FaoraMeridian) if you want to know what's going up ahead of time, or if you want to be alerted to other stories or otherwise just hear me ramble on about random things!

But for now, I hope you enjoy On A Night Like This, the second of the 2012 stories!

  • Ol' Saint Fae

On A Night Like This

If not for the purity of intention, it might have been a ridiculous sight: a little rabbit, tightly gripping at the middle of a much taller and broader bear with his legs, his arms around the larger male's shoulders with paws covering up the bear's eyes. The rabbit grinned as he squeezed himself tighter against the bear's back, ducking down to prevent his head from slamming into the ceiling. "Come on! We've lived here for nine years and you can't navigate the house blind?"

The bear stopped for a moment to fold his arms across his chest. "I don't make a habit of wandering around blind, Mike," he pointed out, as the rabbit on his back spurred him on with a light squeeze of his thighs.

"C'mon, hon! It's a special night. Time for special things! I spent all day getting this ready for us; the least you can do is trust me. Now take two more steps forward, then turn left. That's the back door. You can do it!"

"If I hit the door, I'm taking it out on your ass," muttered the bear, as he began to follow the given instructions. That was Mike in a nutshell; once the rabbit had his mind set on something, there was no arguing with him. That the bear enjoyed what happened afterwards wasn't the point.

Mike giggled again as he squeezed a little tighter and spurred the bear into motion again. "That better be a promise, Al. Now, c'mon before we both freeze. It's getting too cold to run around naked, even with all this fur."

Each tentative step brought the pair closer to the back door. Mike had already left it open, ready for his partner to carry him right out and through it. It was his thing; every year at one point or another, the rabbit liked to surprise his boyfriend with something special and elaborate. The first time it had been Valentine's day. The second year had been on Al's birthday. No day was visited a second time, and the lapine liked to think that each year saw him step it up. Until they'd come home from a nice dinner out, he figured that Al suspected he'd just settled for something that simple. When the rabbit had ordered him to disrobe and close his eyes right before he'd leaped on his boyfriend's back, that suspicion had surely melted away.

And as Al was steered out into the backyard, even Mike thought he'd outdone himself. A still night with not a cloud in the sky, flickering firelight lit up the secluded left corner of the yard. Four little makeshift metal fire pits shed light and heat over that little corner, and a trail of towels marked the path toward the blanket spread out across the grass between the fire pits. Cold nipped at the rabbit, but it faded before the flames as he delicately steered the bear to the blanket. "Come on, sweety; we're almost there!"

A little grunt was all the response Al offered, but he nonetheless trusted the rabbit enough to be led onward. Mike felt the bear's brow furrow as they slipped between two of the firepits; the crackle of the burning wood and the feel of their warmth no doubt had given them away. "You're not gonna burn the house down this year, are you?"

"We'll see," was the lapine's unconvincing reply. He grinned as he swung himself slowly around to Al's front, and the bear held him up even as he continued to block his partner's sight. "Alright, honey. Just two more little step- Little steps, Al! My kinda steps; not those hulking strides you call... yes, yes! Right here! Here we are." He giggled as he looked around. The pair stood right in the middle of the four fire pits, lit from all sides. "Okay, honey. Ready?"

When Al nodded, Mike slowly removed his paws. The back garden was all but lost to shadows, with the only things really well lit being the pair, the blanket, and the grass around them. The secluded little section of the garden - hedged in by brush and thick trees and Al's little greenhouse - was all lit up by firelight, and it shed a warm orange glow across the smiling lapine face before him. "Hey, hon," he said with a little smile of his own.

"Heya." Mike wriggled in his bear's grip before he felt himself lowered the ground. His smile grew as he crouched down and padded over on all fours to the side, petting the blanket with a chuckle. "C'mon, love. Just sit and wait with me for a bit. I can't control everything."

With a little roll of his eyes that did nothing to stem the growing smile on his face, Al lowered himself down beside the rabbit and reached out to him. He grabbed at one of Mike's arms and chuckled at the rabbit's yelp as he was pulled into the bear's lap. "And what are we waiting for, hmm? Champaign, perhaps? A picnic basket?"

"Nothing so flashy," Mike replied as he leaned into the bear's chest. He took a long breath, savouring that familiar scent as he felt those large arms wrap tight around him. Between his partner's body heat and the four firepits, the cold wasn't even close to an issue. "We've already eaten, and I don't need to get you drunk, heh heh... Sometimes I just wanna sit with my guy under the stars, with fire to keep us warm-"

"And my cock getting hard against your tail?" Al suggested as he squirmed lightly up against the rabbit.

Mike shrugged as he gave a laugh muffled by Al's chest. "That's not a 'sometimes' thing, hon. That's an always thing." He lifted his head slowly to nuzzle up and into the bear's neck. "We both work a lot, life's stressful... things can be a real pain in the ass if we let them. So..." He waved a paw lightly back and around. "Tonight, before bed, we're just gonna relax. Well, some parts of us are gonna relax. Some are gonna be getting pretty tense."

The way Mike squirmed down against Al only ensured that the words were made true. As the bear stroked tenderly along his rabbit's side, his malehood began to firmly press up beneath Mike's fluffy little tail. The bear gave his partner a warm little squeeze as he chuckled. "Some sure are."

Muzzles met gently as the rabbit sat up a little higher against the bear and pulled himself into a kiss. He felt Al lean down into it, and a little shiver tingled across Mike's body at the contact. His arms squeezed tighter around the broad bear, fingers rubbing up and down through Al's thick fur.

It took a few moments before a little breeze brought a cooler gust through the little corner of the garden. Both males tightly tugged each other closer against the chill, though it did provide an excuse for Mike to grind himself harder down against his lover's lap. That firming length ground up just that much more firmly, and he both felt and heard the rumble of Al's groan.

For as well as Mike thought he knew Al and how he behaved in the bedroom (and in those rare opportunities when they got down and dirty elsewhere in the house), the sudden shift in the bear's attitude caught him by surprise. Even with that sharp chill in the air, Al drew back and away from the rabbit with a smile. One large paw pressed down on Mike's chest and pushed him gently but firmly to his back against the blanket. "Mmm. Down, boy."

A blush tickled beneath the lapine's cheekfur as he complied. He sank down under his bear's gaze, arms and legs spread out as he squirmed against the warm blanket. Another cool breeze rippled through his fur, but attention that would have been fixed on it quickly shifted to the muzzle that sank down around his own firming cock.

It was a rare thing for Al to get down and give Mike's malehood more than a few teasing licks, and it came as no surprise to the rabbit when his muzzle parted of its own accord and split the night with a long, deep moan. Legs quickly squeezed back together again as he squirmed, the unusual and intimately warm sensation wrapped around his shaft intensifying as Al's tongue worked around him. "A-ahhh!" was about all his tongue could manage to articulate before a noisy little slurp from his lap stole the words and traded them in for a fresh groan.

The bear's own hard shaft drooled across the blanket as he worked his lips along his mate's sensitive flesh. One large paw squeezed at Mike's hip as the other ran up and down his belly with a delicate touch that belied his relative size. His muzzle pressed right down against the rabbit's sheath, and his tongue swirled around Mike's malehood as inch after inch firmed up and grew across it.

An intense shiver worked through Mike as he felt Al lift up and off his fully hardened malehood. His head lifted up as he opened his muzzle to ask why his partner had stopped, only to moans quietly once again as the bear's tongue drifted down his sheath. It dipped in slightly before it continued downward, massaging and rubbing over his balls as Mike's legs spread out again. "H-honey, you don't haaa- oh, god..."

One of those fuzzy orbs was slurped up gently into Al's muzzle, completely shattering anything more Mike wanted to say. The bear's nose bumped lightly up against the base of the rabbit's shaft as his tongue slathered slowly over that sensitive sphere. He paused only long enough to release it from the trappings of his muzzle and turn his attention to the other, eliciting a series of rapidly panted breaths from the rabbit tormented beneath him.

A few more moments of intense sensation teased Mike's whole body with pulses of pleasure, before Al finally let up. Mike's eyes opened for the first time in what felt like hours, and the blush on his cheeks began to burn hot enough to be seen through his fur by the firelight. He nodded up at the sky as Al nuzzled up along his shaft again, smiling through his appreciative murr. "Mmm... just like I hoped..."

The words drew Al's attention upward, and the bear too began to smile. The first snow of the winter was drifting down, blown from the west and over the top of their little alcove in the garden. The starry night continued to sparkle down at them, augmented by dozens of tiny snowflakes glittering by the light of the fire pits.

Al began to smirk as he turned away from the sparkling display overhead. Mike's eyes sparkled just as brightly in the firelight as he shook his head. "What, you've got control of the weather now?"

"It's called watching the weather channel, sweetheart," the rabbit countered as he wriggled himself back against the bear lightly. "They said there was the best chance of the first snow coming tonight... might have been a blizzard too, and that might not have been so much fun..."

The bear offered a little shrug as he curled up around the rabbit. His muzzle lowered to nose in against his sheath again as the snowflakes drifted lower, landing off elsewhere in the garden. "I'm a bit more interested in what's down here than up there," he said, as he licked long and slow up along Mike's shaft again.

The shiver that tingled all through Mike's body didn't go unnoticed. It enticed the bear to roll the smaller rabbit toward him as he slurped his partner's malehood back up into his muzzle. Words were unnecessary. The taste of the male he loved on his tongue was enough.

That unusual eagerness that Al displayed was enough to make Mike hug in tight against the bear's front. It would have been entirely easy for him to lose himself in the sensations radiating out from his malehood, if not for the sudden realization of their position. His eyes fell on Al's own shaft, mere inches from his muzzle. With a grin, Mike moaned quietly and sank forward to wrap his mouth around the bear's tip.

Instant sound lit up the whole garden. Twin moans rumbled out, deep from the bear and soft from the rabbit. Each of the pair sank down a couple more inches around the other's length. Al's meaty paws squeezed lightly at Mike's hips to tug him in closer. Mike's delicate touch wrapped around the bottom half of the bear's larger, leakier shaft, squeezing it tight.

Pre began to drool across Mike's tongue as he threw himself vigorously into a task much more common to him than to his partner. His tongue curled around the bear's tip in just the way he knew Al liked it, an experience born of years of practice. He felt Al's whole body tremble as his lips pressed further down that long malehood, his throat opening up for a moment to swallow around his tip as another paw rose to squeeze gently at both orbs below it.

With his bigger mouth and smaller shaft to focus on, it was considerably easier for Al to vocalize his pleasure. The ursine length pulsed gratefully between Mike's lips as Al popped himself off the rabbit's length. "Ooohh... that's just not fair, sweety..." he groaned, as Mike's head slowly worked back and forth along what the rabbit could manage.

The way that Al shifted and moved against Mike wasn't something that the rabbit paid any mind to for a moment. He felt a paw move along his shaft, working and rubbing along it gently in teasing little touches as he smiled around his overfilled muzzle, bobbing lightly back and forth around the top half of Al's length. He closed his eyes again as another cool little breeze washed over the couple, and he smiled just that much wider around his lover as he revelled in the strong flavour of the bear's musky flesh.

Then a touch to his rump opened up Mike's eyes again, and a fingertip traced lightly down and over his exposed tailring. His own shaft pulsed then, a marker for the heady wave of pleasure that flooded him just from that simple touch. Instant want overcame the rabbit, and he pushed himself down with renewed vigour around Al's length. He gulped down as many inches as he could handle and then a couple more besides, his throat bulging with his attempt to take the bear deeper still. Fingers closed around the bear's balls, gripping them gently but squeezing enough to feel the needy heat radiate out from them.

Mike's eyes went wide a moment later as sudden warmth assaulted his backside. A hot exhalation washed down over his bare entrance in the split second before a slick, hot tongue began to work back and forth between the rabbit's cheeks. He fell forward for a moment, all but choking himself around Al's shaft - much to the bear's delight, if the spurt of pre that shot across Mike's tongue a moment later was any indication - before he pulled himself back up for air again. "No... no, not there... n-not there, hon, p-please..."

But the bear ignored his please entirely and completely. Instead he spread those cheeks as wide as they could go with both hands, giving himself more room to work with as his tongue played back and forth and all around that tight little ring of flesh. It twitched against Al's efforts, a microcosm for the spasms that wracked all of Mike's body. Every lick, every lap and every breath sent a new wave of paroxysms through the smaller male, as he vocalised his pleasure loud enough for half the street to hear him.

There was nothing left for Mike as the bear continued his teasing little licks. Unable to articulate any further begs for him to stop and certainly unable to bring himself to pull away from the tingles of pleasure that shot through him from every moment of contact, the rabbit instead did the only thing left to him under the weight of Al's efforts and collapse.

The bear's cock fell across Mike's face, drooling slick pre through his fur and soaking him in Al's scent. Without the strength to fight back anymore, Mike didn't even notice the way his whole body was being drawn along the blanket. Over a few seconds masked through more vigorous, eager laps across his tailhole, Mike found himself shifted from laying on his side to his belly, rump raised in the air to press against Al's muzzle. It took a couple more moments to realize that the bear was having his whole face ground back against; at some point once he'd been moved to his new position, the rabbit's hips had begun to work back against that heavenly stimulation.

Snowflakes continued to sparkle overhead, carried off and away from the pair by the heat of the fire and the heat of their passion. The stars were lost to Mike and Al, the latter with a face full of perfectly pliant lapine behind and the former with the blanket below and one of the firepits in front. The crystal clear night clouded over slowly as snow-bearing clouds drifted further over their little home, but neither male cared in the slightest for the sight anymore.

Mike's vision turned back as his eyes crossed and closed. His ring parted, spread out before the laps of that broad ursine tongue. It dipped down into him, working him out shallowly and leaving the rabbit to whimper and shiver and muffle his needy begs in the blanket under him. For all the things he'd hoped and expected for the night, being eaten out by his partner hadn't been something he'd dared anticipate.

And Al wasn't holding anything back. One of the bear's paws remained on the small of the rabbit's back, teasing the base of that fluffy little tail as the other dipped down and around to his slender partner's front. It sought and found the lapine's malehood, wrapping the exposed flesh in the heat of his paw as he shielded it from the cooling night. All the while his muzzle worked hungrily at Mike's exposed rump, tongue swiping back and forth and all around his squeezing tailring.

With every tongue it dipped down and into him, that squirming tongue never failed to draw a lustful, almost slutty moan from the overstimulated rabbit. It felt like ages ago that he'd begged Al not to touch his sensitive rump. It felt like a lifetime since he'd let slip to the interested bear that he had a weakness for what he was currently muzzle-deep in. All of the discussion and concerns and hang-ups about the act had to have melted away somewhere like so much snow, and it was Mike's turn to be on the receiving end of an impassioned surprise.

Lap after lap sent electric pleasure surging along Mike's spine. The rabbit was slaved to it, unable to even keep his backside raised under Al's effort. If it wasn't for the big arm wrapped around him and the firm hand pumping his own dripping malehood, Mike might have tumbled awkwardly to the ground. Instead the panting, babbling bunny was kept right in perfect position for the bear behind him, the drivel that spouted from his muzzle kept muffled by the blanket he nuzzled idly into.

Al wasn't about to let that continue on without a little reciprocation, though. He hauled the rabbit up higher on his chest and belly than he'd previously sat, and even in his pleasureful daze Mike still yipped in surprise. Bear cock collided with rabbit chin as Al threw himself once more fully back into his efforts to lick his way down into Mike's core.

Even with those insistant prods and swipes by that tongue driving him wild with lust, the sudden presence of musk and hot flesh before his face was more than enough of a target for Mike. Shaking hands reached out to grip tightly at Al's length, and they fed it instantly up into the lapine's moaning muzzle. It didn't do much to shut him up, but at that point it would have required a miracle anyway.

It did quiet him down a little though, with moans and gasps replaced with slurps and lip-smacks that would have made a fox blush. Paws hooked up between Al's legs, spreading them out a little wider before they rose to squeeze and rub over both handfuls of his balls. Those little fingers twitched and shook with every lick that Al made, and the bear's hips twitched and jerked under Mike's lustful ministrations.

A feedback loop of pleasure came into being in the soft flickers of light from the firepits. Each touch of Al's tongue against Mike's saliva-soaked tailring was enough to send twitches and shudders right through his smaller partner. Those translated directly to the way he bobbed his head, slurping up and down along he could reach of the bear's shaft. Every pulse and throb of that thick malehood ran back down through Al's body, and spurred his tongue into more vigorous motion. Everything built on everything else.

Snowflakes grew larger, heavier in the air. They drifted lower over the garden and the pair's little alcove. The fire pits lacked the heat to blow them away or keep them aloft in the cool night. Flecks of snow drifted onto their fur, melting on contact with the heat of their bodies. The chill of the snow was lost on them entirely, so consumed with their own warmth were they. The heat of Al's shaft pusled across Mike's tongue in lazy spurts, while the rabbit's tailhole twitched hotly around the bear's invading tongue.

Mike was the one to completely lose his control first, in no surprise to either. He tried so very hard to offer up a grunt of warning, but the sound was lost behind Al's noisy slurping at his backside. The only warning the bear wound up receiving was the familiar spasms of the rabbit's body in the lead up to his orgasm. Then he began to twitch, and his whole mouth popped up and off the bear's cock as his own length erupted across Al's chest, fingers and belly. Streaks of white lit up the brown fur from beneath, while snow specked it from behind.

Even while he moaned and grunted and twitched under the weight of his climax, Mike's paws and head kept their own efforts up. For as much a vice as having his tailhole tended was, the rabbit's paws kept up their instinctive work on what he knew was Al's weakness. Every stroke and caress and squeeze of those fat, full bear balls conintued on even as the rabbit's emptied their contents all over his lover. His muzzle ran up and down, nuzzling along the bear's twitching shaft even as the flood of his seed began to ease back into a trickle.

But in the end, that throbbing tower of male flesh didn't share in Mike's eruption. Thickened pre drooled down the side, swiftly licked up by a hungry lapine tongue. He pouted slightly as he glanced back at Al. "Aww, let's push you over the edge too, honey," he suggested as he turned back to his unfinished business.

A quick, firm tug from the bear was enough to haul half of Mike's smaller form over his shoulder, and the rabbit yipped as he felt himself leave the ground. "What, you think I wanna waste a load in that pretty little face of yours?" asked Al with a grin, as Mike's head dangled down just below his own. "Forget that. You're getting a hard fucking now, sweetheart."

There was no way the blush on Mike's face could grow brighter, but he still felt the heat flush his cheeks further. Beneath him and against Al's back, he could feel his malehood stiffen back up again at the prospect. "But it's gonna start snowing harder soon," he protested.

"That's why I've picked you up," explained Al, as his smile broadened. He brought his cum-slicked paw up to give the rabbit's bare, spit-soaked backside a firm slap that echoed through the dark garden. "We're gonna go inside, I'm gonna grab the lube, and we're gonna see about making good use of that hole I just licked."

A shiver almost threatened to wriggle Mike out of his partner's grip, and a grin spread across his face. A glance up into the sky showed that the stars were gone, but a thousand falling snowflakes were lit up by the still-burning fire bits.

They glinted in the night, and only faded from view as Al turned to carry his lover back inside again. As the snow snuffed the heat of the fire pits beneath their first major fall of the winter and coated the yard in a soft, white powder, Mike and Al snuffed out the cold with their own heat.

And, if the rabbit was able to have his way, his backside would be just as completely covered with white.

Listen to On A Night Like This by Kylie Minogue with this Grooveshark link!

On A Night Like This lyrics

Don't say it's like a fantasy,

When you know this is how it should be.

You kiss me, I'm falling.

Can you hear me calling?

You touch me, I want you.

Feels like I've always known you.

On a night like this,

I wanna stay forever.

(Stay forever)

On a night like this,

Just wanna be together,

On a night like this.

Now I'm getting closer to you.

Hold me,

I just can't be without you.

You kiss me, I'm falling.

It's your name I'm calling.

You touch me, I want you.

Feels like I've always known you.

On a night like this,

I wanna stay forever.

(Stay forever)

On a night like this,

Just wanna be together,

On a night like this.

Seems I've known you a lifetime.

Now it's time to make you mine,

On a night like this.

On a night like this.

(You kiss me.

I'm falling.

You touch me)

On a night like this,

Just wanna be together.

On a night like this,

I wanna stay forever, stay forever.

On a night like this,

Just wanna be together,

On a night like this.

(You kiss me.

I'm falling.

You touch me)

On a night like this.

Author's Note: Yeah, I've added the tag for the Wintertime 2012 contest to this story! Go bug Toumal and the other judges and tell them to just give up and send me the chocolates now! YOUR ABILITY TO FAP TO HOT FURRY PORN DEPENDS UPON THIS CHOCOLATE.

Or... not. There's that too!

  • Fae