Poem #75: Tapestry

Story by bhscorch1313 on SoFurry

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#76 of Poetry

Assignment #4/8 from my college Creative Writing Poetry class. This poem assignment had to start with the line "Unexpected meetings occur in a forest." This poem isn't about art so much as it is about youth, from the perspective of being young and having been young before.


"Unexpected meetings occur in a forest" Is the title of the first painting I look at in the art museum Lined up, in a row, with a bunch Of other paitings done By the same artist. The gallery isn't large, It's actually quite small, As far as art museums go. There are a few dozen paitings Along the walls, And a sculpture or two In the middle.

There are only a few other people browsing, A family of four, Mother, Grandmother, and two children One male, the other female. The male, being younger, has no interest In the ways of art yet. Neither does his sister, Because she is older.

The interest of art Is a dull one indeed For you cannot like What you do not understand. And youth rarely understands What it does not create Or so I've been told.


Creative Commons License

"Tapestry" by bhscorch is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License.