
Story by K.M. Hirosaki on SoFurry

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My fellow writer Kyell Gold prompted me to write a short story based on the following three things: kangaroo tourist, restaurant, holiday. Somehow my brain separated "kangaroo" and "tourist" into two separate items, but hey, either way I got the story idea.

AUTHOR'S NOTES: This story and all characters are copyright © 2012 K.M. Hirosaki.

Thanks to Kyell Gold for providing the prompt that inspired this. I had fun!

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Vacations were supposed to be an opportunity for people to relax. To enjoy the sights and to unwind. But for Naoki, in the thirty-six hours since he'd arrived, he'd been more stressed out and wound-up than before he'd left. Leave it to a fox like him to get it all backwards.

He tried to push at least some of the blame off of himself by noting that the entire country was backwards: it was summer when it should be winter, hot when it should be cold, and far too open and airy instead of the cramped, claustrophobic confines he was used to back home. How had Tomomi ever convinced him that coming here would be fun?

Well, Naoki would show her. Eventually, his stubbornness would win out over her enthusiasm, and she'd go out sightseeing all on her own while leaving him to work on his laptop in the lobby, uninterrupted by these silly sojourns of hers. Pretty architecture and strange foreign food weren't going to lower his stress levels; not being a week-plus behind on work would lower his stress levels.

For now, though, Tomomi was yet to surrender to her losing battle. And that meant that Naoki was still the squirrel's tagalong prisoner. Each click of her camera shutter made his ears twitch, and he could only drag his feet so much before she resorted to pulling him along physically by the arm.

"Come on," she insisted as she tried to hurry him along. Her bright pink jumper made her stand out like a beacon, and any attention she got spilled over onto Naoki as a result. "The museum tour is staring in ten minutes and I don't want us to miss it."

"We have museums back home, too. I don't see why we have to come eight thousand kilometers to see one."

Tomomi play-punched him in the upper arm. "Don't be like that. It'll be fun. You just have to let it."

Naoki wasn't so sure of that, but of course he couldn't say it. The tour wouldn't be all that long, though--at least, so the fox hoped--and when Tomomi saw how miserable he was afterwards, she'd acquiesce to his desire to just stay back at the hotel for the evening, getting caught up on work in their hotel room. If she insisted hard enough, maybe he'd take his laptop down poolside, but only if she promised not to try to convince him to go swimming.

The museum's buffed limestone facade was admittedly impressive. Naoki was no expert on architecture, but he knew enough that, if pushed, he'd confess that he liked the look of it. It didn't make the prospect of being dragged around the museum's insides for several hours any less dismal, but if the fox didn't acknowledge any silver linings at all, Tomomi would more easily recognize his attempts at intentionally sabotaging any would-be-fun distractions.

Once inside, Tomomi went immediately to the rack of multi-language museum brochures, looking for one in their language. Her huge tail bobbed as she scanned the rows, and Naoki kept his paws stuffed in his pockets, trying to not look like he was associated with the clueless tourist. That'd all change once they were on tour, of course--then he'd invariably be part of the clueless throng.

While pretending to not know Tomomi, the fox also pretended to take interest in the few minor exhibits that adorned the walls of the main lobby. His let his eyes wander over paintings and plaques and abstract sculptures, then he scanned the crowd with equally little attention. He took a few tiny steps to distance himself from the bent-over squirrel in the neon pink jumper with a camera hanging around her neck, then turned around and--

--and there, somehow, was the kangaroo from the hotel bar the night before, looking Naoki right in the eye. He'd been staring, Naoki could tell, and now, as their eyes met, he flashed the fox a bright, handsome smile--

"Ah, here we go," Tomomi announced as she plucked a brochure from the rack at last. "I knew they had to be buried in here somewh--"

"Tomo-chan, I'll be right back," Naoki said. "I need to find the restroom."

Tomomi furrowed her brow. "The tour is leaving in less than five minutes."

"I know. I'll be right back, I swear."

"You'd better. I'll be waiting right over there." The squirrel motioned to the small, cordoned-off area where said tour group was convening.

The fox dipped his head and then took off, not even looking to see where the signs for the restrooms were until he'd made it a good distance away. Just get out of sight, he told himself. Show no interest, show no recognition, and he'll go away and everything will be fine.

Inside the restroom, he splashed some water on his face, then gripped the edge of the marble sink with both paws. He panted as he stared back into his reflection's eyes, as if his mirror self would have some advice on how to calm down. All he saw, though, was the red flush in his ears, the widening of his pupils, and the nervous way he licked the back of his teeth.

Okay, realistically, would the kangaroo have even seen him duck into the restroom? Certainly, he hadn't let his gaze linger that long after the fox had broken eye contact and denied acknowledgment. And not even the most bold and brazen of fellows would follow a stranger into a bathroom; cultural differences aside, Naoki couldn't see anyone doing that. Which meant that he had nothing to worry about.

Straightening the collar of his shirt, Naoki took one last look at himself in the mirror, making sure that he was more composed now. This museum tour of Tomomi's that he'd been so dreading would now be a welcome distraction. He'd work on being allowed to stay back at the hotel for the evening later. First, he just needed to rejoin Tomomi and--

The kangaroo was still out there in the hallway off of the museum's main lobby. He hadn't followed Naoki to the restroom or anything, but he hadn't wandered far from where the fox had first seen him, and now the kangaroo had definitely spotted the fox again. This time, he even offered a wave.

Naoki did his best to pretend he hadn't seen it, and he kept his head down and his ears back as he made a beeline for where Tomomi's tour group was getting assembled. Oh, this would not do at all. The fox couldn't let himself be trapped in a too-convenient social cage for an hour where someone could easily figure out where he'd be and when--or, heaven forbid, tag along the entire time.

"Tomo-chan," he said hurriedly, doing his best not to fidget. "I have to get back to the hotel. I'm not feeling very well."

The squirrel shot him a dirty look. "The tour is leaving any minute now," she said. "And it's the last one for the day."

"Go on without me." The fox set a paw against his stomach. "I just need to go back and lie down. I think it's the food in this country."

Tomomi started to argue, but Naoki didn't stick around to hear what she had to say. He bolted for the door, and knew that the squirrel wouldn't be so socially untoward as to break free of a tour group she'd already signed up for. Let her be trapped in the cage. She'd get what she wanted, and Naoki would get what he wanted. Nobody had any right to complain. He was doing them both a favor.

Once he was outside, the fox took a deep breath of fresh air. He was home free, now. More importantly, he'd set things up so that he could play the illness card to get out of whatever outing Tomomi might want to plan for that evening. Could he milk that for the rest of the trip? Probably not, but he could probably buy himself a day or two. The fox's tail swished as he allowed himself to feel proud for a couple of seconds.

After a block or so, Naoki looked back over his shoulder to see if the kangaroo had followed him. To check that the kangaroo wasn't following him, rather, he reminded himself.

A block later, he checked again, and a block after that he checked again. By the time he got back to the hotel, he was all but certain the kangaroo hadn't followed him back. To make sure, though, he got a table at the hotel bar down in the lobby instead of heading right up to his room and diving straight into work like part of him felt he ought to have.

One hour and two drinks later, Naoki was far more relaxed, and hadn't seen hide nor hair of the kangaroo since the museum. Tomomi likely wouldn't be back anytime soon; even after the hour-long tour, she'd probably hang back at the museum to check out some other exhibits individually, camera clicking away the whole while. Hopefully she wouldn't take up his entire evening showing him an impromptu slide show of everything he missed.

A third drink would probably put a small fox like Naoki too far past the "comfortably tipsy" zone, so he figured it was time to settle up his tab and get back to his room in order to play catch-up on--

"Oh, hey, there you are!"

Naoki turned so hard in his chair that he nearly fell out of it. Behind him, close enough to reach out and touch, was the kangaroo from the museum and from the evening before. The fox started at him dumbly with wide eyes for a couple of seconds before blurting out, "Oh! Hi, yes. Sorry."

The kangaroo chuckled and smiled. "Do you mind if I sit?" he asked, gesturing to one of the other chairs at the table. His accent was funny, kind of hard to understand, but that seemed to be the case with all the locals. Naoki's grasp of the language was at least enough that he could make sense of it.

He could just tell the kangaroo "no," he knew. But then he'd be like Tomomi in the tour group--it would be rude to insult someone who hadn't technically done anything wrong. "Oh, yes. Go ahead." Should he apologize for running away earlier? For not saying anything the night before? What was the protocol, here?

"Thanks." The kangaroo took a seat, picked up the small standee with the drink specials written on it, then asked, "Do you want another drink?"

It took Naoki a second to translate first the words and then the cultural implication of the question's meaning. "Do you want me to buy you one?" This foreign society was usually so much more direct than Naoki's. Why'd they have to go and throw him off his game by being coy now? "I probably shouldn't," the fox said, before hastily adding, "but thank you." He smiled to show no hard feelings.

"No worries. Let me know if you change your mind." The kangaroo held up a paw to signal a server from over by the bar, then turned his attention back to Naoki. "You abandoned your friend back at the museum."

There was that telltale directness. "Yes," Naoki said. "I..." What could he say? That he wasn't feeling well? That wouldn't explain why he'd come to the bar for a few drinks instead of going back to his room like a sick person would.

"She's just your friend, right? Not your girlfriend?"

Now Naoki knew he was caught. Even if he claimed that he and Tomomi were an item, that wouldn't explain the pointed staring from the night before, when the fox and the kangaroo had spotted each other in this very bar, eyes meeting again and again, sharing smiles that got progressively friendlier and friendlier until they got decidedly more than friendly. Naoki would never have done that if Tomomi hadn't insisted they keep trying the different drink specials.

Drunk enough to want to go for it, but not drunk enough to follow through. Maybe that's where he was now, too, the fox thought.

The dingo server came by to take the kangaroo's drink order. He asked for a glass of...something that Naoki couldn't make out, whether from the accent or lack of familiarity with the language. Probably a brand name, he realized afterward. Beer, in all likelihood. "Sure you don't want anything?" the kangaroo then asked him.

Maybe he could just drink it really slowly. Maybe if he paced himself, he wouldn't get too drunk. He could just be friendly, have a nice conversation and then politely excuse himself once Tomomi got back from the museum. "Yes. One more," the fox said to the server.

The dingo nodded, then slipped away, and only then did Naoki begin to panic upon realizing he had no idea what he'd just ordered. Depending on what it was, maybe he'd just sip it extra-slowly. Or claim that his palate wasn't used to weird foreign drinks--which might be rude, but would be less rude than throwing up on a stranger.

"So I haven't introduced myself," the kangaroo pointed out. "I'm Dustin. What's your name?"

'Dustin' wasn't a name that the fox had come across before, and it even took him a second before he realized it was a name at all. "Ah. Nice to meet you. I'm Naoki."

"'Now-key.' That's a new one on me," the kangaroo said, chuckling. "Though I'm guessing there aren't a whole lot of Dustins back where you're from, so I suppose we're even."

Naoki smiled. "'Dustin' sounds like 'dusty,'" he said. "It seems like a strange name."

Dustin let out a loud, sharp laugh that made the fox put his ears back for a moment. "Well, I definitely try my best to keep from being too dusty," he responded. "Not sure I always succeed, but I do what I can."

They both shared a laugh at that, and that was when the dingo server returned with a pair of tall glasses, filled with what did indeed appear to be beer. Dustin picked his up and tilted it toward the fox. "Cheers, mate," he said.

Naoki returned the toast, then took a quick sip of the beer. It wasn't too different from what he was used to back home, which surprised him, but there was probably too much in the huge glass for him to safely drink. Maybe this would be a very long conversation, though.

Dustin, though, cut right to the chase. "So I saw you looking last night," he said, leaning in closer and lowering his voice. "And I'm guessing you saw me looking back."

The insides of the fox's ears went warm and red. "Yes. Sorry," he said, taking a much longer sip from the glass immediately afterward in order to prevent the need for a longer, more thought-out response.

"Oh, I don't mind, believe me." Dustin smiled around the rim of his own glass as he look much larger sips than Naoki's. "I was about to come over and buy you a drink then, but you and your, ah, lady-friend took off."

At Naoki's own insistence, as the fox recalled. He'd been too far from sober to possibly deal with the situation gracefully, especially in front of Tomomi, and so fleeing had been the sole reasonable course of action for him. "Yes, we had--how do you say it? Jet lag." He followed his little white lie with a little smile to match.

"Given your little disappearing act at the museum, earlier, I have to wonder if you've fully recovered yet," the kangaroo said. He then leaned in just a tiny bit closer, and lowered his voice just a tiny bit more. "Or if you need to go and lie down for a bit more."

The language barrier wasn't so great that Naoki didn't immediately spot the offer that Dustin had just laid out for him, and it was so sudden and unprompted that the fox nearly choked on his beer. How long had they even been sitting and talking? Did all guys in this country play the game this way?

Dustin leaned back and took a longer, slower sip from his tall glass. He watched the fox curiously, but didn't leer, for which Naoki was quite grateful. "I mean, it's just a question," he added a moment later, when he didn't get a more immediate response.

Just a question. Not a question Naoki could give a simple answer to, though.

Although really, there were only two answers, the fox knew, both equally simple: yes or no. And if he said no, he was pretty sure Dustin would leave it at that. And if he said yes...

"I don't, ah, really know you." Naoki tried to smile apologetically, but his lips curls into a nervous frown instead. So much for going with a simple answer.

Dustin nodded, took another sip of beer, and then smiled again. "I don't really know you, either," he conceded. "But you're cute, you seemed interested enough last night, and you haven't told me to leave yet."

This was all completely backwards from how Naoki would have gone about this back home. Back home, he'd have taken his time, found someone online, spoken to them off and on for weeks to make sure they didn't seem crazy, then maybe meet in public a few times, to confirm that they were decent and friendly (and, okay, that they were as attractive as they claimed), and then and only then would he consent to some one-time, no-strings-attached sex.

But Naoki didn't have a few weeks here on vacation. He just had a few days.

And just a few hours before Tomomi got back from the museum.

But he didn't really need more than that, if he was going to do this the way Dustin wanted to.

"I mean, I'm--the jet lag isn't so bad, actually. But I don't mind lying down for a little while." Now the fox managed an actual smile, and his bushy tail wagged where the kangaroo probably couldn't even see it.

Dustin set his glass down, and his smile widened, but he still didn't leer and didn't grin like a crazy person. "Well, all right, then," he replied. "Did you want to just finish our beers and then maybe go lie down?"

Naoki's beer wasn't even halfway finished with his beer, but even so, he felt like he'd had enough with his previous two drinks. "No, I think I should probably stop. You don't have to pay for it, though."

The kangaroo was already in the process of getting his wallet out, though. "Just bring it with you," he said. "Might be nice to have afterwards, you know?"

On some level, Naoki knew that the beer would probably be far too warm by then, but he was already halfway to the main elevator when he realized that, well, maybe warm beer wasn't as weird in this country. The elevator was halfway to his floor when he figured that probably wasn't even the point, and he was halfway to his room when he stopped caring about the beer altogether and focused instead on forcing himself to relax, because this was going to go a lot better if he wasn't so high-strung.

Well, he tried, at any rate. He nearly dropped the key card twice as he fumbled with it, inserted it upside-down the first time he tried unlocking the door, and then came close to tripping over his own foot as his weight forced the door open more quickly than he'd intended. A tiny amount of beer sloshed over the rim of the glass and onto the rug.

The kangaroo's thick tail pushed the door closed behind them, and in the next moment, the glass was gone from Naoki's trembling grasp, having been taken from him and set down atop the dresser. The fox's heart pounded twice, and he was barely able to take a quick breath before the kangaroo had him back against the wall, their muzzles soon locked together.

When was the last time he'd even gotten laid, Naoki wondered to himself? He got as far as 'far too long' before giving up any further attempt to narrow it down, and instead let his body slump against the wall, his hips supported by the kangaroo's groping paws. The front of his slacks was already tight, and likely had been since leaving the bar, and now those pants were rapidly getting tighter by the moment.

That didn't last long, though, because very shortly thereafter, one of Dustin's groping paws found that tightness and obliged Naoki by tugging that straining zipper of his down. At once, the fox moaned into the kiss, and then the kangaroo pulled away from it long enough to chuckle and say, "Oh, you are adorable." Then their lips and tongues were mashed together again, and nimble kangaroo-fingers teased the outline of the fox's sheath and shaft through his now slightly damp underpants.

Naoki's tail smacked against the wall in a steady, repeating rhythm, the beat of it working its way into the fox's subconscious, stabilizing him in the moment, soon matching time with his pulse. It therefore came as a big surprise, a minute later, when the expected beat didn't come and his tail instead swung free with no wall to connect with. Only upon opening his eyes did the fox see that Dustin had lifted him up by the hips, pulled him away from the wall, and was currently in the process of hauling him over toward the bed.

Dustin set Naoki down on the end of the mattress, then leaned in to undo the fox's belt so that he could proceed to pull those confining slacks the rest of the way down. Naoki almost barked out in protest before realizing that getting their clothes of was kind of half the point of their coming up here together. His erection jutted up, creating an obvious tent in his underwear that made him blush even deeper, and the kangaroo's eyes of course went right to it, fingers following soon after. "Not so shy anymore, I see."

"Maybe a--" The word little never made it out of Naoki's muzzle, his jaws instead dropping open with a surprised gasp as Dustin dropped to his knees at the foot of the bed and took the fox's fabric-covered erection into his mouth in a single movement. Even through the cottony barrier, the warmth and dampness of the kangaroo's mouth sent a jolt up Naoki's spine, the sensation new, unfamiliar, incredible. This wasn't anything the fox had ever done before, not with any of his lovers, because this was against the proper order and methodology of things.

But as Naoki had already discovered, Dustin didn't follow the fox's ideas of what the proper order of things was. And right now, both Naoki and his pent-up need loved the kangaroo so much for that fact.

Dustin took the fabric of Naoki's underwear in between his teeth and tugged down, releasing the waistband with a snap against the fox's thighs. With that done, he buried his muzzle in against the side of the fox's groin, snuffling loudly and letting out a drawn-out groan afterwards as he used his cheek to nuzzle the hard cock poking up alongside it.

"I've always loved blowing foxes," he said, grinning up at Naoki, pausing to lick at the front of the twitchy balls hanging right by his mouth. "And you, my shy foreign friend, seem like a fox who could use some blowing."

Naoki couldn't have come up with a clever and witty response even if this conversation had been in his first language, and so all he could muster was a dull "uh-huh" before the kangaroo proceeded to wrap his lips around the fox's cock, paws keeping those white-furred thighs of his spread apart. His tongue swirled around in a slow spiral that made Naoki's head loll about in a similar fashion. How he'd been brave enough to agree to this, he had no idea, but he wasn't about to chicken out now.

Also, as his vision refocused and he got to watch Dustin bob his head up and down slowly, he thought about how this was a much, much more interesting way to spend his afternoon than going on some museum tour. Sure, he wasn't getting much in the way of art or history, but he couldn't argue that he was getting a pretty big firsthand look at at least one aspect of the local culture.

It didn't seem like Dustin was lying about his enthusiasm for sucking foxes off, either. The kangaroo showed a brand of earnestness that Naoki thought he'd be right in taking pride in, and had an assertiveness to his technique that the fox hadn't felt in--well, ever, really. Which wasn't to say that the males he'd secretly shacked up with before had been completely reserved once he'd gotten behind closed doors with them, but none of them had even intentionally used drooling to their advantage, for instance.

Maybe this country wasn't backwards after all. Maybe it was home that had it backwards. The suddenness and newness of this whole affair was rapidly turning into a revelation for Naoki--and so maybe it wasn't home that had the problem, after all. Maybe it was just him.

He was already enjoying himself more than he'd ever done in the bedroom, and he hadn't even gotten off yet, though this new-found revelation of his was threatening to change that in short order. With each moment, the kangaroo's warm, wet muzzle felt better and better. The fox squirmed, his tail thumped against the mattress, and his toes curled up. Dustin kept Naoki's thighs held apart, which only increased the fox's urge to squirm; given the way the kangaroo's lips curled into a smile, Naoki assumed that had been at least partly the point.

By now, Naoki's balls were tight and tingling, and the fox knew he wouldn't last much longer. "Wait. Stop, stop," he panted, unsure if he should actually touch the kangaroo's face or head while he was busy down there.

Dustin lifted his head up from the fox's lap and tilted it in confusion. "What's wrong? Don't be nervous."

Naoki shook his head. "No, it's not--I mean..." He tried to find the right words. "The rest is more fun if I haven't, ah, finished yet."

Now, for perhaps the first time that day, it was Dustin's turn to look surprised. "Oh, is that what you want to do, foxy?" He licked his lips and teeth, then got up from his knees, setting his paws onto the mattress to either side of the fox's hips. "And here I thought you'd be far too shy for something like that."

"Being shy didn't get me what I wanted last night." As soon as those words were out of his mouth, Naoki let out a fluttering chuckle as the tension in his thumping chest faded away. He'd never have said anything like that anyone back home--would never have been able to.

Maybe, after he got back, he'd have to try.

Standing the rest of the way up, Dustin reached down and undid the front of his pants, then tugged down his underpants and whipped his thick, hard cock out, inches from Naoki's muzzle. "Yeah? Then is this what you wanted?" he asked.

Naoki had never seen a kangaroo naked, either in person or in photographs. He had to admit, though, that what Dustin was sporting was quite attractive, and also bigger than he'd expected, but not so big that he wouldn't go through with things. Well, first, to make sure, he held up a paw and wrapped it around that thick shaft, giving it a few slow strokes as he got a better sense of just how big it was and determined that, though it'd be a tight fit, it'd be a fit nevertheless. "Can I go get my travel bag?" he asked, gazing up at the tall kangaroo.

Dustin stepped back, seeming reluctant to let his dick slide free of the fox's warm fingers. "Oh, someone came on vacation prepared, I see," he said with a chuckle, watching with a huge grin as Naoki crawled half-naked across the mattress, rear end on full display as he reached into the hollow beneath the nightstand to fetch his bag. He'd brought the tiny bottle of lube with him in case he needed to blow off some steam solo while Tomomi wasn't around, but hadn't managed to get free of her since before they'd even taken off.

By the time Naoki had gotten back into position with the lube, Dustin had stripped the rest of the way out of his shirt and pants. He took the bottle, then crawled up onto the bed, gently pushing Naoki onto his back, the fox's head barely managing to not stick over the edge of the mattress. Before he could peel his own shirt off, Naoki had his feet seized in Dustin's large paws, and then had his legs lifted over the kangaroo's shoulders. He wanted to voice concern about getting his clothing messy, but his protests were preempted by the kangaroo slipping a lubed-up finger down against his smooth entrance, the fox reduced to soft, helpless whimpering, instead.

Still rock-hard, the fox's cock drizzled a tiny puddle onto the bottom of his shirt as Dustin went about fingering him under the tail. He pushed in deep, but slowly, getting his insides good and slick and searching avidly for the little button that made the fox squeak even louder. The long months that it had been since Naoki had gotten fucked--or had even dared to use a toy--became apparent in how tight he felt, but equally apparent was Dustin's skill and patience at prepping a lover for the main event. One finger didn't turn into two until the fox was good and ready, and even then, the kangaroo went good and slow, watching the fox's face attentively, their expressions wordlessly conveying assent once things were all set.

Dustin slathered his fingers with some more lube, then stroked it along his cock as he set the bottle down on the nightstand. Then, with less hesitation (and gentleness) than Naoki had been anticipating, the kangaroo nudged the fat tip of his cock into position and began to push his way inside. The fox's head went back, eyes and muzzle both going wide as the kangaroo's insistence forced a loud moan out of him. Not only was Dustin bigger than anyone else who had ever mounted him, but he was also clearly more--talented? Practiced? Whatever it was, the kangaroo knew how to fuck, setting up a quick, solid rhythm of pounding against Naoki's rump before the fox had a chance to suggest otherwise.

Within seconds, Naoki was blissfully okay with being overruled. He'd always been too anxious to suggest his partner try anything other than slow and steady, and in the span of moments he felt years of his accepted sexual wisdom melt away. Moments after, he felt more conscious thought melt away in turn, and he was no longer worried about his sticky drizzle leaking onto his shirt, or how sore he'd be later on, or the fact that he was getting nailed by a near-total stranger in a hotel room thousands of kilometers from home.

He became vaguely aware of his own squeaky panting echoing into his ears, a sound he wasn't sure he'd ever heard himself make before. He heard Dustin grunting, heard the kangaroo's hips slapping with dull force against his thighs and backside, heard the bed jostling, heard a soft whir--

--and then a sharper click--

--and then the door open. The fox turned his head and, in his lightheaded state, saw a bright pink blur before it resolved into the shape of a squirrel, standing there in the doorway, staring openly.

From her position, all Tomomi could see would be the fox's head at the edge of the bed, but surely she'd heard what was going on--the grunted and the gasping and the aroused squeaking--and really, that didn't leave much of a mystery as to what was going on.

"Tomo-chan, I--I can explain!" Naoki quickly stammered in their own language, even as Dustin leaned forward to poke his own head into view, still holding the fox's legs over his shoulders.

Tomomi didn't come any closer. Instead, she just lifted her camera up, snapped a quick picture, then smiled. "I'm going to head back downstairs and do some more sightseeing. Maybe we can do a late dinner? Your friend can come, too, if he wants." She then waved to Dustin, and switched languages to say, "Hi! Sorry to intrude. Nice to meet you."

Before Naoki could muster the composure to say anything else, Tomomi stepped back outside and let the door close behind her, leaving the fox there on his back, still hard, still with Dustin's cock hilted deep inside him. He turned his gaze back up toward the kangaroo, ears bright red, and said, "So we still have a few hours."

"Oh, well, fancy that," Dustin replied with a lopsided smile, sounding short of breath. "Means we can get in a round two and then maybe a shower together."

Naoki chuckled his lingering embarrassment away. "How about we finish round one, then?"

"In good time, little fox," the kangaroo said, and when he went back to thrusting, he went about it much more slowly and deliberately than he'd done before. "Now I know we don't need to rush."

The fox leaned his head back again, sighing with delight as he felt Dustin's fingers wrap around his cock, stroking with the same slow, careful pace as his deep, firm thrusts. Well, Tomomi had already blown the lid on things, so the fox didn't need to worry about keeping things discreet. With that in mind, it probably wouldn't matter if he came all over his shirt during all this.

He closed his eyes, let out a deep breath, and willed himself to relax, intent on letting things end up where they may.