Chapter 1: Wetness and Illness

Story by Ryke on SoFurry

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#1 of A Diffrent Kind of Pokemon Story

This is the first chapter in my series, I am almost done the second, and will post it soon (as in like tomorrow) There WILL be yiff later, but not in the first chapter :O. Enjoy.


"You have inserted Mr. Toby McCray's Key. This key is currently registered to access rooms A12, A13 and C32. Currently this key is registered to one person."

"I declare I am Mr. Toby McCray"

The door slid open. Toby walked down the soft carpeted hallway to his apartment A12 and A13. The wall that once separated them was removed (it slides into a storage compartment) in order to make the apartment larger. Toby lived with two roommates, or I guess you could say twelve. Together they worked hard in order to make rent in the cheep apartment. When I saw Toby enter the room, I grew worried. He had a troubled look about his face and he walked directly to his, no our room. Toby was a pokemon trainer, my pokemon trainer to be exact, living here with his two friends trying to make enough money to feed all of us in a sport that's really gambling.

It did not matter to me that we lived in poverty; in fact I never looked at it this way. One night when Toby and I were cuddling on his bed discussing our life he told me that poverty was a human thing. Although pikachu go though life trying to make a living like all the other races, they don't mind poverty. After all he said, all we really need is love. I guess I love Toby in the same way one would love their parents, which is good because I don't have any parents, the reason Toby took me in. The think I like about him most is that he seems to have a deeper understanding of me because he was half pikachu himself. He looked almost completely human, but looks don't mean a thing. It's the smell that matters, and Toby smelt like a pikachu.

Toby once tried to explain to me why he looked like a human; giving the example that if a pikachu tried to give birth to a human child (which is about the same size) it would die, so in order to prevent it the child is born looking mostly the same as the mother. I didn't understand the rest of his little science lesson but I gathered that he was born from a female human and a male raichu.

I felt like going to check up on my faithful trainer, mostly because Murkrow was ranting about how smart he was and partially because I wanted to admit that I was the one who put glue on his perch before Toby found out and spanked me. I entered our room.

"Hayia" I said slurring my speech a little, attempting to look cuter than I was.

"Hello, little girl" Toby answered with a sigh.

The other thing I really liked about Toby was that since he was part pikachu, he knew my language very well. He didn't need to scuffle about with a translator like he did with the others when they were telling him something complex. I hopped into bed with him and snuggled under his arm.

'"How did the store go?" I asked, remembering why he had left us.

"Not good, we won't be eating any more apples for a while."

Toby liked his apples, maybe not a very good time to bring up the glue after all.

Nicole Hammell, was laying on the couch when Toby entered and then, escaped into his room. She was quickly flipping though her pokedex examining the information she had collected.

"Zack, do you know the normal internal body temperature for a Charmeleon?"

"No." Zack replied while stirring a huge pot of something. "Why?"

"I think he's sick." She pointed to a lump under the blanket that was on the floor, where a hiding Charmeleon lay.

"Well, I don't know nothing about that." Zack moved the pot off the heat of the

burner, holding his cape back as he walked by. Zack always wore fancy clothes, to 'accent his intelligence'. Outside Zack was the ultimate stereotype of the 'strong silent type' inside the safety of the apartment however, he was more relaxed. He raised his pokemon with the kind of discipline you would expect of a military man. His deep blue eyes give off a glare of disapproval if you manage to find yourself on his bad side.

"Well, how hot is he?"

"Ummm.." Nicole looked back to her pokedex, where she had a long list of internal body temperatures listed.

"Well, 42 degrees in his ear, and 43.2 in his mouth."

"Rectally?" Zack asked.

Nicole smiled "Lucky, for him I don't have that kind of thermometer"

Toby came out then, holding his pikachu in his arms. He looked around at the others.

"What's going on?"

"Charmeleon's sick" Nicole answered going over to him and feeling his forehead.

"Must have smelt Zack's cooking" Toby, said and quickly dodged the wooden spoon that Zack threw at him.

"As much as my cooking talents suck, we can't afford to order food. Especially with Nicole saying home on account of Charmeleon." Zack replied spooning the contents of the pot into little bowls for the pokemon. Pikachu jumped out of Toby's arms to go get her food, when she got there she looked at it and sniffed, then sneezed.

"What is it?" She asked looking up at Zack.

Zack looked at her, and smiled. "I don't think I want a that translation "

"Don't worry, It's not too insulting" Toby laughed, then translated.

Zack looked at the pikachu. "I'm not quite sure, but I know it must be good for you. Better eat it up so you don't get sick."

Pikachu looked over at the Charmeleon. "Its okay, being sick isn't so bad."

The next day, Toby took his three pokemon (Pikachu, Murkrow and Growlithe) out from their northern Viridian City apartment into the forest where the Pikachu city was, in hopes of getting some apples. It was a rainy day, and after haggling with an uptight elderly pikachu fruit vendor decided it wasn't worth the effort.

Toby figured most trainers would stay in today because of the rain, but also knew those that were brave enough to come out a battle would probably lead with a water type. Nice easy pickings for Pikachu, especially since a thunder attack wouldn't require much effort. He found his target, just outside the forest proudly displaying his trainer license on his coat.

"Alright lets battle!" The younger kid said, looking excited. "Rules?"

Toby figured using Growlithe in the rain might not be such a good idea, even though he had trained him to be able to take it. "How about two on two?"

"Sounds good to me and how about seven dollars for the winner?"

Toby nodded, grabbing Pikachu's ball from his waist, and calmly telling the little girl that she was about to battle. The both threw their balls in and in a flash of light, there was a calm glaring Pikachu looking at a smaller Rattata shivering in the rain. After a count to three from both trainers the pokemon ran towards each other in an attempt to pin the other against the ground. Toby watched his buddy struggle with the Rattata and doge several bite attempts before yelling "Okay, shock 'em" There was an instant flash of light and Rattata lay on his back motionless, paralyzed either from the electricity or just plan surprise. The other trainer didn't wait to find out and called his pokemon back. He threw his second out and it was a Raichu. This wasn't good, now he would have to use Growlithe after pikachu, due to Murkrow's weakness. The Raichu dove at Pikachu, who tried to slash madly at it. The Raichu just picked the 'chu up and threw him out of the boundaries of their battle. The computer detected this, and began counting up to ten. Pikachu, determined to win ran back into the playing field. "Take down!" Toby said hoping that pikachu was smart enough to jump-tackle at the raichu's chest in order to offset its balance. No such luck, the Raichu dogged and body slammed him, without even getting the order from its trainer. After making a mental not to teach center of gravity to his pokemon Toby called her back, then threw out Growlithe.

"Alright just a Growlithe in the rain left Raichu, use thunder" The trainer said even before the battle started.

"Growlithe, I want you to jump-tackle it, try a bite then use fire. Ember or flamethrower your pick." Toby said this quietly, knowing that Growlithe's sensitive ears could pick up his words when his human opponent could not. The round begun. Growlithe was faster than Pikachu and ran and dove towards Raichu. It rose up into its tail and called a thunderbolt from the sky. The thunderbolt hit Growlithe in the air, and he fell to the side. Growlithe got up quickly and fired an Ember aimed towards Raichu's face, who clawed at away. It began to rain harder as nature responded to the Raichu's thunderbolt. The raichu decided to try something more physical and ran towards Growlithe fast, Growlithe, who was definitely Toby's smartest battler, ran and slid towards the raichu's feet causing it to panic and slip on the wet grass. Growlithe stood over his fallen foe and sprayed it with fire, until the trainer quickly called it back into the safety of its ball.

After a few more battles in the rain Toby went home, wet and tired, with forty dollars more than he had left with. It was enough for everyone to have food for a day, and maybe some left over. He told his pokemon to have a bath, and they did so although Growlithe put up a bit of a fight, eventually did so, in exchange for a cookie.

Nicole came home, then looking angry.

"Something wrong?" Toby asked, ringing out his clothes.

"Yes, Charmeleon. A doctor won't see him, for free because he is not sick enough. They want me to pay something like seventy dollars, and if that's not enough bayleaf is in, one of those moods." As if to prove her point Bayleaf yelled something from the intercom of her pokeball. "If you try to start another argument with me Bayleaf, I am going to make you regret it." Bayleaf must have then asked 'how?' because Nicole pulled out her pokedex and said "Let's see. . . Pokedex. Keyword / lookup: Suitable, traditional, bayleaf punishments. When the first one listed 'incarceration', she added "for children" as an afterthought. Settling down on the couch, she said "now let's see what bayleaf parents do to naughty bayleaf children. Oh, thank you" Toby had handed her a mug of hot chocolate he had just made up. Then he left to check up on his bathing Pokemon, who of course were splashing water at each other. Toby smiled, the innocent childhood feel of it warmed his heart. Soon they would be too old to bathe together.

"Toby come here!" Nicole called. Toby went.

"Yes?" Toby asked

"It looks like I can make the medicine for Charmeleon myself, I just need to grind up these plants" She was looking at a medicine book she must have picked up at the doctors office.

"You probably wont need to Charmeleon will just end up getting better on his own by then."

"Maybe, but I'm not sure, he still as sick as before, and I don't know weather he has a fever or not. This medicine will at least boost his immune system." Toby who was a much better Cook than Zack convinced Nicole that he will make a good meal choosing foods with lots of iron, to boost everyone immune system.

Zack came home then, of course beating Toby with one hundred and twenty dollars, and twice as tired and wet pokemon. After making sure everyone was toweled down, he went over to talk to Nicole about her little discipline problem while Toby made the food. The food was great but, Charmeleon still wouldn't eat. Nicole worried about it all evening, Toby tried to comfort her by telling her that they would look for the medicine tomorrow and that he'll be fine, but she still didn't sleep that night.