Poem #76: The Hourglass

Story by bhscorch1313 on SoFurry

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#77 of Poetry

Assignment #5/8 of my college Creative Writing Poetry class. This poem is about freedom, discovering ourselves, and is a metaphor for what we as humans are tied to that is both necessary and unnecessary.

The Hourglass

The sounds of an hourglass

Are small, but exist.

Its affects upon the mouse are none indeed

But the effects on man are greater

For the man feels rushed and hurried

To complete his task in the time allotted.

He hurries to complete the report

So he can hold on to his job.

Finally, he finishes the report, and reaches for the stapler.

In the process, he knockes the hourglass

Off of his desk,

And it shatters.

Sending sand onto the floor

Afflicting the mouse with fear.

The man stops what he's doing.

He stares at the broken hourglass.

Then, he stands up from his chair,

Without paper in hand

And slowly walks out of the door of his office

Carrying neither his briefcase nor his coat

And walks out of the building

And down the street



Creative Commons License

"The Hourglass" by bhscorch is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License.