Ofsnart Industries: Latex DIL Boots (AKA, The Rubber Drider)

Story by draconicon on SoFurry

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Another little snapshot story, made to go with this image: https://inkbunny.net/submissionview.php?id=299519

This was a free snapshot story done, sort of a buy one get something free deal I have going right now, and was part of the deal the commissioner of "A C-Boi's Wet Heat" got.

The door clicked shut behind the king cheetah, leaving the mailman on the other side staring at the wooden barrier before walking on. Sigma just chuckled a little bit to himself as he watched the mailman walk away, shaking his head in amusement. Apparently the fox hadn't expected him to take the package without any clothes on.

There was a reason for it, of course. The king cheetah knew what he was getting today, and he knew that clothes were the last thing that he needed for what he was getting delivered.

He set the brown wrapped package down on the kitchen table, taking a moment to look at it. One would think that it would be something pretty minor, but coming from Ofsnart Industries, there was no way that it could be anything normal. It was one of the new mystery products, things that were being given away at rock-bottom prices, and Sigma had jumped at the chance of getting something for cheap from the massive company before they disappeared forever.

Of course, the downside was that he had no idea what he was getting, or just what it was that the item would do, but that was part of the fun of the whole thing. The feline smirked as he bared his claws, ripping through the wrapping paper around the package, and then opening it as quickly as his fingers could manage.

Eventually he managed to get the box completely open, and the package's contents were laid bare. To be honest, he was a little surprised at just what they had sent him: a pair of latex boots, shiny and sleek, but nothing to go with them.

Running his fingers through the remains of the box, Sigma found a small piece of paper. It was a little ripped apart, probably having happened while he was getting the box taken apart, he realized. Shaking his head, he lifted it up to eye level, and read it out loud.

"Dear Customer, thank you for purchasing our DIL boots. We are thankful for your business, and we hope that you enjoy your experience with them. If you have any complaints or questions, please call our customer service department at -" He paused, flipping over the fragment of paper, and then flipping it back over again when he realized that there was nothing on the back. Sigma didn't have any luck looking through the rest of the paper mess, either; apparently the number was lost to the world.

Well, it didn't matter much anyway, he thought to himself as he picked up the boots. The material was smooth under his fingers, almost slick in a way, and he could see a few little faint imprints in the latex, almost like they were trying to give him a little more information, or had some sort of logo. Hard as he tried to see what they were, though, they were just a little too faint for him to make out. A pity; he would have preferred having a little more information about what he was about to try putting on his body, not to mention some sort of clue as to what they might do.

Carrying them to the living room, he set them down on the floor and sat on the couch, just looking down at them. The insides were as inky black as the outside, if not more so because of the lack of light inside. Looking into them was almost like looking into a set of caves, just waiting for something to come out.

Shaking himself free of his slight trance, the feline lifted one boot, and one foot. "Well, here goes nothing," Sigma muttered to himself as he slid his foot into the boot.

Nothing happened on contact, so he kept sliding his foot inside. The material was slick, almost eerily so, and seemed to make it easier and easier for him to slide his foot into the material. It was tight, too, clinging to his foot and his calf as he slid more and more of his foot inside. He was a little surprised how hard he had to grip the top of the boot to keep pulling it up, not because of how tight it was or how hard it was to push his foot inside, but because of how slick the tops of the boot was.

Finally he managed to get his foot flat along the bottom, flush against the bottom of the boot. He wiggled his toes, and watched the end of the boot flex a few times, showing that he filled it up about right. Still no change, he noted, almost disappointed.

So he slid the other boot on. It clung to his skin just the same as the other boot did, but still allowed his foot in remarkably easily. It was strange for him; usually when it came to boots, he needed to fight the whole way there, forcing his foot in bit by bit, but despite these ones being tighter than other pair of boots he had used before, he was able to slide his foot inside pretty easily. Soon his toes were pressed against the end of the boot, and he let go, just looking down at them.

They fit his feet well, giving them just enough room to breathe but not letting them slide around or anything like that at the same time. They went up his legs almost to his knee, coming to a stop barely an inch or two under his knees, and when he moved his legs experimentally, he found that they seemed to flow along with his muscles, clinging to them and adjusting the shape of the boots as he moved to keep them almost completely skintight.

"Heh, I think these will make for a good accessory at the club next week," Sigma said, smiling as he reached down to take them off.

As soon as he touched the top lip of them, though, they changed. The latex material turned semi-solid, starting to flow along his legs. The feline stared as his foot was swallowed up in the latex, and he felt the tightness of the bottom of the boot grow stronger, his foot growing narrower and shorter before his eyes. It pinched, almost painfully so for a second, before it was just pressure, pushing his foot closer and closer to just being a point.

"Oh no," Sigma whispered as he watched the top of the boot mesh with his fur, melding with it and clinging to his skin in a much more literal meaning now. He tugged at the semi-solid latex anyway, but all it did was pull his skin out as well. He could actually feel his skin getting pulled on as well as the latex, and he let go immediately, not wanting to push himself too hard, nor wanting to damage himself while he was getting wrapped up in this stuff.

What he did do was stand up, though that was harder than he thought it would be, as his feet had narrowed to little more than points. Sigma wobbled back and forth as his body got used to the new size of his feet, and he almost lost his balance completely when the thinness continued to travel up his legs. His calves were halved, then quartered as they were thinned out, the latex squeezing them down to a much less muscled form. To his surprise, it also curved, bending outwards, with the end of the bend at his knee.

And the latex continued rising higher up his legs squeezing his legs thinner as it went up, though not nearly as thin as they were at his feet.

When they reached his knees, Sigma stared as they shifted direction, the bending part facing outwards. He experimentally flexed one leg, and watched as it pulled inwards, under his body, rather than going behind him or anywhere else. As he watched the latex continue spreading up his body, he started to freak out, and tried to turn towards the kitchen, hoping that he could get to a phone, or call for help through the window.

He fell flat on his face the second he tried to go anywhere, his body unable to balance on his new legs. It was even harder when he heard his legs shift again, having to look over his shoulder to see what was going on.

There was a second knee above the first one, though he wasn't so sure that he could call it a knee the way that it looked. It was more of a joint, about halfway between his knee and where his legs joined with his hips. Thankfully, it seemed that his thighs were staying about the same thickness, but the rest of his leg tapered down to a point, getting thinner and thinner the further down it went, until it reached the point of his foot.

Both of his legs were fully swallowed by the latex now, covered in a shimmering latex skin that looked hard, in a way, even as it continued to flow. His legs were curved outwards in a subtle sort of way, not exaggerated, just subtly. However, as the latex touched his groin, his ass, he felt them push further and further out, like the arms of a compass tool in math class, or like a grossly bent pair of tweezers. Sigma could only stare as his legs went further and further out, pushing out onto the couch and onto the table beside it.

What was very strange, though, was the feeling of his ass pushing back, swelling outwards. It tingled, bubbled as it pushed further and further back, growing fatter in a way, but...but also seeming to melt together.

A window behind him, set too high for him to be seen through, gave him just enough reflection for him to see what was going on behind him. His ass cheeks were melting together under the latex, and he could see that his ass was becoming just one solid bump, one solid bulge that was going further and further behind him with each passing second. The feeling of it shifting back there, growing bigger, was very strange, but at least it gave him enough of a counterweight to be able to get back to his feet. It was still harder to balance on two legs, though, and all he could manage was standing up.

Then, to his shock, he felt his cock disappearing. He turned to look down at his front, and watched as his cock slid into the latex, swallowed up by it. Sigma reached down, trying to grab it out of instinct, but even as he touched it it seemed to disappear faster. The latex touched his hand and started to grow up it, spreading up his arm and towards his chest. His other hand reached out, trying to grab his new 'glove' and pull it off, but all he accomplished was spreading it out onto his other hand.

His cock disappeared fully, and as it did, he felt other things emerging. Sigma looked at his newly expanded ass, and watched as six new legs, three on each side, started to emerge from it. Eyes wide, he realized just what he was staring at. The abdomen of a spider. He had the abdomen - and the spinneret, he realized as he saw webbing spurt out of his backside - of a spider.

The new legs grew rapidly, covered in the same strange latex as the rest of his body, and as they touched the floor, he realized that he could use them to keep his balance. It was still tricky to try and move around, but he could actually stand up without trouble now. The tips of his new feet - no, the tips of his legs - clicked lightly against the floor as he struggled to move around, gradually getting the hang of it.

He...no, she blushed as she realized that there was another hole at the end of her spinneret, something that hadn't been there for her feline form. It was already wet, and she could feel it dripping down on the couch and the floor. She had been changed in gender, as well as in species. Which could only mean...

Looking down and ignoring the bulging of what he recognized as pedipalps at her front, she watched the latex coming up her belly and over her chest. It joined with what was coming up her arms, and before her eyes started to form bumps on her chest. It tugged at her, pulling rather than pushing in the way that it had done with her cock, and she groaned as she watched her pecs swell out, and out, and out, knowing that her body was actually changing rather than just her chest being covered by layers of this strange transformative latex.

Groaning softly as her new breasts, which tugged at her chest in a way that she wasn't sure if she liked, Sigma could only stare as the latex spread up over her face. It moved fast, covering her mouth and her head before she could take more than a breath. Holding it, she kept her eyes closed as it surrounded her face, unable to shake the feeling of being swallowed by some sort of giant monster.

Though blind, she could feel the changes occurring, including some weird plate on top of her head, as well as the latex flooding into her mouth. It changed her teeth, pulling at them and forming them into a few fangs at the front. She was unsure whether that was be venomous, considering her new shape, but she would find out sometime, she supposed.

Finally the latex opened again, or at least partially. Her mouth and her nose, her eyes and her ears were opened again, and she opened her eyes, looking down at her body.

She realized that her new form was something she had heard of in a few stories, though the name escaped her for a few seconds.

Drider, that was it. She was a drider. A rubber drider, at that, she thought as she pulled at her elastic breasts. They stretched out, shiny and sleek like the boots had been. They did snap back to normal after she let go, though, which the boots hadn't done.

Her spinneret must have been shooting like a guy's cock set to continuous orgasm, because when she looked over her shoulder, she saw that the wall was utterly covered with webs, loose in a lot of ways, but some formed into a rough web by sheer chance.

Almost immediately, thoughts of capturing others and bringing them here, started to fill her head, but Sigma dismissed the thoughts. She...he...whatever it was, was not going to be spreading this around. This was just one more change, and she would find some way to stop being a latex drider.
