Armored Core: Darkest Days.

Story by Angelo Creed on SoFurry

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#1 of Darkest Days

War and pollution have torn earth apart, its now a barren waste land, and yet war still looms on the horizon. These are our Darkest days

Hey everyone who is reading this story, I took note on the lack of armored core stories, they deserve some good stories so I put this little work of art together. I also changed up a few thing so it can simply fit in the story, nothing to major as of yet. I hope to acually continue this story, depends on its populartity I supose. hope you read and comment it, thanks!.

// LOG ENTRY 1.00.00 // PLAY ENTRY +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Ok is this thing on? Yep everything is working. My name Tom Walker and I've starting recording these audio logs just in the case of my imminent and rather gruesome demise leaving my dead and mangled corpse lying in a ditch some place to be found by any random passerby. To be honest I have no idea why I'm screwing around recording this thing, to be honest I don't really want to. I guess if I die at least someone will know my story and will know why they have randomly stumbled upon my badly mangled body.

Well I guess I have to start at the beginning and what is a beginning without a little back story right? Anyway the year is twenty two twenty five, and the world as we know it has gone down the proverbial shithole. The planets fucked, the atmosphere is almost completely toxic from the widespread pollution levels. War is everywhere, and most of humanity now resides in the only place people can breathe fresh air and live life without the constant threat of hot led smashing through their windows and shredding their bodies. These places are called 'Cradles', and they hover approximately twenty- two thousand feet above the Earths surface, it's the only place with clean air, well I guess you could call it clean if you like the taste of over pressurized, and treated air particles. I guess I never really liked life in the Cradle, it was too cushy. I suppose you got your normal civvies up there flying high and mighty in their clean air and their over processed food but that lifestyle never really suited me. I like a little excitement in my life I guess. That's why there are people like me bat shit crazy enough to live on the toxic, over polluted, bullet ridden, shit kicken' surface. But I don't just live here. I thrive here, and that war I mentioned earlier. Yeah well I'm a part of it just like anyone else; I'm a soldier like anyone else... well almost like anyone else...

Now let me stop you right here and I'll explain a few things, you know. In the event this recording falls into the hands of a complete dipshit. I'm no common soldier. I'm a first class Lynx pilot I am as deadly with my line of work as I am in the bed sheets of any woman. I guess right now you're asking my corpse "what is a Lynx?" Right about now. A Lynx is a specially trained man or woman who has the ability and subsequently the brains to pilot humanoid Mech suits called Armored Core NEXT's. Now there are two classes of Lynx's, the second class Lynx's are soldiers with your average level of combat pilot training. They pilot the standard model A.C with the slightly older gadgets and gizmos, they are cheaper to run and construct than their First Class counterparts and are the bulk of: A: companies military might. If by now you're still confused fear not because I'll get into the topic of the Company in a minute.

War is war and believe it or not Foot soldiers are still in use, and sometimes in great numbers. I guess it's cheaper to outfit a soldier than it is to build a tank on legs. The downside to being a foot soldier I'd say would have to be the contaminated air on the surface. Those poor bastards have to wear fully environmentally sealed suits of armour and if they take a hit and their suits enviro seal was to get a puncture BOOM! You're dead in minutes from all the toxicity in the air. The suits themselves are also pretty damn expensive. The companies don't like hearing about losses in the field, speaking about losses. The death toll is almost astronomical; mothers cradle the bodies of their lifeless children, if you will excuse my bad pun. The war is everywhere, the war is bloody, and the war is in its simplest term. Hell. But not for a First class Lynx's like me.

We first class, frontline bad asses are trained up from our early teenage years at an academy owned by Collared. By the time we are to be graduated and have issued our first AC we can out pilot any second class soldier compared to us they are a pack of useless ass- clowns. Our group of first class pilots are not issued normal AC's rather we are issued the later model AC-NEXT, a more robust, tougher, faster, more heavily armed version of the standard Armored Cores. A real death machine, a real man's fighting weapon.

Now you're asking my corpse who are the company's? See back when the Earth was green and we all lived happily on the surface a little resource war broke out, then that small war turned into a big problem and that big problem turned into a full scare global war. Realizing that nuclear weapons would only decimate the entire planet an agreement was made and massive Hydrogen bombs were created. Needless to say they had the same effect as a nuclear warhead and it left the surface barren and lifeless and out of the dust and wreckage of a dead civilization came the companies. With all of the world's governments gone the power fell to four major companies of the world G.A America, The Interior Union, Omer Science Technology. and Line Ark although Line Ark was supposed to have been destroyed only remnants of their company remain. After these comes two other Companies that don't "officially" exist; Collared and The league. Collared Company is responsible for the training and up keep of all First class Lynx's registered. The league sits at the top of the company apex, pulling all the strings, controlling every other company. Of course, officially None of what I have just said holds any truth to it at all. So you really didn't hear any of that from me. Anyway some companies, if they have the cash can 'purchase' any of us to fight for their cause and fight hard to the end but not me. Oh no I'm Freelance contactor, If you were to pay me to make an enemy fuel depot disappear or obliterate an entire enemy stronghold I could and would. But at the end of the day, when our business is concluded I'll go on my merry way and hell? Maybe I'll be back you blow you away another day.

Not too long ago I found myself of the Tenth floor of my bunker, in the closest room to the main hanger. I was conducting repairs to Sakkara, the AC NEXT I pilot, and boy is she beautiful, she's fast, deadly and packs one hell of a punch. I guess in some ways she reminds me of my ex-girlfriend. I had just recently returned from a rather hairy combat situation in which my mech's was severely crippled. A foot soldier got a lucky shot off with a rocket launcher and crippled the circuits and servos in the arms joint. I nearly lost Sakkara. So here I am removing the damaged left arm with some degree of frustration. The bastard hurt my girl but I'd have her patched up and ready to roll in no time. I set the arm down on the maintenance bay floor, setting up my tools, I plugged in the virtual holo monitors, allowing me to see the full extent of the damage done to my baby. "Okay" I muttered to myself. "Left servos cracked, left side Hull plating at 12 percent Missile tube circuits are fused. I'm going to need a plasma torch for this. I cut my way through the jungle of damaged cables and wrecked wiring to finally remove the damaged shoulder plate to hear a satisfying thud on the ground as the three hundred kilogram chuck of armor fell to the floor. I keyed a few buttons on my Holo monitors touchpad and the familiar face of my Mech control Coordinator appeared on screen. "Hey Nancy", I said "Afternoon Tom, how can I help you?" She replied in her usual chirpy tone. "I'm going to have replace Sakkara's entire left arm quadrant weapons, armor plating, the works." I said in a dull and dreary tone. "Okay Tom I'll have those parts listed in the requisitions file. I'll have a maintenance bot have the parts placed onto your mech ASAP." She said efficiently. "Thanks a bunch Nance." I said I was about to cut the com line when Nancy interrupted me. "Oh hey there is a young man here to see you Tom." She said slyly. I paused. "What does he want?" She smiled. "He wants to join up." "That's funny I didn't realize I was starting a team." I said bluntly. "Look I'll tell you what, you send the guy down here and I'll see what the kid's got, make sure he's got an armed escort with him too... I don't want common folk poking around at things they really shouldn't be." I said. "You got it boss" she replied. Her face disappeared from the monitor, I turned around. "Now where the hell is that robot with Sakkara's arm? I sat down next to Sakkara as she stood in her maintenance support frame. I sat comfortably in the palm of her damaged hand on the arm I had just cut off with the plasma cutter. I hated feeling this small next to her. It just made the whole relationship feel weird, but I did start to understand why enemy troops flail and run off in the opposite direction as they us approach. I almost pitied the poor souls that I had stepped on with my two hundred ton friend here... Almost. I heard a low groaning sound as the main elevator that lead into the depths of the bunker complex rose to a shuddering halt and the security grating retracted with a high pitched squeal. Obviously some of the moving parts in that elevator needed some lubrication. The armed escort stepped off of the large square cargo elevator and made their way over to me with the young man riding on the cargo sled that one of the two broadside class AC security mech's had in tow. The sled not only carried a possible mech pilot in training as well as an annoyance, it was also carrying Sakkara's new arm covered in a protective cloth. The two security mech's came to a shuddering halt the pistons in their limbs making an audible hiss as excess cooling vapor was expelled from their warm engines. The two mech's then stepped away from the sled and picked up the new arm and in unison began working to re attach the arms to the stump that once proudly help up Sakkara's left arm.

I glanced at the mech's at work and then back over to the young man. Now that I could see him closer up I could make out more details in his face. He was definitely young, a round yet angular jaw, wide eyed and cocky he had long brown hair tied up into a ponytail and had that look in his eyes. Yep he was definitely a newbie. Fresh out of training too, there is a certain look to kids that have just graduated from Lynx training. He had that wide eyed fiery look in his eyes he was so full of self-confidence, so eager for glory. He obviously was asleep on the ride out here and missed the fact that the world is a total shit storm of a place and that war is a gruesome and ugly business. He slid off of the cargo sled and picked up the duffle bag he had with him. He was wearing a brand new set of Collared issue Lynx pilot armour. I was instantly jealous. It had been a while since I felt the comfort of a new set of armor. The one I was wearing had been patched up so many times that no part of my armor could fit properly anymore. I saw a name tag on his chest, 'Adam'.

He approached me nervously, and extended his hand to shake mine. "It's an honor to finally meet you sir, I've heard about so many of your exploits and read so many of your mission reports! I can't tell you how happy I am that they assigned me to you, I am a big fan of your work. My name is Adam Bla--" I interrupted his rather unnerving fan boy introduction. "Wow, wow, wow, slow down a sec! What do you mean 'You have been assigned to me' I didn't send away any requests for a rookie, kid."

"Huh? Oh right! One second!" The kid dropped his duffle bag on the floor and started rummaging around through it.

"Oh come on where did I put you... They give me one job and I... Ah here it is! I was told this was for your eyes only. It's from Collared command." Adam got to his feet holding a small black canister in his hands. He handed me the canister and I opened it. To my amazement there was a piece of something called paper in it. I had heard about it but I'd never seen it in person. The paper bore the insignia of Marcus Lennox, the head, and commander and chief of Collared. Paper was only ever used when Lennox had sent something personally, the message read... For Thomas M. Walker

From the offices of Collared Command I do hereby entrust to you the partnership of one Adam A. Black for the mutual benefit of both your experience and his further training and for the overall benefit of Collared as a whole. This is an executive order; you will learn to like it and are expected to begin field operations at your earliest convenience. This decision is FINAL.


Marcus Lennox.- Chairman and President of Collared Industries.

The letter then finished with a quote. 'Audentes fortuna iuvat' - Fortune favours the bold.

"Well shit." I muttered. I looked up to find the new guy standing there gawking at Sakkara as she was being put back together.

"Hey! Don't you know it's rude to stare!?" I called to Adam.

"Sorry Sir, I was just admiring your AC. I've just heard so much about you and your exploits with this particular mech." Adam responded.

"She has a name if you must know. It's Sakkara, and she is the finest mech in existence. A real work of art I suppose. I have never had any kind of problems with her." BANG! Suddenly one of the unsecure bolts from Sakkara's left shoulder slips off and hits the floor. The noise causes both Tom and Adam to jump.

"What the fuck was that?!" Adam shouted.

"A fucking problem that is what it is!" I stated.

I called out to the security mech pilots.

"Hey what the fuck are you idiots doing over there!?!?"

One of the security mech's turned and faced me. It shrugged.

"Sorry man."

"Assholes" I muttered.

I turned around to see the kid with a smirk on his face.

"What are you smiling about?" I asked

He immediately stopped and stood at attention.

"Nothing sir!"

"Good, because this is a serious matter, remember Collared sent you here to learn and to fight and that is exactly what you are going to do." I said trying to bluff my harshness. I tapped into my wrist communicator.

"Nancy, get someone to show this kid to some quarters, and have him logged into the system as an active member here. I can't have our defence system turning him into a smouldering pile of dog food."

"Right away Tom" the communicator chirped.

I turned and faced Adam.

"Okay rookie, you got yourself a Mech or what?" I asked bluntly.

"Yes sir!" he replied almost overly excited.

"Okay have it shipped here and stored in the maintenance bay for a refuel and recharge. What do I call this thing?"

"Skybound sir, it's called Skybound." He stated.

"Right then, tomorrow you start your new life as a Lynx pilot. But I decide when you're ready to play with the big boys and take on lone wolf tasks. You do what I say, when I say it and we won't have a problem, got it?"

"Sir yes sir!" Adam shouted enthusiastically with a big grin on his face.

I was about to turn to find and bring his mech up to the Maintenance bay when I noticed something about him. "Wait!" I called. He stopped dead in his tracks.

"First things first, rule number one, a Lynx pilot has got to look their best. You can't expect to attract any fans or adoring women looking like that." I said with a sly grin on my face.

"Like what?" Adam asked.

"Like a kid. First things first, you're getting a haircut." I said with my sly grin turning into an evil smile. Adams smile instantly turned into a look of horror.

"Get a haircut, bring your mech up and we'll start training tomorrow." That made him smile.

I stepped onto the elevator and keyed the level with my room on it. The cargo elevator began to descend. "Oh hey, you damage your mech and you have to pay to fix it. You damage my mech and I'll rip your heart out and feed it to you. Remember that!" I shouted at the last minute before the elevator lowered to the point where I could no longer see Adam.

I guess it was going to be a long day tomorrow. I never really trained anybody in my life before now. That's the shitty part about being renown for getting the job done I guess... Everyone thinks you can do anything. I'm no teacher; I wonder how long it will take before they realize that. Maybe just maybe they'll send the rookie back home to Collared to get a new partner and I'll be able to get my life back. I guess tomorrow will be the ultimate decider on whether he stays or goes. Either way I'm in for a pretty interesting day...


//Log 2.00.00 //Play Entry

Day Two of these audio log recordings. I Oh boy today is going to be fun for my new rookie partner... I stood outside of Adams quarters in the fully lit corridor staring at the steel door blocking me from my objective. I looked down at my watch. 05:59. I punched in Adams door key code and the thick steel door slid open with a brisk hiss. Command placed me in charge of this bunker. What kind of man would I be if I didn't indulge in the occasional privileges that come with such power? I knew the key code for pretty much everything, hell even the women's locker room security cam wasn't safe from my viewing. I snuck into the dark room and over to Adams bunk where he was sleeping soundly. I reached into my jacket and pulled out an air horn where I slowly placed it right above his face. My watch hit 06:00 and the time was right. I depressed the button at the top of the air horn and it let out a God awful noise. HOOOOOOOOOONK!!!

"Rise and shine sleeping beauty!" I shouted at the top of my lungs.

Adam shot out from his sleeping grace and smacked his head against the top of the bunk. "YOWCH!!!" He screamed in pain.

Adam held his forehead with his hands as he nurtured the slightly bruised bump on his head. "What the fuck was that!?" Adam demanded.

"That, rookie was your wake up call." I stated.

"I wasn't aware I needed a wakeup call sir." He said bluntly.

"I wasn't aware I needed a partner so I suppose awareness in these situations doesn't count for much. Come on, up and at 'em." I said in my attempts to motivate him out of his bunk.

"Armor up and gear on in five minutes we have training to do!" I commanded.

"Yes sir." He said with a groan now massaging his wounded forehead.

I stepped out of his quarters and waited in the hallway. I'm pretty thankful that these concrete walls are thick. I would have hated to wake up my Mech Coordinator Nancy, as lovely as she is during the day, if she wakes up for no good reason without her eight hours. She is more of a shit storm with fire and brimstone then the ruined world we are fighting over. Five minutes went by and out of his quarters came a fully dressed Adam Black in his brand new Mech pilot armor. He was clutching his re breather helmet under his arm. Adam snapped to attention and saluted. I returned the salute and gave him a looking over. I just noticed his new haircut now that he was out in the light. His once free flowing lox were now reduced to a short back and side's haircut which was spiked along top.

"I like the haircut rook." I stated.

"Yeah well the barber on this base said he only knows one style." He said rather gruffly. I chuckled. "That's funny he does my hair all the time, and it's never as short as that. It must be because I told him I was sending in a new guy for a haircut."

"You didn't!?" he said.

"I most certainly did." I sad laughing.

"Cheer up Adam your precious hair will be back in no time at all." I said. "Come on the simulator is this way." I indicated to Adam where to start walking.

"I thought we were starting training today. I thought we were heading to the Maintenance bay." Adam said sheepishly.

"And give you the chance to tear my base to shreds while you learn what the rapid-fire missile launchers do? I don't think so pal." I said sternly. "Now come on."

"Alright." Adam responded.

We both headed down the hall and took the elevator down three levels. It was a fairly uneventful trip. We got to level four and approached simulator room one. Here was a massive room with its sole purpose being that of the training and education of all new prospect Lynx pilots and cadets. But seeing as this was my first time with a new trainee the sim room was often just used in my downtime to visit a virtual beach or something, to see what the world looked like before we fucked it right up. The room was bare and empty aside from the head and cockpit of an Armored Core Mech and my favorite base technician, James McAllister. James was a tall, very wiry young man almost too pale from spending so much time in service ducts and reactors putting things together and repairing others. James had black hair and a thin frame, a narrow face and his eyes were magnified by a giant set of magnifying goggles used when working with small objects. He turned around to see who it was that had just entered the room.

"Rookie, this is Tech sergeant James McAllister. He will be running your simulation test today." James simply waved at the Adam, Adam returned the wave.

"Well hello Tom, long time no see. What brings you down here? Another walk on the beach with a beautiful woman or are you looking for something more...personalized I could possibly put something together for you two... I don't usually do simulations for two males but if that's what you're into these days I'm sure I can whip something up for you!" James said.

It took me a while to process what he had just said. James had a tendency to rarely sleep and would often rely on stimulants like artificial coffee or something. Needless to say his brain worked too fast for his body and anything he would try to say would be blurted out as quickly as possible. He didn't like to waste too much time on socialization as he thought it to be a waste of time. He always had somewhere else to be or something to fix.

"No James no nothing like that. I need a Mech training program for junior here." I replied.

"Aww and here I was thinking I'd have to be creative. Why don't we step right this way... into my office." James and Adam and I started moving to the Simulator observation and control office. James turned around and placed a hand on Adams chest to stop him.

"Ad da da da da daaah Not you.... No no. You go sit in that thing over there and we'll get the party started okay? Good!"

Adam climbed into the Mech cockpit and sat himself down behind the controls. James and I moved into the office. I sat down at the observation desk and made myself comfortable. Resting my feet on the table I picked up a communication headset. James walked by me and knocked my feet off the table.

"Don't you know that's bad manners to put your feet on the table?" James said.

James sat down at the Simulator control station and began tapping away at the holographic keyboard. Seeing that James was busy I put my feet back up on the table and tapped the headset to synchronize with Adams helmet. I could now see what he saw.

"You comfy in there Adam?" I asked over the radio.

"Immensely so sir." He replied.

"Good cause you're gonna be in there a long while." I said.

"Wouldn't have it any other way." He responded.

"Alright let's get this show on the road." James said.

James began punching in equations and commands furiously and before my very eyes I could see a landscape forming in front of me through the use of holographic projectors. A Sky was forming, clouds, sand dunes and hills. "Okay let's start him off at level one. Basic desert terrain... check... power levels steady... check Holographic mech body integration... also check everything's checked let's check in some light mechs and you can check them out. Coming right up is seven enemy mechs, standard formation, standard armament." Said James. Adam gripped the controls of the virtual AC mech. He could feel the mech move as he manipulated the main control stick. Adams virtual Armored Core had been equipped with minimal armaments, a standard dual barrel, wrist mounted sixty caliber light anti-armor machine gun and a positively charged forearm focused energy blade. The enemy AC's took up a defensive position and prepared for their attack. Adam wasted no time; he ignited his energy blade and took aim with his machine gun and began the headlong charge which was always the first move for raw Lnyx pilots. Adam ran straight past a hail of gunfire and explosives and arrived at the first enemy mech. He then proceeded to slice it in half with the energy blade toppling it. He then stomped on the driver's canopy killing the virtual pilot. It was quick but it had to have been the sloppiest kill I had ever seen. Adams mech had bullets bouncing off of his armor and explosives detonating all around him. I almost buried my head into my hands just looking at the sheer stupidity this kid was displaying. I pulled up my headset microphone and started yelling into it.

"What the hell are you doing!? Don't run into the bullets! Take evasive action use any and all opportunities you have to take cover. Your mech is tough but it aint invincible! Trust me you don't want to have to spend cash on buying a new mech it's a bitch!" Adam immediately started using more clever tactics. He used the terrain to his advantage, running up a sand dune and pouncing onto an enemy mech crushing it and blasting another mechs pilot canopy with his machine gun fire. He then employed the AC's stealth feature and completely dropped off of all radar scans. The other four mechs started to slow their pace. Unable to find Adam they employed a search pattern, splitting up and sweeping the battlefield. Adam moved slowly as if he was a lion stalking its prey. He snuck up behind one of the mechs and then went in for the kill kicking the enemy mech in the back plating leaving its reactor exposed. The mech toppled over and knocked over one of its buddies. Adam took the opportunity at landed a well-placed shot into the reactor core of the damaged mech turning it into a giant fireball and taking the second AC with it.

"Nice shot rook." I said

"Thanks boss, I do pride myself in my work."

"Don't let it get to your head kid you got two more on your six." I warned.

Adam began to turn around when the leading enemy AC fired a rocket and had it aimed directly at Adams pilot canopy.

"Oh shit!" Adam blurted as he fired his anti-rocket counter measures.

The rocket exploded a few meters from the canopy window.

"Be careful kid! A single piece of rogue shrapnel could breach that canopy and you'd be dead. Watch your six, but more importantly watch your windshield too." I warned.

"Thanks for the advice. But you know what?--" Adam said.

Adam then fired several machine gun rounds into the pilots canopy of the leading enemy mech blowing the windshield out and killing the enemy pilot.

"I think he needs that advice more than I do." Adam finished.

The final mech stopped dead in its tracks and attempted to flee realizing the absolute carnage and decimation Adam had loosed upon its fallen squad members. It was moving at full speed in the opposite direction. "Adam take it out before it leaves your weapons range, quickly now!" I said.

"I got a better idea." Adam said coldly.

Adam moved his AC to the wreckage of the mech he just took out and ripped off one of its arms. The arm he had just picked up contained a heat seeking missile launcher. Adam depressed the trigger finger of the arm he had just picked up and an entire barrage of heat seeking missiles launched. Adam dropped the arm and started to walk away in his mech. An in the distance could be seen just as the severed head of the last enemy mech impacted the ground in front of Adams mech.

"Ha! Not bad for my first day as a mech pilot." Adam exclaimed.

"Not bad rookie. Not bad at all. I replied.

"I've seen better." James interjected.

I looked over at James with a puzzled look on my face.

"He was good, yes. But not perfect." He said.

"What do you mean" I asked.

"I had a running bet with Nancy, your AC coordinator. She bet he could complete the first level in less than one minute thirty seconds. I bet it would take him over two minutes to complete the task. He has taken two minutes and thirty six seconds. It would appear Nancy owes me fifteen credits." James replied.

"You have no faith in humanity do you? I asked him bluntly.

"None whatsoever." James snapped.

I shook my head "You must have more faith in people James. Someday someone may surprise you." I said.

"Doubtful." James replied sarcastically.

"Alright rook. You did well in that last round, but they were only lightweights. Let's see how you do with a real challenge." I said with a wide smile forming on my face.

"Let's pit him head to head with an AC Next." I explained to James.

"Wait! What the hell do you mean an AC Next!?!" I heard Adam blurt out over the radio.

"An AC Next? Tom I don't have those kinds of training programs in here. It would take too long to program and I've got a lot on my plate right now." James said.

"No need for any new simulation program data entry James. Just load up the data from one of my latest missions. Let's put Adam here against a real mech. Let's put him against Sakkara." I explained my point with my grin widening even more.

"Right then, bringing up all relevant data for entry into the system."

James fingers were darting about on the keyboard and he was typing faster than ever. Nodding as enthusiastically too, in fact I was worried that his head may fall off the nodding was so intense.

"Hey come on guys. This aint funny!" Adam kept whining into the microphone, eventually I just put him on mute and all I could see on the monitor was Adam panicking and talking to himself.

James turned to me as if in need of guidance.

"What should I arm Sakkara with Tom?

"The usual James, the usual." I replied

"Right." James acknowledged.

Out on the simulated battlefield appeared my baby, my beauty in all of her simulated glory. She was far more intimidating up close than I remembered. Her Black and polished silver paint job glistened in the simulated sunlight. She was a true death machine, armed to the teeth figuratively speaking of course. She was armed with the latest technology and ready to deal out simulated death and destruction to a muted, screaming, panicking rookie. Sakkara was armed with dual AC-0700 Auto cannons- one per arm, a single set of retractable plasma coated titanium wrist blades designed for cutting through pretty much anything anyone could throw at her. Her shoulders bolstered two high powered DEADBORN 03 VTF Missile launchers capable of firing rapid fire missile barrages to any enemy stupid enough to stand in front of them. Various anti air and anti-missile countermeasures and other leg mounted devices of destruction. Sakkara also came equipped with a very rare device. A Proton/ Anti-proton powered reactor not only capable of powering Sakkara, but it was also capable of getting her airborne for very long durations. That's right. My baby can fly high, and now the rookie has to deal with her all on his own. He is going to hate me for this.

I unmuted his microphone and put my headset back on. I paused to look at the fear in Adams eyes and the excitement in James'. I pressed the button to talk.

"Let the games... begin."

"You son of a bi--" is all I heard from the other end.


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